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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

Page 30

by Betty Shreffler

  “I thought you may be able to help me with acquiring living accommodations here in Naples, and I would like to offer my services in capturing Danika.”

  “Sounds like a fair trade. I can offer you a place here if you’d like. As you’ve seen, the security is quite advantageous. I have an empty unit on the other side of the building, specifically for vampires in need of a place, or there is another condominium down the road that has two units available. We can take a look at each of them if you’d like. Afterward I could use your help on a second scouting trip I was planning on tonight. I’m hoping to pick up a trail from one of Danika’s fledglings or coven vampires out feeding. I’ll need the extra hands if I do catch a scent. Between Vladimir and I, we’ve already killed twelve of her coven members, but she keeps the strongest vampires by her side.” Adrian’s tone became more serious. “So you know what you’re walking into—the Covenant wants me to bring Danika back alive. That’s not what I intend to do.”

  “Understood,” Thorne replied coolly. “After what she’s done to Kayci, I find your decision fitting. Now if it’s all right with you, I’d like to see the two units at the second condominium. I’m sure Kayci would prefer not to have her father in the same building as her partner.”

  Adrian smiled at the reference to him as Kayci’s partner, relieved to know that Thorne accepted him and even considered him worthy of his daughter, since he knew of Adrian’s past.

  Adrian quickly grabbed a set of keys and led Thorne to the second high-rise condominium. After pushing the key into the lock, he opened it wide for Thorne to enter.

  Thorne looked around at the black-and-white tiles, black marble countertops, white furniture, turquoise rug, and a tall slender bookshelf.

  “It’s not an open concept like mine,” Adrian said. “The office, two bedrooms, and bathroom are closed off. However, the master suite has a nice balcony, and the bathroom has a walk-in shower and Jacuzzi tub.”

  “You sound like a salesman.”

  “Well, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. The condo’s not free. Plus I thought it best to point out the parts I think you’d like.”

  “You’re doing well so far.”

  “Have a look around the rooms, and then we’ll move on to the next one.”

  Thorne entered the second condo, surprised by how much yellow was inside. The kitchen had dark wood cabinets, with marble counters and gray-and-blue tiled floors. The living room had a small yellow couch with an oversized black-and-white chair and matching ottoman on top of a thin rug with yellow, green, and blue stripes. The office, open like Adrian’s, had glass windows on each side of the room. It had a small black metal-and-glass desk with a slim yellow lamp sitting on top.

  “The two bedrooms in this unit have been converted to one large master suite. It too has a balcony and Jacuzzi tub.”

  “Who decorated the condos?” Thorne asked.

  “Elayna and Noveline, two vampires in the coven I live alongside of. They consider themselves interior designers.”

  “This modern design will take some time to get used to,” Thorne admitted. “I do, however, like this unit better. I’ll of course be making some furniture changes.”

  Adrian looked around the room at the hideous bright colors. “I would too.”

  “How much for the unit?” Thorne asked in a businesslike tone.

  “$325,000, or $27,000 a month.”

  Thorne looked at Adrian, shocked. “Price inflation has gone up significantly since I left.”

  “That’s not even full price. The people that buy the units pay $679,000 for a unit. The price goes down slightly as they go down in floors.”

  “That’s absurd,” Thorne replied.

  “It is,” Adrian agreed. “I remember when a man could buy 160 acres for fourteen dollars. Now humans pay over half a million dollars for two thousand square feet. It’s asinine.”

  “Completely. How do you want the funds?”

  “Certified check will be fine. I have a private banker that can take care of the paperwork. When would you like to move in?”

  “Tomorrow night. I’d prefer not to be a burden on Kayci any longer than is necessary. I’m sure she’ll be glad to have her privacy once again as well.”

  “I’m sure she’s enjoying having you around.”

  Thorne smiled.

  “If I wanted Elayna and Noveline to make some changes to the furniture, do you think they could handle the task on such short notice?”

  “I’m sure they would jump at the opportunity. They love to shop online for furniture and decorations. Give me the list of what you want, and I’ll have them take care of it.”

  “Excellent. Now you’ve accommodated me enough for tonight. Let’s get to work on finding Danika.”

  Thorne and Adrian turned the corner onto the sidewalk that led to the entrance of Blue Moon.

  “Have you fed enough lately?” Adrian asked. “I know how stimulating an environment like this can be when you haven’t fed in a long time.”

