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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Betty Shreffler


  He looked calm as he turned toward her and gave her a brief smile. She could see he had been a handsome man transformed in his late thirties or early forties. He had a charming smile and soft eyes.

  “Yes, I am.”

  She could only stare, jarred by the shock.

  “Please don’t be alarmed, Kayci. I’m here to help.”

  Kayci remembered him lifting her off the ground in the parking garage. He had brought her home.

  “How did you find me? How did you know where I live?” She could hear the slight defensive tone in her own voice.

  “My blood runs through you. I have been able to sense you all your life. I knew when you were safe, happy, or sad, and I knew when you were in danger. I came as quickly as I could.”

  “Why now?” she let go of the railing. Her adrenaline was pumping. She walked into the living room as though nothing in her body hurt.

  “If you knew I was safe, why didn’t you come sooner?”

  He took a hesitant step toward her, then paused.

  “You already had a life, and you were safe without me in it. Revealing myself would have put you in danger.”

  “Or revealing yourself would have put you in danger?” she accused.

  Thorne smiled a half smile. “You have your mother’s temper.”

  The comment took Kayci by surprise. She looked away, then met Thorne’s gaze once again. Her voice much softer now. “I saw her a couple times. Once in a vision or memory just before you found me and before that, during my Hanu ritual. She was beautiful. I can see why you fell in love with her.”

  Thorne sat in the same armchair as before.

  “I’m pleased to hear that you were able to see her. She loved you more than anything in this world. She would be proud of you, that you embraced your heritage. She was a powerful and good witch. Having you took too much of that power from her. It was more than she could bear.”

  Her heart broke to see Thorne’s eyes with such sadness when he spoke of Katriana. As Kayci’s temper settled, she was quickly reminded of her concussion and broken ribs. She gently sat down on the couch.

  “I wish I could have been raised by the both of you instead of coming into this world now,” she said. “My adopted parents were wonderful to me, but there is so much I don’t understand about who I am or what I am.”

  “You’re special. A little mix of this and a little mix of that.”

  He smiled at her, and she read humor in his bright-blue eyes.

  Kayci chuckled. “Eva said you were charming.”

  “You met Eva?” He sounded more serious. “So the rest of the Covenant knows of your existence?”

  Kayci caught the hint of concern in his voice.

  “I only met her once. She introduced herself as my aunt and told me about you and Katriana. She said she even helped you both escape the Covenant’s persecution. She protected me against the rest of the Covenant. They weren’t as welcoming as she was, except for a couple of them, Vladimir and Beatrice.”

  Thorne’s expression became thoughtful.

  “They are more reasonable than the rest.”

  Kayci studied Thorne’s ageless face and pale skin.

  “May I ask how old you and Eva are?”

  He seemed pleased by her question.

  “We’ve been around for several millenniums. We come from a time when the year was three digits instead of four. When there were empires ruled by emperors and smaller civilizations trying to develop into stronger political units. We managed to survive by traveling, adapting, and becoming a part of the prominent forces.”

  Kayci’s eyes widened.

  “Did you and Eva start the Covenant?”

  Thorne shook his head no.

  “We may be old vampires, but there were older vampires before us that began the Covenant. We took over by necessity. The previous rulers weren’t strong enough.”

  “Strong enough for what?”

  “They weren’t strong enough to manage the war against vampires.”

  Kayci looked at Thorne expectantly wanting him to explain.

  “There have always been rogue vampires set on being the dominant species. Vampires who feel that we shouldn’t live in secrecy. The Covenant’s main purpose is to stop these kinds of vampires. Living in secrecy is the only way we can live peacefully.”

  Thorne’s expression transformed back to his charming smile. “Now, Kayci, enough about me. Tell me about you, your talents, and of course, Adrian.”

  Kayci smirked. “I’m a little too old for you to be the protective father.”

  Thorne smiled back. “You’ll never be too old.”

