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Broken Politics

Page 17

by Janae Keyes

  “I have never been on such a great trip.” Simone noted as she sipped a glass of champagne. “You will have to tell Matt thanks for me.”

  “I will tell him for sure.” I said as I looked out of the window and at the houses that seemed so tiny from all the way up here.

  Luckily for Matthew and I the allure and mystery of mystery girl had died down and with Matthew signing the Deliverance Bill into law over the summer his approval ratings were rising nicely. Nobody was paying attention to if he was dating and they were paying attention to what he was doing. His trip out west was to see the bill at work. Job training had started and people were being put to work. He was going to see the companies where these people were working and meeting the families that this bill was benefiting.

  “So, I was offered a fulltime position at the Senator’s office.” Simone announced. I turned to my best friend. I was so happy for her.

  “No way, that’s awesome!” I shrieked. I knew things were going to be looking up for both of us and I was right. Optimism was the key.

  “Yeah I will finally be making real money and my parents can stop paying my rent.” She said before drowning down her glass of champagne.

  “We’re actually grown-ups.” I said laughing.

  “Took long enough.” Simone said as she poured herself another glass of champagne. “To us…grown-ups.” She said raising her glass.

  “To being grown-ups... finally.” I said raising my own glass.

  I SAT AT my Press Corp office desk. With Matthew being gone I spent much more time down here. It was nice to focus on my work, but I’d gotten so used to working in the Oval or in the residence. I worked on the next installment of my MetroGirl blog. Things at MetroGirl had been better. Since finishing my series on Matthew I’d gotten a promotion and a raise. I was still working freelance and writing Broken Politics, but I was actually enjoying my job at MetroGirl. My promotion gave me a little more freedom with the content I wrote.

  “There’s my girl.” Said a very familiar voice with a southern accent. I looked up from my work to see Julie sitting down at her desk. As she sat I got a nice view at the bump that was just starting to form on her stomach. Julie had pretty much gotten pregnant right away after getting married.

  “Hey Julie. How are you feeling today?” I asked her. Her morning sickness was beyond anything and she was constantly sick. Seeing her made me a little afraid of being pregnant one day. I couldn’t imagine feeling that ill constantly.

  “Not so bad today, but I am so happy I’ve finally made it to my last day.” She said with a tired breath. Julie had decided she wanted to be a stay at home mom and was leaving her post at Conservative Daily. I was going to miss having a friend with me in the office.

  “I know. I’m going to miss you.” I said to her with a frown.

  “I’ll still be around and living in DC. We will for sure have to hang out.” She said happily as she turned on her computer. “How’s the boyfriend?”

  “He’s good. Traveling for work like always.” I said to her with a shrug. Julie still knew very little about this boyfriend who I told her was a consultant. It became a running joke between Matthew and I.

  “He is always working isn’t he?” she questioned.

  “Always.” I answered and it was the truth. Matthew was the President at all times and at all times he was working. There had been so many times where we were going to spend an evening alone, but something happened and he has to go be President. It left our life pretty unpredictable, but I loved him enough that I was willing to look past it and go with the flow. Times like now where he was on an extended trip I hated because we could go a couple weeks without seeing one another.

  “When is he coming back?” she asked.

  “In a few days.” I answered thinking about how I couldn’t wait to get the news that Air Force One has landed safely.

  “Maybe you can keep him still for a moment and we can do a double date. I’m dying to meet this guy.” She said I shrugged.

  “I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.” I said truthfully. There were no promises with Matthew anyway. Things were so unpredictable and out of our hands.

  “The President is about to speak live from California.” Someone called out from across the room.

  Suddenly the sound on one of the TVs was turned up. I watched as Matthew took the podium. He looked handsome, but that was always. He smiled. I loved the way he smiled. Even though I was watching him on the television and he was all the way across the country that smile still made my stomach do a flip. My fingers went to my charm bracelet that held four charms now. He’d recently gotten me a golden teddy bear.

  I watched him speak. I watched his hands move. I couldn’t wait to have the feeling of those hands on my body. I craved the feeling of just being near him, but the feeling of him touching me was something completely different. I wanted his lips on my neck. He knew the exact spot to kiss me on my neck that made me his every single time. He used this to his advantage often. I thought of his kisses making a trail from my neck down. The feeling of his tongue…

  “Kayla… earth to Kayla!” called Julie’s voice. I quickly shook my head out of my trance. “What did you think of the President’s speech?” she asked me. Truthfully I hadn’t listened to a word he said, but luckily I’d heard the speech already. Matthew had read me his speech over the phone the night before.

  “It was great. He seems to be moving in the right direction. He is also making it very obvious he won’t play by the rules of either side Republican or Democrat. I love that he is making an effort to be bipartisan and actually do things to fix the country like completely reform these assistance programs. It is obvious these programs are working because the economy is on a huge uptick.” I stated knowingly. Matthew was turning from one of my least favorite presidents to one of my favorites and it wasn’t because he was the love of my life.

