by Max Boot
Oakland, Calif., 503
Obama, Barack, 400
Obama administration, 602
O’Daniel, John W. “Iron Mike,” 197, 248, 285, 286, 287, 293, 314, 346
and Battle of Saigon, 270
EGL invited to Vietnam by, 180, 193
and EGL’s memorandum for Diem, 209
EGL supported by, 197–98
Kelly liked by, 243
Military Assistance Advisory Group taken over by, 189–90
orders to EGL on becoming head of National Security Division, 246
as overoptimistic, 184
and Phillips’s observation of Operation Liberty, 249
sent to Indochina, 180
worried about French defeatism, 181–82
Office of Naval Intelligence, 38, 40
Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), 97–98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 113, 126, 138, 143, 313
covert plots of, 98
creation of, 137
EGL’s dispute with, 114
EGL sent to Philippines by, 114
Far East Division of, 138–39
Office of Special Activities, 474
Office of Special Operations (OSO), 314, 315, 358, 421
phasing out of, 412–13
raids by, 601
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 34–36, 98, 101, 114, 126, 197, 271, 386, 405
creation of, 37
disbanding of, 97
disputes with competitors, 38–39
Ho aided by, 177
Morale Operations branch of, 127
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 37
sabotage by, 39
Office of War Information, 127
Official Classification Committee, 22, 28
Ohio, 95
oil prices, 565
Okinawa, 56, 57
Olan, Joe, 517
Old Bulls, 439
O’Leary, Jeremiah, 581, 582
Opa-Locka, 393
Operating Mission, U.S. (USOM), 447
Operation Ajax, 152–53
Operation Bounty, 386–87
Operation Bravo, xxxii
Operation Brotherhood, 242, 249, 250, 251, 308, 546
Operation Castor, 185
Operation Cedar Falls, 505
Operation Free Ride, 387
Operation Frequent Wind, 567
Operation Giai Phong (Breaking Chains), 250–52, 269
Operation Gold, 390
Operation Good Times, 387
Operation Harvest Moon, 459–60
Operation Junction City, 505
Operation Lam Son 719, 542
Operation Liberty, 248–50, 251
Operation Linebacker II, 561
Operation Masher, 486
Operation Mongoose, xlviii, 380–88, 391–94, 395, 397, 398, 399, 421, 423, 431, 472, 547, 573, 578, 586
Phase I of, 392–93
Phase II of, 393
revival of, 397–98
Operation Northwoods, 387
Operation Passage to Freedom, 222–24, 227–28
Operation Phoenix, 542
Operation Plan (OPLAN) 34A, 431
Operation Rolling Thunder, 449–50
Operation Starlite, 458–59, 470
Operation Success, 153
Operation Vulture, 193
Operation Zapata, 377
see also Bay of Pigs invasion
Ordinance No. 6, 283
Orendain, Juan C. “Johnny,” 65–66, 76, 109, 200, 303, 339
aid in crafting South Vietnamese Constitution, 289
Orendain, MacArthur, 66
Organization Man, The (Whyte), 188
Orientalism, 68
Orwell, George, xxi
Oshinsky, David, 95
Osmena, Sergio, Sr., 307
Osterman Weekend, The (film), 576
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 420
O’Toole’s, 587
Oxford English Dictionary, 322
Ozzie and Harriet (TV show), 302
Pac Bo, Vietnam, 176
pacification, 169, 244–46, 252–53, 360, 472, 476, 477, 487
Colby put in charge of, 542
minister needed for, 486
pagoda raids, xxvii, xxviii
Paine, Thomas, 11
Pakistan, 318
Palestine Liberation Organization, 313
Panay, 65–66
Parallax View, The (film), 576
paratroopers’ coup, xxxv, 335–36, 342
Paris, 174, 533
Paris Peace Accords, 542, 564, 566
Paris peace talks, 542–43, 561–62
Park Hotel, 517
Parrott, Thomas, 385, 394, 398
Parsons, J. Graham “Jeff,” 354
Party Central Committee, 333
Pathet Lao, 341, 569
Patterson, John H., 7
Patton, George S., 180, 373
Peace Corps, 326, 441
Pearl Harbor, 32, 33, 50–51, 434
Pelaez-Yi, Patricia, xlvii
erection of, 313–14
see also Defense Department, U.S.
