Book Read Free

Broken Politics

Page 7

by Janae Keyes

  “You’re thinking.” Matthew murmured into my hair.

  “I am.” I answered still looking at the stars.

  “About what?”

  I tipped my head up to look at him.

  “About us.”

  “What about us?”

  “How we can make this work. I mean we are two completely different people with different ideas and we clash hard on them. How could this work between us?”

  “We need to set some ground rules maybe… how about no politics in the bedroom?” he smirked at me when he said it. I playfully slapped his arm.

  “Who says I’m going to be in your bedroom?”

  “It’s bound to happen at some point.” He said smiling at me. I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him. “Another good rule would be no hitting below the belt. We have to fight fair in politics and in any other conflict.”

  “Agreed.” In that moment I thought of Broken Politics and how I frequently took nice jabs at him there. I couldn’t just change the format of my blog and suddenly be nice to him. I was conflicted, but for now I was going to let it slide and think about it later.

  “I want to go swimming.” He said.

  “I didn’t bring anything to swim in.”

  “Who says you need anything?” he questioned while giving me a wink. He got off the canopy and took his sweater off. I continued to sit in my spot as I watched him unbutton his plaid shirt. I’d quickly gotten a glance at his chest and abs that day I walked in on him in his underwear, but now I had the ultimate view. He obviously worked out quite a bit. His biceps were big and his chest was chiseled for the gods along with his perfect six-pack. I noticed a tattoo on the lower left side of his body, but I couldn’t make out what it was. I felt my cheeks flush as he began to take off his jeans. “Are you coming?” he asked as he kicked off his jeans and stood there in his boxer shorts for a moment.

  He went to the edge of the pool and jumped in. I watched the water splash and bubble before he returned to the surface. “It’s nice and warm. Come in.”

  I let out an exasperated sigh. I wasn’t this girl, but I couldn’t help, but want to play along. I stood and took off my cardigan before unbuttoning my jeans and slipping them off. I pulled off my t-shirt. I stood there in my blue lace bra and panties. I took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the pool. Without any thinking I just jumped in.

  I came to the surface and looked to see him smiling at me. He splashed water at me. I laughed and quickly splashed him back. We seemed to both be in fits of laughter as we continued to splash at one another as we made our way through the pool. I swam to the edge of the pool still giggling. I then didn’t see him coming after me, but then I realized I saw something moving under the water. He’d swam to me.

  He came up from under the water and quickly pressed his body and lips against mine. His hands were on my waist and my arms quickly made their way around his neck. I allowed in his tongue and it battled passionately with mine. I let a moan slip into his mouth. I felt his lips slightly curve into a smile. He pressed me harder against the wall. I could feel his arousal pressing against my lower stomach.

  I was now at a battle in my mind. I knew I wanted to go further with him, but at the same time I wanted to wait. I was enjoying that we were getting to know one another. Sex was going to change the entire game and I wasn’t ready for that change yet. I felt his hands slip from my waist down to my hips and the elastic of my panties. As much as I wasn’t ready for that change I knew in this very moment I wanted what he seemed to want.

  His kiss began to trail down towards my neck. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. My eyes closed as he pressed his lips against that one spot that instantly made me weak. I couldn’t help, but to moan in response to it.

  “Mmm that’s a beautiful sound.” he whispered against my neck sending shivers through my entire body before he pressed his mouth back against mine.

  “Mr. President, Sir.” Called a voice from the house. It was the voice of Paul the Secret Service agent that was staying with us for the weekend. Matthew groaned and broke our kiss.

  “Yes Paul.” Matthew said looking towards the house. I turned to see Paul standing in the sliding glass door.

  “You still have that phone call with the US Ambassador to Japan in about 10 minutes.” Paul then said.

  “Fuck I forgot.” Matthew said under his breath. “I will be right in!” he said to Paul. I removed my arms from around his neck and he took his hands from my hips. He took me by the hand and we waded through the water together to the stairs of the pool. He pulled me with him out of the pool. The cool night air hit me and I instantly started to shiver. Matthew rushed to a cabinet that wasn’t far from the pool and pulled out towels. He quickly came to me and put one around me. The towels were actually warmed. “Don’t need you getting sick.”

  “Thanks.” I said as we walked over to the canopy and grabbed our earlier discarded clothes.

  We walked into the lodge together and both walked up the hall towards the bedrooms. I stopped at the door to my room and put my hand on the knob.

  “I’m going to take a shower and I might get some sleep.” I said to him. He came to me and pressed his lips to mine. This was the perfect goodnight kiss it was soft and slow. He pulled away and looked at me.

  “Goodnight.” He simply said.

  “Goodnight.” I echoed as I opened the door to my room. I watched him start to make his way to his quarters before I went into mine.

  I WOKE UP out of a deep sleep. I turned to see what time the clock read. It was only 2:54AM. After we came in from swimming I took a nice hot shower and climbed into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Now here I was wide-awake. I let out a sigh as I tried to get comfortable again. It was weird because this wasn’t my bed.