  I YAWNED AS I entered my apartment. It had been a long, but productive day. I closed the door and turned on my living room light. At once I was shocked to see a huge bouquet of roses on my living room table. I walked to the roses and there was a card with them. I opened up the card. It was on Presidential stationary.


  I smiled as I read the card over and over again. Matthew and I had been together nearly 6 months now. These had been the best 6 months of my life and nothing could be as good as this. I was so happy and things weren’t too bad in my professional life either. Everyday I fought with if I wanted to be public with Matthew or not. In ways life would be easier because we wouldn’t have to sneak around, but in other ways my life would be turned upside down.

  Our relationship was great the way it was. I could only imagine how others would try to pry us apart if we were open with it. I didn’t want anything about us to change. What we had was perfect for us right now.

  After changing into my warm pajamas I sat on my couch with some leftover Chinese food. Just as I took my first bite I heard my cell phone ringing. I was excited because I knew it was the ring of the phone I only used to talk to Matthew. I stumbled from my couch to my purse and pulled out the phone. As always the screen read Secure.

  “Hey!” I said happily answering the call. “I saw your speech today.”

  “Hey Baby. What’d everyone think?” he inquired.

  “In the Press room there was a lot of positive chatter. I think it went over pretty well.” I told him thinking of all the reactions I saw around the room while at work today. Thinking of him I let out a sigh. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, but I will see you in a few days. I promise you.” He reminded. I was living for that day. He’d been gone for 2 weeks and sleeping in my own bed was weird. I missed his bed and I missed his arms around me at night. Sleeping alone wasn’t something I was used to anymore and when Matthew was away I was back to being alone. “Guess who’s with me?” he asked me.
br />   “Who?” I asked wondering who could be with him.

  “Hello Kayla.” Said my mom’s voice. My face lit up. I was instantly happy knowing that my mom was finally meeting Matthew.

  “Oh my goodness that’s awesome. The two people I love the most are in the same place. I wish I could be there.” I said instantly wanting to be across the country much more than I already wanted.

  “I’m about to treat your mother to a fantastic meal.” Matthew said proudly.

  “Have a good time.” I said.

  “We will. Matthew is a very nice young man and I can officially say I approve.” My mom gushed. I was instantly happy. I loved that my mom and boyfriend could meet and spend some time together and that my mom approved of him, her approval meant everything to me.

  “I hope you can join us for Christmas at the White House Ms. Johnson.” Matthew said.

  “Yes!” I said cheerfully hoping my mom could come out for Christmas. It would be so great to be with both of them.

  “If I can manage the time off work I will be there.” My mom answered. I hadn’t seen her in a year or so and the thought of her coming for Christmas was great.

  “Well, I will let the two of you go. I love you both.” I said not wanting to hang up with them, but also not wanting to keep them from their dinner.

  “I love you too Kayla.” My mom said.

  “I love you too so much. I will see you in a few days.” Matthew said. I could hear the emotion in his voice. I closed my eyes for a second just thinking of seeing him made me incredibly happy.

  “Bye.” I said before ending the call. Life was fantastic and there was no way to go, but up.

  I HUGGED MY green pea-coat around myself as I walked towards the White House. Snowflakes were falling as I rushed through to the door. The warmth enveloped me as I went inside the building. I put my purse through the x-ray machine and walked through the metal detector as always. I rushed to make it to the residence. I’d gotten a call that Matthew had arrived safely and was returning to the White House. After just over two weeks of not seeing him I was aching to be in his arms.

  Walking into the residence I saw his suitcases near the door of his bedroom. That was my first sign that he really was here. I couldn’t help, but grin to myself. I took off my coat and put it over the arm of one of the couches. I peeked into the bedroom, but it was dark. I walked back into the sitting room.

  “Matt!” I called out wondering if he was around.

  “In here.” I heard his voice call from the dining room. I rushed over and opened the door. The room was lit with candlelight and Matthew was standing by the table giving me a sweet grin.

  I was almost instantly in his arms. He held me tightly with his nose in my hair. I inhaled his scent deeply, I’d missed it so much. We were both silent just standing there. I planted a kiss on his chest. He slightly pulled me away and looked down at me. He had a huge smile on his face. He quickly pressed his mouth to mine. My arms went around his neck as he kissed me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I’d wanted this moment since the moment he left. He’d gone away plenty of times in our 6 months together, but every time I missed him so much and every time when he returned it felt just like this.

  He broke the kiss and looked at me. “We should eat.” He said as he turned me back to the table that was set with a beautiful meal. The table was filled with candles that flickered light off the walls.

  “It’s all so beautiful.” I cooed to him.

  “I wanted it to be special. Celebrating us and one year since the election.” He whispered just into my ear. He knew how to romance me just right. “Come on take a seat.” He said as he walked to the table and pulled out a chair for me. I took my seat in the chair and he pushed the chair into the table. He took his own seat. I just looked at him. It was so strange to have been without him for 2 weeks and now here we were just the two of us.

