by Max Boot
of 1966, 495
of 1968, 537
of 1972, 561
of 1976, 586
of 1980, 589
elections, Vietnam, 1956, 215
Elimination by Illumination scheme, 385, 584
Ellis, A. C. “Ace,” 115
Philippine housing of, 118
Ellsberg, Adele, 467, 468
Ellsberg, Carol, 468
Ellsberg, Daniel, 476, 507, 593
background of, 467–69
break-in at psychiatrist of, 547, 576
in combat, 493
Corsican’s threat to, 482
dysentery contracted by, 482
EGL called cult leader by, 457
EGL loved by, 469–70
EGL’s criticism of, 546
on EGL’s proposed retirement, 495
on JFK’s alleged meeting with EGL, 410
pay of, 469
Pentagon Papers leaked by, xlix, 227, 410, 467, 482, 546–47, 555, 576
trial of, 550, 555
at Vann’s funeral, 555
Vietnamese villa given to, 467, 469
on Vietnam tours with Vann, 493
Vietnam War opposed by, 544
Ellsberg, Harry, 467
El Salvador, 589, 590, 601
Ely, Paul, 246
embassies, 38
embassy, U.S., in South Vietnam, 474, 567–68
Embers of War (Logevall), 177
Eniwetok, 39
entertainment, 301–2
Erie Railroad, 25
Erskine, Graves B.:
background of, 314–15
heart attack of, 315
retirement of, 358
Esquire, 466
Europe, creation of nation-states in, 233
“Eve of Destruction” (song), 458
Everybody Slept Here (Arnold), 92
Executive Action capability, 390–92
Exner, Judith Campbell, 390
Fabre, Engracio, 61–62
Fall, Bernard, 227, 275
family jewels, 576–77
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FLMN), 589
FARC, xlv
Fascists, 38
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 38
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 21
Felt, Harry, xxxi, 338
Ferguson, Homer, 285, 324
Ferguson, Niall, 539
field inspections, 123, 133
Field Manual 3–24, 600
5th Military Region, 346
Filipino-Americans, 50–51
Fillmore, Millard, 25
First Cavalry Division (Airmobile), 459, 486
First Vietcong Regiment, 458, 459
Fish, Lydia, 526
Fishel, Wesley R., 244, 266
civic-action teams led by, 252
FitzGerald, Desmond, 138
FitzGerald, Frances, 473–74
flood control, 318
flying saucers, 88
Food for Peace, 435–36, 440, 441, 443, 446, 455
Food Stamps, 425
Ford, Betty, 565
Ford, Gerald R., 472, 564–65, 577, 588
U.S. ambassador in Vietnam evacuated by, 568
Ford, John, 35
Ford Motor Company, 364, 365–66, 467
Foreign Affairs, 93–94, 447, 537–38
foreign aid, 415, 435–36, 566
Foreign Service, 151, 152, 488
Forrestal, James, 363, 364
Forrestal, Michael, 405, 453
Fort Bragg, 364
Fort Leavenworth, 320, 321
Fort Myer, 595
Fort Myer Officers Club, 109
Foster, John Watson, 150
Founding Fathers, 11, 157, 281
4–Day Tire Stores, 6
440th Combat Crew Training Squadron, 322
Four Freedoms, 40–41
Fraleigh, Bert, 440, 447, 461, 472
France, xxxiii, 127, 401, 533
assassination attempts in Vietnam by, 277–79
and Battle of Saigon, 277
Conein’s attack on forces of, 279
fooled by EGL’s propaganda, 226
German occupation of, 176
Hinh held back from coup by, 236
pledge to leave North Vietnam, 215
in Suez Crisis, 295
tactics in Vietnam by, 79, 129
and uprising against Diem, 262–64
Vietminh’s struggle against, 63, 173–74, 176, 178, 179, 181–82, 183, 186, 202
Vietnamese nation building desired by, 233–34
Vietnam influenced by, 201
in war in Vietnam, 63
Franklin, Benjamin, 11
Fraser, Brendan, 292
Fred Benioff Furs, 30
Freedom Company, 242–43, 318, 466
Freedom Inc., 318
free-fire zones, xxiv, 475
Free Philippines, 162