Pentagon Papers, xxxviii, xlviii, 236, 361, 560
leaking of, xlix, 227, 410, 467, 482, 546–47, 555, 576
New York Times publishing of, xlviii, 544–46, 550
Nixon administration’s worries over, 544–45
People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN), 333–34, 491
Perez, Eugenio, 113
Perry, Matthew, 58
personalism, 282
Peter, Paul, and Mary, 482
Petraeus, David, xlv, 600
Pham Duy, 480–81, 509, 570
Pham Xuan An, 231
Pham Xuan Giai, 231, 234
and Nguyen Van Hinh’s proposed coup, 235–36
Phan Huy Quat, 446
Phi Gamma Delta, 19, 20, 22
Philby, Kim, 152
Philippine Armed Forces Journal, 85–86
Philippine Commission on Elections, 138
Philippines, xliii, xlix, l, 16, 24, 39, 41, 45, 48–57, 58, 61–64, 281, 335, 346, 447, 537, 595
in aftermath of Magsaysay’s death, 309–10
and Barrio Aglao attack, 126
books on, xlvii
bribery in, 119, 120
as Catholic country, 48
Chinese slave labor in, 55
creation of Commonwealth of, 50, 157
criticism of U.S. occupation in, 81–82
ELG’s desire to return to, 87, 92–93, 99–100, 102, 103
French and Chinese influence on, 201
Huk Rebellion in, see Huk Rebellion
independence of, 18, 50
martial law in, 560–61
resettlement plans of, 129, 130, 133
superstitions in, 131–32
U.S. influence in, 48–49
U.S. nation building in, 48, 50, 380
U.S. racism in, 50, 82
U.S. war in, 49–50, 110
war damage cost in, 55–56
World War II in, 50–52, 66, 76, 79, 111, 115, 121, 147, 161
Philippine Veterans Legion, 242
Philips, Edward, 5–7, 12
Philips, Sarah Adelaide Walker, 6
Phillips, Rufus “Rufe,” III, xlix, 231, 252, 269–70, 350–51, 501
An’s friendship with, 231
background of, 218
book of, xlvii
Conein aided in bomb building by, 279
on EGL, 218–19, 586
on EGL’s attitude to Vietnamese leaders, 529
on EGL’s bureaucratic enemies, 465
on EGL’s dislike of RFK, 382
EGL’s eulogy delivered by, 587, 596–97
EGL’s return to Vietnam desired by, 408–9, 411–12
on EGL’s team to work on agenda for Nixon, 537–38
on EGL’s writing fluency, 268
on Ellsberg’s ego, 469
on Helen, 80
Humphrey introduced to, 440–41
anila trip of, 241
on Nguyen Cao Ky and EGL’s relationship, 477
Operation Breaking Chains observed by, 251
Operation Liberty observed by, 248–50
on Pat Kelly, 70
on Prouty, 421
put on psychological warfare team, 219–20
on Strategic Hamlets program, 408
troop training program of, 249
Vietnam strategy papers of, 436–38
worried about 1963 coup, 412
worried about assassination attempts, 278
Phnom Penh, 329, 339–40
Phu Bon, Vietnam, 493–94
Phuoc Thanh, Vietnam, 368–69
Pierre (dog), 221, 262, 263, 273, 302
Pierson, Albert, 145–46, 154, 237
Pike, Otis, 577
Pike Committee, 577, 585
Pittsburgh, Pa., 181
Pleiku, Vietnam, 449
Plumbers Unit, 546–47, 576
Poland, 32, 152, 387–88
Politburo, 542, 553, 573
Pol Pot, 571–72
Polybius, 369
Pomeroy, William J., 125–26, 131, 134
Pope, Generoso, 136–37
Popular Democratic Front, Italy, 136
Popular Forces, 401, 565
Popular Mechanics, 111
“population-centric” counterinsurgency doctrine, xlv
Porter, William, 484, 487, 493, 504
Prados, John, 523
Prague Spring, 533
Present at the Creation (Acheson), 47
Presidential Complaints and Action Commission, 166, 309
Presidential Task Force for Vietnam, 359–61
Presley, Elvis, 302, 306
Progressive Party, Philippines, 309
prostitutes, 461
