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Giving Birth To Mr White's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 6

by J A Fielding

  “Valium. You need it,” Rita said. Mitchell looked up in surprise.

  “Since when do you walk around with Valium in your purse?” he asked looking surprised. Rita smiled.

  “You would be surprised at the things I carry in my purse. Now, take that,” she said sternly.

  “But I have to look for a nanny and…”

  “…I’ll handle it. Swallow that pill and join your wife in bed. I’ll have you a great nanny by the time you wake up,” she said. Mitchell shook his head.

  “I don’t know…” his words trailed off again when she took the pill and stuffed it inside his mouth and then held her hand on his mouth for a few minutes. He looked at her in surprise as he swallowed the small pill.

  “Now, off to bed, mister,” she said.

  “Can I just watch some ESPN first?” he asked looking at her. She nodded and took his tea before she walked him to the living room. She handed him the cup and waited for him to finish it. It was not long before he began dozing off before he finally collapsed on the sofa. She smiled as she tucked him in.

  “You have got to admire the power of good old valium,” she thought as she walked to the master bedroom. She smiled when she saw Natasha peacefully sleeping in bed. The doctor must have given her a sedative because normally, Natasha was not a very heavy sleeper. Under normal circumstances, the sound of the door opening would have woken her up but not this time. Rita smiled as she then made her way to the nursery. She looked down at Alexis who had fallen asleep with the pacifier in her mouth. She gently stroked her black curly hair before she made her way out of the room and back to the kitchen. She sat down as she took her cell phone and called her assistant at the gallery to inform her that she would not back. She then made a call to Mona.

  “Hey girl, what’s happening?” Mona said when she picked up.

  “Tasha needs a nanny,” she said when Mona picked up.

  “What? I thought she wanted to be a stay at home mom,” Mona said surprised.

  “Well, she still does but a few things have changed,” Rita said as she sat down.

  “Oh yeah? Like what?” Mona asked.

  “I caught the doctor on his way out. Anemia or something,” Rita said.

  “I’m forwarding you a list right now,” Mona said before hanging up. Rita waited for a few minutes for Mona’s message. It didn’t take long before Mona’s message came through. She sighed when she opened the message. Mona had sent her almost twenty names. She might have well just taken the entire week off. She took a long deep breath as she called the first person. “The things I do for love,” she thought as she waited for the person to pick on the other end.


  When Natasha woke up, she thought she was dreaming. The clock on the bedside table read that it was four in the afternoon. That could not be right. She tried to get up but the pain in her head was just too much. She pulled herself to a sitting position and grabbed her phone from the night stand and sighed. The clock was right. It was four in the afternoon. She slowly got out of bed and put on her slippers before she began walking to the nursery. This had become routine for her. Every time she woke up, even if it was from a nap, she had to make her way down to the baby’s room and check on Alexis. She suddenly stopped in her tracks when she saw an attractive man holding her baby. The man was not old; he was maybe in his mid to late twenties. He seemed to be very free with the baby in the way he rocked her and fed her from the bottle.

  “Who the fuck are you and what are you doing with my baby?” she asked looking at him. “Get the hell out before I call 911,” she said. She was trying to sound calm but without knowing it, she was yelling. The man looked confused. He placed the bottle on the changing station and then slowly lowered Alexis in her crib.

  “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here,” he said calmly as he looked at Natasha.

  “Damn right. Get out!” she yelled. Her sudden yell must have startled the baby because she began crying almost immediately.

  “What the hell is going on?” Rita asked running into the room. Natasha looked at her confused.

  “I found him holding my baby,” Natasha said as she ran towards the crib. She picked up Alexis and stood at the far end of the room. “I don’t even know how he got in,” she said looking scared. Rita sighed.

  “That’s my fault. Marcus this is my best friend Natasha. Natasha, meet Marcus, your new nanny, or manny if you like,” Rita said looking at Natasha. Natasha looked more confused than ever.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” she asked looking at Rita and then at Marcus. Rita smiled at Marcus.

  “Give us a minute, Marcus. You can wait in the kitchen,” she said. The man smiled at Natasha before walking out.

  “Where’s Mitch?” Natasha asked still shocked.

  “Asleep, on the couch. I gave him a valium,” Rita said. Natasha’s eyes grew wide.

  “What the fuck, Rita? You bring in a strange man to my house, you drug my husband….”

  “You are overwhelmed. When I came this morning, I found the doctor leaving. You are handling too much,” Rita said as she slowly walked towards Natasha.

  “I’ve been sleeping all day?” she asked in surprise. Rita smiled and nodded. She then took the baby from Natasha’s arms.

  “You need to go back to bed. I am not going anywhere,” Rita said. She could not even explain the whole nanny interviewing process or why she had decided on a male nanny. This was too much for Natasha to process. Rita thought that she still looked confused and that the drugs were yet to completely wear off.

  “Go on. I’ll bring you some soup,” Rita said as Natasha slowly walked back to the bedroom. Rita smiled. She was still clearly under the influence of the sedative. She did not even ask to check on Mitchell. She would explain all that once she was a hundred percent sober. Right now, she needed to make sure her best friend stayed in bed and that the baby was comfortable and fed. Marcus would handle that, she thought as she walked back to the kitchen.

