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Better (The Change Series Book 2)

Page 22

by Melanie Jayne

  I ended that call with, “I want my woman back in one piece. You know what I’m capable of. Think carefully about your next move.”

  I motioned for Tessa and Ryan to come with me. My plan was to drop them at the condo with Tye. My phone rang. Jenn’s number flashed on my screen. “Give me something, Jenn.”

  “I emailed lists of real estate in Marion and Hamilton counties. I need someone to come up with a statement for the press. I’m getting killed with calls from the local blood suckers.”

  Fucking scavengers. I glanced out the window. The local television station’s trucks lined the opposite side of the street. “I’ll get Tye on that.” He’d love the screen time. I motioned for Tessa, Tye, and Ryan to follow me.

  “Last thing. Tony Alessi called. God, that guy is pure ice. He requested you call him. He used that word, but clearly it wasn’t really a request.” Jenn ended with a huffing sound.

  “He’s former A.T.F..” I beeped the locks of the SUV, and Tye took shotgun.

  “Later,” Jenn hung up.

  I looked at Ryan and Tessa in my rearview mirror. Once they put their seatbelts on, I put the SUV in gear, and we took off. “This is what I need. You,” I pointed at Tye, “I need you to do a statement. Say little, but enough to get the media off Jenn’s ass.”

  “No problem,” Tye nodded.

  I glanced back at my other passengers then returned my gaze to the street. “I’m going to drop you two off at my place. You’ll be there with Tye.”

  Tessa started to speak, but Ryan shushed her.

  “I’m putting you there because it’s secure, and I want you all in one place.” I glanced at my son in the rearview mirror.

  “Gotcha Dad,” Ryan said.

  I pulled Tony’s name up on my phone screen and tapped it.

  “Thanks for calling,” Tony said, answering on the first ring.

  “Shit’s happening. What’s up?” I tried to keep the impatience out of my tone.

  “Zoe got an alert on her phone. We saw a news report on TV.” He sounded concerned and angry at the same time.

  “There’s a problem within the ranks of the Cancerberos. It looks like the rebels took her.” I didn’t think I needed to elaborate.

  “Your location?”

  “Heading to my condo. I want Ryan and his mother to stay there.”

  “We’ll meet you there in twenty,” Tony said, his words clipped.

  “I don’t have time,” I told him.

  “I’m going with you,” Tony said. “Think of it as my job interview.”

  I figured that Lay had filled Zoe in on the news about Ryan. “Zoe can keep everybody in line.”

  “Zoe is an excellent shot, so they’ll be in good hands.” There was a note of pride in Tony’s voice.

  I tried to picture the very pregnant Zoe with a gun in her hands. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Then you can try and stop her. She’s worried and it’ll give her something to do. Plus, I hear your ex is a handful. Zoe will deal with her just fine.”

  I had to admit, I liked the idea of Tessa going up against Zoe, who could put you in your place with one look.

  “In twenty,” I bit out.

  “Eighteen.” Tony was ice cold.

  I liked it.


  I parked illegally in front of my building. Zoe was seated in the lobby, talking to the doorman. Tony paced with a large duffle bag over his shoulder. I knew what he was packing.

  I did introductions in the elevator on the way up. Once inside, Tony set Zoe on the living room sofa. She had a nine millimeter sitting beside her and a freshly charged phone on the armrest. Tye headed to my office to write the press release. I moved to the bedroom and went to the gun safe at the back of our closet. It was well hidden. I took more than I needed. I stopped back in the office and handed a Glock to Tye.

  “Be smart,” I warned him.

  “Always, brother.” He tried to grin but failed. “Go get our girl.”

  I walked back to the living room and saw Ryan working in the kitchen. Tessa had taken a seat at the breakfast bar.


  He paused his movement, giving me his full attention.

  “You watch out for your mom.”

  He ran to me.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “You did good, son.” I kissed the top of his head.

  “They might hurt her,” he said into my chest.

  “She’s smart, and she’s strong,”

  “But…” He sobbed.

