by Max Boot
as foreign-policy hard-liner, 428
given authority in Vietnam, 431–32
Honolulu Summit convened by, 486–87
Humphrey barred from NSC meetings by, 451–52
Humphrey’s friendship with, 439–40, 451
Humphrey’s memorandum on EGL’s ideas to, 442–43
Lansdale sent to Vietnam by, 453
letter to Taylor on Americans in Vietnam by, 448
on losing Cronkite, 520
made president, 423, 425
military escalation in Vietnam pushed by, 450–51
Operation Rolling Thunder overseen by, 449–50
peace talks started by, 522
in Pentagon Papers, 544
protests against, 503, 522–23
refusal to run in 1968, 522–23, 533
RFK’s disputes with, 381
social programs of, 425–26
Taylor made South Vietnam ambassador by, 429
U.S. soldiers sent into combat by, xxxviii, 450
vow to win Vietnam, 428–29
Westmoreland’s advice to, 454
Westmoreland sent to Vietnam by, 430–31
worried about losing planes in Vietnam, 444
worry about sending troops to Vietnam, 429, 450
Johnson, Sam Ealey, 423–24
Johnson, U. Alexis, 429
Johnston, Richard J. H., 82
Joint Chiefs of Staff, xxviii, 36, 524
EGL’s promotion opposed by, 356
and French war in Indochina, 180, 184
and Operation Northwoods, 387–88
Joint General Staff, South Vietnam, 516, 566
Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group (JUSMAG), 108, 114, 118, 119, 120, 130, 143, 145, 147, 154, 160
Joint U.S. Public Affairs Office (JUSPAO), 473
Jones, George M., 321, 322
Jones, Helen, 115
Jorgensen, Gordon, 474
Julius Caesar, 369
Julius Caesar (film), 292
Jungle Jim, 322
Justice Department, U.S., 395
Kahn, Herman, 468
Kama Sutra, 68
Kangleon, Ruperto, 113
Kaplan, Gabriel L., 138–39
Karnow, Stanley, xli–xlii, xliii, 48, 462, 488–89, 556
Karrick, Samuel, 465, 466, 494, 500, 555–56, 596
Operation Liberty observed by, 248
Karzai, Hamid, xlvi, 602, 605
Kashiwahara, Ken, 568
Kelly, James, 71
Kelly, Patricia, 71
Kelly, Patrocinio Yapcinco “Pat,” xlvii, 65, 66–67, 102, 109, 127, 171, 173, 183, 199, 200, 221, 239–40, 339, 341, 587
adjusting to U.S. life, 587
background of, 70–71
death of, 596
desire for EGL to be Philippine ambassador, 586
on Diem’s vacation, 294
and EGL’s collapse, 591–92
and EGL’s death, 594
on EGL’s expeditions around Philippines, 72–73, 74–76, 78
EGL’s marriage to, 558–60
EGL’s proposal to, 90
on EGL’s proposed retirement, 494–95
and Huk Rebellion, 106–7
on In the Midst of Wars, 551
love affair with EGL, 67, 69, 81, 85, 86, 88–90, 92–93, 100, 103, 116, 155, 188, 200, 243, 284, 301, 303–6, 330, 339, 456, 495–97, 596, 605
newspaper work of, 71
personality of, 69, 70
rekindling of romance with EGl, 556–58
on The Ugly American, 326
travels in U.S., 587–88
trips to Vietnam by, 243
on U.S. embassy in Manila, 317–18
Kennan, George, 93–94, 97, 99, 275, 368
Kennedy, Ethel, 379–80
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 348, 419
Kennedy, John F.:
advisory effort in Vietnam approved by, 373
ailments of, 348, 349
Army Special Forces supported by, 322–23
assassination of, xxxvii, xlii, xliv, xlvii, 308, 419–21, 422–23, 425
and Bay of Pigs invasion, 376, 377, 378, 388
Bunker’s diplomatic work for, 504
communiqué on Diem coup approved by, xxviii
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 396–97
defense spending boosted by, 423
and Diem’s death, xxxvii
Diem supported by, 340
EGL impressed with, 349
EGL liked by, 375
EGL made operations officer of Vietnam Task Force, 360
EGL offered Vietnam ambassadorship by, 355–56, 362
EGL promotion considered by, 355–57
