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Evelyn (Fallen Angel Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Tracie Podger

  “I’m glad you’re dating my brother, Evelyn. He must have been so lonely here. I know your family took him in but it’s lovely to see him with a girlfriend,” she said.

  Had he told her I was his girlfriend? I assumed I was and if Adriana thought it too, hopefully that was the case. We hadn’t mentioned the time I had seen her cry and I didn’t bring up the conversation I’d had with Rocco about his family and their troubles. We chatted about DC, she had been able to do a couple of tourist trips, one to the White House and Capitol Hill and she gushed about it. The thing she loved the most was the abundance of clothes stores. I made a promise that I would send a couple of things out to her, there wasn’t the amount of choice back home, she had told me. I really liked her, she talked about me visiting and how her mother would love to meet me. Rocco returned before she could make plans.

  “You must bring Evelyn home, Rocco, meet mamma,” she said, draining the last of her wine.

  He stared at her without answering.

  “Come on, it’s time to go,” he said.

  It was clear that he was agitated as he strode to the car, leaving us trailing in his wake. I wasn’t sure exactly what had upset him but decided not to ask, not while Adriana was still with us. She seemed oblivious to it, chatting all the way back to the cousin’s house. He pulled on the front drive and without getting out, turned in his seat.

  “I’ll collect you later, drive you to the airport,” he said.

  She reached forward to kiss his cheek and mine before climbing out, waving and heading for the front door. He slumped slightly, sighing before he started the car and pulled away. I rested my hand on his thigh and we drove back in silence. The evening was still young and I hoped he wasn’t planning on taking me straight home. I was thankful when he took the turn towards his house. He was still brooding when we arrived and he turned off the engine. We sat in silence for a minute or two before he took a deep breath and turned towards me.

  “Sorry, I don’t like that she’s going home. I wanted her, and my mother, to come here, to leave the farm but they won’t.”

  “Will your uncle look after them?” I asked.

  “Yes, but I know they would be safer here. Come on, I don’t want to talk about them anymore, it will spoil the evening.”

  We made our way to the house and once inside he pulled me into his arms.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  I smiled up at him, raised my eyebrows and thankfully, his mood lifted and he laughed. Taking my hand, he led me to his bedroom. The bed was made this time, the room tidy and as he kicked off his shoes, I bunched his T-shirt in my hands and raised it over his head. I kissed him as he undid the buttons of my blouse, pushing it from my shoulders. We were desperate to rid each other of our clothes. He unclipped my bra and cupped a breast, his head bending to take the nipple in his mouth. As he did I popped the button on my trousers, letting them fall and stepped out of them. I clasped his head pulling his mouth to mine. This time I walked him backwards to the bed, I pushed at his chest until he fell, laughing. While he lay I slowly pulled down my panties, standing naked before him. He reached forward, grabbed my hand and pulled me down to lie on top of him. I loved the feel of his skin on mine, I loved the feel of his erection pushing through his jeans into my stomach and I ground myself against him. His moan caused a tightening in my stomach, just the notion that I was affecting him this much caused my heart to flutter, my breath to catch. I undid his jeans pulling them over his hips. His erection strained against his tight black shorts and I hooked my fingers either side, sliding them down to free him. I leant down and kissed his navel, I let my tongue travel down in that wonderful trail of hair until I found what I wanted. I wasn’t sure how well I was going to do this but I wanted to try, I wanted him in my mouth, to taste him. My tongue played over the tip of his cock, tasting a small bead of fluid that had escaped. It wasn’t unpleasant and I took him in my mouth. I heard him wince, then laugh.

  “Gently,” he said.

  I used my tongue as a barrier against my teeth and sucked him, like I would a popsicle. Judging by the fisting of his hands in my hair, by the way he raised his hips each time I took him further in my mouth and the moans, I must have been doing something right. However, it wasn’t long before my jaw ached. I replaced my mouth with my hand gently squeezing.

  “Show me how you like this,” I whispered.

  His hand covered mine and he guided me. I watched his face the whole time, his eyes were closed and his lips parted. Soon enough I got an idea of what he wanted. I pulled his hand away and continued on my own, watching with fascination the changes to his face, the tightening in his stomach muscles. I upped the pace and used my other hand to cup his balls, rolling them around, using my nails to gently scratch that smooth skin just behind. I watched as his hands gripped the bedding and I felt his cock twitching in mine. A hot, milky fluid erupted from him, coating my hand, his stomach, at the same time as he called out my name. I smiled, pleased with myself, I was obviously a quick learner.

  He opened his eyes and smiled at me, except I wasn’t quite sure what to do now. He reached across to his nightstand and plucked some tissues from a box, handing them to me with a laugh, I guess he had seen the look of confusion on my face.

  “Your turn,” he said as he pulled me towards him.

  I lay on my back as he propped himself on his elbow at my side. His hand trailed down my stomach and I parted my legs, ready for him. His fingers brushed against my clitoris, sending those wonderful shock waves through my stomach before pushing one then two inside me. I was still a little sore, there was a little burn but the feeling of his fingers inside me, stroking, was indescribable. My legs quivered, my heart rate increased and warmth spread over me. And then he did something, he pushed against a certain spot inside me and it was as if my body exploded around him. I cried out, I arched my back and I fell apart.