  “I’m not sure where to begin. I’ve only just recently learned that I’m part vampire and part witch. Growing up, I ran faster and was stronger than others and able to heal quickly. That all changed when I was running one evening and I was attacked by what I now know to be a fledgling vampire. A couple days later I wanted to know more about vampires, for my own safety. My research led me to a witch’s shop where I reacted to the very talisman that hangs on my door. The witch conducted a blood test for a supernatural presence. The blood test confirmed I had vampire blood in me. I was shocked and horrified, but after she explained the abilities that vampires have, it made sense.

  “After Eva told me that she was my aunt and that my mother was a witch, Adrian suggested that I go back to the witch’s shop and find out if I was capable of magic. She conducted the Hanu ritual for me. Now my vampire senses are much more active, and I’m performing spells, or utilizing magic, is more like it. She said I’m a sorceress like Katriana. The Covenant doesn’t know I can do magic though. Although Eva, I’m sure, suspects it.”

  Thorne stayed quiet for a moment. “It sounds like this woman has done a lot for you.”

  “Yes, she has. She is a very kind woman. Her name is Rosemary. I thought it was crazy that I met her by chance, but she said my Craft brought me to her.”

  “I agree with this Rosemary. Nothing in this world is by chance.”

  Hearing Thorne say that brought a thought to Kayci’s mind.

  “How did you and Katriana meet?”

  Thorne’s expression transitioned with the change in conversation. He smiled. Kayci thought she saw a sparkle in his eyes.

  “The Covenant needed the help of a powerful sorceress to heal a werewolf bite inflicted on one of our members. Vampires can die from a werewolf bite unless a witch can remove the venom. It takes being able to stop the venom from traveling through the blood and then pulling it out of a vampire’s body. Not an easy task, I can assure you. I had found a witch named Sarah willing to help us, but she wasn’t powerful enough to remove the venom. Sarah recommended your mother, Katriana, knowing how powerful she was. Katriana agreed to help, as most witches would. The Covenant has maintained peace for centuries. The Covenant vampires are respected by many species.

  “The moment Katriana had opened her door, I was smitten, and that infatuation only grew as I watched her work. Afterward I came by her home often, finding every excuse that I could to see her.”

  Thorne seemed to drift off into his memories and then let out a brief chuckle.

  “Your mother used to say I haunted her in her dreams before we met and then haunted her in life after.”

  Kayci smiled, warmed by her father’s words. “Eva said Katriana wanted nothing to do with you at first.”

  Thorne half laughed.

  “This is true, but it was only a matter of time before she could no longer fight her feelings. Your mother was strong willed and gifted. From what I can tell, you have been blessed with many of her strengths.”

  Kayci felt a flicker of warmth escape from her core. She smiled, only to have it fade as the aching memory of Elise’s vicious kidnapping plagued her thoughts.

  “I’m worried about my friend Elise. A vampire named Danika is hell-bent on killing me and now has my best friend as a hostage. I don’t know what she plans on doing to her. I’m scared for
her life. I want to do something. I feel helpless sitting here.”

  “Danika, you say? Can you describe what this vampire looks like?”

  “Yeah. Beautiful, tall, curly black hair, bronze skin, exotic looking, and psychotic. She’s tried to kill me twice now. She’s using me as leverage to get Adrian to stop hunting her.”

  “Ah yes, I know the vampire, Danika Panetierre. The Covenant had a run-in with her once before. She is an example of the rogue vampires I spoke about earlier. She went into hiding after the Covenant declared her a danger to our existence. Kayci, I think there is something you should know about Danika and Adrian.”

  Kayci’s eyebrows lowered in concern. “What about them?”