and EGL’s Oval Office speech on Vietnam, 354–57
EGL’s possible off-the-books meeting with, 406, 410
EGL’s report to, 346, 350–53
EGL’s respect for, 382
and EGL’s return to Vietnam, 409
election of, 340
and erection of Berlin Wall, 369
and Executive Action capability, 390
foreign leaders desired ousted by, xxvii
funeral of, 456, 597
grave of, 595
Harvey’s meeting with, 389
inauguration of, 347–48, 349
and Krulak’s and Mendenhall’s trip to Vietnam, 408
Lodge feared by, xxxi
at lunch for Diem, 207
McNamara chosen as secretary of defense by, 364
missile gap alleged by, 340
Phase II of Operation Mongoose approved by, 393
and plans for Diem’s overthrow, 405
and plots against Castro, 581
Presidential Task Force on Vietnam set up by, 360
racism of, 14
refusal to send troops to Vietnam, 373
Reuter appointed to Food for Peace by, 435
The Ugly American enjoyed by, 326
and Vietcong offensive, 340–41
Vietnam visited by, 340
White House meeting on Cuba convened by, 380
womanizing by, 348–49
in World War II, 379
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 379
Kennedy, Robert, 327, 368
aggressiveness of, 378, 379
assassination of, 523, 528, 533
background of, 379
and Bay of Pigs invasion, 376, 378
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 395, 396
desire to fire EGL, 398–99
EGL harassed by, 381–82, 423
in election of 1968, 522
grave of, 595
Harvey’s dislike of, 394
JFK protected by, 378–79
LBJ’s decision not to run in 1968 praised by, 523
as liberal hero, 452
office of, 395
and plots against Castro, 581–82
Vietnam War opposed by, 502
at White House meeting on Cuba, 380
Kennedy administration:
desire to get rid of Castro, 259
Diem opposed by, xxvii–xxviii
opposition to Diem’s overthrow in, xxx
reaction of, to Diem’s pagoda raids, xxvii
reaction of, to Thich Quang Duc’s immolation, xxvii
Kent State University, 543
KGB, 390
Khmer Rouge, 569, 571
Khrushchev, Nikita, 338–39, 387, 396, 397, 552
Kieu Cong Cung, 251–52
Kim (Kipling), 151
King, Charles B., 8
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 502
assassination of, 523, 533
Kipling, Rudyard, 151
Kissinger, Henry, 430, 466, 498, 509, 538, 585, 605
alarmed about Pentagon Papers, 544–45
background of, 539–40
on dislike of EGL, 471
on EGL’s gifts, 484–86
Lodge disliked by, xxxi
peace deal sought by, 542–43, 547, 561–62
Kitty Hawk, N.C., 588
-maru, 57
Koko (dog), 302–3, 456, 536
Komer, Robert, 499–500, 504, 554
Korea, 56
cleaving of, 42
Korean Americans, 14
Korean War, 30, 96–97, 107, 117, 134, 189, 286, 287, 429, 593, 595
outbreak of, 113
Kosygin, Alexei, 451
Kraemer, Fritz, 605
Kraemer, Sven, 537
Kroc, Ray, 302
Krock, Arthur, 137
Krulak, Victor H. “Brute,” 406
on EGL, xli
interagency committee chaired by, 431
Vietnam trip of, 408
Kunming, China, 175–76
Kwajalein, 39
Kyes, Roger M., 190
labor leaders, 379
La Guardia, Fiorello, 21, 138
La Guardia Airport, 22
Langguth, A. J., 508
Langley, Va., 392, 587
Lansdale, Benjamin Carroll, 5, 6, 12, 17, 20, 34, 54, 559
Lansdale, Carol, xlix, 534, 559
Lansdale, Carolyn, xlix, 594
Lansdale, David Brook, 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 24, 27
Lansdale, Edward Geary, 27–30, 45, 531
acknowledging lack of effectiveness of, 540–41
added to group of Vietnam liaison officers, 190
agenda for Nixon worked on by, 537–38
Air Force role of, 36, 81, 101, 314
as allegedly present at JFK assassination, 422, 423
ambassadorship to Philippines desired by, 586–87
appearance of, 23, 218–19, 221, 595–96
at Army Civil Affairs School, 299