  I tossed and turned for what felt like an eternity. I looked at the clock again and it was 3:27AM. I was frustrated with the fact I couldn’t sleep anymore. I sat up on the bed and wondered what I could do.

  Finally I got out of the bed completely. I tiptoed from my room into the dimly lit and quiet hall. I walked as silently as possible towards Matthew’s room. I made it to his door and turned the doorknob carefully. I tipped inside and closed the door behind me. I could hear his breathing. I was nervous and considered returning to the safety of my room.

  “Kayla?” questioned his voice in a sleepy whisper.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you. I couldn’t sleep.” I whispered as I made my way closer to his bed.

  “No I was awake. Come here.” He said. I could see him move the blanket to the side so I could join him. I slipped into his bed with him. He put the blanket over me and instantly pulled me close to him. I realized that he was shirtless right away as he held me close to his body. “What’s up?” he asked as he placed a kiss in my shoulder.

  “I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Maybe because it’s not my bed.” I explained to him. I inhaled his scent. I loved his smell of nutmeg and sage. I snuggled in close to his body. I adored the feeling of being in his arms as we just lay there together in silence. “I was meaning to ask you.” I started. I felt him shift awaiting my question. “I saw you had a tattoo, but I didn’t get a better look at it. What is it?”

  “I’ll show you.” He said. I felt him let go and move away from me. Then a light was on. I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. He sat up on the bed his chest and abs exposed. He lifted his left arm and showed me. Tattooed on him was what looked to be a tattered piece of paper with We The People written exactly how it looks on the constitution; directly under it was a quill. I ran my fingers over it.

  “It’s beautiful.” I said giving him a smile. “When did you get it?”

  “The night I won the election. I told a buddy of mine that I would get a tattoo if I won. I knew exactly what I wanted. My job as president is to uphold the constitution of the United States so I thought it was appropriate.” He explained to me.

  “I like it.�
� I said looking at him. He gave me a grin obviously appreciative of the fact I liked his tattoo. As much as I personally didn’t like the way he ran the country I loved the conviction that he had about being its leader. I loved that he was determined to do what he felt was right even though many like myself thought it was wrong. I couldn’t fault him for being passionate about his role and this country.

  “I didn’t see any tattoos on you.” He mentioned as he ran a hand down my arm. I felt the hairs on my arm stand at attention.

  “No. I don’t have any. I’ve considered it, but I’ve never gone through with it.”

  “If you did get one what would you get?”

  “Well I’d get a quill like yours on my foot or ankle and I was thinking a butterfly on my hip because I love butterflies.” He took his arms and pulled me close to him. My head lay on his strong chest as I let out a yawn.

  “Someone is sleepy now.” I nodded in response and yawned again. He leaned over and turned the light out. He pulled the blanket back over the two of us and in minutes I drifted back to sleep in his arms.

  I WOKE UP completely alone. The bed was cold as I reached over to the other side. I stretched and pulled myself up into a sitting position. The sun just started shining through the curtains. I picked up his pillow that was laying next to me and hugged it to myself. It smelled just like him. I smiled for a moment before I sat his pillow down. I got out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom and into the sitting room hoping I would find him there, but it was empty.

  I could smell food coming from the kitchen so I made my way in that direction. The scent of bacon and pancakes filled the air. I walked into the kitchen to find the chef making breakfast and another member of the staff helping.

  “Hello ma’am.” The staff member said to me kindly.

  “Good morning.” I replied with a smile. I felt a little uncomfortable in the moment. “I was just looking for President Von Hansen.” I said.

  “Oh ma’am he went for a run about thirty minutes ago.” The kind staff member informed me in a southern accent that reminded me of Julie. I wondered if she was also from Mississippi.

  “Thank you.” I answered still feeling awkward.

  “Would you like something to drink ma’am?” she asked. “There is coffee, tea, milk, hot chocolate, orange juice, apple juice, cranberry juice, grape juice, and water.” I thought over my decision for a second. I never imagined so many choices at once.

  “Is it possible to get a cup of coffee and a glass of mixed apple and cranberry juice with ice?”

  “I can do that. Just go in the dining room and I will be right in with your drinks. Breakfast is also nearly done. How do you like your eggs?”


  “Very well just go in the dining room and everything will be right out to you.”

  I went into the dining room and took a seat at the large table. Everything smelled amazing and I couldn’t wait to dig in. I heard the front door open as I sat waiting. I stood and made my way to the entrance of the dining room and I saw Matthew coming in. He held his shirt in his hands and he only wore a pair of shorts.

  God why did he have to be so hot?

  He spotted me and gave me a smile as he walked my way. I could see the beads of sweat falling down his chest. He quickly pressed his lips to mine.

  “Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well. You looked so peaceful and I didn’t want to wake you.” He said to me before Paul handed him a bottle of water. Matthew opened the water and started to gulp it down.

  “I slept great. It’s the best sleep I’d gotten in awhile.” I said as I leaned against the entranceway of the dining room.

  “Breakfast is nearly done sir and ma’am I have your coffee and juice.” The staff member said.

