by Max Boot
made public information officer, 82–83
Magsaysay advised in presidency by, 192
Magsaysay advised on putting government together by, 185
and Magsaysay’s presidential campaign, 140, 142–44, 148, 149, 159–64, 165, 180, 183, 274–75, 285, 422
in move to Air Force, 81
National Security Medal received by, 163–64, 296
in negotiations with Negritos, 63–64
O’Daniel’s meeting with, 180
OPC entourage of, 114–16
OPC’s sending to, 114
Pan-Am flight to, 117
patrols ordered to photograph casualties by, 131
on possible fall of Vietnam, 193
praised by Cowen, 134
praise for work of, 85–86
Quirino’s desire to kick out, 147–48
robbed by bandits, 74–76
scheme for 1951 election by, 138, 139, 140, 161
Spruance taken on inspection trips by, 153–54
in surprise field inspections, 123, 133
tailed by intelligence, 155–56
Time article on, 164
in typhoon, 165
vacation in, 284–85
vampire rumor started by, 132, 133
World War II destruction seen by, 52–53
Lansdale, Edward Geary, in Vietnam (Indochina):
Abrams requested to avoid formalities with Vien by, 524–25
airdropping weapons on North Vietnam considered by, 480
as allegedly responsible for North Vietnamese refugees, 226–27, 234, 255, 296
and An’s spying, 231
anti-French sentiment of, 247–48
assassination attempt against, 278–79
attempt to befriend Thieu, 478
attempt to convince Diem to become democratic, 281, 283, 287–88, 289, 298, 337, 573–74
attempt to kidnap, 270
and Battle of Saigon, 265–71, 275, 277
Binh Xuyen’s threat to, 270
Bunker welcomed to Vietnam by, 505
cables on Diem from, 268–69, 275
called “spook deity,” 466
Carbonel’s dislike of, 247
car given to, 198
civic action by, 251–52, 287, 369, 442, 594
and Collins’s departure, 274
Collins’s disagreement with, 238–39
and Collins’s plan to make Diem ceremonial figure, 265
Conein called “the Thug” by, 217
considering retiring, 494–95
desire to learn about country, 201
desire to use music as propaganda, 480–82
and Diem’s call for Constituent Assembly election, 288–89
Diem’s request for return of, 337, 408
and Diem’s return to Vietnam, 208–10
on Diem’s vacation, 294
diminished size of team of, 506
diminished status of, 287–90, 506–7, 526, 548
doubts about Diem, 209
duplex of, 466
elections in Vietnam desired by, 497–500
Ellsberg criticized for leaking Pentagon Papers by, 546
Ellsberg’s love for, 469–70
Ellsberg’s work for, 467
and enmity between Diem and Hinh, 234, 235–36
expected to orchestrate agencies by Lodge, 472
failure of North Vietnam operations of, 231–32
first meeting with Thé, 255, 256–57
first visit to, 171–73, 180–81, 182–83
Free Vietnam desired by, 215
French abandonment of, 198–99
grenades kept by, 204
guerrilla warfare recommended by, 183
Hanoi police chief aided by, 226
and Heath’s recall, 237, 238
Heath’s relationship with, 236–37
and Hinh’s proposed coup, 235–36, 253, 255
on Hong Kong trip, 496–97
in hotels, 463–64
house parties hosted by, 475–76
Humphrey shown Saigon by, 487–88
instruction to Diem, 210
insulted by Americans, 483–84, 507
and integration of Thé’s troops into military, 255, 256–58
invited to Ngo family gatherings, 212–13
journalists’ criticism of, xli–xlii, xliii, 473–74, 488
Kissinger on dislike of, 471
Kissinger on gifts of, 484–86
Lodge’s desire for return of, 409–10
loneliness of, 199–200
made adviser to Diem, 374
made head of National Security Division of TRIM, 246, 269
made minister, 488
in meeting with religious groups, 202–4