  Before I had gathered my wits, processed what had happened, Rocco moved on top of me, he placed a condom on himself and pushed into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, raising my hips with every thrust. He growled into my neck, the sound reverberating through my body and he fucked me hard.


  I didn’t see Rocco the following day, he had already told me that he had business to take care of and we were expecting my father back. I sat in the garden room after work, listening to Joey playing outside and thought about the last couple of days. Whenever I thought of Rocco, that quivering in my stomach returned. I wanted to spend every moment in bed with him and I missed his touch. We also needed to have that conversation. Were we a couple? Would we tell my father? In the back of my mind though, I knew I was holding back on that as much as he was.

  I heard the front door open, the sound of voices and knew my father had returned. His laughter brought a smile to my lips and I rose to greet him. I was pushed to one side as Joey ran through the room and into his father’s arms, squealing as he was lifted and swung around. With Joey on his hip, my father pulled me into an embrace.

  “Look at my beautiful children,” he said to the men surrounding him.

  I rolled my eyes, this was always his response when he hadn’t seen us for a couple of days. The men surrounding him had known me most of my life, but they laughed and played along. The last person to enter the house was Rocco, I smiled as I saw him and then frowned, he completely ignored me. He didn’t even look my way choosing instead to ruffle Joey’s hair as he made his way into my father’s home office. That hurt. Taking Joey from my father I headed back to the kitchen; papa would want coffee. Piling cups and a coffee jug on a tray I made to enter the office, the door was slightly ajar. I was pulled up short at the words I heard.

  “So, Rocco, I hear you have a girlfriend,” I heard my father say.

  “No, just having a bit of fun, Joe, no one important,” came the reply.

  An involuntary gasp left my lips and I saw Rocco look towards the door. I pushed it open with my hip and stumb
led in. Placing the tray on the desk I kept my head bowed, my face blistering as coffee spilt and burnt my hand.

  “Always so clumsy,” my father said, tutting.

  I rushed to the kitchen, running the cold water over my hand and trying desperately to not let tears falls. So I was just a ‘bit of fun’, was I? His words stung. I could hear him laugh at whatever was being said and all I wanted to do was to get out, to not hear him. I crept past the door, taking my jacket from the hook and left the house.

  I walked with no destination in mind but somehow found myself looking up at the large oak doors of the church. Making my way around the side, I headed for my mother’s grave. I missed her, all the time, but right now I wanted nothing more than to feel her arms around me, to comfort me and to whisper soothing words in my ear. I wanted to talk to her about what was going on in my body and in my mind. I sat on the grass, the dampness soaking into my jeans and let it all pour out. I don’t know for how long I sat, but the sun had set and the street lamps cast an eerie orange glow over the cemetery. I rose, brushed the grass from my backside and pulled my jacket around me, the temperature had started to drop as the night drew in.

  I knew my father would be anxious. Me being out, alone, at night was not something he liked. Although I knew I would be safe, people knew who I was, no one would harm me for fear of my family’s retaliation. I walked as quickly as I could back towards the house. The lights were blazing, the front door open and as I made my way along the path I heard someone call out.

  “She’s here.”

  My father rushed to the front door, he pulled me by arms and into his chest.

  “Where have you been? You know you don’t go out alone, at night,” he said.

  “Sorry papa, I just wanted a bit of fresh air. I’m fine, nothing to worry about.”

  “Nothing to worry about! One minute you’re here, the next gone,” he waved his arms dramatically in the air and I sighed.

  He turned to Jonathan, “Go find Rocco, tell him she’s back.”

  So Rocco had been sent or had he chosen to go find me? I wouldn’t ask but now felt bad for worrying my father. I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled at him.

  “Papa, I’m nineteen in a week, a big girl now,” I said.

  “You will always be my baby, bella, don’t forget that,” he replied.

  “I’m tired, papa, I think I’ll head off to bed.”

  I wanted to be alone and in my room before Rocco returned, I wasn’t ready to see him yet, his words still swimming through my mind.

  Chapter Three

  My father seemed to be busier than usual, I saw him briefly in the evenings when I returned from work. I hadn’t seen or heard from Rocco in three days. I missed him, terribly. I missed listening to his voice, the softness when he whispered to me. I missed his scent, the mix of cigarette and aftershave and I missed his body, the feel of him under my hands. As the days had moved on, I began to understand why he had said what he had. I knew he wouldn’t have told my father about us but he didn’t need to refer to us in that way. But I didn’t have the confidence to make the first approach. I could have visited my father at his office, Rocco would have been there but to have him ignore me again would have been torture.

  I hung on every word my father said, listening of any mention of him. I tried many times to drop his name into the conversation. A couple of times my father looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed together in question and I worried that I may have alerted him to my feelings. And on the fourth day, he came to me.

  It was a hot night, I had thrown the sheets from the bed and slept in a thin T-shirt, my body covered with a light film of sweat. I was woken, with a start, by a hand being placed over my mouth.

