Book Read Free

Broken Politics

Page 20

by Janae Keyes

  “I love it. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” He reassured her as he hugged her. He let her go and walked to the tree. “I’ve got a little something for you.”

  “You didn’t have to.” She said as she sat on the couch next to me.

  “I had to.” He proclaimed as he pulled a very familiar teal box with a white bow from under the tree.

  “Matthew I already can’t accept this.” My mom sputtered knowing exactly where that box had come from.

  “I insist.” Matthew said and he handed her the box. She pulled the bow from the box and opened it. Inside there was the most beautiful diamond necklace I’d ever seen.

  “Matthew…” my mom breathed as she watched the diamonds sparkle. “No, I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. It’s a trade. You’ve already given me a diamond so I’m giving diamonds to you.” He said as he grabbed my hand. I could see tears forming in my mom’s eyes. I knew that she appreciated it so much.

  “Thank you.” She said in barely a whisper as she wiped her tears away. “You didn’t need to give this to me. This has already been a great Christmas. I got to see my baby and I got to see her happy. The happiest I’ve ever seen her and you gave her that happiness. That was the only gift I needed.”

  “But you gave me the gift of her. You raised a very intelligent and beautiful woman who I love with everything.” Matthew said. I could feel tears in my eyes. Everything about this entire moment was beautiful. “Now for my love.” He said as he handed me a 2nd, but smaller Tiffany box.”

  I took off the bow and opened the box. Inside I found a small silver snowflake charm. I smiled knowing it was yet another charm for my bracelet. I loved that my bracelet was the gift that kept on giving.

  “A new charm.” I approved happily. “Thank you Baby.” He bent to me and gave me a soft kiss.

  “Do you want it on?” he asked.

  “Of course.” I held out the arm I wore my bracelet on. He picked up the charm from the box and he clipped it to my bracelet. I looked down at the now five charms I had. I loved them all.

  “I have one more thing for you.” He said as he pulled another tiffany box from his pocket.

  This time he opened the box. Inside there was a gorgeous princess cut diamond ring. My hands went to my mouth and my heart started to pound. Was he really going to do this? My mind was spinning. I didn’t know what to say or do. I wanted to scream, but at the same time I felt like I would pass out. Instead of taking my left hand he took my right hand.

  “Not an engagement ring yet, but more of a promise.” He started as he slipped the ring onto the ring finger of my right hand. “I love you so much Kayla and I want us to continue to grow together. I’m giving you this ring as a token and a promise of my love for you. I want you to have the assurance that when the time is right. I will give you my last name,” he said. I just stared at him and smiled. I couldn’t be happier in this moment. “Well you don’t have to take my last name of course. That’s entirely up to you.” I laughed.

  “It’s absolutely perfect.” I said to him. He then quickly pressed his lips to mine. There had been no Christmas like this one before and this Christmas was as perfect as it could get.

  Chapter Fourteen


  THIS WAS ABSOLUTE torture. Matthew had been gone a week already on his Asian tour. This trip was going to be a huge diplomacy mission. He even took along the Vice President Naomi Yamauchi who was the child of Japanese immigrants. She had been a huge part of his campaign when it came to his support of immigration and getting the Asian vote.

  I stood in my bathroom with my flatiron in my hands. It was going to be a long day like the day before. Matthew had called me every morning at about 5am. It was one of the few times he had a moment to call me. I loved being able to hear his voice even though that meant I was going to be awake at 5am everyday.

  “I was able to pick you up something today.” Matthew’s voice said over the speakerphone.

  “Really?” I questioned as I worked at straightening my hair. I figured since I was up so early I would work at the impossible task of straightening my hair.

  “By the time this trip is over I’m going to have so many things for you. I see things everywhere and I just know I have to get them.” I smiled to myself. He could be overly thoughtful.

  “Keep in mind that my apartment is pretty small.”

  “Who says you’ll be living there much longer. I know this really great place for you. It’s nice size. You should go check it out. The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” I instantly laughed. “What’s so funny?”

  “You are aware that place is your house…The White House.”

  “I’m well aware and I want my beautiful girl living there with me…one day.”

  “Baby.” I said softly. As much time as I spent there I didn’t think I was ready to move in with him yet. Like he said the day he gave me the promise ring. He wanted us to continue to grow together and I wanted that too.

  “It doesn’t have to be today.” I could start to hear voices in the background. “Baby I’ve got to go. We are heading to a dinner soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I said not wanting to hang up just yet. We still had two more weeks of this before he was back in DC. I closed my eyes for just a moment wanting this moment to last longer.

  “I will call when I can. Only two more weeks.” He was trying to sound optimistic.

  “Only two more weeks.” I sighed. I could feel emotions welling up inside of me. I didn’t want to cry, but I felt the tears trying to work their way out.

  I knew crying was pointless. He wouldn’t be coming home because I cried. He was the President of the United States. He was going to have to travel and he was going to have to be away at times. Being with him I was going to have to get used to that aspect of things and I was used to it, but today was just one of those hard days and I knew there would be plenty more.

  “This is my least favorite part. Saying goodbye.”