  “I ravaged my way through Central Africa before taking a flight to America. I’ll be fine,” he assured Adrian.

  “Great,” Adrian replied. “This nightclub is an active hotspot for vampires. I guarantee they’ll be some in there. The nightclub is closing soon, so there won’t be very many humans. Danika’s fledglings are blatantly obvious. They haven’t been taught how to properly feed and are careless in their behaviors. Danika’s coven vampires are reckless as well. I’ll be able to recognize most of them. You’ll know when I see them. How I feel about them will be clear.”

  “I’ll follow your lead,” Thorne told him as they neared the entrance.

  Adrian strolled into the bar first and immediately scanned the surroundings. Only a few humans remained, and they were heavily intoxicated, which made them even better prey for Danika’s coven vampires. He was disappointed to only find a few that he knew. None of Danika’s vampires were there—she was up to something. Adrian shook his head at Thorne and then nodded for them to leave. Thorne followed.

  “She’s planning something,” Adrian told Thorne once they were outside. “I haven’t found any of her coven vampires since I rescued Elise. They’ve all disappeared. It isn’t normal behavior. She’s keeping them under the radar for a reason.”

  “Let’s keep looking,” Thorne suggested in an effort to ease Adrian’s dissatisfied mood.

  As they left the second nightclub, Thorne directed their conversation to Kayci.

  “Have you and Kayci discussed the fact that she isn’t immortal?”

  Adrian had considered that very thought the last several nights. He wondered if becoming a vampire was something she would ever want. He feared her answer either way.

  “No, we have not had that discussion.”

  Thorne sensed Adrian’s angst. “Would you want to turn her?” Thorne asked casually.

  Adrian stopped walking and looked Thorne dead in the eyes. “I would never turn Kayci, even if she wanted me to. I vowed to never turn a human into one of us, and I don’t intend to go back on my vow. As we both know, it’s a painful process, and I would hate to see Kayci go through it. However, I admit I do struggle with the idea of her immortality, because I’ve fallen in love with her.”

  “I know you have, which is why I felt it necessary to bring it up. Eva believes we should turn Kayci for her own good. She believes Kayci too fragile and weak as a mortal woman with only some of our vampire traits. Having her mother’s skills helps her to protect herself, but we both know that can only go so far. A vampire can kill a witch fairly easily if she’s not expecting it.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of her vulnerability, and believe me—she doesn’t like it, but not once have I heard her say she wants to be like us. She has us to protect her, and honestly, she’s done a pretty damn good job of protecting herself so far. She’s been attacked three times now and survived each one.”

  “When I found her in the parking garage, she was nearly dead. If you consider that surviving, then th
at is a poor representation.”

  “You’re telling me then that you wish to turn Kayci so that she can protect herself better? That’s a foolish reason to turn her into a vampire. Becoming a vampire is a difficult transition to make. What if she doesn’t handle it well and walks right into the sunrise? Then we’ve lost her completely.”

  Thorne walked silently, a frown marring his face.

  “Do you believe then that we should hover over her with our overbearing desires to protect her? Do you have a way to keep her safe from the Covenant if they decide she is a problem? Do you have a suggestion on how to keep her safe if vampires find out she’s a product of a demonic binding spell?”

  Adrian stopped abruptly. “Perhaps you should have thought about these things before letting Katriana perform the spell. She couldn’t stay hidden forever. It was inevitable that she would be drawn to the supernatural world. She’s one of us. As for keeping her safe, I’m taking care of at least one problem, and that’s to remove the current threat.”

  Adrian walked away, irritated. His foul mood had worsened, and they had little time left to hunt before the sun came up.

  Chapter 26

  Eva glided slowly across the rooftop, wanting to savor every moment of peace and quiet that she had to herself. It wouldn’t be long before the sun would begin rising over the horizon. She looked forward to the array of colors that would paint the sky just before the sun became exposed. The colors were enough to hold her over until the next Dawning. She raised her head and gazed at the bright stars slowly disappearing among the lightening sky. Only a few more weeks and she could finally feel the sun on her face once again.

  She believed she remembered what it felt like to have the warmth of the sun’s rays on her skin, but it had been nearly three thousand years since she actually had. Her memory could not possibly offer her a likeness of the real feeling. Just as much as she looked forward to the feeling of the sun on her skin, she looked forward to seeing Victor. She missed him daily. She imagined Thorne’s pain was no doubt the same for Katriana. At least he had Kayci to love now.