memorandum for Diem by, 209, 210
national consultative council desired by, 479–80
nature of Diem’s relationship with, 210, 211–12, 213, 239, 341–42
on need for pacification minister, 486
Nguyen Cao Ky’s relationship with, 477, 489
1954 coup against Diem opposed by, xlix–l
not averse to U.S. troops in, 372
official title of, 471
pacification organized by, 245–46, 252–53, 360
parties thrown by, 240–41
pay of, 469
predictions for 1968 by, 514
propaganda considered by, 480
psychological warfare recommended by, 182, 205, 216, 218, 225, 359, 369–70, 437
and refugee journalist’s propaganda, 226
relationship with influential leaders cultivated by, 479
report to JFK from, 346, 350–53
return of, 410–11, 453–56, 460, 463
Rostow’s relationship with, 370
Saigon Military Mission report on Ca Mau ordered prepared by, 251
on Saigon trip with Rostow and Taylor, 369–74
on Sea Swallows, 345
semi-open manner of, 220–21
sent to Vietnam, 190–91, 194–95
stress of, 239–40
study on South Vietnam’s convoluted politics by, 527
Taylor’s relationship with, 370
in Tet Offensive, 517, 518, 519
and The Quiet American, 290–94
and The’s death, 272–73
at Thé’s son’s wedding, 508
and threat to Ellsberg, 482
travel of, 201–5
troop education suggested by, 182–83
twelve-man team assembled by, 215–17, 218–20, 226, 227–30
twenty-second anniversary of, 464
on United Front uprising, 260
and uprising against Diem, 260–61, 262, 263
Vietcong investigated by, 345–46
on Vietcong traps, 345
Vietminh pamphlets forged by, 225
Vietnamese seeking guidance from, 507–8
visits to Diem, 210–11
Williams’s outbursts at, 286–87
as workaholic, 24
Lansdale, Edward Russell, 32, 302, 518, 555
birth of, xlix
college graduation of, 455
education of, 186–87
and EGL’s death, 594
EGL’s visit to, 534
as “hooligan,” 187–88
in Philippines, 80
wedding of, 456
Lansdale, Ethel Dow, 26–27
Lansdale, Helen Frances Batcheller “Fanny,” xlvii, 100, 140, 144–45, 146, 155, 173, 192, 193, 199–200, 205, 243–44, 291, 293, 302, 456, 463, 534, 587
appearance of, 23, 69
beginning of EGL’s friendship with, 119–20
birth of, 25
D.C. house sold by, 535–36
death of, 555–56, 596
EGL refused divorce by, 89–90, 188
EGL’s romance with, 23, 27, 71–72
EGL’s separation from, 91
ELG’s attempt to reconcile with, 116–17, 155
and fire in EGL’s study,
first wedding of, 23–24, 111
lack of interest in foreign affairs, 69–70
personality of, 24, 69–70
in Philippines, 79–81
Phil resented by, 29
psychological warfare used by, 11, 33, 126–28, 132–33, 182, 296
troubled marriage of, 24–25, 243–44
trouble raising sons, 187–88
twenty-second anniversary of, 464
Lansdale, Henry “Harry,” 3, 5, 7–8, 11, 12–13, 20, 191
affair of, 26–28
Lansdale, Henry Philips “Phil,” 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 24, 29, 497, 593
Lansdale, Pat, see Kelly, Patrocinio Yapcinco “Pat”
Lansdale, Peter Carroll “Pete,” xlvii, xlix, 302, 535, 554, 555, 559, 588
birth of, 32
education of, 186–87
and EGL’s death, 594
and EGL’s ministroke, 591
as “hooligan,” 187–88
military career of, 455–56
in Philippines, 80
wedding of, 456
Lansdale, Sarah “Sadie,” 5, 7, 12–13, 14, 15, 24, 91
death of, 191–92
and husband’s affair, 26, 27
Lansing, Robert, 150
Laos, 341, 346, 353, 427, 491, 503, 542, 543, 547
Communist infiltration from, 371
creation of, 215
fall of, 569
Ho Chi Minh Trail in, 334
refugees from, 572
LaRouche, Lyndon, 421
Larteguy, Jean, 334, 462