  “Adrian and Danika were once lovers. Danika sired Adrian. She turned Adrian into a vampire,” Thorne added when Kayci gave him a puzzled look. “The only reason the Covenant did not kill Adrian when we found out was because he saved Vladimir’s life. Danika’s coven had Vladimir trapped and was about to kill him. Adrian fought against his own coven to save Vladimir. Adrian and Danika were already split apart. Saving Vladimir irrevocably ended their bond. The Covenant chose to let him live as long as he vowed to help us when we were in need of his skills. He helped the Covenant hunt for Danika when she went into hiding. Knowing what he is capable of, I don’t believe he tried very hard to find her. She must have recently returned to Naples. I imagine when she did return, she wasn’t pleased to find that Adrian cares for another.”

  Kayci felt sick to her stomach. Her head lowered, and her voice was soft.

  “Sounds like it’s more than using me as leverage.” Kayci recalled what Adrian had told her about his past. “It explains a few other things as well.”

  She heaved a sigh, then looked back at Thorne. “Why didn’t he tell me this?”

  “No man wants to tell the woman he cares for about the woman he once loved, especially if the man is trying to forget her.”

  Kayci leaned her head into her hand and exhaled.

  Thorne could sense the tornado within her disseminate.

  “You mentioned Adrian’s vampire-hunting skills were valuable to the Covenant. Do vampires have other skills, like how Adrian’s a vampire hunter?”

  Thorne delighted in her curiosity with their kind. A distraction clearly needed, as it aided in lessening her sorrow over her friend’s dire situation.

  “Yes, some vampires have additional skills beyond the normal vampire skills. Not all though. It seems as though certain humans may have had dormant skills before they were vampires. Once they went through the transition, those skills were no longer dormant. Each member of the Covenant has these additional skills. It gives us an advantage that we need to govern vampires.”

  “What are the skills of the vampires in the Covenant?”

  “Vladimir and Natalia can sense danger and misfortune before it happens. Orrick can read your deepest thoughts. Florence has incredible strength. Beatrice can manipulate emotions through her voice. She tends to only use it to calm others. My beautiful sister, Eva, well, she can bend your will. She can’t make you do things you wouldn’t normally do. However, if the thought is somewhere in there, she can bring it to the forefront of your mind and push that particular thought to become what you want.”

  “That’s incredible. I’m sure that has come in handy many times for her.”

  Thorne nodded. “Oh yes, she is quite acquainted with her skills.”

  Thorne adjusted in his chair, his gaze far off, as if deep in his memories.

  “What is your skill?”

  His attention shifted back to Kayci.

  “I can sense what others are feeling emotionally. It has been quite advantageous for me in many instances.”

  Kayci couldn’t help but smile. “No wonder you have the reputation for being charming.”

  Thorne smiled as well. “That’s why I frustrated your mother. She could never hide from me how she really felt.”

  Kayci inhaled a deep breath, thinking of her mother and her skills.

  “Thorne, how much do you know of my mother’s skills and the Craft?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Maybe I’m not as helpless as I think. Maybe I can help Elise from here.”

  Thorne leaned forward in the chair, clearly interested in what she had to say.

  “Do you know if the person has to be here if I do a protection spell for them?”

  “I don’t believe so. If my memory is serving me correctly, you only need something that belongs to them and a photo of them. I also know your spell will be stronger if you don’t do it alone. Perhaps Rosemary can help you? Do you feel well enough to travel?”

  Kayci’s adrenaline began to flow from the anticipation of helping Elise. She quickly rose from the couch to grab a sweater she had of Elise’s.

  “Yes, absolutely,” she responded as she headed for the stairs.

  Chapter 18

  “You came to the right place, my dear. Don’t worry about how late it is.”

  Rosemary welcomed Kayci and Thorne inside and closed the shop door behind them.

  “I’m surprised you heard us knocking on the door of your shop, but I’m glad you did. I don’t think we have much time.”

  Kayci could hear the anxiety in her own voice.

  “I was laying in bed reading, when I heard the knocking below. It’s no bother.”

  Kayci and Thorne followed Rosemary into the back room that Kayci had become quite accustomed to. As they entered the room, the usual fragrances filled Kayci’s nostrils. Some of her tension eased with each breath.

  “Kayci, my dear, light the white candle. That is the one we’ll need.”