  I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to go there. I couldn’t.

  Tessa walked to her son and gently disentangled his arms from my waist. “Ryan, if Forde says Layla is all those things, then that’s a good start. She’s going to do everything right so that Forde or the police find her. Look how smart she was. She told you to run so you could call the police.”

  “I’m scared,” Ryan said, wiping his face.

  “So am I,” I said honestly.

  “Ready?” Tony walked into the kitchen.

  “Let’s go.” I gave Ryan one final look and strode toward the door.

  Zoe was on her feet and kissed Tony’s cheek at the door. “Be safe.”

  He placed his big hand on her belly. “Always, love.”

  I waited until I heard her throw the lock then we left.

  We drove through the Cancerberos’ turf and the buffer zones surrounding it. My guys worked their contacts, and Jenn was following up on any paper trails. Tony and I listened to the police radio and talked very little.

  “Four,” Tony growled.

  “Four what?”

  “If there’s no ransom call, then a hostage is usually alive for four hours.”

  I looked at the clock on my dash. We were past two. I tried to push through the dark thoughts. Layla was savvy. She would stall. Christ, I wished I’d gone over more things with her.

  “It’ll be longer if they play with her,” Tony’s deep voice rumbled.

  My pulse raced. I continued driving. After five minutes, I warned, “You know there’s going to be a point where I tell you to walk away, right?”

  “Yes. And no.” He was scanning the street.

  “Don’t be stupid. You got a wife and a kid on the way. You don’t want to get caught up in this, if…” I couldn’t finish that sentence. I took in a deep breath and held it. I needed to stay in control.

  “I appreciate you lookin’ out for me. The deal is that me and Zoe live every day with a price on my head. I’ve got my own code, and Zoe knows it and is cool with it. You do what you need to do, and I’ll be at your back.” He shifted in his seat.

  I caught a glimpse of his weapon sitting on his lap.

  I was learning about Tony and his wife. “Zoe seemed like she had it together. I mean watching out for my people and all.”

  “She’s solid. She’ll protect Ryan with her life. I’m not too sure about your ex, though. I hear she gave Lay some lip and Zoe didn’t like that.” Tony sounded amused.

  I wanted to smile, picturing Zoe tearing into Tessa.

  Hang on, baby. You gotta hang on if only to see Zoe and Tessa, or Tye and Tessa, or Jenn and Tessa. Well, Jenn would more likely remove all of Tessa’s money from her bank account. I continued scanning the streets and thinking about my woman.

  A call came in on my phone, the screen read, “Restricted”.

  “Forde,” I grunted.

  “Hello, Forde. Good evening.” Salvador Ulloa’s voice came through my speaker system.

  “Is it good?” I barked. I had no time for his bullshit games.

  “I have your woman sitting beside me, so I would say yes.”

  I blinked. My foot let up on the gas. I heard Tony let out a breath and saw him reach for his phone.

  “Others,” I told Tony, “update.”

  “There was some damage—before my people arrived,” Vador was quick to add.

  I slammed
my hand against the steering wheel. “I saw the surveillance tape, Vador. They were all your people.”

  “Let us say, four members have been separated from the Cancerberos.”

  I felt like my blood was on fire as it travelled down my spine. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him. “I want her.” I was tired of fucking around.

  “I would like that also.” Vador sounded like he was arranging a dinner party.

  “I have people all over the city, name a place.”

  “Do you think you could stop and get me a Sprite? I really need a Sprite.” I could barely hear Layla’s voice, but she sounded scared.

  “Did she just ask for a Sprite?” I felt the anxiety hit my gut again.

  “Apparently, Mrs. Shepherd is thirsty,” Vador said, his voice icy cool. “There hasn’t been time for social niceties.”

  “Get her to a hospital, now. Drop her and go, but take her now.” I let my rage bleed through.

  “Forde, I asked Mrs. Shepherd if she was injured, and she assured me that, for the most part, she was fine.”

