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Friends with Benefits

Page 12

by Anne Lange

  “How do you accidently discover such a thing?”

  Tyler detected a note of humor in her voice. “Another story for another time.”

  She pouted. “Fair enough. But what did you do? I mean, what types of things did you try?” She inched closer to him.

  “Some very light bondage, like we did with you tonight. Ties, blindfolds, a little spanking. Nothing too out-of-the-box, I promise.” Tyler watched his wife’s eyes brighten with curiosity. If he wasn’t mistaken, the possibilities turned her on. “Did you enjoy tonight?” Because of the angle, and the lack of lighting, he couldn’t see her blush, but he knew a pink stain tinged the skin on her face.

  “Yes.” She peered down at her hands. “Did you?”

  “Look at me.” She raised her head. “Watching my best friend touch my wife, kiss my wife, and fuck my wife, all while my wife lay spread eagled and tied to my bed; watching my wife suck her bottom lip, moan, and writhe in ecstasy, and seeing the look of unadulterated pleasure on her face as another man made her come…” He reached out, took her right hand and placed it over the hard bulge in his pants. His voice came out low, husky, filled with desire and emotion. “Oh, hell yeah. I’ve never been so fucking hot for you, sweetheart.”

  The moonlight splashed over her, giving her eyes a sensual, secret glow.

  “Would you like to do it again?”

  Her tongue came out to run across her bottom lip before she sank her teeth into it. She nodded.

  Tyler shivered. “You do understand I would never suggest this with somebody I didn’t know and trust? I don’t want you to get hurt or feel ashamed in any way. I could never tolerate an actual stranger touching you.”

  “I know.” She dropped her gaze. “But, where do we go from here? We call, he comes running, we fuck like bunnies, and he goes home? That screams wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. I don’t think I’m comfortable with that—for many reasons.”

  “Connor and I spoke after you came up here. He’s eager to play with us. I say we go for it. Would you be willing to let him stay here with us?

  “What about the house he’s renting?”

  “That’s only a temporary solution until he decides his next move. But I do think if he’s right here with us, things can happen more naturally.”

  Tyler watched as she let the idea roll around inside her head. If things went according to plan, this wouldn’t be temporary at all, but he pushed that thought from his mind for now. One step at a time.

  “What will the neighbors think?”

  “They’ll think we have company staying with us. If anybody asks, my friend recently moved to town and is thinking about his options. It’s the truth.”

  “Will he sleep in our bed?”

  “Do you want him to?”

  She shook her head and then shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Then he’ll stay in the guest room. We can play wherever, but we sleep in separate bedrooms until you decide otherwise.”

  “Do I have to feed him?”

  Now Tyler outright laughed. “You sound like we just bought a puppy.” She giggled. “Unless his cooking skills have improved, you may have to entice him with some of your fabulous cooking.”

  She grinned. “I’m OK with that.”

  “Good.” He stood and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her.

  She burrowed into his chest, smothering a yawn.

  He chuckled. “Let’s get some rest. Morning will be here before you know it, and I suspect you’re a little sore, and a lot tired.”

  Tyler knew his friend was larger than him in girth, and he was no small man himself. Taking the two of them in the same night had its consequences.

  “I love you, Tyler.”

  “I love you too, Angela.” He placed a soft kiss against the top of her head, and then tilted his head to rest his cheek against her hair. He closed his eyes and breathed in the fruity scent of her shampoo.



  “I can’t wait to do it again.”

  His chest vibrated with laughter, which ended with a groan. He pushed his erection against her. “Oh, baby, don’t worry. I don’t think you’ll have to wait long.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Did you leave anything over at the other place?” Tyler dropped the last of Connor’s boxes into the corner of the spare room, and then stretched, rubbing an ache in his lower back.

  “Of course.” Connor tossed a look over his shoulder, one that implied Tyler had a few screws loose. “All the furniture and my tools are there. I brought only the necessities.”

  “Well, you pack like a girl then.”

  “Fuck off.” Connor laughed.

  Tyler enjoyed hearing the laughter in his friend’s voice. Since their first night with Angela, three weeks ago, any time he’d spoken with his friend, the conversation had been strained. He’d tried to arrange opportunities for the three of them to get together again, anxious to move the relationship along, but Connor had always declined, citing meetings with his crew or the boss, or problems on the job. Tyler worried it might be something more, but didn’t want to press his friend.

  Then Connor had shown up at their front door with some of his stuff early this morning, saying he wanted to take them up on the offer of their spare room. They’d spend the rest of the day moving him in and setting him up in the spare room.

  “Come on. Let’s go see what Angie’s got for supper. I’ve got plans for the hot tub later, too.”

  Striding out of the room and down the stairs, with Connor on his heels, he followed his nose. The mouth-watering scents of onion, roasted garlic, and tomato beckoned him.

  Nearing the kitchen the not-so sweet sound of his wife’s singing stopped him in his tracks. She sang along to some top hit that played on the local radio station. The poor girl couldn’t carry a tune, but she loved to dance, and he wouldn’t hurt her feelings for the world. So rather than embarrass her, he switched directions, heading into the dining room to shut off the source, which would end the audition before he and Connor made an appearance in her domain.

