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Giving Birth To Mr White's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 2

by J A Fielding

  Chapter 2

  With every step the doctor took, Mitchell longed for the ground under him to just open up and swallow him whole. He was not so sure what could be worse: losing the baby or losing Natasha….or both. He took a deep breath and tried to gain composure as the doctor approached them. There was a sudden panic when he finally got to where everyone who mattered to Natasha was standing, eagerly awaiting an update. As soon as he got there, everyone was suddenly talking. Mona and Rita had gone all hood, roughing him up as Estelle and Eric tried to get their own information. Mitchell did not need this.

  “Will everyone just shut up,” he suddenly yelled making everyone around him go quiet in surprise. Estelle and Stacy looked at him in surprise. They had never known Mitchell to be a loud person. This was definitely a first for him. “I just need everyone quiet. I can barely hear myself think,” he said before turning to face the doctor. “Dr. Georges, how is my wife?” he asked looking at the doctor. Whatever answer the doctor was about to give would definitely shape his mood. He braced himself for the worst as the doctor placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Oh shit. This is it. I lost them,” he thought as a tear rolled down his cheek.

  “There was a slight complication but it was nothing we could not handle. Natasha is doing great and the baby is even better. Seven pounds, eight ounces,” Dr. Georges said with a smile. Mitchell breathed a sigh of relief and ran his fingers through his thick hair. Stacy walked up to him and gave him a hug.

  “Congratulations daddy,” she said as Rita and Mona patted his back

  “When can I see my grandson?” Eric asked excitedly. The doctor frowned.

  “Granddaughter,” he said looking at Eric, Estelle and then at Mitchell.

  “What?” Mona and Rita exclaimed in unison. “

  “But the scans…the ultrasounds….” Mitchell began saying before his voice trailed off.

  “The scans can sometimes be wrong. And she never really did come in for a confirmation in her third trimester. So we had no way of knowing,” the doctor said with a smile.

  “Though in all fairness the only reason Tasha thought she was carrying a boy was because she called him Aiden one day and he kicked. She thought it must have been some cosmic force confirming the sex of the baby or something,” Rita said laughing. Mitchell looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “You mean she never…”

  “No,” Rita quickly said cutting his sentence short. Mitchell seemed more confused than ever. He looked at Estelle who was smiling broadly and Eric who was almost shedding a tear.

  “What the hell. I’m a father!” he yelled as he took Estelle in his arms and hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground.

  “Mitchell Schmidt, you had better put me down!” Estelle said as she tried to slap his shoulder. Mitchell was either too fit or too excited to feel it.

  “So when can we see her?” Eric asked looking at the doctor.

  “Well, Natasha is in recovery, so maybe just one person can go in. The rest of you can follow the nurse to the nursery to see the baby,” Dr. Georges said.

  “I’ll go see her,” Mitchell said almost immediately.

  “I want to see her too,” Estelle said crossing her arms.

  “Yes, so do I,” Eric said still looking at the doctor.

  “You better count us in too, mister,” Stacy said pointing to herself, Mona and Rita. The doctor looked at them defeated.

  “Well, I’ll make arrangements for her to be moved back to her room within the hour. But I must warn you she will be a bit off, drowsy even,” he said.

  “We don’t care. We just want to see her,” Eric said. The doctor smiled and walked away. Mitchell looked at the group and laughed. Rita, Mona and Stacy joined in soon after. “If there was a time I was glad that I didn’t opt to become a medical professional, this would be it. The poor man looked confused,” Eric said as he sat down.

  “We are all here. It is his own fault for expecting anything less,” Estelle said with a smile. Mona looked around and opened her purse.

  I don’t know about you guys but I suddenly became hungry. I think I’ll run down to the canteen,” she said looking up. “Anyone else need anything?” she asked.

  “Coffee, cream two sugars,” Eric said quickly.

  “Latte,” Estelle said with a smile.

  “Potato chips and juice,” Stacy said. “And maybe some chocolate. Two bars,” she added. Everyone turned to look at her.

  “Is there anything you want to tell us, sweetie?” Rita asked looking at Stacy.

  “Why?” Stacy asked looking at her.

