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[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love

Page 33

by Toni Aleo

  “Yup,” she says, her own tears flooding her beautiful face. “Surprise!”

  Wiping my eyes, I take a shuddering breath as the news registers in my head.

  Phillip and Reese are having a baby.

  Holy crap. This is insane but at the same time so freaking wonderful. I’ve always thought they would have the most gorgeous kid ever, and now that is becoming a reality. I’m stunned, completely and utterly stunned. My favorite people are procreating. How amazing is that!

  “Congratulations. Now, Phillip?” the preacher says, completely ignoring the fact that I’m freaking out over here.

  “My turn? Awesome,” he says and then looks deep into Reese’s eyes. Usually they gag me with their corny love, but right now, I’m in awe of them. They are perfect for each other. “I couldn’t live without you, Reese. I couldn’t be the man I am without you. I couldn’t be the father I am to Claire and the one I will be for our new baby without you. I couldn’t be the hockey player I am without your support. That’s all there is to it. I love you, you know that. I think you’re hot, and I know I’ll always think that ’cause you are by far the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever set eyes on. I promise to love you at your best and your worst ’cause you are mine. Now let’s get this over with so I can kiss the hell out of you without the preacher yelling at me.”

  A grin pulls at my mouth, and I watch them exchange rings, Phillip being his goofy self. When it is time for them to kiss as husband and wife, I find myself not watching them, but watching Jude. He’s smiling, his eyes locked on me, and for some reason, I think that this could be us one day.

  And if that day is as perfect as this one has been, then I can’t wait.

  Chapter 38


  I am in a room full of hockey royalty.

  Some of the greatest players came for Reese and Phillip’s wedding, and while I want to get up and mingle with them, I can’t seem to move, or talk, for that matter. I should appreciate the fact that I’m at such a prestigious wedding at the beautiful Belle Meade plantation about to see my hot-ass girlfriend at any moment, but all I can do is try to keep from freaking out because Shea Adler just sat right beside me. Giving him a sideways glance, I look away quickly before he catches me looking at him. Jayden and Jase met him once at an Assassins foundation thingy, but I was home with the flu and didn’t get the chance. They said he’s a really nice guy, but he is the captain of the Assassins. The greatest player in the NHL.

  How do you talk to someone like that?

  I know I need to get over that since I will be playing against him in no time, but I can’t seem to do that at this particular second. Pulling my phone out, I know there’s only a slim chance that Claire has her phone, but I text her anyway.

  Me: I am sitting beside Shea Adler. #freakingout.

  I wait a second and thankfully, a text comes through.

  Claire: Lol! U dork! Say hi, he’s supernice.

  Me: No way, he’s Shea Adler.

  Claire: I know, he’s my uncle.

  Me: That’s so weird!

  Claire: Ur weird, talk to him or I’ll introduce you in a few. I’m about to be there.

  Me: See u in a bit. You look really hot babe.

  Claire: Thanks

  Me: I still get to peel that dress off right?

  Claire: Definitely.

  A grin comes across my face as I tuck my phone in my pocket. Leaning back in my seat, I take in my surroundings. It truly was a beautiful wedding, but the reception is really awesome. Lights hang from the ceiling; lots of blue flowers are in the middle of the tables with pops of yellow everywhere. As soon as I walked in and was directed to my seat, a beer was placed in my hand. I chugged the sucker, not only because I was worried they’d take it away from me, but because I’m nervous. I’ve never been around so many important people.

  “Hey,” Shea says unexpectedly from beside me. I look over, not sure he’s talking to me, but then he says, “I’m Shea Adler. I don’t think I’ve met you.”

  I take his hand and shake it as I say, “Jude Sinclair.”

  “Oh, Elli, this is the guy that’s dating Claire.”

  Elli looks over at me and waves. “Yeah, Jude, hey, how are you?”

  “Fine, thank you,” I say and then look back at Shea.

  Elli returns to talking to one of the ladies from the afternoon when I picked Claire up and Shea leans toward me, dropping his voice almost to a whisper before saying, “Yeah, don’t hurt her. You do, you’ll have a whole hockey team after you.”