  Chapter 7

  Natasha was not sure what she hated more, being treated like an invalid or not being able to move around as she pleased. She was grateful to Rita for getting Marcus though. He had completely taken over the day to day running of the household. Who knew male nannies could be this good? He watched Alexis, took care of the feedings, cleaned up around the house and shopped for groceries. Just like that, Natasha had more time to relax and catch up with all her favorite TV shows. She was still staring out into space when Mitchell came in holding a tray of freshly squeezed orange juice, a banana and her pills.

  “Hey there,” he said with a smile as he handed her the banana.

  “At this rate I will never lose this damned baby weight,” she said as she quickly devoured the banana.

  “Don’t worry. Everything you have been eating is low in calories. I know how much you want to get back into your slim fit dresses,” he said as she placed the peel on the tray. He handed her the juice and two tablets. “By the way, congratulations are in order. These are your last three pills,” he said as she took big gulps of the juice. She looked at him and smiled.

  “Awesome,” she said putting the glass back down. “So, what plans do you have for today?” she asked looking at him. He shook his head as he took the tray and placed it on the bedside table.

  “I have a meeting in an hour,” he started.

  “That explains why you are all dressed up,” she said looking at him. He was in a pair of blue jeans and a black and grey pinstriped shirt. She thought he looked handsome. Pinstripe was always her weakness.

  “This old thing?” he asked jokingly. “But anyway, apart from that, I am pretty much yours all day,” he said as he put an arm around her.

  “Where’s Alexis? I can’t hear her,” she asked looking at him.

  “Marcus took her to the park. He really has a way with her,” he said with a smile. Natasha nodded. Marcus seemed to have a magic touch. If Alexis cried, she got quiet almost immediately after he picked her up. She d
id not throw food at him either, the way she did with Mitchell and Natasha. “Speaking of which, we are alone. That does not happen often nowadays,” he said as he began to slowly pull her closer. She looked at him as he brought his head down to kiss her.

  “But your meeting,” she said as he forced her down on the bed.

  “It can wait. I can’t,” he said as he kissed her again. She could feel him pressing his crotch hard against her own pelvis. She could actually feel his cock hardening against her leg. As Mitchell kissed her, she could feel her own desire raging in her. Getting time alone lately had been next to impossible. Marcus was always around because of the baby and if it was not him, someone else. She closed her eyes as she felt him kiss her lips softly before he trailed kisses down one side of her neck. She could feel herself getting wet already. Maybe it was the fact that Marcus could come back any time that made her feel this way. The mere thought of being busted made her even wetter than she wanted to be. She gasped when Mitchell suddenly pulled open the pajama shirt she was wearing, exposing her full breasts. She looked at him as he breathed heavily. She threw her head back when he suddenly engulfed one of her full nipples with his mouth. He had not done this in a long time. She moaned as he slowly sucked on her breasts while his other hand gave equal attention to her other mound using his flicking fingertips. She moaned loudly when he began pleasuring her hard nipple using his tongue, twirling it around the hardened tip.

  He suddenly pulled away and quickly undid his pants. She looked at him as he pushed his jeans off and then finally wriggled out of them. He climbed on top of her and kissed her again. Instead of pulling her panties off, he pulled them aside and in one swift move pushed himself inside her. She yelped as he held her tightly, giving her pussy a chance to get used to the new force that had just been plunged into her. This was definitely different. Usually Mitchell was more of a lovemaker. He would normally do the whole candles and dinner thing but sex, down and dirty, was not his style.

  She looked up at him and smiled. Mitchell smiled and kissed her again before he began moving himself in and out of her. She moaned as he fucked her; slowly at first and then he picked up his pace. Soon he was thrusting into her hard, slamming against her with tremendous force. Natasha wrapped her legs around his waist and interlocked them as he moved himself in and out of her. This felt so good, so different, and almost illicit.

  She suddenly began crying out loud as she felt her orgasm approaching. Mitchell showed no signs of slowing down. He seemed to fuck her harder with every thrust. She began shaking in his arms as her orgasm took over. She squirmed and writhed under him making it hard for him to stay inside her. He pulled his cock out and waited for a few seconds for her orgasm to run its course. The wait seemed to take forever before he finally pushed his cock into her once more.

  She screamed out when she felt him reintroduce his cock to her pussy again. He seemed to have a newfound energy as he began fucking her hard. She held on for dear life as he thrust into her long and hard. She suddenly felt him go rigid in her before he began pulsating hard. She moaned loudly as she felt him emptying inside her, almost tearing her insides.

  “Damn,” he said breathlessly as his cock slipped out of her.

  “The meeting,” she said panting. He slowly climbed off her and sighed.

  “I have to cancel that. There is no way I can make it now,” he said breathing hard.

  “Was it important?” she asked as she turned to look at him. He let out a laugh.

  “I might have cost the company a couple of millions today,” he said with a smile. She slapped him playfully and climbed off the bed.

  “Make that call,” she said as she walked to the bathroom. She could not believe that he had blown off a meeting for a quickie, but then again, she was that good. She smiled as she turned the water on.


