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Viktor: Heart of Her King

Page 5

by Julia Mills

  “Yes, sir,” Clara responded and then to Kat, she asked, “Milk or sugar?”

  “Yes, both, thank you.”

  Once they’d all been served, Clara exited the room and Roman began to speak. “Thank you so much for taking the time to come to us, Kat. As you know, Viktor and I found your proposal intriguing to say the least and wanted to hear more.”

  The fog that had clouded her mind upon meeting Viktor Katsaros was beginning to clear, and Kat finally remembered the room upgrade, flowers, and gift basket Viktor had given her upon her arrival yesterday. Not wanting him to think her uncouth, she immediately voiced her gratitude. “Pardon me for changing the subject, Roman.” She turned toward Viktor, avoiding direct eye contact with the hopes of keeping her much needed wits about her before she continued, “But I would be remiss and terribly rude if I forgot to thank you for the beautiful suite and gifts I found waiting for me when I checked in yesterday. It was totally unnecessary but I will admit to loving them all.”

  It was totally unprofessional and somewhat girlie but she had to admit to feeling a little giddy when he smiled at her and said, “You are most welcome, Katarina. It was my pleasure.”

  Resuming her professional demeanor, she spoke to both men, “Thank you both. The tech I am about to share with you is groundbreaking. I believe with all my heart, and the market research we have done supports my belief, that we have a real winner here. It is the cutting edge in graphics with almost limitless applications.”

  The rest of almost two hours was filled with one of the most interactive and energetic presentations she’d ever given. Kat was thrilled. Both Viktor and Roman had been engaged and asked thought provoking questions. Together, the three of them had hashed out the beginning of an agreement between KI and Roma Tech that was more than Kat could’ve ever hoped for.

  A little disappointed when Clara called through the intercom to tell Viktor his next appointment was in twenty minutes, Kat turned and hid her regret by shuffling papers. Their negotiations had been exhilarating and she didn’t want it to end. Unable to keep from stealing a glance at her host, Kat was shocked when Viktor looked her right in the eye as he instructed Clara to reschedule his other appointment and order lunch. Something important was hidden in his turbulent expression, something Kat was drawn to discover but didn’t know where to begin.

  Lunch came and went and before she knew it, the long shadows of evening were shining through the enormous wall of glass behind Viktor’s desk. During their meal Viktor stood, took off his black Savile Row suit jacket (the label became visible as he slung it over the back of his chair) that had obviously been custom tailored to fit him to absolute perfection, rolled up his sleeves, and loosened his tie. Kat’s brain had gone on autopilot as she shamelessly finished undressing the billionaire in front of her.

  In just his light blue dress shirt she could discern the definition of his well-toned shoulders and chest. Kat speculated for way longer than she should’ve what they would feel like if she ever had the chance to massage them. With his sleeves rolled up, more of the tattoo she’d first glimpsed on the back of his hand when they met became visible. It looked tribal, but the longer she stared the more she was able to discern simple design from actual Greek letters. Looking at the notepad in front of her, she was surprised to see she’d doodled some of those letters while listening to him speak.

  There is something hypnotic about that man? Shame I don’t mix business with pleasure.

  At six p.m. on the dot, Clara once again called into the office. “Will you be needing anything else, Mr. Katsaros?”

  “No, Clara, thank you. Have a nice evening.”

  “You too, sir.”

  “Well, it looks as if we’ve taken up your whole day, Kat. Do you have plans for this evening? The least we can do is entertain you while you’re in our city. As they say, all work and no play makes Kat a dull girl.” Roman said, chuckling at his own joke and still wearing the same grin as he had been wearing when she’d first arrived.

  A look, so quick she would’ve missed it had she blinked, shot across the table between Viktor and Roman. They were both so adept at schooling their expressions Kat wasn’t sure what to make of it, but all was forgotten when Viktor spoke. “Yes, Katarina, would you like to join us for dinner at Sanguinem?”

  I love the way he says my name.

