by Max Boot
McCone, John:
Diem’s overthrow opposed by, 405
and EGL’s return to Vietnam, 411
McCormick, Robert, 434
McDonald’s, 302
McGarr, Lionel, 358
McGovern, George, 502, 561
McGrory, Mary, 481
McGuire, Barry, 458
McKinley, William, 157
McLean, Va., 382, 587, 589
McManus, George, 398
McNamara, Robert, 353, 361–62, 374, 398, 411, 441, 450, 469
authority exercised by, 364
background of, 365–66
Church Committee testimony of, 582
considering phasing out Special Operations office, 412
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 396
Diem’s overthrow opposed by, 405, 406–7
EGL disliked by, 367–68, 409, 410, 414, 482
EGL’s meeting on weaponry with, 364–65
on Kennedy’s reaction to Diem’s death, xxxvii
knowledge of assassination plots denied by, 391
military action in Vietnam favored by, 449
at Palace dinner, xxx
pushed to World Bank, 503–4
retaliation against Vietcong pushed by, 451
Saigon trip of, 429
systems analysis by, 366–67
on U.S. hysteria about Castro, 385
Vietnam described as “a hell of a mess” by, 428
Westmoreland sent to Vietnam by, 430–31
at White House meeting on Cuba, 380
McNaughton, John, 469
Mecklin, John M., 201, 211, 267
Medicaid, 425
Medicare, 4425
Meet the Press (TV show), 193
Mehlert, Calvin E., 506, 507, 515, 593, 604
Mekong, 172
Mekong Delta, xxxviii, 248, 335, 336, 343–44, 346, 361, 372, 403, 408, 490, 513, 567
Mellon, Andrew, 149
Melville, Herman, 58
Melvin, George, 497, 555
Memphis, Tenn., 523
Mendenhall, Joseph, 408
Mennonites, 506
Merchant, Livingston T., 113
Kangleon’s firing ordered by, 13
Merrill’s Marauders, 320, 321, 405
Mesopotamia, 47
Messing, F. Andy, Jr., 589
Metropole Hotel, 172, 176
Metternich, Klemens von, 540, 602
Mexico, 140–41, 533
Mexico City, 522
MI6, 152, 390
Miami, Fla., 387, 392
Michener, James A., 58
Middle Ages, 233
Middle East, 258
Midway, Battle of, 146, 319
Milens jewelers, 30
Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 189–90, 198, 204, 220, 229, 246, 269, 285, 286, 287, 317, 356, 358, 371
battle outside building of, 270
Military Assistance Command—Vietnam, U.S. (MACV), xxxviii, 373, 472, 499, 504, 516, 519
size of bureaucracy of, 474–75
Vietnamese streets widened by, 460
Westmoreland put in charge of, 429–30, 474
military assistance programs, committee on study of, 327–30, 415
military-industrial complex, xlii, 422
Military Intelligence Service, 34, 36, 38, 42, 125, 139, 155
Military Police Command, 78, 79
Military Revolutionary Committee, 426
Military Transportation Group 559, 334
Millennium Challenge Corporation, 436
Miller, Ann, 559
Miller, Edward, 209, 403, 404
Miller, Hank, 466, 473, 494, 496, 526
Mindanao, 129
mini-Tet, 523–24, 528
Mirsky, Jonathan, 551
Miskovish, Reggie, 516
missile gap, 340
Mission: Impossible (TV show), 464, 576
Mission Council, 488
Mission Liaison Group to the Secretary General of the Central Rural Reconstruction Council, U.S., 471–72, 475
Mississippi, 444
Mississippi, University of, 381
mobsters, 379
Mobutu Sese Seko, 280
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 152, 280
Mohr, Charles, 511–12
Mojica, Proculo L., 243, 270
Moll, Giorgia, 292
Mongol invasions, 421
Montagnards, 63
Montemayor, Mamerto, 109
Montgomery County, Md., 5
Moore, A. Lincoln, 14
Moore, George F., 82, 83
Moriarty, Russell “Mike,” 278
Morocco, 55
Moro National Liberation Front, 560
Moros, 144
Mossadeq, Mohammad, 152, 264
Mosul, Iraq, 400
Mount Arayat, xlix, 167