  “You are the one person I know who strictly sticks to her diet and suddenly you want chips and not one, but two chocolate bars?” Rita asked still looking at her. “I don’t know about everyone else but that is a cry for help if you ask me,” she added with a smile.

  “I’ve had a long day, okay? I’m just hungry and a bit stressed. That’s all,” Stacy said as she tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. Mona smiled and reached for her arm and pulled her up.

  “Come on. You can tell us all about it as we go down to the canteen,” she said looking at Rita.

  “Us?” Rita asked looking up at Mona.

  “Well, child, it’s either she takes you on errands or me or Eric and frankly I don’t see myself or my son getting up unless the doctor comes and tells us that we are going to see Tasha,” Estelle said. Rita rolled her eyes and stood up.

  “These damn heels are killing me,” she whined.

  “Get some flip flops from the gift shop,” Estelle said.

  “Come on, Mother. It’s a gift shop. Flowers and cuddly toys maybe but flip flops? Really Mother?” Eric asked looking at Estelle.

  “You’d be surprised at what shops stock nowadays,” Estelle said as she leaned back on the chair. Eric shook his head as the girls walked away.

  “So, I’m a grandfather. Wow,” Eric said with a faraway look in his eyes. Estelle let out a laugh.

  “What are you complaining for? Have you met me? I’m a great-grandmother,” she said looking at Eric.

  “Why are you saying it like it’s such a bad thing? I know you like it,” Eric said. If whatever he was feeling was anything to go by, then he could bet his life that his mother as over the moon.

  “Love it,” Estelle said excitedly. Eric took his mother’s hand and leaned against the chair.

  “What do you know, my little girl has her own little girl now,” he said with a smile on his face. “Do you think it’s appropriate for me to still call her my little girl?” he asked turning to look at Estelle.

  “I still call you my little boy,” Estelle said with a smile. Eric frowned.

  “What? When?” he asked looking at her.

  “When I’m talking about you at Bible study or with friends. And when I’m really angry with you,” she said with a smile. Eric laughed.

  “I guess once a child always a child, huh?” he said and closed his eyes. He did not hear her reply. He had drifted off to a world of his own where he and a young girl, probably six or seven years of age were having a tea party. The area was strangely familiar, maybe his back yard or Mitch and Natasha’s place. He was not very sure where they were. The girl had beautiful heavy black curls just like Natasha’s. He looked lovingly at the child who was busy serving him a cup of cinnamon tea and a cupcake. He smiled. Being a grandfather was definitely going to be fun.

  All this time, Mitchell was pacing up and down the hallway. He could not get himself to relax, not even for a minute. He would definitely not be okay, not before he saw his wife and daughter.


  Mona and Stacy slowly walked out of the canteen laden with goods. Mona was staring daggers at Stacy for buying more than she intended. Apart from her potato chips and chocolate bars, she had gotten a milkshake and a double beef cheeseburger and as if this was not enough, she had Mona holding everything while she munched on her burger. They had decided to wait for Rita who had gone into the gift shop right
before they went to the canteen. Rita thought they would save more time that way.

  “Hanging out with us black folk has really boosted your appetite,” Mona said as she looked at Stacy whose face was almost covered in ketchup. Stacy nodded.

  “If you had half the day I had, you’d be eating a whole cow,” she said as she took another bite. Mona looked at her and then looked around.

  “Okay. I need to sit down,” she said as she walked to a nearby waiting area. Stacy followed her and sat down before taking another bite. “So, what happened?” Mona asked looking at her.

  “Well, do you want the long version or the short version?” Stacy asked as she took the last bite of her burger. Mona raised an eyebrow.

  “Girl, you know I’m a sucker for details right?” she asked looking at Stacy.

  “Long version it is,” Stacy said as she used a paper towel to clean her mouth and hands. “So as it turns out Mitchell’s ex wants NSCS to manage her campaign,” she started. Mona let out a scornful laugh.

  “Of what? Whores R’ Us?” she asked laughing cynically. Stacy rolled her eyes.

  “I wish. The bitch has decided that she will be the new name in fashion jewelry and she wants, get this, Beyoncé to be her envoy,” Stacy said. Mona almost dropped the bags she was holding.