  More tired than she’d ever been but also more energized, she accepted without a second thought. “Thank you so much. That sounds wonderful. Just let me go back to my hotel and change and I’ll meet you there. What’s the address?”

  Another look shot across the table, this time from Roman to Viktor as Katsaros interjected, “If it’s okay with you, we can take my car to the hotel. I need to check on the new chef and this is the perfect excuse for a surprise visit, wouldn’t you say?”

  “It’s fine with me. Are you sure it’s not an inconvenience?

  “Not at all.” The lilt had returned to Viktor’s voice, making something deep inside of Kat jump for joy.

  Ignoring her own craziness, she added, “Be sure to taste his rich tea biscuits. They are phenomenal.”

  Arching an eyebrow and grinning conspiratorially, Viktor all but whispered, “I just bet they are.”

  Chapter Four

  Sitting across from Katarina in the back of the limo, Viktor was at peace for the first time in his life. Watching the lights dance across the keeper of his heart’s face as Sampson expertly made his way through rush hour traffic to the Corinthia was cathartic. It fed his soul with the light it been deprived of since his awakening all those many years ago.

  When Carlyle had called early that morning to inform Viktor that his custos animae was having breakfast with a strange man, the ancient commander had become instantly enraged. Using the preternatural speed bestowed upon him by Zeus, Viktor had been dressed, in his car, and speeding toward the gate of his estate in mere seconds. Had it not been for the malfunction of his remote control, he would’ve been on his way to confront the man who dared to look at his mate and in direct violation of the very rule he’d had to reprimand Lee for the day before.

  Squeezing the steering wheel of his 1966 Aston Martin DB6 so hard the mahogany began to crack, Viktor had invaded Katarina’s thoughts. He looked through her eyes at the rogue whose heart he vowed to rip out if the cad stepped one toe out of line. Studying the man’s features, the supreme commander couldn’t help but feel as though he’d seen him before, even known him on some level. Searching his memory, running through year after year, century after century of faces, he found a few that were similar but none that matched.

  Viktor stayed connected to Katarina as he turned his car around, went back to his house, and prepared to meet his custos animae in person. Several times during his surveillance, the man across the table from Katarina would do something or say something that sparked a glimmer of recognition in the far reaches of Viktor’s mind. Unfortunately, it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

  It wasn’t until Katarina was safely tucked in a taxi and on her way to him that Viktor took his first deep breath since Carlyle’s call. She wasn’t safe out in the world. He’d been patient and followed all the rules. Taught and trained the six other Kings the way Zeus had instructed. Stayed away from his mate until she’d sought him out and now it was time for him to bring her home... to make her his. Viktor knew he was ready. It had, after all, been three thousand years.

  Everything was set when he arrived at the office just a few minutes ahead of Katarina. He knew the minute she crossed the threshold of his building. Counted the floors as she ascended towards the thirty-second floor. His heart beat faster every step she took closer to him after exiting the lift. Pride surged through him as he heard her appreciation of his art and looked forward to the day he could paint every square inch of her beautiful body.

  Katarina stood in awe of Poseidon’s Temple at Cape Sounion. Viktor vowed right then and there it would be the first place he took her after their mating. He imagined her bathing i
n all her naked glory in the waters of the Aegean. So moved by his thoughts, Viktor threw caution to the wind and closed the distance between them. Her scent permeated every fiber of his being. She was light and life and everything good in a world where he knew only of the dark and dank and evil.

  She turned to face him and time stood still. He’d known she was beautiful, had seen her hundreds of times through her own eyes, but it was a pale comparison to the impact her true beauty had on him in person. Katarina Romalesky had a vibrant spirit. She knew the difference between having it all and having nothing. At a young age, she’d suffered loss, known pain, and lived to tell the tale that inspired instead of discouraged. Everything about her ran deep. She took nothing for granted. Was thankful for every little thing she had. Gave of herself, her time, and her talents freely, without reservation and expecting nothing in return.