offensive on, 78–79, 104–5
Mount Pinatubo, 307
Moyar, Mark, 403
Moyers, Bill, 425
Mueller, Paul J., 82
Murphy, Audie, 292
Nacionalista Party, Philippines, 139, 285
Nagasaki, Japan, 41, 68, 177
Naguib, Muhammad, 234
Nam Yen 3, Vietnam, 459
napalm, 130, 144
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 47, 415
as Ho’s hero, 176
Napoleonic Wars, 540
Nashel, Jonathan, xlvii
Nasser, Abdel, 234, 295, 312
Nation, 594
National Army, Vietnamese, 204, 215, 220, 262, 267, 269
National Assembly, Philippines, 71
National Assembly, South Vietnam, 289, 509, 540
National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA Auto Parts), 7–8, 20, 26–27
National Cash Register (NCR), 7
National Defense Committee, Philippines, 112
National Enquirer, 136
nationalism, 206
Nationalist Party, Chinese, 176–78
Nationalist Party, Vietnamese (VNQDD), 175, 229, 230, 283
Nationalists, Chinese, 106
National Liberation Front (Vietcong), see Vietcong
National Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL), 138, 139, 161, 242
National Recovery Administration, 21
National Revolutionary Movement (NRM), 282–83
National Security Act (1947), 363
“National Security Action (Pacification),” 245
National Security Council (NSC), 265, 370, 405, 453, 589
and Battle of Saigon, 268–69
coup against Diem desired by, xxviii
ExComm of, 396
and failure of Bay of Pigs invasion, 377–78
on Huk Rebellion, 104, 107–8
Humphrey barred from, 451–52
Italian conservatives supported by, 136
military escalation in Vietnam supported by, 450
National Student Association, 127, 576
National Sugar Refining Company, 504
nation building, 33, 47–48, 149–50, 168, 398
in Philippines, 48, 50, 380
in Vietnam, 149, 213, 233–34, 248, 254, 288, 380
nation-states, 233
Natsios, Nicholas, 297–98
Navarre, Henri-Eugène, 182, 184, 190
Navarro, Edmund, 446–47
Navy, U.S., 222, 363, 366
Navy SEALs, 322
Naze, Japan, 59–61
Nazis, xxxiii, 151, 387–88
Negritos, 63–64
Negroponte, John, 561–62
Negros Occidental Province, Philippines, 162
Nenita unit, 78
Nepal, xlv
Netherlands, 42
New Deal, 21–22, 29, 36
New Guinea, 145
New Hampshire, 522
New Left, 457
New People’s Army, 560
New Republic, 28
New Villages, 129
New York, N.Y., 21–22, 23–25, 26, 39, 140
New Yo
rker, The, 356, 452
New York Herald Tribune, 141, 201, 231
New York Stock Exchange, 21
New York Times, 68, 82, 137, 141, 201, 220, 291, 450, 508, 513, 570, 585
on Ap Bac, 402–3
CIA criticized in, 577
classified memos on EGL leaked to, 545–46
EGL’s departure covered in, 530
EGL’s obituary in, 594
EGL’s warning of Vietnam bloodbath in, 562–63
Japanese surrender announced in, 41, 42
on JFK’s inauguration, 348
Pentagon Papers published by, xlviii, 544–46, 550
Saigon Military Mission report published by, xlviii
on Thang, 511–12
on Vietnam protest, 457
Westmoreland’s request for troops leaked in, 521–22
New Zealand, 519
Nghe An Province, Vietnam, 174
Ngo Dinh Can, xxv
Ngo Dinh Diem, xxv, 155, 169, 296, 312, 351, 355, 382, 511, 529, 540, 545–46, 551, 602, 604
accused of anti-Buddhist bias, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, 404–5, 408
alienation of non-Communists by, 284
Anderson subcommittee met by, 328–29
anti-French sentiment of, 247
arrest of, 207
background of, 206
Bao Dai’s demand to leave Vietnam, 271
and Battle of Ap Bac, 403–4
and Battle of Saigon, 265–69, 270–71, 275
Caravelle Manifesto against, xxxiii
Catholics as political base of, 223
conflicting views of, 205