  Connor laughed under his breath. Tyler turned, glaring, daring him to say a word. He zipped his lip, but Tyler noticed a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “Hey, honey,” Tyler called out before they rounded the corner. Pots, baking dishes, utensils, and food cluttered the counter. “Ah, are we hosting a dinner party?”

  Angela’s eyes narrowed to slits. “No. I just wanted to make something special for tonight. To welcome Connor into our home.”

  “You didn’t have to go to so much trouble on my account, Angela.”

  “Oh, it’s no trouble.”

  Tyler glanced around the kitchen. He wasn’t so sure about that. “So, what’s for supper?”

  “Lasagna, garlic bread, a salad. And I’ve made an apple crisp for dessert.”

  Tyler’s stomach grumbled. His wife may not be able to sing, but she sure knew how to cook. “Sounds great. Need any help?”

  “Nope. All under control. Why don’t you guys go for a swim? By the time you’re done, supper will be ready.”

  “Sounds good to me. Lugging all this guy’s crap from his rental to here tired me out.” Connor punched him in the upper shoulder. “Ow.”


  Angela snickered. “Connor, would you mind passing me that glass bowl down from up there?” She pointed to the shelf far out of her reach.

  “Absolutely.” With ease, he lifted the dish and handed it to her. She smiled at their new housemate.

  Tyler noticed the excited glow in her eyes, the flush in her cheeks. He loved to see her happy. He hoped she’d soon see the benefits of having two capable men around the house.

  * * *

  After dinner, Connor helped Angela tidy up the kitchen while Tyler set things up outside. He grabbed a bottle of wine, glasses, towels, and condoms. He lifted the lid off the hot tub, and steam rose from the water’s surface, the smell of chlorine stinging his
nose. A perfumed fragrance pack would fix that.

  He set up three chairs around a small table and placed a large citronella candle on the deck to supplement the stars that had begun popping out and to keep the mosquitoes at bay. All he needed now was some soft music.

  “Tyler? You out here?”

  “Back by the tub, Angie.”

  The murmur of her voice, together with Connor’s, emerged from the darkening night and into his little oasis of light.

  “Honey, this looks fabulous.”

  “We have Connor here to thank for that. You did a great job, pal. I’m impressed.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Grab a chair and I’ll pour some wine.” Tyler uncorked the bottle and poured three glasses. “So how’s the project going?”

  Connor cleared his throat and sipped his wine. “Fine. The construction trailers arrived earlier this week, and I’ve signed a contract with a local general contractor. He’ll arrange for the sub-trades we’ll need. The client and I still have a few things to work out, but the shovel hits the dirt next week.”

  “Good to hear. How long do you really think this one will last?” He hoped it would keep him around long enough to cement this new side to their relationship.

  “Eighteen months for sure. It’s a big job. In the past, I’ve gone in to do the initial planning and set up, and left the leads in place to co-ordinate while I traveled to other job sites. But this time I’m sticking around.”

  “Why’s that?” Angela’s soft words stroked along Tyler’s senses, igniting them. She always did that to him. Didn’t matter what she talked about. Just the sound of her voice turned him on.

  Connor paused. Tyler noticed his jaw clench for a moment before he answered.

  “I’m planning to start my own company. This area is ripe for infrastructure money, so there’s going to be lots of work to go around. I’ll need this client’s support, though, if I’m going to make a go of it here.”

  Odd. Why that would be? Tyler would have to ask him about it later. His wife settled back in her chair, tasted her wine, and peered at Connor over the rim. He wondered what thoughts ran through her mind.

  “So, sweetheart, ready for another fantasy tonight.”

  “What fantasy would that be? I thought we’d covered most of them already.”

  “So you’ve had sex in a hot tub before?”

  “Ah, no.”

  He grinned. Connor grinned. Angela blushed. In the dark, the candles gave off enough of a glow to highlight the stain creeping up over her cheeks.

  “Why don’t you stand up and take off your clothes.”

  She gasped. “Right here?”

  “Nobody can see. Connor did an excellent job creating a nice private haven for us back here.”

  Connor stood, walked over to the gate, and secured the latch. “There, now nobody can walk in on us.”

  “But…but, they’ll hear us.”

  “Didn’t bother you in the pool that day.” Connor grinned. A wicked gleam shone in his eyes as he stared down at Angela.

  “You’re not helping,” she sputtered.

  “I wasn’t trying to.”

  Angela snorted.

  Tyler chuckled. “Honey, it’s just of the three of us back here. It’s dark enough. Nobody will see, and unless you plan to scream to the heavens, nobody will hear.” He leaned forward, placed his forearms on his knees and spoke in a husky tone. “But if you want to scream, I won’t stop you. I could, however, have Connor try to capture it with his mouth if it will make you feel better.”

  * * *

  Oh, lord. These two guys would be the death of her. Could somebody die from too many orgasms? They both watched her. The shadows created by the flickering candles darkened their features, but the intensity in their gazes scorched her. Crickets began serenading them, competing with the occasional hum of distant traffic.