  The keeper of his heart knew how to laugh, was ready with a genuine smile, and had a laugh that lit up an entire room. Without a doubt she knew how to love and would fight to the death to protect those she held dear. Katarina was hope...his hope, and Viktor had no doubt he could live forever solely in her orbit.

  Looking into her eyes, he saw not the grey of ash and gravel, but the grey of goose down or the sky after the rain an instant before the sun breaks through. To say they were simply grey was an understatement, for as he looked into their depths, he saw shades of blue and green...even lavender. They shone like the polished grey moonstones the priests of his first life believed to have been formed from drops of moonlight and to contain the dreams of the ages.

  Her long, wavy hair flowed and danced like fire in the wind with her every move, impeccably framing her heart-shaped face. Viktor had no doubt it would rival the softest silk if he dared to run his fingers through it. Tiny freckles, almost undetectable by the human eye, dotted her nose, emphasizing the ivory of her flawless complexion.

  Katarina’s lips were the pale pink of the sweet oleanders that grew along the coast of Greece. They were opened just slightly, giving the only indication, other than her thundering heart, that she was as moved by their meeting as he. She was tall, with a figure that begged to be worshipped. He’d admired the fullness of her bottom before she turned around and envisioned the moment his hands would trace every sensual curve and erotic dip from her head to her toes.

  When she’d commented about her bucket list, Viktor had almost laughed out loud. His mate would have forever to do whatever she desired, whenever she desired it. There would be no need for a bucket list, he would make sure she wanted for absolutely nothing...for eternity.

  “You’re being awfully quiet over there, Viktor,” Roman commented in a tone that said he was up to no good.

  “Just enjoying the view,” was his only response as his double entendre was left hanging in the air.

  Katarina’s gaze flashed in his direction. Once again he was ensnared. For the next several heartbeats, they stared deeply into one another’s eyes. For the first time, Viktor attempted to mentally communicate with his mate. He started simply by sending the feelings of warmth and acceptance. Tuning into her heartbeat, he was pleased to hear it very quickly stutter before slowing to a nice even pace that matched his own. Smiling to himself, Viktor leaned farther back into his seat and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

  Once they reached the hotel, Katarina was a blur as she called over her shoulder, “I promise it won’t take me longer than fifteen minutes.”

  “Take your time, dilectum meum. We’ll be here when you return.” He knew she hadn’t understood the use of his native tongue but couldn’t resist showing her just a touch of affection.

  “I heard that,” Roman mused when Katarina disappeared behind the lift doors.

  “Yes, and?”

  “Oh nothing. I also felt your little experiment in the limo.”

  “Again, I say...yes, and?”

  “Nothing...” Whatever Roman was going to say was cut off by the ring of his cell phone.

  Pointing toward the kitchen, Viktor strode through the hotel he’d purchased just a few hours after Katarina had confirmed her reservation. It had always been in the plans for KI to purchase lodgings of some sort, and when he’d felt how much his mate loved the place simply from the pictures on the internet, he’d made an offer. Surprisingly, the previous owner was looking to vacate the hospitality industry, so as they say, it was meant to be.

  Being out of the public eye for almost twenty years was good for many things, the one most pressing was the ability to inspect his property without anyone knowing he was there. It was a little disconcerting that no one questioned a stranger in the kitchen but then again...they were extremely busy. He watched as the twelve occupants worked like a well-oiled machine chopping, cooking, and handing plates one right after another to the wait staff as they filed through.

  Viktor decided he’d speak to the chef at a later date. If Katarina was pleased with what she’d eaten, the supreme commander was happy—she was all that mattered. Besides, the kitchen was performing efficiently and there were so many succulent smells his stomach growled.

  I’m content...for now. Besides, Katarina is almost ready.

  Viktor strolled through the lobby pleased with his investment. It wouldn’t have mattered if no one was there and the property was millions in debt. His mate had dreamt about owning it and it was his duty to grant her every wish. Therefore, as soon as Katarina Romalesky became Katarina Katsaros, it would be hers.