on Vesak Day, xxvi
of Vietnam War, 457–58, 502–3
worldwide, 533, 534
Prouty, L. Fletcher, xlii, 421–22
psychological warfare, 11, 33, 126–28, 132–33
in Vietnam, 182, 205, 216, 218, 225, 249–50, 296, 369–70, 437
Public Works Administration, 21
Puccini, Giacomo, 68–69
Pueblo, 533
Pyrard, François, 68
Quakers, 506
Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam, 251
Queens–Midtown Tunnel, 22
Quezon, Aurora, 106
Quezon y Molina, Manuel, 51, 54, 157
Quiet American, The (film), 292, 293–94, 296
Quiet American, The (Greene), xli, xliii, 172, 254–55, 290–92, 462
Qui Nhon, Vietnam, 169, 251, 252
Quirino, Elpidio, 105, 108, 114, 125, 135, 138, 143, 146–47, 154, 158, 178
dependent on U.S., 113
desire to kick out EGL, 147–48
in election of 1953, 159, 161
as ineffective leader, 107
Magsaysay’s authority clarified by, 123
at Magsaysay’s inauguration, 165
Quirino, Tony, 155, 161
Quirino Gonzalez, Vicky, 141–42
racism, 5, 14
Radford, Arthur W., 190, 241, 603
Radio Free Europe, 127
Radio Liberty, 127
Ramparts, 576
RAND Corporation, 467, 468, 544
Rasputin, Grigori, 145, 159, 284
Reader’s Digest, 224, 323
Reagan, Ronald, 472, 589
Recto, Claro, 142, 285
Redford, Robert, 164
Redgrave, Michael, 292
Redick, Joseph P., 219, 240, 247, 261, 343, 357, 358, 465, 466, 494, 605
and Battle of Saigon, 265–66
at EGL’s funeral, 595
on Hong Kong trip, 496, 497
in meeting with Thé, 256–57
in return to Saigon, 339
and uprising against Diem, 262
Vietcong investigated by, 345
Red Scare, 301
Red Star over China (Starr), 76
re-education camps, 571
Regional Force, 566
Reilly, John, 451
Reinhardt, G. Frederic, 274, 279, 282
Republican Party, U.S., 434
resettlement plans, in Philippines, 129, 130, 133
“Resources for Unconventional Warfare, SE Asia,” 545
Reuter, Richard W., 435
Reuters, 231
revolution, three-stage model of, 176
revolutionary villages, 479–80, 483
Richards, Peter C., 81, 559–60
Richardson, John “Jocko,” 409, 411
Ridgeway, Matthew, 134
riots, 533
Rizal, José, 125
Rizal, Taciano, 125
road building, 318
Roberts, Frederick, 55
Roberts, Hubert “Pooley,” 18–19, 23, 24, 592
Roche, John P., 507
Rockefeller, David, 421
Rockefeller, John D., III, 308
Rockefeller, Nelson, 308, 577
Rockefeller Commission, 578–79
Rogers, William, 554
Romain-Desfossés, Jacques, 246–47
Roman Empire, 128
Romania, 98
Romanovs, 145
Rome, 104, 268
Romulo, Carlos, 146, 158, 308
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 21, 38, 421, 425, 480
ailments of, 348
alleged quote on Somoza by, 281
“brain trust” of, 121
civilian intelligence agency created by, 37
at Columbia Law School, 37
Four Freedoms speech of, 40–41
Philippine Commonwealth created by, 50
“white” propaganda operations of, 127
Roosevelt, Kermit “Kim,” Jr., 152, 153, 164
Roosevelt, Theodore, 3–4
Ross, Thomas B., 576
Rosselli, Johnny, 390
Rostow, Walt Whitman, 352–53, 355, 358–59
background of, 370
EGL’s memo recommended by, 500
EGL’s post in Saigon pushed by, 374–75
and EGL’s study of Vietnam’s politics, 527
and Executive Action capability, 390
Saigon trip of, 369–74, 380
Rotarians, 161
ROTC, 17, 18, 20
Rowen, Harry, 468
Roxas y Acuña, Manuel, 54–55, 61, 76
death of, 147
Huk Rebellion crushed by, 105
Royal Hawaiian Hotel, 486–87
Royce Hall, 18
Rumors of War (Caputo), 475