  “Angela, stand up and take your clothes off.”

  Tyler’s deep voice reverberated through her. He wanted a strip tease did he? Could she do that? Outdoors? God, these past few weeks and been a stream of firsts for her. But she had to admit, they made her feel pretty, sexy—that extra bit more comfortable in her body.

  Like many women, Angela had never been, and probably would never be, at total peace with her curves or the extra pounds here and there, but under their stroking gazes, she felt super-model perfect.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she gathered her courage and stood, her movements a tad jerky. “I’ve never stripped before.”

  “You undress every night, babe.” Tyler cocked a thick male brow at her.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I’m not asking you to swing around a pole, hon. Just take off your clothes. It’s not hard.”

  With two hungry sets of eyes glued to her every move, it most certainly was.

  “Would you like me to turn up the stereo?” Connor had shifted his chair a bit, so now he faced her square on.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “We’re waiting.” Her husband twirled his finger in the air, a hurry-it-up motion. Angela slipped out of her sandals and nudged them aside. The wood beneath her bare feet warmed from the earlier sun. Taking a deep breath, she raised her hands to the top button of her blouse, and with her eyes on her husband, slipped that first little pearl through the hole.

  Being very meticulous, she worked her way down the front, mentally counting to three between each one. When she reached the bottom, she rolled and shrugged her shoulders, letting the top fall over and slide down her arms. The piece of fabric landed at her feet with a soft plop. Next, she undid the snap at the waist of her shorts, eased the zipper down, and then with a hand at each side pushed the cotton over her hips. With the help of a little wiggle, her shorts joined her blouse.

  She knew she should feel silly. But standing before these two gorgeous men in her pale blue thong and bra, watching their eyes widen, their cheekbones flush, and their cocks bulge beneath their pants, Angela felt powerful. A feeling of control zinged through her. It made her nipples harden, her womb clench, and arousal flourish at the thought she had them captivated. They were profoundly turned on, and all she’d done was remove two pieces of clothing.

  She reached up behind her back and unclasped her bra. Holding one arm across her breasts, she pulled the straps down to the crook of her elbows. A male groan reached her ears. She smiled and shifted her attention to Connor. Keeping one hand across the cups of her bra at all times, she removed the garment. Then she leaned forward, stuck her chest out, and let it fall to join the rest of her clothes. The duo sucked in their breaths. She shimmied her shoulders, making her breasts sway back and forth.

  The last thing to go was her thong. Tired of this game now, she didn’t waste time. The little tease show had upped her excitement, soaking the tiny scrap of cotton and lace. With a finger under the band on each hip, she rolled the material down her legs and kicked it off her feet.

  Tyler rose from his chair and moved toward her. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned his head down until his lips hovered above hers.

  “You are the most beautiful woman.” His husky voice and his warm breath preceded his warm lips.

  She let her eyes fall closed and leaned into him.

  He released her face and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugged her close, and deepened the kiss. When he ended it, they were both breathing hard.

  “Mind if I join in?”

  A tingle of awareness rushed through her at Connor’s request.

  “Not at all.” Tyler stepped away and Connor took his place, his kiss as tender and potent as her husband’s. Unlike Tyler, Connor stood naked against her. His flesh sparked heat along her body in every spot they came together. Soon his breath sounded as harsh as hers and Tyler’s.

  “Why don’t we get in the tub?

  Connor released her and helped her up the step, holding her hand while she climbed over the edge and sank into the water. Then he followed. Tyler joined them. Angela was
n’t quite sure where to sit, but Tyler and Connor figured that out for her. They placed her between them, then each proceeded to lick and pet different parts of her body, from the top of her head to the ends of her toes and everywhere in between.

  She let her head fall back against the edge, and her eyes drifted shut. While one man played with her breasts, the other palmed her pussy. One dipped his tongue in her ear, the other nibbled her other ear lobe. While one kissed her, the other plunged his finger deep inside her, thrusting in and out, in and out.

  She moaned into Tyler’s mouth and arched into Connor’s touch. They’d spent so little time as a threesome, but she had no problem telling her husband apart from this other man, even with her eyes closed.

  Her climax built, moving her slowly toward an explosion, but neither man seemed in a rush. The heated water and foam of bubbles swirled around their bodies. A floral scent teased her nose. Overhead, a plane flew low enough Angela heard the drone of the engine. She opened her eyes and saw the blinking light passing overhead. Stars dotted the sky like glittering diamonds.

  “Honey, why don’t you stand up and kneel on the bench seat.”


  “I want you to suck my cock.”

  “You could just stand in front of me.” No matter how warm the air was, her skin always felt chilled when exposed to air over the heated water.

  “That would make it hard for Connor to fuck you from behind.”

  She stood and turned so she could kneel on her hands and knees across two of the formed seats. Tyler kneeled on a third seat in front of her.

  “Wait.” Tyler paused. “This isn’t going to work. I’ll sit on the ledge. Angie, you can put your hands on my knees and lean over to take my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, and then Connor can stand behind you. He can scoop water over your back to keep you warm.”


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