  Dinner was obviously delicious as the White House chef who was amazing made it. I looked over at Matthew. The entire time we ate I couldn’t help, but look at him and he couldn’t seem to help looking at me either. I hated that we had to be away from one another so often, but it was his job and I wasn’t going to complain. I still had the best guy on the planet.

  “Have you seen the articles about you having dinner with my mom?” I asked him. He laughed.

  “Yeah. The media really got that one wrong, but at least it has benefited your mom’s church.” He said before taking a sip of his white wine.

  Someone in the hotel restaurant had snapped a few photos of Matthew and my mom having dinner. Once the press found out who she was they drew their own conclusion. The headline was: As the holidays approach President Von Hansen meets with church leaders to see what he can do to make the holidays brighter for American families. The most information they could find about my mom was that she headed up the homeless feeding program at her church. The media instantly assumed that he was meeting with her to help her cause. They had no idea that she was the mother the so-called mystery girl. One good thing was donations started to pour in for my mom’s church and their homeless feeding program.

  “She told me they are barely keeping up with the donations and volunteers have started flooding in for the Thanksgiving meal.” I told him.

  “I had a great time with your mom. I’m glad I finally got to meet her.” He said to me. I grinned.

  “I so hope she can make it for Christmas.” I said thinking of how great Christmas was going to be with my two favorite people.

  “I don’t have anymore major trips planned away until after Christmas.” Matthew noted.

  “You’re going to Asia for 3 whole weeks.” I said with a groan. I was going to have to go without him for nearly a month. I had no idea how I was going to survive that. These past two weeks were torture. We’d grown so close that it was so difficult to be so far away from one another especially for long periods of time. For some trips I was able to go as a MetroGirl reporter, but for other trips the smaller publications had to pay their own way and MetroGirl was not going to put up the bill for me to spend three weeks in Asia.

  I watched as Matthew stood from his chair. He came my way and put out his hand. I quickly took it and he pulled me from my chair and to him. He roughly pressed his lips to mine. I loved when he kissed me this way. There was something so demanding and fervent about it. His hands were on my hips as he pulled me as close as he could pull me.

  “Two weeks without you were almost impossible. I don’t know how I can survive three weeks.” He whispered against me.

  “How much did you miss me?” I asked him with a sly grin.

  “I think you know.” He nearly growled and I could feel it. His arousal was pressing against me nearly prodding my stomach. He planted kissed on my neck. He knew that exact spot and his lips landed there. A moan escaped my lips. “I’ve missed that sound.” He groaned against my neck.

  “I’ve missed this.” I said with a sigh feeling a wetness pool between my thighs.

  “I want you so bad, but first I need a shower.” He said looking at me with a devilish grin. He quickly pulled me by my hand and led me from the dining room.

  In the bathroom he turned on the shower and stripped off his clothes. He watched as I peeled away at my layers. Though I’d lived on the East Coast since college I still couldn’t get used to the cold and the snow. When it would start to snow I was the first person covered in layers.

  I’d peeled away at my last layer and I stood there in my bra and panties. I saw Matthew grin at me. I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra and pulled it off. I slowly took my fingers and slipped them under the elastic of my panties. I kept my eyes on Matthew’s that simply watched me. I could see a burning in his eyes as he watched me slip my panties off and step out of them. It seemed as if the moment I was out of my panties Matthew was right at me. His lips immediately on my neck.

  “I’m still amazed every single day that you’re mine.” He said against my neck. He kissed my neck once more. “I’ve mi
ssed your smell, your taste, your lips, your body… everything. I don’t know how I survived getting through life without you.”

  “Me either.” I confessed moving so that he was looking at me. His lips slowly formed a smile.

  There was no warning at all, but in seconds he’d lifted me onto the counter, spread my legs, and was planting kisses along my thighs.

  “I’ve missed being with you in every way possible.” He said looking up at me. I could only moan in response to his words knowing exactly what he meant by them.

  “I thought you said shower first?” I questioned looking at him with a sly grin.

  “That’s going to have to wait. I need you right now.” He said.. I bit my lip in anticipation. He slid his hands up my thighs. “Are you wet Baby?” he asked me his voice laced with velvet.

  “Yes.” I breathed out in wanting.

  Swiftly and just like that his mouth was on me. My head went back onto the mirror. My breathing was hard and I groaned with every flick of his tongue. He swirled his tongue over my most sensitive spot.

  “Oh yes.” I breathed out with one of my hands in his hair gripping tightly.

  “Don’t pull my hair out Baby.” He breathed onto my thigh, but I couldn’t let go as he was at me once more. I felt like every nerve ending on my body was electrified and abruptly he entered a couple fingers into me.

  “Oh God!” I cried out as I gripped at his hair tighter and at the countertop. I push my hips towards him aching for more and he responded appropriately moving his fingers in and out hard and fast while his tongue assaulted my sensitive bud of nerves. My body couldn’t take it anymore and like a wave I was being washed away crying out his name.

  I hadn’t realized that I’d shut my eyes. When I opened them Matthew was standing giving me a smirk. He pulled me from the counter and attacked my mouth with his. I moan into his mouth before he pulled away and turned me towards the counter.


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