Free Speech Movement, 534
French, Jerry, 316
French and Indian Wars, 181
French Expeditionary Corps, 279
French Far East Expeditionary Corps, 179
French Indo-China, see Indochina
French Indochina War, xlix, 129, 168, 173–74, 178–79, 332, 334, 335, 340
French defensive positions in, 181
French use of torture in, 178
U.S concern with, 179–84
U.S. payment for, 179–80, 184
Front for National Unity and against American Domination, 278
Frost, Robert, xxxix
Fulbright, J. William, 486, 502
G-2, 54, 83, 115
G-5, 220, 226, 231
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 407–8
Galula, David, xlv, 319, 600
Garber, Frank “Zsa Zsa,” 241
Garbo, Greta, 136
Garcia, Carlos, 309
Gardner, Ava, 292
Gates, Bill, 10
Gaza, xlv
General A. W. Greely, 87, 88
General Motors, 364
general uprising, 176
Geneva, Switzerland, Vietnam conference in, 205, 214–15
Geneva Accords, 215, 217, 221, 227, 228, 280, 334, 340, 545, 552
Germany, 32, 217, 387–88, 533, 539
cleaving of, 42
France conquered by, 176
in World War II, 104
Gia Long Palace, xxv–xxvi, xxx, xxxv, 198, 209–10, 214
Giancana, Salvatore “Sam,” 390
Gibbons, William Conrad, 275, 572
GI Bill, 87
Gilpatric, Roswell, 160, 360, 361–62, 374, 412
Gitlin, Todd, 534
Glomar Explorer, 585
Gober, Hershel, 481, 509
Goldberg’s, 570
Golden Gate Bridge, 29
Golden Gate International Exposition, 29, 43
Goldwater, Barry, 445
Goodpaster, Andrew, 352
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 450
Goodwin, Richard, 378
on EGL’s reputation, 380
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 593
Graham, Philip, 99
Grand Monde casino, 204, 260
Grant, Ulysses S., 164
Great Britain, 49, 179, 533
Northern Irish policy of, xlv
in Suez Crisis, 295
Great Depression, 7–8, 21–22, 28, 216
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 51
Great Society, 429
Great White Fleet, 3–4
Greece, 94, 108
Green Berets, 321, 322, 412, 600
Green Dragon, 402
Greene, David, 57
Greene, Graham, xli, xliii, xlv, 59, 171, 172, 173, 183, 203, 254–55, 290–92, 293
Greenly, Harry, 22
Gregg, Donald, 230
Grey, Zane, 10
Grose, Peter, 151
Guadalcanal, 237
Guam, 58
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 387
Guatemala, xxvii, 153, 168, 218
, 264, 576
guerrilla war, 104, 109, 176, 218
Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 153, 381, 391
Gulf of Tonkin, 431
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 431–32, 444
Gulf War, 597–98
Gusano Libre, 393
Gwin, Larry, 460
H-21 Flying Banana, 402
Habib, Philip, 472–74, 498
Hague, Frank, 145, 159
Haiphong, Vietnam, 178, 228, 265
North Vietnamese refugees in, 221, 222
Halberstam, David, xli, xliii, 228, 231, 403, 473
EGL’s blaming of Vietnam coup on, 414
Halperin, Morton, 547
Halpern, Sam, 397, 398
Hamburger Hill, Battle of, 542
Hamlet Evaluation System, 367
Hammer, Ellen J., 206–7
Hampton Roads, Va., 3, 4
Haney, Richard, 153
Hanoi, 42, 179, 226
North Vietnamese refugees in, 221, 222
Hanoi’s War (Nguyen), 333
Hare’s Motors, 7
Harkins, Paul, 373, 429
Harper & Row, 536, 550, 551
Harriman, W. Averell, 405, 406, 586
appointed special envoy for peace talks, 522
and EGL’s idea of Harvard sinecure for Nhu, 407–8
Harris, Ann, 537
Harris, Carroll, 34
Harrison, Benjamin, 150
Harvard University, 408, 468
Harvey, William King, 388, 578
background of, 389–90
Church Committee testimony of, 581, 582