  “Thank you Helena. I’d like my eggs over easy.” Matthew said to her giving her a kind smile. “I’m going to take a quick shower. We can then have breakfast and see what else we can get into around here.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I said before I let him steal a quick kiss.

  Sitting at the dining room table I smiled to myself. I had the best weekend with him. It was nice for us to be away from the rush and influence of DC. Seeing him more as Matthew then President Von Hansen. In my mind I was learning to separate the two. There was the President whose politics I despised and who was everything I hated about Washington and then there was Matthew who was a sweet down to earth guy who was honest, and forthcoming. I only hoped that when we returned to Washington that I could keep them separated.

  Chapter Six


  IT WAS FOR sure nice to be back in my apartment though I hated that I was alone in my apartment. At this point I’d gotten used to being around Matthew 24/7 after spending three days together at Camp David. I went in my kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine. Simone was going to be here in just a few minutes and she was bringing the food for our Girls Night. I was excited to give my best friend a rundown of how everything went over my weekend with Matthew.

  The doorbell rang and I knew it was Simone. I went to the door and opened it to my best friend carrying a bag from Whole Foods. I knew she’d splurged for the good stuff.

  “Oooo what did you get?” I asked excitedly as I closed the door behind her and she walked into my kitchen and sat the bag down on the counter.

  “Hummus and Pita bread, quinoa salad, roasted veggies, and chicken quesadillas.” She said as I started to pull the food out of the bag.

  “Yes you know how I love their quesadillas.” I said happily. “You are the best, best friend ever.”

  “Of course I am.” She said as she mock brushed off her shoulders.

  The two of us got all our snacks and sat on my couch. I dipped a piece of pita bread into the hummus. Simone poured both of us a glass of wine. It was nice to chill out with my best friend. We’d both been so busy that we hadn’t been able to really hang out in a few months.

  “So tell me every single detail.” Simone said before she took a sip of her wine. “What is Camp David like? Did you guys have fun? What did you do? Did you do him?”

  “Come on Simone it was technically my first date with him so no I did not do him. We got to know each other. We really got to talk to each other and I got to see his tattoo.”

  “Wait the president has a tattoo? Where?”

  “Can we not refer to him as the president. I hate thinking of him that way. He’s just Matt and his tattoo is along his left side under his arm.” I said thinking of the tattoo that was perfectly placed on his perfect body.

  “What is it of?”

  “It is the constitution. Well not the whole thing. It just says, We the people. There is also a quill under it. He told me that he got it the night he won the election because his job as president is to uphold the constitution.”

  “Deep.” She responds before shoving a piece of pita bread into her mouth. “So things are going well with the two of you?”

  “Very well. He’s a sweetheart and we have the best time together. There wasn’t a dull moment during our trip.”

  “Does he know about Broken Politics?” she asked. I frowned when I thought about it. I needed to tell him. He was going to have to know that I was behind the blog.

  “Not yet. I just need to find the right time to tell him.” I said with a shrug. I for sure knew that telling him would be the right thing, but how was another story.

  I SAT AT my desk at MetroGirl putting the finishing touches on the 2nd installment of my article series. This time I focused a lot on our trip and how it was refreshing to see the president in a relaxed environment and out of a suit. I talked about how he wasn’t even originally interested in politics and after law school he ran for congress. I wasn’t going to say how he was a fantastic kisser or nice it was to sleep in bed with him for 3 days with his arms wrapped around me.

  I began to read over the article one last time. I’d read Matthew what I was working with and he seemed to like it and was fine with the informatio
n I did divulge. I looked at the clock realizing it was much later than I anticipated. I printed what I had and walked with it to Kizzy’s office. I swiftly knocked on the door to her office.

  “Come in.” she said from the other side.

  I opened the door and walked inside of the office that was disgustingly pink like the rest of the offices at MetroGirl. She sat behind a white desk and looked up at me from her computer. I walked over to her desk and sat down my article.

  “It’s done.” I stated.

  “Perfect. Did you email me a digital copy?” she asked.

  “Yes I did.” I answered. I looked at her as she scanned over the article. “Kizzy, I did have an issue with the last edition.”

  “And that was?” she questioned.

  “There were a lot of filler words in my article that I didn’t write. There was one line about the President’s eyes shining as he spoke about something. I didn’t like that my article was partly rewritten.” I said standing my ground. I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Kizzy about that, but it was now time to do so. I didn’t want this next edition to end up like the last one.

  “It needed to be done. Your article was fantastic, but it lacked intimacy. It is supposed to be an intimate time with the President and so it needed a little more of the intimate feel. Our readers want to feel like they are sitting right there with the president. That is what we made them feel.” She explained to me. I was fighting so hard to not roll my eyes at her. “So after this one you will do one more to close out the series. After that you will remain in the Press Corp and our eyes and ears for our website blog.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I answered. I was just grateful that I would still be spending time at the White House, which meant spending time with Matthew.

  “You are doing a fantastic job. Our readership is up as well as our online presence. It is definitely a help to have someone in the White House.” She said happily. As much as I didn’t like writing for this magazine I felt like I was doing something right.


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