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Broken Politics

Page 5

by Janae Keyes

  “So you are willing to delay having families reunite because you have a few issues with the semantics?” I questioned.

  “Exactly.” He said plainly.

  “You are ridiculous.” I growled in his direction. “You go around the country campaigning and tell this sad immigration story about how your great-grandfather had to come over without his wife and young son from Germany. He waited three whole years before he could bring his wife over and reunite his family and that is why you supported immigration reform. Now here you are going to veto the bill that would allow families to reunite after years apart.”

  I quickly got off the bar stool and grabbed my magazine from the counter. I didn’t want to see him anymore. I turned and without any words I left the kitchen.

  “Kayla… Kayla come on.” He shouted after me. I was in the sitting room picking up my things. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. He whirled me around quickly. I stared him in the eyes. “You seriously have some convictions about this for someone who isn’t dealing with immigration issues yourself.”

  “So what if I’m not. Most of these people don’t have a platform to fight for themselves and their families. I do and I’m going to use it.” I stated promptly as I threw my bag over my shoulder.

  “Platform?” he questioned with a small laugh. “You write for fucking MetroGirl though you are a much better writer and should be writing for a publication with more clout. I wouldn’t call MetroGirl much of a platform.”

  I was taken aback for a moment. He actually thought my writing was decent and he thought I should be writing for a much better publication. I then shook my head quickly and stared him down.

  “At least it’s something.” I spat before I turned and walked out of the residence without looking back.

  I wasn’t going to look back; I couldn’t look back. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I kept walking. I needed to get outside and to cool off. He’d managed to piss me off and turn me on at the same time and that frustrated the hell out of me.

  Chapter Four


  DAMN THAT KAYLA! I’d been tossing and turning all night because of her. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I was frustrated with the fact that she continued to challenge me to my face, but at the same time I was frustrated because she was so beautiful and everything inside of me wanted her. I wanted my lips and my body against hers. I wanted to feel every part of her. She and I were completely opposite. She was very liberal and I was a republican and we seemed to clash on everything.

  I couldn’t help but think she had a point. It wasn’t fair that those waiting for the bill would now have to wait longer to reunite with their families, but I couldn’t budge. There were too many unknowns in the bill and for me I needed more explanations of how things would work and how specifics would be paid for.

  My alarm went off. I wasn’t ready to get up. I felt like I hadn’t slept. Truthfully I hadn’t, thinking of what Kayla had said to me. Every word she said seemed to echo in my mind while I thought of her scent of lavender.

  I turned off my alarm and dragged myself from my bed. Of course this morning was like most others where I woke up completely alone. I wondered would I ever find someone to share this bed. I didn’t get too much time for dating because I was the leader of the free world. There was no time for that, but then there was Kayla.

  I SAT IN my office, the Oval Office, going over a few documents when the door opened. I looked up, my heart beating quickly. It was only Victor. I was a fool to hope it would be Kayla. I wanted to see her. I needed to see her. I was so used to having her here with me.

  “The Senate has voted on the immigration bill. It passed sir.” Victor said to me. I simply gave a nod. I was very much prepared to veto the bill. “Do you still plan to veto?”

  “Yes I do.” I answered plainly as I continued to look at my paper on my desk.

  “Alright. I will see when it will be brought to you and we can start the process.”

  “Thank you Victor.” I said. Victor turned to leave. “Victor can you have Karen come in here so I can order my lunch.”

  “Yes Mr. President.” Victor answered.

  Victor went to the door and opened it. My head went back down to my papers. When he opened the door I heard that sweet voice that I knew well. It had been a few days since I last heard that voice before she stormed out of the residence. I looked up eager to see her. A moment later there she was walking into my office.

  “Good Afternoon Kayla.” I said to her. She looked at me. I could tell she still wasn’t the happiest with me. For some reason I was very attracted to it. I gave her a warm smile and then I physically saw her face soften.

  “Afternoon Mr. President.” She said to me.

  “Matt.” I corrected her. She rolled her eyes, but in a playful manner.

  “Did you have a good weekend?” I asked her.

  “It was alright. I spent most of it working. I’m writing for the MetroGirl website also so I needed to submit my article.” She explained. She went to take her seat in her usual spot. I watched as she moved she was in a black and white dress that hugged all the right places.

  “Go you!” I said trying to sound supportive. She really shouldn’t be at MetroGirl in the first place. She had a brilliant mind and would be better placed at the New York Times or Washington Post. She deserved to be celebrated as a writer. She was talented enough.

  “Yeah…go me.” She said with mock excitement. I knew she thought the same. I knew that she knew her brilliance, but wasn’t cocky about it. She took her seat and pulled out her laptop.

  I stood from behind my desk. I’d sat there all day and I wanted to be somewhere else than behind this desk. I wanted to be closer to Kayla. I grabbed a folder from my desk and walked over to the couch across from her. I took a seat and put one foot on the coffee table. I looked up to see her looking at me and shaking her head.

  “What?” I questioned. “It’s my office. I can do what I want.” I said in a mock boastful tone.