Latin America, 38, 589, 603
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de, 179
Laurel, José, 142
Lawrence, T. E., xlvi, 16–17, 55, 258, 290, 462, 600, 602
League of Nations, 214
League of Women Voters, 161
Lebanon, xlv
Lederer, William, xliii–xliv, 224, 325
essays on Southeast Asia by, 323–24
Le Duan, 541, 552, 598
acceleration of conflict desired by, 427
background of, 332–33
Easter Offensive launched by, 553
Vietnam War directed by, 332
war on Saigon desired by, 333
Le Duc Tho, 542, 561
Lee, Robert E., 595
Lee Kuan Yew, 297
Leepson, Marc, 592–93
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (Weiner), xlii
Léger, Fernand, 561
Leland, Harry, 7
LeMay, Curtis, 370, 503, 573
Lemnitzer, Lyman, 353, 387
Le Ngoc Chan, 234
Lenin, Vladimir, 174–75, 176
Le Parc aux Buffles, 204
Le Quang Vinh (Ba Cut), 202, 257, 259, 273, 391
Leroy, Jean, 202–3, 270, 291
Lescaze, Lee, 515
Letter to Three Wives, A (film), 292
Le Van Kim, 251, 252, 269
Le Van Vien (Bay Vien), 203–4
Levi Strauss, 31–32, 61
Lewis, Rehbock “Reh,” 18, 19
Leyte, 51
Leyte Gulf, 307
liberal, 452
Liberal Party, Philippines, 135, 138, 142, 148, 158, 309
Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam, 334
Liberty Hall, 434
Liberty Lobby, 421
Liddy, G. Gordon, 546–47
Lieberman, Henry R. “Hank,” 201
Life, 162, 296, 407
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 441
Lincoln Memorial, 503
Lindbergh, Charles, 18
Lingayen Gulf, 51, 73
Lions International convention, 141
Livingston, Leon, 31, 34
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 443, 444, 484, 500, 505, 508
as campaign manager of Eisenhower, xxix
communiqué on Diem coup received by, xxviii–xxix
demand for removal of Nhu, xxx
Diem’s calls in coup to, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxvi
Diem’s meetings with, xxix–xxx, xxxi
Diem’s overthrow pushed by, xxiii, xxix, xxx–xxxi, 405
EGL expected to orchestrate various agencies by, 472
EGL praised by, 500–501
and EGL’s return to Vietnam, 454, 463
in election of 1964, 429
on failure of post-Diem Vietnam government, 426
fair elections in Vietnam opposed by, 497–98
at Honolulu Summit, 486
on instability of Saigon government, xxxvii–xxxviii
made ambassador to South Vietnam by LBJ, 454
made ambassador to Vietnam by JFK, 454
and plans for Diem coup, 405–6, 426
replaced as ambassador, 504
request for EGL’s return to Saigon, 409–10
Starlite praised by, 459
Logevall, Fredrik, 177, 340
London, 524
London, Jack, 4
Long, Huey, 21
Long Binh, Vietnam, 568
Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrols, 131
Long Telegram, 93–94, 275
Lopez, Fernando, 158
Los Angeles, Calif., 5, 9–10, 14–15, 457
Los Angeles Times, 17
Lovell, Stanley P., 37
Lovestone, Jay, 137
Lovett, Robert, 145, 149
Magsaysay’s meeting with, 140
Lowry Air Force Base, 91–93, 96, 100, 102
loyalty oaths, 88
LSD, 576
Lucena, Philippines, 62
Luftwaffe, 127
Lumumba, Patrice, xxvii, 577
Luneta, 92
Luzon, Philippines, xlix, 49, 51, 63, 73–74, 79, 105, 110, 146, 604
overrun in Huk Rebellion, 106
Lyautey, Hubert, 55
M-113, 402
MacArthur, Arthur, 51
MacArthur, Douglas, 36, 51, 55, 81, 83, 96, 307
MacLeish, Archibald, 48
Madame Butterfly (opera), 68–69
Maddox, USS, 431
Madman Theory, 541
Mafia, 420, 482
Magee, O. J., 55
Magellan, Ferdinand, 307
Maginot Line, 181
Magsaysay, Exequiel, 110–11
Magsaysay, Luz Banzon, 111, 120, 192
Magsaysay, Perfecta, 110
Magsaysay, Ramon, Jr., xlix