Constituent Assembly election called by, 288–89
constitution crafted by, 497
death of, xxxvi–xxxvii, xxxviii, 209, 260, 275, 297, 414–15, 419, 427, 433, 454, 456, 476, 478
deferral to Nhu by, 371–72
desire for EGL as adviser, 374
difficulty with ordinary people, 158, 177, 212
Dooley granted award by, 227
EGL’s alleged bulldozing of opposition to, xlii
EGL’s attempt to convince to become democratic, 281, 283, 287–88, 289, 298, 337, 573–74
EGL’s cables to NSC on, 268–69, 275
EGL’s doubts about, 209
EGL’s return to Vietnam requested by, 337, 408, 411–12
ELG’s introduction to, 210
at family gatherings, 212
on four social evils, 282–83
French favor won by, 206–7
Hanoi police chief aided by, 226
Heath mistrusted by, 236–37
Hinh despised by, 234, 235, 236
Ho’s offer of position to, 207
JFK’s support for, 340
Kennedy administration opposition to, xxvii–xxviii
lengthy monologues of, 211, 272, 294, 329
Lodge called in coup by, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxvi
Lodge’s meetings with, xxix–xxx, xxxi
in meeting with Rostow-Taylor mission, 371
nation building by, 254
nature of EGL’s relationship with, 210, 211–12, 213, 239, 341–42
newspapers shut by, 281
and 1956 election in South Vietnam, 280
“pacification” term opposed by, 244–45
in Palace bombing, xxv
paratroopers’ coup against, xxxv, 335–36, 342
personality of, 211–12
Philippine recognition of, 285
proposed 1954 coup against, xlix–l
put in charge of South Vietnam, 215
and The Quiet American, 293
Qui Nhon reception of, 252–53
raiding of pagodas of, xxvii, xxviii
referendum on Bao Dai called by, 288
religion of, 206
religious flags banned by, xxvi
in return to Vietnam, 208–10
South Vietnamese dissatisfaction with, 335
Strategic Hamlets program of, xxxviii, 401–2, 427
tenuous rule of, 233
Thé derided by, 272
Thé’s defense of, 271
Tho’s relationship with, 342–43
troop strength of, 261
uprising against, 260–64, 275–76
in U.S., 207–8
U.S. doubts about, 399, 401
U.S. government’s continued support for, 273–74
U.S. plot to overthrow, xxviii–xxix, xxx–xxxvii, xxxviii–xxxix, xlix–l
U.S. support for buildup of South Vietnamese army desired by, 369
U.S. toured by, 296–97
vacations of, 294
Valeriano’s reorganizing of bodyguards of, 243
Vietminh death sentence on, 207
villages allowed to select own leaders by, 289
worried about 1963 coup, 412
Ngo Dinh Kha, 206
Ngo Dinh Khoi, 207
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 155, 351
anti-Buddhist bias of, xxvii, 405
on Bao Dai as French puppet, 271
and Battle of Ap Bac, 403–4
as competitive, 294
conspiracies launched by, xxv
coup against, xxxii, xxxv–xxxvi
death of, xxxvi–xxxvii, 414–15
desire to eradicate Vietminh from South, 283
Diem influenced by, 281–82
Diem’s deferral to, 371–72
Diem’s welcome reception choreographed by, 209
Dubrow’s desire to transfer, 335, 336
EGL’s desire for Harvard sinecure for, 407–8
EGL’s distaste for, 407
at family gatherings, 212–13
and integration of Thé’s troops in military, 255, 257
Kennedy administration’s opposition to, xxviii
Lodge’s demand for removal of, xxx
in meeting with Rostow-Taylor mission, 371–72
as paranoid, 297, 573–74
personalism studied by, 282
Strategic Hamlets program overseen by, 401, 402
and Thé’s death, 272–73
U.S. desire to get rid of, 407–9
Ngo Dinh Thuc, xxv, 206
at family gatherings, 212
religious flags banned by, xxvi
Ngo Dzu, 553
Nguyen, Lien-Hang T., 333