  “Drop her at a fire station. Just get her medical help.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Vador did sound confused. “It’s code.” I pulled into an alley, waiting for him to give me a location.

  I heard mumbling, and then Vador spoke, “My driver says we are seven minutes from Eskanazi. Will that suit you?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I clicked off and floored it, heading east.

  “You didn’t want to talk to her?” Tony looked confused.

  “She’s hurting. She knows I’ll be there.” I couldn’t talk to her. I might lose it, and I didn’t want that to happen over the phone with Vador listening.

  “Gotcha.” Tony sent a group text telling everyone to meet at the best trauma hospital in the city.

  I ran two lights and beat Vador by about three minutes.

  Tony, Rick, and I were at the edge of the E.R. entrance. Tony would move in to block any camera view of the license plate, if they had one on their ride.

  As soon as the SUV stopped, I saw the back seat passenger window lower, and I knew she was on the other side. I sprinted around to the door and pulled my woman out.

  Rick and Vador exchanged words as I looked down at Layla.

  Her eyes were open, and she said, “I love you. I made it through so I could say it to your face.”

  “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” I said as I tucked her against my chest, and then sprinted up the walk to the E.R. entrance.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Three Weeks Later

  I had my back against one end of the huge sectional in the man cave, and Zoe was sitting at the other. She was finishing her pregnancy with the majority of the day on bed rest, or for today, sofa rest. Tony was our designated sitter. The whole abduction thing had reignited his thirst for excitement, so he’d deferred his next semester of school to work at Limited. Zoe was fine with his decision. Much like me, she knew who her man was and you couldn’t chain a badass. They needed to hunt.

  Forde had just sent a text asking if we wanted him to pick up lunch. He was still hovering, and I couldn’t find fault with that. When he’d carried me into the E.R. that night, I’d had no idea how badly I was injured. Due to the trauma, my brain had shut down most of my pain receptors. Javier had stabbed me with so much force he’d pushed me and the chair over. The doctors told me I’d make a full recovery, if I followed their orders and did all of the physical therapy exercises for my fractured fingers.

  Emotionally, Forde and I were slower to recover. There were recurring nightmares. I’d wake up in a cold sweat, sure a phantom was going to hurt me. Forde was great. He’d hold me, making soothing sounds, and keeping me safe. He was still in full protective mode, hence the hovering.

  “Want a Sprite?” Tony teased.

  “Yes, please.” I hoped to make a dent into the one hundred cases that were delivered to the condo on the day I was released from the hospital. The note said, To a Good, Strong Woman. Forde is a lucky man. We both knew it was from Vador. Somehow, he’d become a fan.

  In the hospital, as soon as I could think clearly, I told Forde about the deal I’d struck with Vador regarding the threat of war. Forde understood my reasons and praised me for looking at the big picture.

  He’d sat on the futon in my hospital room. After I’d finished telling him all that was discussed in Vador’s Escalade, he’d leaned forward with his arms on his thighs. “You did good.”

  He hadn’t been smiling, so I knew there was more. “But?”

  One side of his mouth tilted upward. “If you hadn’t pulled through, do you know what would have happened?”

  “The Cancerberos, their families, friends, and their belongings would be gone.” My voice shook a little.

  “I would have had nothing.” Forde’s eyes met mine as his voice went rough.

  “That’s not true. You would have still had Ryan and Tye,” I said softly.

  “But they aren’t you. I need you, Lay, to live.” His chest heaved with emotion.

  My voice was thick with tears. “Then, let’s live, Lucien. We won’t forget, but what was it you told me once? ‘If you keep looking at the past, you’ll miss the future.’”

  He’d stood and moved to the side of my bed. Sitting on the edge facing me, he’d said, “I want that future.”

  I’d smiled. “Me too.”

  “Marry me.” He hadn’t asked. He’d commanded. “I know it’s going to happen one day, but I want you to wear my ring and to set a date.”

  I’d tried to get the words out, but I was breathless. His eyes had been so full of need.

  “I need this, Lay. I need you to be my wife. Say yes, right now.” His voice had gone deep and forceful.