  “Wait up,” Mona said as she put the bags down. “Are we talking the one Beyoncé or is there another Beyoncé that I don’t know about?” she asked looking at Stacy who was now nodding.

  “The one and the same. So, for that to happen, she must be ready to pour millions. I mean, it is Beyoncé but she won’t hear of it. She wants Mitchell to personally negotiate the deal,” Stacy said angrily.

  “What? Why?” Mona asked looking confused. “Isn’t she rich on her own? She did get a generous divorce settlement, right?” she asked.

  “That’s just the thing. It’s not about the money,” Stacy said. Mona looked at her and rolled her eyes.

  “You lost me,” she said looking at a really angry looking Stacy.

  “I think she is still trying to get Mitchell back,” Stacy said in a whisper.

  “Who’s trying to get Mitchell back?” Rita asked. The two looked up at her in surprise. None of them had noticed her walking up to them.

  “The ex-wife,” Mona said as Rita sat down on the chair next to them, her eyes wide.

  “Who, Lisa?” Rita asked.

  “Uh huh,” Stacy said as she pulled her hair back into a pony tail.

  “But what proof do you have that she is trying to get back with Mitchell? Because if her demands are the only thing you have to go by, we all know the bitch is crazy,” Mona said matter of factly. Stacy nodded.

  “I know, but how would you explain her coming to trash the office demanding to see Mitchell? You know she got so crazy, I had to call security,” Stacy said. Mona and Rita exchanged glances.

  “I don’t know about you, cuz, but I am seriously considering a job at NSCS. The drama in that place, whoa,” Mona said laughing. Rita gave her a playful nudge.

  “Stop it, it’s not funny,” she said before turning to Stacy. “Does Mitchell know about this?” she asked. Stacy shook her head.

  “No, and I am not going to tell him, at least not until after Natasha’s feeling better. It’s my house now and I will clean up the mess,” Stacy said looking a bit distracted. Mona placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “You know the hit squad is always here if you need us, right? That stupid white bitch can’t take us. We’re from The Bronx,” she said. Rita rolled her eyes.

  “No, we’re not,” she said looking at Stacy.

  “Well, she does not need to know that. The last time I told her that she was literally shaking in her boots…or sandals. Whatever she was wearing. Doesn’t really matter to me,” Mona said. Stacy laughed and then sighed. “What? There’s more?” Mona asked looking at her surprised. Stacy nodded.

  “You know me and your brother hooked up on the eve of Natasha’s wedding right?” Stacy asked. Rita and Mona smiled.

  “I thought it was a rumor!” Mona said excitedly. Rita shook her head.

  “Nope. It happened alright,” she said as she slowly bent over to rub her feet.

  “Damn, he’s a heartbreaker that boy, isn’t he?” Mona said looking at Stacy whose face spelled out more sadness than anger. “Oh no, please don’t tell me you fell in love with him?” she asked as she noticed a tear roll down Stacy’s cheek.

  “Oh come on. It’s Tyrone!” Rita said sitting upright and looking at Stacy. “There is no way you can tell me you had any genuine feelings for him,” she added still looking at Stacy who was now using her finger to brush the tears off her cheek.

  “I did but I think I was just a one off thing for him. He does not pick up or return my calls. Even my emails have gone unanswered,” she said as a fresh flood of tears overcame her. Rita put an arm around her and rolled her eyes. If there was one person in the entire world who loathed Tyrone, it was Rita. To her, he was stupid, self absorbed bastard who could not tell a great thing even if it hit him in the balls. Mona reached over and squeezed Stacy’s hand.

  “Look, I know he’s my brother and all but he is dumb if he cannot realize that he is missing out on what could very well be the greatest woman I have ever met.” She looked at Rita and squeezed Stacy’s hand again. “You are better than this. You are stronger than this. Just let it go, have some mimosas or something. Get wasted,” she said. Stacy pulled herself from Rita’s embrace.

  “Mona’s right you know,” Rita said. “Where else is he going to find a white woman with super boobs like yours?” she asked. Stacy laughed and wiped off another tear.