  “Yeah.” I responded as I wiped away the few tears that had escaped my eyes. “I will talk to you later.” I said taking a deep breath.


  “Bye.” I was able to say before the line disconnected. I studied my face in the mirror. I was happy I hadn’t done my make-up yet because my tears would have ruined it all.

  WALKING INTO THE Press Corp offices it was pretty quiet. With most people gone with the President there were only a few of us around. I liked the office quiet though. The only gripe I had was that one of the people left behind was Bryce. I got the joy of listening to his misogynist and racist talk all day. At least I did have a few allies who worked for smaller publications or was the junior member on their staff and was left behind.

  I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. My MetroGirl blogs were pretty boring with the President not actually in town, but I wrote what I could. As I waited for my computer to load I looked across the nearly empty room. I instantly saw one of my friends come through the door and he started walking straight to my desk.

  “How’s my favorite MetroGirl writer?” he asked. Joey Stevens wrote for The Daily Post a newer and small publication that also didn’t have the money to send him to Asia for three weeks. Joey came in not long before Julie left. He was a sweet guy who grew up in Harlem. He went to college on a basketball scholarship, but writing became his passion and he put basketball behind him.

  “I’m the only MetroGirl writer you know.” I said giving him a smirk.

  “True that.” He said as he leaned on the edge of my desk. “Well I was in New York over the weekend seeing friends and family and while I was there I picked up something for my favorite MetroGirl.” He pulled a small cellophane bag from his pocket. My eyes grew big as I saw the bag continued macaroons from the shop Simone and I found the weekend we were in New York. I couldn’t shut up about them when I was back in DC.

  “No way. Macaroons from La Petite Bakery!” I said happily. I quickly jumped up from my chair
and gave him a big hug. “Thanks so much!”

  “You’re welcome. Some friends and I were in the neighborhood and when I passed by I knew I couldn’t leave there without getting you some.” He said giving me a proud grin. I was pretty certain that Joey had a crush on me, but he knew I was seeing someone. “Going to share some with that boyfriend of yours?”

  “I wish. He is out of town, but I am supposed to go over my friend Simone’s place later. She will die for some of these.” I said happily. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Simone’s face when I walked in with these.

  “Way to go Kayla.” A voice came from Bryce’s desk. Joey and I both looked over at Bryce confused. “Or shall I call you K?”

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Let’s see here… the identify of the mysterious K the writer behind one of the most bluntly honest liberal blogs Broken Politics has been revealed. K has been identified as Kayla Johnson, 29, a writer for DC’s popular Contemporary Women’s Magazine MetroGirl.”

  “The fuck?” I questioned as I walked over to Bryce’s desk and saw the news article that was up on his computer. There was even a terrible photo of me.

  “Woah you’re K?” Joey questioned. Everyone else in the room seemed to draw their attention towards us and many of them had started walking to me even shouting out questions. “Kayla you are my hero.”

  “I need to go.” I said at once. I quickly went to my desk and grabbed my things. Everyone was coming towards me. There were so many questions being shouted out. I didn’t quite know what to do or where to go in that moment. I just shut down. I closed my eyes and I tried to concentrate. I needed to concentrate.

  “Here I’ve got you.” I heard Joey’s voice and felt his hand on my arm. I opened my eyes to see Joey right there giving me a kind smile. He helped me from the room.

  Joey walked with me quickly as I did my best to get my coat on. We made it to the main parking garage. I did my best to try and breathe. This wasn’t something I ever expected to get out. Only a few people knew, but someone had found out. Someone exposed me.

  Joey and I rode in silence in his car. I was in too much shock to drive myself. I gave him my address and he took the wheel. While I rode I wracked my mind. I tried to think of ways I could have been exposed. Still nothing made sense. It obviously wasn’t my mom or Simone. Then it couldn’t be Matthew. Nobody else knew that I could think of.

  Then my cell phone started to ring. Simone was calling. I didn’t want to say too much around Joey. I ignored the call and sent her a text. Then my phone rang again. It was a number I didn’t know. Followed by another number I didn’t know. The press seemed to have gotten ahold of my phone number. This was all so overwhelming. At least I had my secured line I could use to call those who mattered.

  “Your phone is blowing up.” Joey commented as he kept his eyes on the road.

  “Yeah the press are vultures.” I said with a snort thinking of the irony since both of us were the press.

  “We are.” Joey said also laughing. There was then more silence. “You know I’ve been a fan of your blog for a long time. It’s cool to know that I know the writer.”

  “Umm thanks.” I said giving him a weak smile.

  We then pulled onto my street. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I saw my street was already filled with media. They were all waiting outside of my building. I took a deep breath.

  “There is a back entrance. Just drive around the building and go into the alley.” I instructed Joey. He pulled into the alley and to the back of my building. “Thanks a lot.” I said giving him a small smile before I opened my door. I stepped into the alley with my keys in hand. I gave Joey a wave before I opened the backdoor of my building. I had to take the stairs from the back, but I didn’t mind.

