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Better (The Change Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Melanie Jayne

  “Without him, where would you be?” She glanced at the two guys getting out of the pool, but her eyes travelled over Forde’s muscular arms and chest.

  “Lost, but I’d be a better person for knowing and loving him,” I said, and then headed toward them with their towels. I was done trying to communicate with stupid.

  “Layla, did you see me beat dad that time?” Ryan yelled although I was within arm’s reach.

  “I sure did. I hope there was a bet involved,” I said, tossing him a towel.

  “No bet, thankfully.” Forde smiled so big that the corners of his eyes crinkled.

  “I’ll email you all the photos and video,” I said as Ryan dried his hair.

  “Cool, Lay.” And then, he’d flashed his father’s charming grin.

  I glanced at Forde as he was running his towel over his chest. “I already sent it to you and Tye.”

  His smile made my knees weak. “You and Tessa have a nice talk?”

  I should have known. “Do you miss anything?”

  “Nope.” After he wrapped the towel around his hips and pulled me closer, careful not to get me wet, he’d kissed my cheek. “Was she being a bitch?”

  I shrugged. “I gave as good as I got.”

  Ryan made his way over to his mother and was talking to her.

  “Don’t let her be rude to you.” His arms tightened for a fraction of a second. I knew that he was telling me that he had my back, which I already knew.

  “I tried telling her I’m not going to replace her as mom, but the shitty comments have to stop.” I kept my volume low. No way did I want Ryan to overhear.

  “What did she say to that?” he’d asked, raising an eyebrow.

  I looked away and bit down on my lip. I really didn’t want to tell him. I wasn’t worried he would rekindle anything with Tessa. Forde didn’t have time for games.


  I tried to smile confidently, but it felt so fake. He probably saw right through it. “She said that if she tried, she could get you back.” I’d felt stupid telling him.

  “Christ, she is a piece of work.” He glanced upward as if he was asking for strength.

  “I told her to try.” He was holding me, his body leaning as much into mine as I was into his. Yeah, bring it, Tessa. I dare you.

  “Hey, mom has to go get a massage, so can I hang out with you guys?” Ryan yelled in our direction.

  I gave Forde a squeeze. I loved it that Ryan wanted to be around us.

  “Sure buddy.” Forde’s voice was warm.

  When we neared Tessa and Ryan, she put her phone away and looked at her watch.

  I tried to organize a game plan. “Why don’t you guys hit the showers, and then we’ll head back to the condo? Tessa, if you agree, we can drop Ryan off at your hotel after dinner…?”

  “Oh, that’s right, you three are going to dinner.” Tessa stressed the three part.

  “Can I, mom?” Ryan was so eager, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and it looked like he was dancing.

  “If that’s what you want.” Tessa gave in.

  “While they get dressed, I’ll get you a cab back to your place.” I’d had enough Tessa time. We weren’t giving her a ride.

  “Aren’t you sweet,” she’d said in that fake voice.

  “No, not really.” Not to her.

  That had made Forde laugh.

  At the condo, the guys disappeared into the man cave, and I printed all of the lists for Saturday night’s party, and started to review them. About an hour later, Ryan wandered in.

  “Hey, do you want a snack?” I knew the kid was a bottomless pit.

  “Maybe.” He headed to the refrigerator. “This kitchen is so cool.”

  “I know you like to eat. Do you like to cook, too?”

  He pulled out two individual Jell-O containers. “If I said yes, would you think that’s weird?”

  “Nope. I’d say that in this day and age, with the way you eat, you’d better be able to cook or you’d starve to death in two days.”

  “My grandpa says it’s a sissy thing to do.” Ryan looked away as he moved to open drawers.

  “Spoons are in the next one, to your right.” I waited until he found one. “I don’t know what it’s like in Texas, but here in Indiana, badass men can cook.”

  “Really?” His eyes widened.