  “Don’t forget, they are one hundred percent real,” Mona said looking at Stacy. She gently stroked her hair and then held her face in her hands. “As far as I’m concerned, consider his butt kicked, okay? And then me, you, Rita and maybe Tasha if she gets a sitter will go out and paint this damn town red,” she added. Stacy sniffed and then nodded. Mona smiled. She thought Stacy looked like a living doll. “Come on, it’s time I met my niece,” she said as she stood up. Rita got up and bent down to help Mona with the coffee as Stacy walked ahead. “Hey, what do you know, they do sell flip flops at a hospital gift shop,” Mona said looking at Rita’s feet.

  “Who knew huh? Maybe this hospital will be the new Oz,” Rita said before the three of them broke into bouts of laughter.

  When they got back to the waiting area, Estelle was seated silently, Eric looked deep in thought and Mitchell was still pacing restlessly. Stacy took one of the coffee cups and walked up to Mitchell.

  “Here,” she said handing him the cup. “You need to relax. We already know that they are fine,” she said. Mitchell looked into her eyes and for a minute, Stacy thought she saw fear in them.

  “Stacy, I am a father now. How do I know I won’t mess this up?” he asked in a whisper. Stacy looked over her shoulder at Estelle, Eric, Mona and Rita who were now too busy chattering to hear anything.

  “Listen, the fact that you are freaked out is proof that your daddy instincts have already kicked in. You will do just fine,” she said in a hushed whisper. A half smile played on Mitchell’s lips.

  “When did you become so smart?” he asked looking at her.

  “I was always smart. You just took longer to notice,” she said as Dr. Georges walked towards them. He was holding a bundled up baby in his arms. “Oh my God, Mitch. The baby,” Stacy squealed. Mitchell turned around as the doctor approached them. By this time, everyone else had already walked up to them.

  “I’m afraid our beautiful mum is out. The sedatives were too much but here is baby Schmidt,” Dr. Georges said as they gathered around him. Mitchell took the baby from the doctor and looked down at her. As much as everyone was busy making cooing noises, all Mitchell could see was the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world. She had the most beautiful pink pouty lips and a full head of dark curly hair. He suddenly felt all emotional as he looked at his daughter.

; “She is so beautiful,” he said in a low voice.

  “She gets that from our side of the family,” Mona said making everyone laugh.

  “So, no name,” Estelle said. Mitchell shook his head.

  “Unless we call her Aiden,” he joked. “But as soon as Tasha is up, we will have a name for my daughter,” he said as Eric took the baby from him. Mitchell smiled as his last words echoed in his head.

  “My daughter.” He smiled. That was one thing he was going to love hearing over and over again.

  Chapter 3

  When she woke up, Natasha could not tell how long she had been out. The last thing she remembered was Dr. Georges telling her that she had a baby girl. But he could have been mistaken. She was carrying a boy. She knew it, she felt it. She was carrying Aiden Schmidt. Just then she noticed Mitchell standing at the far corner of the room. She noticed the bundle in his arms and knew that he was holding the baby. He was whispering sweet nothings as he rocked the baby. She smiled to herself. He looked so….calm. Who knew Mitchell Schmidt had a soft side.

  “Hey there stranger,” she said weakly making him turn around. He smiled as he walked up to her bed.

  “You’re up, finally,” he said as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Natasha longed to take him in his arms and give him a nice, long hug but she was too tired, not to mention the pain in her abdomen. “Do you want to see her?” he asked with a smile. She looked up at him and nodded.

  “So it was not a dream. I did have a girl,” she said as Mitchell lowered his arms so that she could see her. She smiled as she looked at the newest addition to her family. If there was one word that she could use to describe her, it was beautiful. She brought her fingers up and gently stroked the side of the sleeping baby’s face. She smiled when the baby stirred a little. “She is so beautiful,” she said as she suddenly felt tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Whoa, no tears on the baby,” Mitchell said in a low voice so that not to startle the child. Natasha laughed.

  “I’m sorry,” she said still laughing.

  “Don’t be. I shed my fair share when I first saw her. And your dad was there. He must think I am some kind of sissy or something,” Mitchell said. Natasha looked at him.


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