on Cuban agents, 392–93
Executive Action capability developed by, 390–92
JFK’s meeting with, 388–89
as obstreperous, 394, 579
RFK’s relationship with, 394
Harwood, Paul, 271, 282
Havana, 387
Hawaii, 58, 346
Hawaii, University of, 535
Hay, John, 593
Head Start, 425
“Heartbreak Hotel” (song), 302, 306
Heath, Donald, 208–9, 221–22, 351, 355
Diem’s mistrust of, 236–37
EGL’s relationship with, 236–37
recall of, 237, 238
request for funds for Thé by, 259
Hellyer, George, 209, 221
Helms, Richard, 98, 383, 398
on Castro assassination plots, 391–92
Conein sent to Vietnam by, 465
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 395, 396
firing of, 576
loss of Thang lamented by, 513
on sabotage in Cuba, 397–98
Herr, Michael, xxxiii, 466
Herrick, Lee, 26
Herrick, Mary Jane Russell, 26
Hersh, Seymour, 577
Hess, Rudolf, 127
Highland Park, Mi., 8, 467
High National Council, 445
Hilsman, Roger, 405, 407, 453
EGL’s blaming of Vietnam coup on, 414
EGL’s return to Vietnam desired by, 409
Hiroshima, Japan, 41, 177
Hiss, Alger, 88, 94, 552
Hitler, Adolf, 17, 151, 337, 387–88, 477
Hoa Hao, 202, 254, 257, 273, 277, 480, 546
troop strength of, 261
in uprising against Diem, 260, 261
Ho Chi Minh, 42, 49, 189, 194, 207, 282, 510, 598
in anti-Japanese struggle, 177
background of, 174, 206
cautiousness of, 333
Conein’s meetings with, 216–17
consternation at Geneva Conference, 215
death of, 541
Diem offered position by, 207
education of, 206
EGL’s desire to overthrow, 38
failure to challenge Diem, 254
French hated by, 175
French Indochina War directed by, 332
Giap’s introduction to, 175–76
help against French sought in China by, 176–77
as lovable, 175, 177, 332
made president of Vietnam, 177
and 1956 election in Vietnam, 280
North Vietnamese policies criticized by, 280
OSS’s aid to, 177
power consolidated by, 254
put in charge of North Vietnam, 215
U.S. hated by, 175
Ho Chi Minh City, xlviii, 569
see also Saigon
Ho Chi Minh Trail, 334, 427, 437, 503, 565
Hochstetter, Leo, 291–92
Hoffa, Jimmy, 379–80, 381
Hollywood Ten, 88
Holocaust, 337, 539
Hong Kong, 161, 175, 200, 496–97
Honolulu Summit, 417, 486–87, 493
Hoover, J. Edgar, 38, 88, 164, 435
and JFK’s affair with Exner, 390
RFK’s disputes with, 381
Hoovervilles, 21
Hotel Majestic, 218
“Hound Dog” (song), 302
House of Representatives, Philippine, 109, 147
House of Representatives, U.S.:
Armed Services Committee of, 428
intelligence committee of, 577
Naval Affairs Committee of, 428
permanent intelligence oversight committee of, 585
Housh, William Harvey, 17
Hovis, Bobbi, xxiv–xxv, xxxi–xxxii
Howdy Doody, 88
Hudson, David E., 506, 515, 555
Hue, Vietnam, 206, 207, 212, 215, 499, 516, 520
Hugo, Victor, 202
Huklandia, 73, 74
Huk Rebellion, xlv, l, 78–79, 80, 104–6, 147, 149, 178, 179, 242, 442
Barrio Aglao attack in, 126
casualties in, 131
civic action in, 126, 128–29, 130
cruelty in, 79, 104–5, 119
EGL’s plan of action on, 109–10, 112, 126–35, 145, 168, 178, 422, 485
end of, 167–68, 192
lack of awareness in Manila about, 118
Luzon overrun in, 106
Magsaysay’s personal risks in, 124
Magsaysay’s plan to capture leaders of, 125
and Magsaysay’s presidential victory, 166–67
possibility of U.S. troops fighting, 107
psychological warfare against, 126–28, 132–33
U.S. plans to aid Philippines against, 104, 107–8