Nguyen Cao Ky, xxxviii, 417, 478, 508, 512, 572
American policymakers’ desiring presidential run of, 510–11
EGL’s desire of fireside chats from, 480
EGL’s relationship with, 477, 489
at Honolulu Summit, 486, 487
Mission Liaison Group chaired by, 471
move to California, 571
Nguyen Khanh supported by, 445
1966 election organized by, 499
as prime minister, 446
Nguyen Dinh Thuan, 343, 345, 358
Nguyen Duc Thang, 476–77, 481, 498, 499, 508–9, 511–12, 518, 526, 530, 553, 570
resignation of, 513
viewed as enemy by Thieu, 512–13
Nguyen Khanh:
constitution promulgated by, 497
dissent crack down of, 444–45
EGL’s desire to build up, 438
exile of, 446
LBJ’s support for, 429
and 1964 coup, xxxvii, 427–28, 436
Taylor accused of wanting colonialism by, 446
Nguyen Loc Hoa, 344–45, 346, 352
weapons received by, 354, 357
Nguyen Ngoc Tho, 342–43, 406, 426
Nguyen Sinh Cung, 174
Nguyen Tat Thanh, see Ho Chi Minh
Nguyen Tat Ung, 476
Nguyen Thanh Phuong, 260
EGL’s complaints about, 261
Nguyen Thuy Nga, 333
Nguyen Van Hinh, 234
Diem despised by, 234, 235, 236
proposed coup of, 235, 236, 253
Thé’s dislike of, 256
and uprising against Diem, 261–62
Nguyen Van Minh, 234–35
and H
inh’s proposed coup, 235–36
Nguyen Van Nhung, xxxvi, 428
Nguyen Van Thieu, xxxviii, 478, 510, 511, 520, 561, 564
on abandonment by free world, 566
EGL accused of fomenting revolution by, 528–29
EGL requested to stay on by, 525
EGL’s attempt to befriend, 478
elected president, 510–11, 512
and election of 1971, 540
in exile, 571
at Honolulu Summit, 486, 487
made head of state, 446
Nguyen Duc Thang viewed as enemy by, 512–13
Nguyen Khanh supported by, 445
power of Corps Commanders enhanced by, 512–13
resignation of, 568
Nguyen Van Vy, 262
Bao Dai repudiation statement read by, 271–72
Nha Trang, Vietnam, 173
Nhu, Madame, 341
anti-Buddhist bias of, xxvii
and coup against Diem, xxxvi
Diem influenced by, 281–82
on Diem’s vacation, 294
EGL’s distaste for, 407
at family gatherings, 213
in Palace bombing, xxv
Nicaragua, 280, 281, 377, 390, 589, 590
Nicolson, Harold, 94
Ninotchka (film), 136
Ninth Wave, The (Burdick), 323
Nitze, Paul, 97, 353
Nixon, Pat, 163, 564
Nixon, Richard, 194, 349, 509
alarmed about Pentagon Papers, 544–45, 546
arrival in Manila, 163
China visited by, 552
concerns about team in Vietnam, 190
Diem’s overthrow regretted by, xxxix
EGL’s differences with, 538–39
elected president, 537
in election of 1960, 340
Helms fired by, 576
peace deal sought by, 542–43, 547
peace with honor desired by, 541
Plumbers Unit created by, 546–47
resignation of, 564
and Vietnam elections, 498
Nolting, Frederick “Fritz,” Jr., 356
Normandy, France, 237, 430
Norodom Palace, 265, 272, 569
North, Oliver, 589–90
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 94, 441
Military Committee of, 237
Northern Ireland, xlv
North Korea, 134, 533
North Vietnam:
astrologer’s prediction for, xliv
China’s aid to, 49
collectivization in, 280
covert-harassment plan against, 431
EGL’s doubts about intervention against, 437
EGL’s opposition to invasion of, 573
French pledge to leave, 215
increasing strength of, 565–66
infiltration by twelve-man team of, 227–30
1975 offensive of, 566–67, 574
possibility of U.S. invasion of, 573
redistribution program in, 280
refugees from, 221–23, 226–27, 234, 255, 296, 461–62
South Vietnamese networks penetrated by, 230–31
North Vietnamese Army (NVA), 492
NSC-68, 97
Nui Ba Den (Black Virgin) Mountain, 256