by Stephen Case
political categories of, 18
profiteering, 73
treason and justice system during, 229–30
rings, 121
Robertson, James, 190
Robinson, Beverley, 130, 139, 142, 144, 157, 200
Robinson House, 130, 132, 132–33, 136, 138
Roebuck (British ship), 20, 42
Ross, Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy,” 6
Rowe, Nicholas, 107
Royal Gazette letters, 178
Schuyler, Elizabeth, 166, 182
Schuyler, Philip, 36, 123–24
Serapis (ship), 95
Sewall, Jonathan, 203
Seward, Anna, 30, 35–36, 198
sexual misconduct, 7, 15, 43–44, 78, 204
Shippen, Edward (brother), 11, 23–24, 206, 223
Shippen, Edward (great-great-grandfather), 6–7
Shippen, Edward, Jr. (father)
Arnold’s marriage request, 83–85
on Common Sense, 20
daughter’s exile, 174, 176, 177
daughter’s financial management, 223
daughter’s relationship to, 15–16
description, 12
early years, 9–10
letters to father on birth of daughter, 2
marriage, 10–11, 83
Meschianza and, 48–49
Mount Pleasant estate management, 223
political career, 10, 177, 206
portrait of, 215
property ownership, 202
residences, 3, 20–21, 22–23, 24, 194
revolutionary position of, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
as slave owner, 3
son’s capture by Washington’s army, 23–24
tax legislation opposition, 16–17
wartime arrests, 24
wartime finances, 72–73
wife’s death, 215
Shippen, Edward, Sr. (grandfather), 2, 7–9, 10, 16, 18, 193
Shippen, Elizabeth “Betsy,” 11, 20, 22, 82, 84, 113, 116, 205, 206
Shippen, Joseph (brother), 9
Shippen, Joseph (great-grandfather), 7
Shippen, Margaret Francis (mother), 10–11, 83, 202, 205–6, 214–15
Shippen, Margaret “Peggy.” See Arnold, Margaret “Peggy” Shippen
Shippen, Mary, 11, 45, 48, 176, 206
Shippen, Nancy, 177
Shippen, Sarah, 11, 45, 48, 49, 176, 206
Shippen, William, Jr., 5, 20, 113
Shippen, William, Sr., 5
Shoemaker, Anna, 189
Shoemaker, Rebecca Warner Rawle, 188–89, 195
Shoemaker, Samuel, 188–89, 200
Simcoe, John Graves, 191
Skinners, 147, 152
slavery, 3, 172, 193
smallpox, 196
Smith, Joshua Hett
André descriptions by, 97
André socializing with, 36
arguments with Arnold’s aides, 139, 149–50
Arnold’s post-escape letters on, 163
conspiracy André/Arnold meeting, 136, 140, 141, 142, 143–44
conspiracy André escort to New York, 144–49
as Robinson House guest, 138
trial and verdict, 146, 181
Smith, William, 136, 148, 178, 194, 200
Smith, Williamina, 197
smuggling, 59
Sneyd, Honora, 30–31
Sons of Liberty, 18, 61
St. John, New Brunswick (Canada), 201–2, 203–5, 207–8
Stamp Act, 16–17, 59
Stansbury, Joseph, 73, 101–9, 126
State House, 54–55
Staunch Whigs, 18
Stephenson, Theodore, 227
Stirling, Sir Walter, 196
Surratt, Mary, 229
Talleyrand, 215
Tallmadge, Benjamin
André burial, 186
André capture and detention, 152, 153, 180–81
André friendship, 185
Continental Army intelligence, 123, 136
defection invitation from Arnold, 178–79
Tarleton, Banastre, 197
tea boycotts, 19
Thacher, James, 136
theater, 41–42, 99
Tilghman, Elizabeth, 82, 84, 88, 90
Tilghman, Tench, 20
Timid Whigs, 18
Tories. See Loyalists
treason, and revolutionary justice system, 229–30
trials, 181–83, 184
Trumbull, Joseph, 79, 123
Valley Forge camp, 39, 44, 52
Van Horn, Kitty, 97
Van Schaack, Peter, 198–99
Van Wart, Isaac, 152
Varick, Richard
as Arnold’s aide and conspiracy threat, 136, 137–38, 139–40, 141
Arnold’s post-escape letters on, 163
arrest of, 164
Shippen Arnold gratitude toward, 169–70
Shippen Arnold hysteria, 160–61
Shippen Arnold kindness toward, 155, 169
Smith arguments with, 149–50
Vasa, Gustavus, 105–6
Vulture (ship), 139–41, 142–44, 157
Walker, Lewis Burd, 48
Walpole, Horace, 95
Washington, George
André confession letter to, 153–55
André execution and appeals, 182, 183
André secret papers, 153
André trial, 181
Arnold birth congratulations, 119
Arnold conspiracy discovery, 161–62
Arnold court-martial case and reprimand, 86, 90–91, 106–7, 109, 118, 119
Arnold kidnapping plan, 190–91
Arnold promotions and assignments, 67, 109, 118
Arnold West Point command, 123–24, 126–27, 128
capture and release of Shippen soldier, 23
Chew, Peggy, wedding attendance, 57
intelligence tricks, 122
Morristown camp, 94
on Philadelphia indulgences, 79–80
Reed’s betrayal letters, 77–78
Robinson House visit, 139–40, 149, 155, 156, 158
secret conferences, 138–39
Shippen Arnold hysteria, 1, 162
as Shippen family houseguest, 5, 17–18
Valley Forge camp, 39, 44, 52
wartime battles and movements, 22, 23, 38, 54, 126
West Point visit, 158, 160
Wayne, “Mad Anthony,” 55
West Point
Arnold’s escape plan and, 158
Arnold’s military advice on, 190
protection of, 164
residences at, 130, 132, 132–33, 136
takeover conspiracy plan, 122–25, 126–29, 132–33
Washington’s visit to, 160
Wharton, Joseph, 47
Williams, David, 152
Wilson, James, 115
womanizing, 43–44
hair styles and political loyalties, 56
and hysteria, 127
poems about, 14–15
pregnancy and risk, 113
roles of, 6, 14
social behaviors and, 15
treason verdicts and, 229–30
Wooster, David, 65
Yorktown, 194
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