  “I know a guy who worked undercover with a biker gang, and he’s still pretty scary. He made us dinner, and it was amazing.” I gave a nod to push my point. “You’ll meet him at the party. In fact, he’s helping me with the menu.”

  Ryan opened the second container and pulled a chair next to mine. “So what are you going to have?”

  “Here’s the list. I’m going to the grocery store tomorrow. How many carts do you think I’ll fill up?”

  He started looking at the list, and after a few minutes he sort of froze. He gave me a guilty look. “Uhm, do you think my dad is mad I stopped playing the game with him and I’m in here with you?”

  I reached over and ruffled his hair. “Was he losing?”

  “Kind of.” Ryan gave me a little smile.

  “Here’s the deal with Forde. He’s really honest. He’ll want you to be the same with us. Do what makes you happy.”

  Ryan stared into my eyes for a few seconds, just like his dad did when he was trying to see if I was being truthful. Finally, he nodded.

  “It’s really important that you be yourself with us, since we’re getting to know you. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. Just be you.”

  “Really?” Ryan leaned forward onto his arms.

  “Yeah.” I was finding that with Forde, all of that was true.

  “Hey, did she lure you into the kitchen with a promise of cookies or something else she can bake up in a few minutes?”

  I jumped, then gave Forde a scowl. I’d never get used to how silently he moved.

  “Cookies? You didn’t say anything about cookies.” Ryan gave me an accusatory look.

  “We have a reservation in an hour,” I reminded them.

  Forde moved closer and picked up one of my five lists. “Is she asking you questions about the food for the party?”

  “It’s okay. I kind of like cooking stuff.” Ryan watched his dad closely, waiting for his reaction.

  “That’s so cool. What can you make?” Forde asked him without a pause.

  I loved watching Ryan’s demeanor change. He sat a little taller in the chair as he started to list his specialties.

  “It’s going to take you at least two carts to get all of this stuff.” Ryan waived my three- page shopping list in the air.

  “Maybe Tony can help me tomorrow afternoon?” I started to make a note to ask him.

  “I can go,” Ryan said.

  “Man, I’ll pay you if you’d help out like that,” Forde told him.

  “Are you sure that’s how you want to spend your Friday afternoon?” I hoped he wasn’t offering to be polite or to impress us.

  “Well, someone needs to help you.” Ryan rolled his eyes sounding like his dad.

  “Thanks, now I feel like a charity case.” I bumped my shoulder into his.

  “Son, I’d appreciate it if you would help out.” Forde gave us both one of his warm smiles.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I was so happy that I could drive myself once again. I felt like I did the day I got my license. Freedom. The guys had discussed things late last night, and the consensus was that I’d be safe. Rick had talked to his equal from the Cancerberos side and was assured they had no problem with me.

  Forde gave me the good news right after my first cup of coffee by handing me a set of keys to one of Limited’s Expeditions. Then he blew my mind by mentioning we’d go car shopping the next week. He’d suggested a Lexus. I told him I wouldn’t be comfortable driving a car that cost more than most of the places that I’d lived in growing up. So, the cheeky man then proposed a used Lex
us. Ugh, he was impossible in the best way.

  After he left for work, I went shopping for paper products and a few extra pans since the condo’s kitchen supplies were few. I’d hurried home and unloaded with the help of a security guard. Tony and Zoe were coming over that night for pizza and to go over the final plans for the party. I hoped that Ryan would join us, because Forde wanted to introduce him to our friends.

  My cell rang just as I was making a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. “Lay.” The rumble in Forde’s voice made my inner-most muscles spasm.

  “How’s lunch going?” I asked. He’d had plans with Ryan.

  “Rick’s with us, and we’re going to be done in about thirty.”

  “Do I need to pick Ryan up?” I glanced at the clock and ran a quick timeline in my head.

  “I’ll drop him off at our place,” Forde said.

  “Thanks, that way I can eat my sandwich.”

  “I should have offered to pick up lunch for you,” he said, sounding apologetic.