  I think I just peed on myself.

  Leaving me with wide eyes, he sits upright, and I look away just as the music starts.

  I just got threatened by Shea Adler.

  That is so fucking cool.

  Yes, I am shaking in my boots, but come on, it’s not every day that the captain of the Assassins threatens to kill you. As I look over at the door that is opening, Claire comes in on the arm of Erik Titov. She’s grinning from ear to ear, looking completely stunning all done up. As my eyes lazily make a trail down her gorgeous body, I can’t wait to get that dress off her. It’s been days since I’ve been deep inside her, and I’m itching to get her naked. But I have to admit, she looks amazing fully clothed right now.

  Heading in next are Reese and Phillip, looking so fucking happy they could star in a newlywed sitcom. They are disgustingly cute, but I bet that’s what people think of Claire and me. As people cheer and holler for the bride and groom, my eyes go back to where my girl is standing to find that her eyes are locked on me. A sneaky little grin pulls at her lips, and I smile as she starts for me before dropping into my lap. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her red-painted lips.

  “Hey, Jude,” she says with a wink.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “I can’t stay for long. I have to sit up there with them, but I couldn’t stand to be away from you any longer,” she says in a perfect rendition of a Southern belle.

  Clearing my throat, I say in my best southern way, “Well, ma’am, I’m glad you came because I just can’t live another second without your lips on mine.”

  “You’re in luck, cowboy, ’cause I’ve been cravin’ some kissin’,” she says right before she presses her lips against mine.

  Corny. Yes, we are. I don’t think either of us cares, though. Holding her face in my hands, I kiss her long and hard, my dick coming to life in my pants and pressing against her ass. Grinning against my lips, she whispers, “Something is poking me.”

  I grin. “Yes, he misses you.”

  Her eyes darken as she runs her nose along mine. “I miss him.”

  I groan inwardly as she pulls away and says, “Shea, this is my boyfriend.”

  Shea looks over at us and smiles. “Yeah, I know. I already threatened to kill him if he hurts you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she looks at me. “I’m sorry, but did you know that the Nashville Assassins team is full of a bunch of overprotective crazies?”

  “No, I didn’t see that in the paper,” I say and she smiles.

  “Well, it needs to be there. Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s a big softy.”

  Shea gives me a look that says otherwise, but I don’t think I should point that out.

  “Okay, I gotta go do wedding crap. Can you believe they are pregnant?!”

  I smile. “I’m guessing that’s huge?”

  She nods. “Oh yeah, Reese never wanted kids, so yeah, big, huge deal. I’m really excited!”

  “I can tell. That’s awesome, babe.”

  “Yeah, okay, I’m off. I’ll come visit as I can. Everyone be nice,” she calls out to the table of Assassins, but by the way they are looking at me, I’m pretty sure they won’t be nice. Each guy is looking at me like I’m trying to steal her virtue, and all the women are looking at me like I’m a piece of cake.

  It’s superweird.

  Why am I sitting here again?

  I bet this was Phillip’s doing, wanting to scare me. While he may be succeeding because I’
m pretty sure Shea could squish me with one hand, I won’t let anyone know. Sitting up a little straighter, I take a pull of the new beer I was given before digging into the dinner that was magically placed in front of me. No one really speaks to me through dinner except for Elli; she talks to me and is really nice while her husband glares at me like I stole the last cookie.

  “You play hockey, don’t you?” she asks and I nod.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “For whom?” Shea asks, looking over at me. He has his daughter, Posey, I think is her name, sitting in his lap, sleeping against his chest.

  “The Bellevue Bullies.”

  “Coach Moss?” he asks.

  “Yup, you know him?”

  “I do. I played for him when I was nine. Great guy, hard, you have a good coach,” he says, meeting my gaze. “Don’t waste the time you have with him. He is one of the greatest.”

  “Couldn’t say it better myself. I went to Bellevue because of him.”