  I WAS A prisoner in my own home. I could look out of my window and see all the reporters outside just hoping for a glimpse of me, or a moment to talk to me. I just wanted to talk to Matthew, but it was the middle of the night in Japan. I spoke with my mom who was also being hounded by the press. I hated that I was going through this. With just this I knew things would be ten times worse if and when Matthew and I went public. That wasn’t something I was looking forward to.

  I checked my email and of course my inbox was full. So many requests for interviews along with fans praising me, and others whom were not quite fans sending me messages of hate. I did my best to not let the hateful messages get to me, but it was getting hard.

  My neighbors were being very supportive. My neighbor Mrs. Hill across the all brought me a casserole since she knew it was going to be impossible for me to go out and get food. Then Mr. Ross a very nice older gentleman from up the hall went down to get my mail for me. My mailbox was already overflowing.

  Slowly I started to sort the mail. I needed to get out my bills and important documents and remove them from the other things that had been stuffed in my box. There was a small cardboard box. There was no return address on it. I picked up a knife in my kitchen and worked to open the box. I got the tape cut and pulled open the lid. At the sight I saw I instantly ran into my bathroom and vomited.

  Human beings could be cruel. Inside of the box was a dead rat. Someone had left a dead rat for me at my mailbox. When I went back into my living room I quickly covered the box and put the box in a garbage bag. Many of the notes I received were not much better than getting a dead rat. So many people sending threats of not just death, but also rape and torture. I threw each of them into the garbage bag.

  I found myself curled into a ball on my bed. I felt as dead as that rat inside. Someone out there had taken it upon himself or herself to ruin my life. They wanted me to suffer this way.

  My phone began to ring. I cursed because I thought I’d turned it off. It took a moment and I realized I had turned it off. It was my secured phone. I quickly jumped from the bed knowing it had to be Matthew. I quickly found the phone and answered the call.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Matthew’s voice asked at once.

  “Not exactly.” I said truthfully.

  “I woke up not long ago and I got the news about Broken Politics.” He said. In that moment I just wanted him with me. I wanted him to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. I didn’t want to be alone anymore.

  “This morning I was at work when the news broke. I was so glad most of the Press Corp was with you. I couldn’t imagine the news breaking while in a room filled with reporters. I was glad it was only the few. Outside my apartment the street is filled with press. I’m just here trapped.” I explained to him. I knew that he understood the feeling of being trapped. He was always trapped.

  “God… I wish I were there with you. You shouldn’t go through this alone.” He said at once. I knew he could understand me in this moment.

  I thought about receiving the dead rat and the other letters. Just all of that and hearing his voice had finally sent me over the edge. I began to sob uncontrollably. I felt so utterly hopeless.

  “Baby.” He whispered to me.

  “People are animals. The letters I’ve gotten. The emails. Threats of violence, death, rape, the list goes on. Someone even mailed me a box with a dead rat. All of this because I was willing to write my thoughts on Washington, the elite, you.” I said through my tears. In this moment I hated humanity and everything it stood for.

  “I don’t want you alone. I don’t want you without protection. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you to some asshole trying to make an example of you.” He said with a growl in his voice. “I’m going to make some calls and I want you staying at the White House.”

  “If the press knew I was there then there would be questions.” I said thinking of the field day the press would have.

  “Then you will stay at Blair House.” He said referring to the historic house on embassy row near the White House that was where the President housed guests. “Pack some things and I want you to stay there and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Alright.” I answered knowing to not ar
gue with Matthew. I knew that he was very serious and I knew he just wanted me safe.

  “I will make some calls and call you back.” I nodded as if he could see me, but I think he knew. “I love you.” He said before he ended the call. I went straight to my closet. I found a suitcase and started to pack some things to last me a few days until the story lost it’s steam and I could return home.


  BEING THIS FAR from Kayla during all of this seemed wrong. Just hearing her voice made me feel comforted, but I knew she wasn’t all right. Kayla was tough, but hearing her cry over the messages of hate she had been receiving broke my heart in every way possible.

  I sent her to stay at Blair House until she could eventually return home. I just wanted and needed to know she was safe. I also had security placed at her mom’s house. I knew it was possible that if someone couldn’t get to Kayla they would try and get to those she loved.

  I straightened my tie as I looked in the mirror. I let out a sigh not really wanting to go out anywhere. I wanted to stay in and talk to Kayla. I wanted to hear her voice and know that she was fine.

  There was a knock on my door. Just a moment later the door opened and there was Victor. I had been eager to speak with him. He walked into my room with a leather-bound folder in his hand.

  “I have your talking points for your speech tonight.” Victor said as he sat the folder down on a table. There was a banquet tonight and I was to speak. It was our last night in Japan and tomorrow we were heading to Taiwan.

  “Thank you Victor.” I said to him as I walked to the table and picked up the folder. Before I opened the folder I looked to Victor. “Any news on who leaked Kayla’s identity?” I asked looking at him.

  “When the reporter who broke the story was questioned she said that everything she got was from an anonymous tipper. She says that right before Christmas she received a call from a untraceable number telling her to go to a location with instructions to where to find a package that contained all the information she needed for the story. She has no clue who this person was or why they picked her to break the story.” Victor explained. I knew that Kayla’s privacy and the anonymity of her blog were important to her.


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