asked to return to Philippines by Magsaysay, 191
attempt to reconcile with Helen, 116–17, 155
background of, 4–5
Bay of Pigs invasion opposed by, xliv, 376–77, 380
birth of, 4, 7
book considered by, 433–34
buildup of South Vietnam desired by, xxiv, xliv
called Elimination by Illumination, 385, 584
and Cambodian coup, 329–30
Canbo euthanized by, 591
chores done by, 11
CIA’s mocking of, 383
classified memos leaked to Times regarding, 545–46
clerical work of, 22, 28
collapse of, 591–92
on committee to study military assistance programs, 327–30, 415
concept of operation on Cuba by, 383–84
contempt for bureaucrats of, 311–12
as counterinsurgency expert, 6, 16, 168, 318–19, 362, 368, 380, 412, 594, 599
and creation of special forces, 322–23
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 395, 396
Cuban survey made by, 380–82
D.C. house sold by, 535–36
death of, 593–94
and death of Diem and Nhu, 414–15, 454, 456
desire to go back to Philippines, 87, 92–93, 99–100, 102, 103
desire to topple Castro, xlii, xliv, xlviii, l, 38, 382, 384–86, 387, 388, 398
disregarding of advice of, xxxix
dubious about Castro assassination plots, 391
Dulles’s advice to, 153
Durbrow criticized by, 336–37
educational institute proposal of, 434
education of, 10, 16–21
embellished accounts by, l
enlarged thyroid of, 33–34
and Executive Action capability, 390–91
and father’s affair, 26–28, 90
fire in study of, 549–50
first wedding of, 23–24, 111
at Food for Peace, 435–36, 443, 446, 455
Foreign Affairs article of, 447
foreign languages unknown to, xliv, 17–18, 199, 325, 476, 605–6
free land given to Vietcong desired by, 359
funeral of, 595, 596–97
in Great Depression, 21, 22
grief over failures in Vietnam of, 572–73
grief-stricken at JFK’s assassination, 423
guerrilla wars seen as future by, 316–17
as guru to Wilson, 320–21
harassed by RFK, 381–82, 423
harmonica played by, 12, 54
and Helen’s death, 555–56
Helen’s refusal of divorce from, 89–90, 188
Helen’s romance with, 23, 27, 71–72
Helen’s separation from, 91
on home leave wth sons, 188
at Honolulu Summit, 417, 486–87
on humor magazine, 18–19
Humphrey introduced to, 440–41
Humphrey’s memorandum to LBJ on ideas of, 442–43
on impossibility of Operation Mongoose, 382, 423
impressed with JFK, 349
independence learned by, 11–12
indoctrination of American personnel desired by, 317
informal style of, 5, 34, 65
as instinctive, 603
interest in history, 10
on investigations of CIA, 578
Japan studied by, 57–61
and JFK assassination, xlii, xliv
JFK introduced to Harvey by, 388–89
JMWAVE visited by, 392
Joint Chiefs’ opposition to, 356
lethargy of, 592–93
made assistant to secretary of defense for special operations, 358
made brigadier general, 338
made operations officer of Vietnam task force, 360
Magsaysay aided by, 112, 113–14
Magsaysay pushed for defense minister by, xlix, 113–14, 208
and Magsaysay’s death, 308
Magsaysay’s fight with, 141–42
Magsaysay’s moving in with, 120–21
Manahan supported for 1957 election by, 309
Mao read by, 127
McNamara’s dislike of, 367–68, 409, 410, 414, 582
McNamara’s meeting on Vietcong weaponry with, 364–65
memoir of, 116–17, 536–37, 550–52, 589
memorandum on Vietnam policy by, 359
in Military Intelligence Service, 34, 36, 38, 42
ministroke suffered by, 591
misgivings about exposure of intelligence secrets, 584–85
Mission Liaison Group chaired by, 471–72, 475
as misunderstood, xli–xliii, xliv–xlv, l