  Turning the corner, he felt Roman’s frustration from across the room. Tuning into his second-in-command’s phone conversation, Viktor’s irritation soared as well. Moving as quickly as he could while still keeping the guise of being human, the supreme commander seized the phone from Roman and growled through gritted teeth, “Why, may I ask, do you have our satietas set up for tonight, Nikos? The dark of the moon is not for two more nights. Is there some pressing issue that will justify this change in our code?”

  “Well, just kinda happened. Morgan, my steward, called to say they’d all confirmed for tonight. I thought it was something either you or Roman had set up so I went with it. Then I mentioned it to Bain. He said to call you guys and that’s what I did. I thought we were all good until Roman got pissed. Do you want me to reschedule them?”

  Viktor contemplated how this could’ve happened and what consequences feeding early would have on the younger of the Kings, like Nikos. They had all done it before, but always out of necessity or when one had lost too much blood in battle, never over a scheduling issue. It all somehow seemed so mundane, so...human. In the end, the Unum decided it was better to go ahead with it since those loyal to them were already on their way to Sanguinem.

  “We’ll have to make an exception this time. Remember discretion, Nikos. Sometimes, that seems to elude you but tonight it is more important than ever. My custos animae will be with me. I will tolerate no mistakes, am I clear?” Then added, “And find out who gave the order for the change. I want to speak to the responsible party...personally. Disobedience will not be tolerated.”

  “Ita vero, Imperator.” Nikos quickly answered in the native tongue, letting Viktor know the young King understood the gravity of the situation.

  “Vale, Rex.” Viktor signed off in kind, still uneasy with the way the evening was unfolding.

  Introducing Katarina to his world in the right way was something Viktor had been planning since before she had taken her first breath. He knew she would immediately see him as a mere vampire because of his need for blood every new moon. Roman had made Viktor watch many of the movies over the years to prepare him for what his mate would think of him. There had even been nights he’d dreamt she’d tried to kill him with a wooden stake to the heart or had shown up wearing a garlic necklace. As comical as it was, this was not what Viktor wanted for his beautiful mate.

  It was going to be difficult to explain the difference between the fantasy of a blood-sucking ghoul and a King of the Blood, but Zeus had not left them totally unprepared. If Ka
tarina agreed to completely connect her mind to his she would then feel the truth of his words as he explained. Each King was left to decide how to illuminate his custos animae to the truth of their kind.

  Viktor thought it important that she know how he had come to be. How he had carefully chosen the other Kings. How much it meant that he was given the honor of spending eternity by her side. Katarina had to understand she was the only woman he could ever bring into their race. In all matters, she was the keeper of his heart. Without her, he was doomed.

  She would be his only nourishment after transformation and he would be hers. Without her, Viktor would cease to exist. Literally returning to the ether from which he came. As with everything in their very long lives, there were rules. She had to first accept him for what he was and then accept the fact that she too was to become one of their kind. Only her willing acquiescence would seal their bond.

  Because Viktor was the oldest and his three thousandth year was less than three months away, he had to move quickly. Could make no mistakes. Had to enlighten Katarina about their future as soon as possible and receive her blessing. Tonight was the last night he could be nourished by any other. Without Kat’s love...he would die. It was that simple.

  “Heads up,” Roman whispered low enough that only they could hear, signaling just as his lovely mate appeared behind the opening lift doors.

  She is perfection.

  Her hair was now up in a ponytail that bounced from side to side as she walked toward him. Her long lashes were darker and her hypnotic eyes had been outlined in kohl. His heart skipped a beat when just the tip of her tongue wet the red lipstick on her bottom lip. It was the thing sonnets were written about.

  Her jacket and silk blouse had been replaced with a smoky grey sweater that showcased her ample bosom without being crude. Viktor growled a warning, reminding Roman of the penalty of looking too long at Katarina. The resulting chuckle from his second-in-command reassured the Unum there would be no mistakes.


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