  “It is your office.” She simply said as she typed. The door then opened. I looked up to see Karen who walked in with a small notepad.

  “I’m here to take your lunch order.” Karen said.

  “Yeah I was thinking I wanted Thai food. I want the spicy peanut chicken and a Thai Iced Tea.” I said. I watched as Karen scratched on her notepad. “Kayla would you like something?” I asked her. Kayla looked up at me and then to Karen.

  “Cashew chicken and also a Thai Iced Tea.” Kayla said.

  “I will go and order them.” Karen said as she turned away.

  “Karen have it delivered to the residence please.” I asked. Karen quickly turned to me.

  “Yes Mr. President.” Karen answered before she left the room. I couldn’t help, but love being called Mr. President. I felt so powerful and in reality I was, but the one thing I wanted I knew my power couldn’t get for me.

  KAYLA AND I finished our lunch in the residence dining room. We had light conversation, but nothing too strong or political. I didn’t want her running out on me again. I wanted her to stay around. I loved her presence. I loved how it felt to have her near. I could talk with her for hours. It was nice to actually get to know her.

  I learned that like me she was an only child. She was also originally from California. She’d gone to Boston University and moved to DC as soon as she graduated. I couldn’t hear about her life enough. I loved the way her face lit up as she talked about her family and her best friend Simone who also lived in DC.

  “If you are all done I can take these plates.” Said one of the residence staff members that came in to check on us. We both nodded as she took our plates away. I watched Kayla as she sipped the last of her Thai Iced Tea. Those beautiful full lips on the glass. I wanted them on my lips.

  I loved that today her hair was down. I preferred when she wore her curls freely and not up in a bun like she seemed to do on most days.

  “Want to go in the living room?” I asked her.

ure.” She answered sweetly. I loved the tone of her voice. I could hang onto every word she said even when she was criticizing me. I just wanted to hear her speak.


  I WAS SURPRISED when Matthew asked me to have lunch with him. I’d done my best avoiding him. Luckily the weekend gave me the time I needed to avoid him and calm down from our heated discussion the week before over the immigration bill.

  It was nice to talk to him and have nothing to do with politics. We had a real conversation like human beings. Behind being the type of republican president that was a pain in my ass he was a nice guy. He seemed to listen intently as I talked about growing up in California and my family. He truthfully seemed interested in me as a person.

  We now sat in the sitting room of the residence. I sat on a couch and he sat on an armchair that was facing me. It was silent, but I caught him looking at me. I only wished I knew what he was thinking as he stared at me so intensely. I went to open my mouth when Victor walked through the main doors.

  “Mr. President everything is ready for the veto.” Victor said. I glared at Matthew hoping that he would have changed his mind.

  “Alright Victor let’s do this in the office.” He said still looking directly at me. “I’ll be right back Kayla.” I watched as he stood and walked through another door off of the sitting room. Victor followed and closed the door behind him. I sat for a few minutes alone in the room.

  The door to the other room opened and Victor walked out with Matthew behind him. Victor didn’t even acknowledge me before he left the residence. I looked at Matthew who stood there looking pleased with himself. I knew what he’d just done and it pissed me off. I then stood.

  “Are you going somewhere?” he asked me at once.

  “Yeah I’m leaving.” I said as I picked up my bag.

  “Seriously because I just vetoed that bill?” he questioned.

  “Exactly you are an asshole.” I spat at him. I wasn’t going to hold my emotions back. He then laughed out loud. I walked to him and pointed my finger in his face. “You know that you just crushed so many hopes and dreams.”

  “I did, but they will thank me in the end when this bill is rewritten, but for now it’s been denied.” He said in an overly confident tone.

  “God you are just impossible.” I said before I turned around, but he quickly grabbed my arm and spun me to him. His face was right in front of mine. No more than a centimeter kept us apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face and his lips right there.

  “But the fact that I’m impossible makes you like me more, admit it.” He said in barely a whisper his lips brushing against mine. I didn’t want to say anything.

  “Not admitting anything.” I hissed feeling his hand let go of my arm, but instantly now on my waist. He slowly pulled my body just closer with his hand firmly on my waist.

  “I’ve been trying to keep my distance from you. You piss me off, but I can’t help, but like it.” He said. I bit my lip slightly. He smirked at me. I took a shallow breath and before I could finish letting my breath go he crushed his lips to mine. His lips felt amazing against my own as he kissed me. I promptly kissed him back. My arms went around his neck as I held him close to me. I was thinking, but not at the same time. Tingles were being sent through my body from my lips.

  I hadn’t realized we were moving until my back hit a wall. One of his hands still held my waist while the other was around the back of my head and in my hair. He gave my hair a slight tug that induced a moan from deep inside of me. I parted my lips allowing his tongue into my mouth. My heart was beating hard and quick as my thoughts swirled. This all felt so good, too good. I slowly slid my hands down his chest feeling his muscles flex under my hands.

  At once my hands pushed him away. I couldn’t do this. I’d just kissed the President of the United States. He looked at me confused.