as model for fictional characters, xli, xlii, xliii–xliv, 12, 325–26, 421, 462
and mother’s death, 191–92
neutral in domestic politics, 435
1963 coup against Diem opposed by, 407, 563, 573–74
Nixon’s differences with, 538–39
offered ambassadorship to South Vietnam, 355–56, 362
Office of Special Operations run by, 315–16
Operation Bounty rejected by, 386–87
Operation Mongoose run by, see Operation Mongoose
at OSS, 34–35, 36, 38–41
Oval Office talk on Vietnam by, 354–57
painting and drawing by, 12, 19, 22, 293
Pat’s marriage to, 558–60
peripatetic childhood of, 8–9
personality of, 5, 6–7, 10, 19, 24
promoted to full colonel in Air Force, 145
promoted to major general, 406
propaganda coups of, xliv
proposal to Kelly, 90
on Prouty, 421
racism opposed by, 5, 14–15
rejected from army, 33–34
rekindling of romance with Pat, 556–58
religious views of, 12–13, 14, 15, 22, 24, 259, 467, 537, 538, 596
representative governments desired by, 281
retirement of, 413–14
RFK’s desire to fire, 398–99
in ROTC program, 17, 18, 20
Senate questioning of, 578–79, 581–82, 586
sinecure for Nhu at Harvard desired by, 407–8
soft power pushed by, 317–18
South Vietnamese refugees helped by, 569–70, 572
r /> Soviet economy lectures of, 92, 102
Special Group’s lack of confidence in, 394
speeches given by, 587–88
speeches to government officials by, 318–20
on starting Cuban revolt, 384–85
State Department’s differences with, 356, 364, 374
strategic listening by, 605
strategic studies taught by, 91–93
suspicious of covert action, xliv
sympathy for South Vietnam, 565
three L’s of, 603–5
troubled first marriage of, 24–25, 243–44
university talks of, 534–35
at Vann’s funeral, 555
Vietnam strategy papers of, 436–38, 441, 442, 443, 447
views on Communism, 95–96
warning of Vietnam bloodbath, 562–63
worried about army’s lack of focus on counterinsurgency, 412
worried about Diem’s overthrow, 406–7
on “X factor,” 366–67, 441, 605
Yale speech on Vietnam victory by, 448
Lansdale, Edward Geary “Teddy,” advertising career of, xlii, xlvi, 1, 28, 29, 43, 127
in disputes with boss, 31–32
Levi Strauss account of, 31–32
Livingston’s firing of, 34
salary of, 31
at Segall’s agency, 30–31
Lansdale, Edward Geary “Teddy,” as CIA operative, 28, 33, 36
in clash with mainstream CIA view, 312–13
denial of, 191
Filipino friends made by, 108–9
hired to, 100
lack of Ivy League credentials, 101–2
secretiveness of, 102
severing of relationship with, 31
Soviet affairs worked on by, 102–3
Lansdale, Edward Geary “Teddy,” in Philippines:
accused of bribing Thé, 258–59
airborne assault teams desired by, 130–31
backlash against, 146–50
beginning of Magsaysay’s friendship with, 119–20
booby-trapped ammunition provided to Huks by, 133–34
bored by social events in, 84–85
Christmas spent in, 241
desire to bring Filipinos to Vietnam, 242–43
desire to democratize, 54
desire to meet Taruc, 76, 77
desire to understand country, 55–56, 61–62, 72–74, 85, 131–32
desire to win over population in press by, 83–84
disappointed in Magsaysay, 306–7
in dispute with OPC, 114
Eisenhower’s congratulations on Philippines election to, 163
fame of, 146
and figure how to break down, 48, 52–64
Filipino army studied by, 77–78
Filipino officers’ visits to, 121–22
housing of, 118
and Huk Rebellion, xlv, l, 104, 106–7, 109–10, 112, 118–19, 126–35, 145, 168, 178, 294, 422, 485
as local celebrity, 85
love affair with Kelly, 67, 69, 81, 85, 86, 88–90, 92–93, 100, 103, 116, 155, 188, 200, 243, 284, 301, 303–6, 330, 339, 456, 495–97, 596, 605