  He was so thoughtful. “No worries. I’m good. See you soon.”

  “Love you, Lay.” He ended the call.

  I wish he would have stayed on the line a little longer. I would have replied in kind. I was ready.

  I’d been practicing saying those three words. I was sure I was in love with Lucien Forde. It might be crazy, but well, my life was a little crazy in an awesomely unconventional way.

  Ryan and I each pushed a shopping cart filled with bags through the grocery’s automatic exit doors. At some point in the last hour and a half, he had become the leader and I, the minion.

  He read from the list, and I ran around looking for the item. We worked well together. He joked and was easy-going, a joy to hang with. As we made our way to the Expedition, I took over the lead with Ryan trailing behind me.

  The store had been surprisingly busy, and the parking lot was crammed full of cars with more circling trying to find a better parking place. The wind had picked up. I was preoccupied with controlling the unwieldly cart when I should have been paying better attention to my surroundings.

  When we got to the SUV, I hit the unlock button so Ryan could pop the back gate. I put my purse behind the driver’s seat and started the unloading process. We had one cart packed with the heavy items, and then the other cart was filled with the rest.

  I’d just put three bags in the back, and was turning to grab more, when a black, four-door sedan stopped right behind us.

  I didn’t have time to think as three doors opened and men jumped out.

  Ryan was leaning over putting his load in.

  I knew we were in danger. I took a step toward Ryan and shoved him, hard. “Run,” I told him.

  “What?” he sputtered looking shocked and confused.

  There was no time. “Run Ryan,” I yelled, and then I moved toward the man closest to me, pulling the keys from my front pocket, cutting him off.

  The man made a grab for my arm, and I raked his face with the car key.

  I took that second of surprise to run in the opposite direction, away from the store, hopefully in the opposite direction of Ryan’s path. I didn’t get very far; my pursuers were faster. I tried to the fight the arms wrapped around my chest, and I kicked at a leg. As I fought, I was desperately trying to see whether Ryan had gotten away. His safety came first. I wanted to give him that chance.

  The guy holding me dragged me back to the car and threw me against it. My hip took most of the impact, numbing my entire leg, before I could recover, everything went black.

  I was slowly coming to. My muscles jerked and flexed, and I tried to surface. Part of my brain wanted to stay under. The other part, I’ll label it my survival instinct, needed to see what was happening. How bad was this?

  Slowly, I became aware that I was secured to a wooden chair. My arms were folded behind my back, and each ankle was bound to a chair leg. I couldn’t run, no matter how much my animal instinct wanted me to. The only thing that kept me from busting into sobs was that I was pretty sure Ryan wasn’t in a chair next to me. Relief poured over me. At least I’d done one thing right; I’d kept Forde’s son safe.

  “The bitch is coming around.”

  The male voice to my left caused me to lift my head. The muscles in my neck screamed in pain. Christ, how long had I been out? I scanned the room. It looked like I was in the utility room of an older house. It smelled of dampness and old food. The floor had cracked tile and a huge sink in the corner to my right.

  A large man with dark, shaggy hair and small, mean eyes stood in front of me. He gave me a cruel smile as he backhanded me.

  The slap rattled my brain. I shook my head, trying to clear it. I needed to think. I ran my tongue around my parched lips and tasted blood. I waited until my brain was capable of doing simple math before I looked up again.

  “You challengin’ me, cunt?” He hit me again.

  This asshole thought eye contact was a challenge? What was he, a wild animal? I felt a hysterical laugh start in my belly. Of course, he was.

  I kept my head down, and it took a while for my brain to fully click on. Before all this shit, I’d never been hit in the face before or by a man. I didn’t like it, and frankly, I was tired of it. All of it. I couldn’t defend myself being bound. The plastic zip ties cut into my wrists and ankles as I pulled against them. I was getting frustrated and annoyed. My cheek ached and a few of my teeth might be loose. I could still taste the blood from my lips being split. “If I raise my head are you going to hit me again?” I asked trying to sound reasonable. Don’t antagonize him, the voice roared in my head.