rural reconstruction, 472, 476
Rural Reconstruction Council, 472, 481
Rusk, Dean, 353, 360, 368
Diem’s overthrow desired by, xxx
Durbrow replaced by, 355
EGL seen as “lone wolf” by, 356
and EGL’s return to Vietnam, 411
Russell, David, 26
Russell, Richard, 439, 503, 521
Russia, 175
Russian Revolution, 176
Ryukyus, 56–57, 59
Safer, Morley, 231
Said, Edward, 68
Saigon, xlviii, 256, 340, 343
Anderson subcommittee in, 328–29
bars in, 461
concerns about future in, 196–97
EGL’s arrival at, 196
electricity capacity in, 460–61
fall of, 569, 579
housing prices in, 460
Humphrey’s tour of, 487–88
1964 coup in, 427–28
odor of, xxiv
prostitutes in, 461
refugees in, 223
Tet Offensive in, 513, 515–20, 521, 529, 530, 533
Thé’s terrorist bombings in, 255
widening of streets of, 460
see also Ho Chi Minh City
Saigon, Battle of, 265–73, 275, 277, 478
casualties of, 273
Saigon Bar Association, 466
Saigon-Cholon police, 260
Saigon Military Mission, xlviii, 219, 226, 228, 235, 275, 278, 312–13, 360, 545, 595
accused of creating Vietcong, 422
“after-action” report on Ca Mau operation prepared by, 251
funds for Thé provided by, 259
G-5’s work with, 231
Saipan, 229
Salameh, Ali Hassan, 313
Saltonstall, Leverett, 575
Samoa, 58
San Cristóbal, Cuba, 395
Sandinistas, 589
San Francisco, Calif., 6, 14, 29–30, 34, 39, 140, 339
Sanji Iwabuchi, 51–52
San Juan, Frisco “Johnny,” 139, 141, 242, 303
SAS, 131
Saturday Evening Post, 357
Saturday Review, 551
Saudi Arabia, 504
Scabbard and Blade, 20
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 35, 354, 373, 381, 395
Schlesinger, James, 576, 577
school busing, 565
School of Administration, 206
Schorr, Daniel, 577
Schwartz & Grodin, 30
Schwarz, F. A. O. “Fritz,” 580
Schweiker, Richard, 581
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Eddy), 13
Scientology, 14, 421
Scotton, Frank, 475
Scott Paper Company, 6
Scout Rangers, 131, 133
Scripps-Howard, 162
search-and-destroy missions, xxiv, 128, 505
Sea Swallows, 344–45, 346, 352
Secret Service, 389
Sects, Battle of, 260–64, 275–76, 296, 424
Securities and Exchange Commission, 21
Seeger, Pete, 482
Segall, Theodore H., 30, 31
segregation, 91, 439
self-immolation, xxii, xxvi–xxvii, xxxviii, 404
Senate, U.S., permanent intelligence oversight committee of, 585
Armed Services Committee of, 428, 503
Foreign Relations Committee of, 486
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of, 379
Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities of, 385, 575, 577, 578, 579–85, 586, 587
Senior Liaison Office (SLO), 464, 466, 484, 492–93, 497, 544, 595
departures from, 493–94
Service for Political and Social Study (SEPES), 283
Shackley, Ted, 392
Shadow over Angkor (film), 329
Shakespeare, William, 202
Shaplen, Robert, 356, 452
Shapley, Deborah, 366
Sharpe, Lawrence, 235
Sheehan, Neil, xlii, xliii, 403, 555
Pentagon Papers shared with, 544
Shell, 228
Sherry, Norman, 255
Shore, Dinah, 136
Sihanouk, Norodom, 329–30
Silverwoods department store, 28, 29
Simpson, Howard R., 222–23, 224, 288
and Battle of Saigon, 273
and uprising against Diem, 263
Singlaub, John K. “Jack,” 589, 590
Sino-Soviet split, 437
Skull Squadron, 78, 203
smash and grab raids, 383
Smith, Merriman, 419
Smith, Richard W., 220, 229, 230