  Kayci did as instructed while Rosemary gathered a large bowl with a deep cavity and placed it on the center of the table. Rosemary tilted the burning white candle so the wax dripped into the bottom of the bowl.

  “Do you have something of Elise’s and a photo of her?”

  Kayci began to hand the sweater and photo to Rosemary, but Rosemary stopped her.

  “You must do the rest. Place the white candle into the warm wax so it holds it firmly. I’ll gather the water.”

  Kayci pressed the white candle into the heated wax at the base of the bowl and waited for further instruction. Rosemary brought the teakettle full of water over to the table.

  “Place the sweater and photo into the bowl.”

  Kayci did as instructed.

  “Now pour this water into the bowl, and fill it until the water meets the top of the candle.”

  Kayci took the kettle from Rosemary and poured the water into the large bowl.

  “Make sure the sweater is soaked.”

  Kayci pushed the sweater into the water, ensuring every part of it was saturated. The photo floated to the top as the water level rose. It was a picture of her and Elise celebrating the last St. Patrick’s Day.

  Thorne watched the photo rise. He could feel Kayci’s fear as she stared at the photo. He gently placed a hand on her arm to reassure her.

  “Now light the wick, close your eyes, and picture Elise in your mind. Picture her wrapped in a cloak of protection. Now place your hands around the bowl, and repeat after me.”

  Kayci could feel Rosemary’s hands cover her own. A spark of energy ignited when their hands touched. She thought about Elise and pictured the image of her clearly in her mind. She tried to picture her surrounded by a force of protection.

  “Serva te ab ea quae nocere velint. Protect thee from those that wish to harm her,” Rosemary said aloud.

  Kayci repeated the words and continued to picture the protective cloak around Elise. She felt the warmth inside of her growing. It coiled into a ball and pulsed each time she repeated the chant.

  Thorne observed the wick of the white candle burn fiercely. As soon as it hit the water, the flame went out, and the water drained from the bowl as if it had a hole at the bottom, but no water escaped. The water simply evaporated with abnormal speed.

  Rosemary stopped saying the cha
nt and lifted her hands. Kayci felt the release of energy and opened her eyes in response. She slowly removed her own hands from the bowl as the last of the water disappeared.

  “Did it work?” Kayci asked anxiously.

  “Yes, but it will only last a few hours”

  Thorne looked at them both. “Hopefully, it’s enough.”


  “This is the building.”

  Adrian’s eyes were golden and his fangs visible. The odor of Danika’s coven vampires overwhelmed his senses.

  “They were wounded yet foolishly came right to their hideout.”

  Adrian peered up at the high-rise building.

  “Knowing her, it will have a balcony and a view.”

  Vladimir raised his head and looked in the same direction as Adrian.

  “After you,” he told him.

  Adrian landed quietly on the roof, glancing back as Vladimir landed behind him.

  “The balcony is the best way in. She won’t be expecting us.”

  “Which one?” Vladimir asked.

  “It’ll be one on the east, facing the ocean.”

  Adrian walked to the east edge of the building and closed his eyes. Adrian lifted his chin and sniffed, trying to locate the scent of the vampires they had been tracking. Adrian looked back toward Vladimir and pointed north.

  “Let’s check the balconies going north from here.”

  Adrian and Vladimir leapt off the roof and landed on two balconies next to one another. Their footfalls barely made a sound. They each searched inside the glass doors and checked for vampire activity. Neither one saw what they were looking for. Adrian stepped onto the railing of the balcony and used it as leverage to leap to the next balcony. He heard Vladimir take to the roof again above him. When Adrian landed onto the next balcony, the familiar scent overwhelmed him. They were here. Adrian moved to the edge of the balcony out of sight and signaled to Vladimir.

  Vladimir leapt from the balcony he stood on and landed on the balcony of Danika’s suite. He went to Adrian’s side. Adrian motioned for them to enter. They slipped inside the slightly open balcony door and pushed aside the windblown drapes.


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