  “I’ve got to go.” I nearly shouted. I grabbed my bag and moved as fast as I could. I noticed that he didn’t move, but allowed me to go. In a way I was disappointed that he let me go and that he didn’t chase after me.

  FIERCELY I KNOCKED on Simone’s door. I knew she should have been home. I stood holding my bag tightly as I knocked. I’d left the White House right away and this was the first place I thought to go. I needed to talk to someone and the only person I could trust with this was Simone.

  The door then opened. Simone stood in her sweatpants and a tank top and looked confused to see me there.

  “Umm...Hey girl.” She said as she moved and allowed me into her apartment. I sat my bag down and sat on her couch with my head in my hands. “Ok what’s wrong?” she asked sitting down next to me.

  “I kissed him…well he kissed me first…we kissed.” I said trying to figure out my story.

  “Who is he?” she asked confusedly. I realized she hadn’t realized I was talking about the President.

  “Matt.” I confessed.

  “Who is Matt?” she asked me still confused.

  “Simone, I kissed Matthew Fucking Von Hansen the President of the United States!” I said out loud at once. The look on her face was hard to describe. She looked giddy, shocked, and a little jealous all at the same time.

  “Holy Shit!” she screeched out before covering her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were wide and she just looked at me. She removed her hands and continued to just look before she said something. “How was it?”

  “Amazing--- and that’s the problem. I can’t have anything going with him. Especially him of all people!” I said at once feeling defeated. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again. I wanted him to touch me and hold me. I had fallen for Matthew Von Hansen who so happened to be the President of the United States. This was just all so unreal.

  “Girl the ultimate bachelor of the entire.” she frantically waved her arms to express the scale that she was referring to. “Country wants you and you are at my apartment trying to avoid him?” she questioned. I felt stupid in that moment, but I needed to avoid him. I didn’t quite understand any of this. I wasn’t a fan of his. I despised his administration and everything it stood for, but yet I wanted him in the worst way.

  “I can’t just date him. I can’t date the freaking president.” I said looking at her and nearly laughing. To me the thought of actually doing so was hilarious.

  “Why not?” she asked me looking at me seriously.

  “I’ve got a career I’m building and I just can’t.” I had a million reasons in my head to why I shouldn’t be with him, but in the moment none of them mattered because I wanted to be with him. That kiss changed everything. I’d been able to deny my feelings for so long, but now he’d brought them all out and I now knew that he also felt something for me too. My life just got a lot more complicated than it should be.


  The Dream Crusher

  There was a small moment where I thought I found hope, but then that small moment was crushed. President Matthew Von Hansen never disappoints when you are expecting him to be an asshole and of course he is one. Both the House and the Senate approved a bill that was going to be the biggest immigration bill since the Dream Act, but of course the Conservative Ass-wipe that is President Von Dumb-Ass vetoed the bill. Millions of families were waiting on this bill so they could be reunited with their loved ones that they had been apart from for years and now they will have to wait longer. President Von Hansen seems to have forgotten his own story of how his great-grandfather had to wait 3 years after immigrating to the US before he could be reunited with his wife and young son. You can act like you understand and act like you care all you want, but when it is time to show it you disappoint like you’ve done your entire time in office so far.

  Until Then,


  Chapter Five


  AT LEAST I had the Press Corp and my MetroGirl blog along with my personal blog to keep me occupied for a couple days. These things kept my mind off Matthew at least a little bit, but then again not. I was able to avoid him at least a bi
t by focusing on other aspects of my job and not spending all of my time with him.

  I hated to admit it, but I missed spending my time with him. I miss watching him work and talking with him. I even missed arguing with him. It was funny how he seemed to consume every corner of my mind with just that one kiss.

  Of course the Press Corp offices were abuzz with the fact that Matthew vetoed the immigration bill that passed in both the house and the Senate. Everyone had his or her own two cents and Matthew also had his reasoning that of course I didn’t agree with.

  I sat at my desk doing some work when I saw Julie come in. She seemed chipper as always and wore a bright pink swing dress that really set her apart from everyone in the room. Her blonde hair was in large curls that bounced with her. I was grateful that she was here to distract me from thinking about Matthew constantly.

  “Hey you! It is rare to actually see you in these parts.” She said as she sat down her overly expensive handbag and then took her seat.

  “I thought I’d get some work down here.” I said trying to sound as casual as possible. This was so hard for me. I wasn’t this girl. I’d always been so focused on my career that I’d never let a guy in my way, but Matthew seemed to break down all of my walls.

  “Cool girl. You’ve got to see the flowers I finally picked for the wedding. We’ve gotten so much done in a short amount of time. We had a meeting with the florist and did a cake tasting over the weekend.” She said as she whipped out her cell phone. She started flipping through photos of beautiful bouquets and centerpieces with yellow and white flowers.

  I’d always thought about getting married, but it seemed so far away. I was engaged once and it felt like forever ago even though it had only been two years since. That didn’t end so well and since then I hadn’t focused on finding anyone who I would want to marry. I put all my focus on my career. Suddenly there was a thought in the back of my mind. I wondered about marrying Matthew. I shook my head then. I couldn’t have these thoughts.


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