  When she woke up the next morning, Natasha was determined to have a personal day. She took a shower, dressed up and headed straight for the salon. She needed to feel relaxed and pampered. After four hours of a manicure, pedicure and full body massage, Natasha felt that she was ready to go home. Mitchell had texted her telling her to stop by the store for some groceries. She thought that was odd because she could have sworn she saw Marcus walk in with grocery bags the day before but she didn’t mind going to the store. It had been a while anyway. When she got back, she noticed Mona’s, Stacy’s and her father’s car in the driveway.

  “This is a coincidence. How could they all think of visiting on the same day at the same time,” she thought as she opened the door.

  “Surprise!” she heard everyone yell. She almost dropped the bags she was holding. She looked around at Stacy, Mona, Rita, Estelle and Eric who were all smiling despite the fact that she wanted to kick each of them at that very moment. “What the hell is this?” she asked as she put the bags down.

  “We just wanted to show you that we appreciate you,” Eric said as he walked towards her. He threw his arms around her and planted a small kiss on her forehead. “And happy birthday sweetie,” he added when he pulled away. Natasha looked confused.

  “Wait, what?” Natasha asked looking at Eric.

  “Oh my God. You forgot your own birthday?” Rita asked looking at her surprised. Natasha was the one person who never forget anyone’s birthday, especially her own. She always made a point of issuing threats to anyone who dared forget her birthday. “You just cost me two hundred bucks,” she said angrily.

  “And you just won us a hundred bucks each,” Mona said pointing to Stacy and then herself. Natasha felt more confused than ever.

  “We bet that the baby would cloud your head so much that you’d forget your own birthday,” Stacy said smiling.

  “Seriously guys, today is August fifth?” Natasha asked as she looked at her phone. Eric nodded.

  “I never thought I would see the day when you wouldn’t make a big deal of August the fifth,” Eric said. Estelle emerged from the kitchen carrying a big cake.

  “She forgot?” Estelle asked looking at a shocked Natasha still standing at the doorway. Eric looked at her and smiled. “Child, you just cost me fifty bucks!” Natasha shook her head.

  “Did everyone take a bet on this?” she asked. She had never felt any more loved than she did at this very moment. Everyone who mattered to her was there. Stacy looked especially sweet holding Alexis, Rita and Mona had their usual glamorous glow, Estelle and Eric would definitely not have missed this and Marcus, the nanny she had come to adore so much was also present. Mitchell was also there holding a somewhat small box considering that it was supposed to be her birthday present. “Thanks you guys,” Natasha said as she finally said hello to everyone. She gave people short hugs and kisses on their cheeks before she took Alexis from Stacy.

  Estelle put the cake on the table as the group walked back to the living room. “Okay, because we know Mitchell here has something planned, we will make this really quick and then give you a proper birthday dinner when you get back,” Stacy said. Natasha looked at Mitchell.

  “What does she mean ‘when I get back’?" she asked in a whisper. Mitchell held her hand and squeezed it but never said anything.

  “Open mine first," Stacy said handing her a medium sized box. Natasha pretended to shake the box, trying to guess what was inside. When she opened it, she gasped as she laid eyes on a pair of nude colored Christian Louboutin peep toed heels. The room was silent for a while as Natasha mouthed a low “Oh my God.”

  “FYI those are straight from the catwalk in Milan. It was fashion week last week,” Stacy said proudly. Natasha looked up at her and gave her a hug.

  “Thank you so much,” she said when she pulled away from her.

  “Yeah, we know of late you have not had enough time to go shopping, so mine’s next,” Mona said handing her a bigger box. It looked more like a box of roses than anything. When she opened it, she gasped yet again. Mona had given her a short strapless red dress complete with a silver studded lining. “It’s not from Milan, but I
am sure you will get some use for it soon enough,” she added with a smile.

  “Okay. Now me,” Rita said as she jumped in holding a huge present. Natasha excitedly tore the wrapping paper off to reveal the most beautiful black and white glamour shot of herself.

  “When did you even do this?” Natasha asked. She could not even remember posing for it.

  “Just before you found out you were expecting Alexis, we went swimming, remember?” Rita said. Natasha nodded as she recalled the day. Rita had insisted on not swimming, something about being under the weather. “Well, I might have had an ulterior motive,” Rita said.

  “I know the perfect place for that,” Mitchell said with a smile. “Now mine,” he said as he handed her the small box. Natasha frowned.

  “It looks a little small. The girls have really set a standard you know,” she said as she quickly tore wrapping revealing a velvet case. She suddenly had an idea of what was inside. She slowly opened the case and gasped when she saw the beautiful pearl necklace inside. “Wow,” she said as Mitchell gently picked up the necklace and fastened it around her neck before kissing her.

  “Happy birthday baby,” he said in a low voice.

  “Get away from her. You have the rest of your lives to be all mushy,” Estelle said as she pulled Mitchell away from her. “Anyway your father and I got you something too,” Estelle said as she gave her an envelope. Natasha smiled as she shook the envelope. “Just open it already,” she said as Natasha tore the top of the envelope.


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