Magsaysay, Ramon (Monching), xlviii, 45, 200, 243, 244, 249, 318, 438, 442, 476, 478, 511, 551, 560, 561, 604
“All-Out Force or All-Out Friendship” slogan of, 130
anti-intellectualism of, 112
appearance of, 111
background of, 110–11
and Barrio Aglao attack, 126
Bohannan as CIA liaison for, 284
civil affairs sections created by, 127
death of, 307–8
defense office of, 119–20
democratic practices of, 283, 287
desire to root out corruption, 120, 122–23
Diem’s regime recognized by, 284–85
EGL asked to return to Philippines by, 191
EGL’s advice on putting government together to, 185
EGL’s aid to, 112, 113–14
EGL’s fight with, 141–42
EGL’s presidential advice to, 192
elected to Philippines congress, 112
and election of 1957, 307
failures on economic inequalities of, 306–7
fed up with being president, 241
honesty of, 110, 112, 120
inauguration of, 165–66
installed as defense minister, xlix, 113–14, 208
made governor of Zambales, 111–12
magnetism of, 158, 177
moving in with EGL, 120–21
nature of EGL’s relationship with, 210, 211–12, 239
patrols ordered to photograph casualties by, 131
plan to capture Huk leaders of, 125
plots to assassinate, 161
praised by Cowen, 134
presidential campaign of, 140, 142–44, 148, 149, 157–64, 165, 180, 183, 274–75, 285, 422, 424
psychological warfare used by, 126
resignation from cabinet, 143
risks in Huk Rebellion taken by, 124, 178
scheme for 1951 election by, 138
Spruance admiration for, 154
as superstitious, 131–32
in surprise field inspections, 123
in The Ugly American, 325
in typhoon, 165
U.S. and Mexico visited by, 140–42
U.S. foreign policy supported by, 306
Valeriano sent to reorganize Diem’s bodyguards by, 243
wedding of, 111
Magsaysay Award Foundation, 308–9
Magsaysay for President Movement, 143–44
“Magsaysay Mambo, The,” 144
Maik, Amador T., 243, 517, 518
mail, 576, 577
Maine, USS, 387
Malacañang Palace, 107, 165, 166, 192
Malaya, 56, 128–29, 168, 179, 335, 401, 447
British rubber plantations in, 50
Malayan “Emergency,” xxxviii
Malaysia, xlv
Maldives Islands, 68
Maliki, Nouri al-, xlvi, 602, 605
Manahan, Manuel “Manny,” 119, 166, 339
and election of 1957, 309
Taruc’s negotiations with, 167
Manchester, William, 419
Man from U.N.C.L.E., The (TV show), 576
Manglapus, Raul, 144
Manila, 61, 80, 196, 339–40, 343
Anderson subcommittee in, 328
in World War II, 51–52
Manila, Battle of, 147
Manila Bulletin, 339
Manila Evening News, 147
Manila Times, 167
Manila Tribune, 71
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The (Wilson), 188
Mankiewicz, Herman, 292
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 292–93
Mann, Charlie, 474
Mansfield, Mike, 207, 438, 502
Manunggal, Mount, 307–8
Mao Zedong, 67, 76, 94, 127, 174, 350
aid sent to Vietminh by, 179
as Ho’s model, 176, 177
and possibility of U.S. invasion of North Vietnam, 573
Marchetti, Victor, 576
Marcos, Ferdinand, 168, 560
inauguration of, 309
plots to assassinate, 586
Marguerite, 162–63
Marin, Calif., 91
Marine Corps, U.S., 363, 491
in Operation Starlite, 458–59
Marlantes, Karl, 491–92
Marshall, George C., 94, 124
Marshall Plan, 94, 98, 137
Martin, David, 389, 581–82
Martin, Graham, 567
Martin, Robert “Pepper,” 201
Matterhorn (Marlantes), 491–92
Maugham, Somerset, 172
Mayflower, 3
McCarren Park Pool, 22
McCarthy, Emmett J., 197, 274
McCarthy, Eugene, 452, 502, 522
McCarthy, Joseph, 94–95, 96, 189, 301, 379, 434, 435
McCloy, John J., 101–2