Huks, 64, 73, 74, 76–78, 85, 96, 294, 560, 596
arrest of agitprop cell of, 139
arrest of members of, 125
EGL’s desire to learn about, 76, 118–19
farmers taxed by, 128
founding of, 66–67, 174
increasing strength of, 105–6
Magsaysay’s Mexican speech on, 141–42
politburo raids on, 125–26
Humphrey, Hubert, 417, 425, 448, 453, 475, 522, 569–70
background of, 438–39
barred from NSC meetings, 451–52
EGL’s paper on Vietnam read by, 448
in election of 1968, 537
Lansdale and Phillips introduced to, 440–41
LBJ’s friendship with, 439–40, 451
memorandum on EGL’s ideas to LBJ from, 442–43
military escalation in Vietnam opposed by, 450–51
protest against, 503
role in Vietnam policy of, 487
Saigon toured by, 487–88
Humphrey, Muriel, 440
Hungary, 295, 301
Hunt, E. Howard, 546–47
Hunt, Ira, 567
Iacocca, Lee, 366
Ia Drang Valley, 459
IBM, 570
Ickes, Harold, 21
I Corps, 491
II Corps, 553
Iklé, Fred, 590
Ilito, Rafael “Rocky,” 131
“Illumination by Submarine,” 385–86, 584
immigration laws, U.S., 91
Inchon, Korea, 42, 96
Independence Palace, xxv–xxvi, 569
/> India, 55
Indochina, xxxiii, 30, 55, 56, 129
EGL’s first visit to, 171–73
French rubber plantations in, 50
U.S. influence in, xxiii
see also Vietnam
Indonesia, xxvii, xlv, 42, 56, 168, 329, 576
inflation, 565, 566
Information Agency, U.S., 66, 127, 473
and Operation Mongoose, 382, 384
Information Service Library, U.S., 278
In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Philippines (Karnow), 48
In Pharaoh’s Army (Wolff), 490–91
Inside the Company: CIA Diary (Agee), 576
International Voluntary Services, 506
“In the Midst of War: Folk Music, Viet Nam, 1965–1967,” 526
In the Midst of Wars (Lansdale), 116–17, 536–37, 550–52, 589
Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present (Boot), xlvii
Invisible Government (Wise and Ross), 576
Iran, 280
coup in, xxvii, 152–53, 218, 264, 576
revolution in, 153
Iran-contra affair, 590
Iraq, xxvii, xlv
elections in, 281
nation building in, 150
Iraq War, 104, 400, 600, 602
rules of engagement in, 437
surge in, 252
Iron Heel (London), 4
Islamic State, 400
isolationism, 137
Israel, xlv, 295
Israel, Douglas, 592
Italian Swiss Colony wines, 31, 61
Italy, 195
CIA’s manipulation of election in, 136–37
IV Corps, 490–91, 513
Iwo Jima, 314
Jackson, Andrew, 166
James, D. Clayton, 52
Janss, Edwin, 18
Janss, Harold, 18
Japan, 32, 37, 39, 41, 42, 48, 55, 80, 195
Conein’s infiltration of forces of, 216–17
EGL’s study of, 57–61
U.S. occupation of, 56, 81
Japanese Americans, 14, 91
Jaycees, 161
Jedburgh teams, 39
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 465
Jersey City, N.J., 145
Jerusalem, 268
Jesus Christ, 202
Jewish Revolt, 104
Jews, 9, 268, 337
JFK (film), xlii, 421, 422
jihadism, xlv
Jim Crow, 91
Joan of Arc, 202
Job Corps, 425
Jobs, Steve, 10
John Birch Society, 434, 435
Johnson, Denis, 132
Johnson, Lady Bird, 440
Johnson, Lyndon B., 353, 419, 500, 507, 526, 539, 541, 580
background of, 423–25
Bunker’s diplomatic work for, 504
changes in administration of, 503–4
Clifford’s advice to end war to, 521
covert-harassment plan against North Vietnam planned by, 431
on Diem coup, 428
Diem’s overthrow regretted by, xxxix
EGL made minister by, 488
and EGL’s study of Vietnam’s politics, 527
end of presidency of, xxiv
fair elections in Vietnam opposed by, 497–98