  “Between the big tits and her fire, no wonder Forde’s fuckin’ her.” This voice came from the doorway.

  I lifted my head just enough to get a clear look in the direction of that voice. This one was dressed nicely, in a button-down shirt in a deep purple and gray, wool-blend pants. His shoes were so shiny I could almost check out how much damage the big guy had done to my face. He looked like someone who worked behind a huge desk in a downtown office. He pushed away from the doorway and moved into the room. Clearly, this man was in charge.

  “I’m not going to hit you, Mrs. Shepherd.” He squatted in front of me.

  I caught the word choice immediately. He didn’t promise not to hurt me, only not to hit me. “Who,” the word croaked from my throat. “Who are you?” I looked him in the eye.

  He grinned, and it was disarming. He had a dimple. I almost believed he was harmless, but I knew better. “How rude of me, I’m Javier Moreno.”

  I had not heard of Javier. But that last name…

  “Juan was my cousin,” he said, as though he could read my mind.

  I nodded once. So Vador still had a problem within his Cancerberos ranks, and the Morenos weren’t done with me.

  Javier raised his hand slowly, and I flinched instinctively.

  “Shh, easy, chica.” He ran his hand lightly over the side of my mouth, and it came away bloody. He looked at his hand, and then at me. “So much blood has spilled. My family and yours, they are forever tied.”

  His gentle touch and tone were no comfort. I stopped breathing until I felt my heart pound in my chest. I ordered my body to take a breath. I needed to be smart about everything I did.

  “Who was the boy?” his tone innocent, almost like he was making casual conversation.

  I knew better. If I didn’t look into his eyes, I might be able to convince myself he wasn’t dangerous. But his eyes were burning brightly, and they were focused on me. This was exciting him.

  He scraped his index fingernail along my cheek, leaving a raised trail.

  The control he showed was terrifying. It took everything I had not to flinch away from his scratching.

  “You don’t have a son.” It came out as a statement.

  “A frr-friend’s,” I said, hating that I stuttered. “I’m not supposed to do any heavy lifting.” I lied, but I thought it added to my story.

  “Very good,” his voice was almost a purr. “I told my men to collect you. It was fortuitous that my men chose to follow my instructions.” He looked toward the man with respect issues who was leaning against the far wall. “Caesar, he likes to inflict pain. He could’ve shot your companion, and that would have been more blood on your hands.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment. I sent a silent thank you for our luck regarding Ryan’s safety.

  “Enough with the niceties, Javier.” A third man joined us. He had to be a Moreno. I was starting to see the family resemblance. They all had slender builds and soulless, dark eyes.

  “We are not monsters, Mateo. Mrs. Shepherd has been respectful, except for the slice to Caesar’s cheek. We were simply getting to know one another.” Javier glanced back at me and I wanted to disappear.

  Mateo moved closer until he stood over me. He smelled like cheap cologne and sweat. “Who ordered the hit on my brother, bitch?” He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back at a sharp angle.

  “I-I don’t know,” I said, answering honestly.

  He jerked my head again, and the chair tipped back onto two legs. “Was it Forde? Did he order my brother killed?”

  Some of his spittle landed on my cheek. It felt like acid against my skin. “No, he said no.”

  I heard Javier chuckle. “I like that you asked him, chica. You sleep with danger, you should recognize it.”

  “Then it was Vador.” Mateo still held my hair, but let the chair fall back to all four legs.

  “I don’t know.” My voice broke.

  “Marlena, I’d like to call you Marlena…?” Javier came back into my line of sight. “I’d like to think you’re being truthful, but I am unsure.” His voice was hypnotic. Gentle, yet I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

  “Cut her,” Mateo spit out. “Make her tell us what she knows.”

  Javier smiled, and I felt my stomach drop. He made a few “tsk” noises. “So impetuous, my cousin. Let’s try another way, first.”


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