  “Good, you’ll get better. Are you hoping to play for the NHL? Probably, huh? That’s basically any player’s dream,” he says, and everyone laughs around the table, nodding in agreement. The more I’m around real-life hockey players, the more I know I need to bulk up. When you see them on TV, you think it’s the pads, and while I have a great, strong body, it can be bigger, stronger. I need to get serious about it.

  “I’m going into the draft this year,” I say, and he raises an eyebrow.

  “What’s your name again?” he asks.

  I take in a deep breath. “Jude Sinclair.”

  “I think I’ve heard about you. They think you’ll go first round, top ten.”

  I nod, a proud smile on my face. “Yes, sir. That’s the plan.”

  “That’s awesome. I wish the best for you, but if you hurt Claire, you can kiss the draft goodbye,” he says, tipping his beer to me.

  “’Cause I’ll be dead?” I ask.

  He laughs as he nods. “Dead as a doornail. We’re big dudes, which, by the way, you might want to put some more muscle on those shoulders. Those boards are hard.”

  “Duly noted, on both accounts. Claire is safe, I promise.”

  I smile as I lean back in my seat, looking over my shoulder to find Claire laughing at something Reese has said. She leans against her, Phillip reaching across Reese to point his finger at Claire. They all look like such a happy little family. It’s an amazing thing to see, and sometimes I wish my family was like that. For that to happen though, my father would have to actually be a father, but I don’t want to think about him or that right now. Not when my girlfriend is probably the most gorgeous girl in the world.

  She’s stunning in her blue gown, her hair so pretty, and I can’t help but be breathless when I look at her. Shea talks about being thrown into the boards and how I need to bulk up because they hurt; he’s completely right, but being in love with Claire is like being thrown up against them. She knocks the air out of me every time I look at her, and I can’t believe how much I love her. Never in my life did I think this could happen, but man, am I glad I was wrong.

  A sigh escapes my lips; I go to turn back around but Claire’s eyes meet mine and a sweet grin comes over her face as she waves her fingers at me. A grin pulls at my lips as I cock my head toward the dance floor. A few people are dancing, and I need to be closer to her. I don’t like how far apart we are. Thankfully, she nods and gets up, saying something to Reese and Phillip. I stand as well, pushing my chair in and then meeting her halfway.

  “You are unbelievable, Claire,” I say, taking her hand in mine.

  A grin covers her sweet mouth as she cups our hands with her other hand. Leaning into me, she kisses my jaw before saying, “So are you.”

  Kissing her temple, I take her to the dance floor and wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close, praying that I don’t ever have to let go. At least for the next couple songs, anyway. As we slowly sway to the crooning voice of Michael Buble, I cuddle my nose against her neck, taking in her soft, delicate smell. Running my lips up her neck to the spot beneath her ear, I say, “I love holding you like this.”

  Pulling back, I see that she’s grinning, her eyes bright and intoxicating. Her lips press together in a pucker, and while I want nothing more than to kiss her, I can’t seem to get over the fact that her lips are a work of art. “I love your lips,” I say and she blushes.

  “Good, kiss ’em.”

  Cupping her jaw, I shake my head. “I rather stare at them. I should get them tattooed on me when we go to get your tattoo.”

  She laughs, her eyes full of amusement. “’Cause that’s not crazy!”

  I shrug. “It’s not.”

  Her grin falls. “Oh, you’re serious?”

  “Like a heart attack,” I say and I am. I want a piece of her on me, and I think the idea is golden. May be a tad bit crazy like she said, but that’s how I work.

  “We’ll see,” she says, a grin pulling at her lips.

  “I want them above my heart,” I declare, and her cheeks warm with color.

  She gives me a shocked look, her breathing hitching as she whispers, “That is incredibly romantic.”

  “I try, it comes in spurts,” I say offhandedly and she laughs.

  “You’re actually super-romantic. It’s nice. I’ve never felt this special in my life.”

  Locking my gaze with hers, I say, “Didn’t I promise to always make you feel special?”

  “You did,” she says breathlessly, her eyes swimming with love.

  “And I’ll never break a promise, Claire.”