  “Shush, it’s just me,” Rocco said.

  As my eyes adjusted to the low light I saw him, kneeling at the side of the bed. He looked dishevelled and I could smell liquor on his breath. I nodded, letting him know I wasn’t about to scream.

  “What are you doing here?” I whispered.

  “I couldn’t stay away, I tried, but I can’t,” he replied.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand through his hair. I reached to turn on the bedside lamp. His eyes were bloodshed, his hair ruffled.

  “You’re drunk,” I said.

  “No, I was but not now. I needed to see you.”

  “You’ve ignored me all week, why now? It’s the middle of the night,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, Evelyn. We need to talk but I think your father knows, he has kept me away from the house. I’ve tried to find a reason to come here and he seems to be blocking it.”

  I sat up, as I did the T-shirt rose, exposing my panties. He rested his hand on my thigh, his thumb just brushing the edge of the plain white cotton and I closed my eyes, briefly.

  “No, if you want to talk, that’s what we’ll do,” I said, pushing his hand a little way down.

  “Not here, Ev, if he catches me in your bedroom, that will be it for us.”

  I nodded.

  “Tomorrow then, find an excuse to pick me up from work. I’ll tell papa that I’m going straight out, I won’t be home for dinner.”

  His hand rested on the side of my face and he leant forwards, his lips just brushing mine.

  “Tomorrow,” he whispered.

  He stood and left as silently as he had arrived. I lay for hours afterwards unable to get back to sleep and watched the sun rise, already counting down the hours until I would see him again.


  The day dragged unbelievably slowly, I watched the clock yet the hands didn’t seem to have moved from the last time I studied it. I was testy, lack of sleep didn’t agree with me and I snapped a couple of times at Mr Philips when he lost yet another round of papers I had given him to sign. He had asked me if I was okay, I apologised but as much as I needed someone to confide in, it wouldn’t be him. I had told my father that I was meeting with an old school friend after work, we would grab a pizza and they would drop me home, no need for a car. He seemed pleased that I was socialising and I felt just terrible lying to him.

  When five o’clock finally arrived I thought it best to wait outside. I didn’t want Mr Philips to innocently mention that Rocco had visited the office to my father, should he see him. I spotted his car and made my way over. When I settled into the passenger seat, Rocco started the car and drove off, no kiss hello, no touching. We drove for a few miles in silence before I watched him start to relax. As we hit the freeway, heading towards Great Falls, he took my hand in his. He gave me a smile and I too relaxed. The car windows were open, the breeze ruffled my hair and as the surrounding areas became more green, more rural, I took some deep calming breaths.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Somewhere hopefully no one knows us,” he said with a chuckle.

  He pulled alongside a small restaurant, the darkened windows not giving away what was inside, and I climbed out of the car. The restaurant was like stepping back in time. A cool interior, for which I was thankful, housed small wooden tables with chequered cloths. All the tables were set for two and along one side, larger booths. Rocco took my hand and led me to the furthest one from the door. At this early hour, the restaurant was empty save for one other couple sitting in the window. They didn’t acknowledge us and we settled down, sitting side by side.

  A waiter appeared with menus and once he left, Rocco turned to face me.

  “I can’t be sure but I think your father knows something. He has had me running all over the place this week. Whenever I’ve needed to speak to him, he arranges to be at the office, never at home.”

  “Do you think he would really be upset about us?” I asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I honestly don’t know, Evelyn. I do know that he often talks about you meeting a lawyer or a doctor. I doubt he would think I was good enough for you.”

  “That’s just stupid. It’s my choice who I see, and come on, can you imagine if I brought a lawyer home, a man of the law.”
I laughed at the irony of that.

  “What do you know, Ev? About what your father does?” he asked.

  “Not everything, of course. I know what he does isn’t legal though. I’ve seen the bundles of money, I’ve seen the guns, Rocco. And my mother confirmed it when she said that, although she loved papa, this wasn’t a life she wanted for me.”

  When I said those words I knew I had said the wrong thing. Pain flashed through his eyes and I reached out to hold his hand.

  “I can’t help who I fall in love with,” I whispered.

  He didn’t speak, he didn’t tell me he loved me back but he didn’t let go of my hand either. He squeezed, running his thumb over my knuckles. He went to say something but I placed my fingers over his lips and just shook my head. If he didn’t love me, I didn’t want to hear the words at that moment. I wanted just to have my fantasy for a little while longer. We scanned the menu, decided what we wanted and placed our order. Taking a sip of my wine I watched him. He was deep in thought, his jaw working from side to side, grinding.

  “You’ll have no teeth left if you keep doing that,” I said.

  He laughed and the tension seemed to lift. We chatted, me about my day at work and he told me about Jonathan’s new love. Patricia had come to meet Jonathan from work, surprising everyone there. Father didn’t encourage people to come unannounced, so I laughed when Rocco told me there was a thirty-second scramble to clear papers and things she shouldn’t be seeing. I didn’t ask what things he was talking about. I had learnt a long time ago it was best not to know what when on in that office. But I liked Jonathan, he had worked for my father ever since I could remember and I was pleased he had a girlfriend.


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