  “Yes, Lucien.” I didn’t get the chance to finish my thought. Even in his rush, he’d leaned over my body carefully, and kissed me.

  The kiss was possessive and demanding. With my good hand, I’d gripped the front of his v-neck sweater trying to pull him closer.

  “You are my life,” he’d said against my lips as he’d pulled slowly away.

  “While they were doing all that…stuff.” I had difficulty calling it torture. “I kept thinking that if I could endure it a little longer, I’d get to see you again. You and your love is what got me through.”

  His eyes had gone cold. “I hate it that you had to endure any of that.”

  “We made it through,” I’d said, wanting to reassure him. I’d be fine. We’d be fine.

  “I’m hoping you’ll wear this.” He’d gotten up and moved to his leather bomber jacket that he’d draped over one end of the sofa. He’d returned to the bed with a blue box in his hand.

  “Forde…” I don’t know why I’d been so surprised. Forde was a true romantic…with me.

  He’d opened the box and pulled the ring free. Taking my casted hand into his, he’d slid the engagement ring onto my finger. “You’re mine.”

  I’d smiled. “Since the night we first kissed. I didn’t want to be. I didn’t trust myself, but luckily I trusted you.” Then I’d looked at my ring. It was gorgeous. Perfect for me.

  Five Months Later

  The meadow behind Tony and Zoe’s cabin was more beautiful than I’d imagined during those long hours with the Morenos. The grass was an amazing green, with spring flowers blooming along the edges. I sat at the picnic table that was set up near the drop-off above the creek.

  I was indulging in a quiet moment. I’d asked for a small wedding, and of course, Forde made it happen. Aunt Nora tried to convince me to make a production of it, but I didn’t need that. I’d spent enough time in the spotlight.

  I watched Forde cross the field, carrying two glasses. He looked good in his navy suit. It accentuated his wide shoulders and the strength of his body. At some point, he’d ditched the tie. He wasn’t the type of man who needed a tie to show that he was all busin

  “Tired?” He placed a champagne flute on the table beside me and sat down.

  “No, I just needed a minute.” My stomach still fluttered when he was sweet. I hoped that would never stop. “I wanted to take all of this in.” I looked around.

  He took my hand and linked our fingers. “It’s sparkling cider.” His eyes were twinkling with happiness. “Holly made sure I could tell which glass was for you; the champagne’s for me.”

  I chuckled. When Forde had hired Jenn’s cousin, he’d brought a whirlwind into our lives. Holly not only turned out to be fantastic at her job, but she was even wilder than Tye. It had been entertaining to watch him try to catch her. So far, she was proving to be elusive. I honestly didn’t know how that was going to end. She didn’t seem to want to be caught.

  I looked at our friends. Zoe was sitting on the glider, holding baby Olivia and smiling at something Jenn said. Jenn had color-coordinated her hair to match the blue decorations. Holly was laughing as Tye wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. At the last moment she broke free. Rick, Osi, and Tony were deep in conversation off to the side, and Ryan was talking to Aunt Nora and Willie. Tye’s father, Jerry, was snapping photos of everyone and making them laugh.

  Jerry Brunk had arrived two days after the abduction and never left. He’d seen the local news alert on his phone, and within two hours, he’d made arrangements for his hunting dogs to stay with a friend, and he’d been in his truck, driving to Indianapolis from Mississippi. He’d been a great support to Forde while I was in the hospital. I fell in love with the man within minutes of meeting him.

  I finally had my family.

  “So…” Forde started.

  “We’re married,” I said like an idiot.

  He laid my hand on his thigh and ran his fingertip around the rings on my left hand. He gave me a smile, the kind that made me melt. “Yes, I remember every minute of the ceremony.”

  I watched him stroke the diamond-encrusted wedding band. “You know that in about a month, I’ll have to take them off because my fingers will swell.”

  “Then every morning, I’ll draw a band around your finger with a Sharpie,” he said, chuckling deeply.


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