  Running her fingers through the hair on my jaw, she fixes her gaze on my lips and then she closes the distance, locking her mouth against mine. Slowly I kiss her, thoroughly, and with all the love and passion in my heart. I honestly dream of kissing this girl. Every second, I imagine her lips on mine, her body pressed to mine, and when it happens, I swear it takes me a while to recuperate from her. I love the feel of her heart against my chest, her lips so soft against mine, and the dreamy look on her face when we part for a breath.

  It’s all so perfect. It feels like it’s meant to be.

  Cupping her neck, I press my head to hers, sharing the same breath as we continue to move slowly to the music. Looking deep into her sparkling blue eyes, I know I don’t have to tell her I love her. She has to see it, to feel it, because I know I do. Her love for me pours out of her in waves, and I can’t believe I am on the receiving end of such a beautiful love.

  Our love.

  We dance for a little longer before Reese is pulling her away unexpectedly. “I’m sorry, Jude. We need her for a few pictures.”

  I smile. “That’s fine. I’ll go get a drink.”

  “I’ll be back,” Claire promises, and then she’s off. I watch her for a moment; she laughs and jokes with the women who stand around her before they all pose for the photographer. With a grin still on my face, I head for the bar, getting myself a beer before leaning against it. I people watch as I wait for Claire to come find me.

  “Enjoying yourself, Jude?”

  Glancing to my left, I find Phillip standing beside me, his own beer in his hand. He’s not looking at me, and if he hadn’t have said my name, I wouldn’t have known he was talking to me.

  “I am. It’s a beautiful wedding. Congratulations.”

  He nods, still not looking at me. “Thank you. I’m very blessed.”

  “You are,” I agree and take a pull of my beer.

  “Are you old enough to drink?”

  I shake my head. “Nope, but they served it, so I took it.”

  He laughs. “I should probably say something.”

  I shrug my shoulders, taking another pull of my beer. The liquid has taken the edge off, and I’m not tipsy by any means, but I know this is my last one. I have to drive Claire home.

  “Don’t drink and drive, especially with Claire in the car.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it,” I say, hoping that he knows I am genuine.

is said for a moment and it isn’t an awkward silence like I would expect with us; it’s more of a relaxing one. Letting out a long breath, I watch as Claire talks animatedly with her aunts, and I smile when she does. She steals the show, even beside Reese, who is hands down the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen. Looking up, she catches me watching her, and I chuck my chin up at her. She sends me a grin before turning to look at Elli, the small smile still gracing her face.

  “She really likes you.”

  I look up at Phillip. This time he is looking at me, his eyes stern, and his jaw taut. “I know, and I feel the same.”

  “Because she cares for you and I want her to be happy, I plan to be nicer to you.”

  “Good to know,” I say, liking where this is going.

  “But you don’t deserve her. Not in the least.”

  Nodding my head, I look down at the ground, my heart in my throat. “I couldn’t agree more, but who does, Phillip?” I ask, turning to face him. His eyes turn to slits as he glares, and he goes to say something, but I stop him and say, “No one deserves that girl because she is the most beautiful and unbelievable person I’ve ever met. She makes me want to be a better man. She has come along and completely changed the way I think, the way I want my life to be, all with one smile and one little snarky comment. So, yeah, I don’t deserve her, but you best believe that now that I have her, I won’t ever take her for granted. I’ll love her until the day I die. I know you don’t trust me, or even like me, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is who makes her happy, and I’m the man to do that.”

  He’s still glaring, and I don’t understand that. I thought that speech was a good one. I meant every single word, it came from my heart, but obviously he must think it was all lies.

  “You think you got it all figured out, don’t you? In only a month you think you are her forever?”

  “I don’t think – I know. She is my forever and I’m hers.”

  Shaking his head, he lets out a long breath. “I swear to God, you break her–”

  “You’ll break me. Yeah, you’ve said that, your friends have said that, but am I running for the hills? Did I run when she told me about her past, about the men, about her shitty life before she got to you? No, I’m here. You don’t have to like me, Phillip, I get it, but you might want to accept I’m not going anywhere without her.”


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