  Eva distracted herself from her thoughts by looking to the sky once more and watching the stars disappear. Eva’s joyous moment was disrupted as the sound of several vampires jumping through the air and climbing the stairwell of her private location came rushing to her ears. She held her composure as eight vampires, including Danika, appeared before her.

  “Wondering how we found you?” Danika asked with disdain in her voice.

  “It doesn’t take much to solve that puzzle, Danika. So which one was it?” Eva asked curiously.

  Danika stalked toward her. The other vampires closed in.

  “I’m wondering if I should give you the satisfaction of knowing,” Danika taunted.

  “There isn’t much time before the sun rises, so save the games, child.”

  Danika’s lip curled in irritation. “I like to draw out the suspense. It adds to the fun.”

  “Get her,” Danika commanded.

  All seven vampires closed in on her with rapid speed. They had her tied and bound within moments.

  “Time to go, Eva darling.” Danika’s coven vampires dragged Eva from the rooftop and forced her into a black van. They drove her to a hideous decrepit building that looked as though it hadn’t been inhabited for years.


  Vladimir’s distress came through his voice over the phone.

  “I called to warn you. Danika and her coven vampires have taken Eva. They took her while she was at the Dawning. That means exactly what you think it does. I don’t know who betrayed her and the Covenant, but I will find out. Danika has sent the Covenant a message. She is offering to trade Eva’s life for Kayci’s.”

  Adrian nearly crushed his phone in anger.

  “Beatrice and I were not willing to agree to the trade, and we know Eva would not want us to agree either. However, Florence, Orrick, and Natalia wanted to turn Kayci over. They are on their way to her house now to collect her for the trade. I know you will want to stop them. Don’t get yourself killed.”

  Adrian hung up the phone and swiftly gathered his double-curved blades and attached them to his back. He strapped a sheath onto his shin and tucked the long blade into it before lowering his pant leg. He was out the door within moments.

  Adrian chose to save time and not stop at the condo that Thorne had slept in last night. They had arrived back at Adrian’s too late for Thorne to make it home to Kayci’s without risking sun exposure. Now Kayci was unprotected, with three powerful vampires about to show up and demand she go with them. Adrian chastised himself for not ensuring she had some kind of protection with her.

  Adrian dialed Vladimir’s number as he sped to Kayci’s house.

  “Thorne is at 805 Brickle Avenue. Suite 1406. Bring him to the trade,” Adrian demanded before hanging up.


  Kayci sensed their formidable presence as they neared the porch. They stopped short of the front door.

  “She has verbena at the windows,” she heard one of them say. “I can smell it.”

  “As well as a destruction spell on the door,” another announced.

  She heard a scuffle outside the door, and then the doorbell rang. Kayci stood still for several moments, debating whether she should answer the door or climb out a back window and try to flee. Her attempt to escape could turn dangerous quickly if they heard her trying to get away. She darted up the stairs and into her bedroom to find her necklace. She wanted every bit of help she could get. She put it over her head as she came down the steps. She opened the door to find Florence, Orrick, and Natalia staring at her. Her nerves exploded.

  “Danika has taken Eva and is offering to return her if we give her you,” Orrick told her.

  “Considering we don’t particularly approve of your existence in the first place, you can imagine our willingness to accept her offer.” Florence sneered.

  “Now step out here, or we’ll burn down the house with you in it,” Natalia threatened.

  Kayci slowly stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind her. Florence and Orrick grabbed her on each side.

  Adrian squealed his tires as he turned onto the road to Kayci’s house. He sped into her driveway and jumped out of the vehicle, leaving the door open and car running. His fangs immediately extracted as he saw the fearful expression on Kayci’s face. Florence and Orrick were dragging her to their car.

  Adrian growled.

  “Take her,” Florence ordered Natalia.

  Natalia quickly took Florence’s place as Florence squared off to Adrian.

  “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to kill you, Adrian. This is going to be far too pleasurable for me.” Florence’s fangs extracted as he grinned. “Get her to the location. I’ll take care of him.”

  In his peripheral, Adrian saw Kayci kick Natalia in the leg and then uppercut Orrick in the jaw. Relieved to see her putting up a fight, Adrian returned his attention to Florence just in time to see his fist coming toward him. Adrian swung his arm and knocked Florence’s blow away. He countered with a fist to Florence’s thick throat. Florence stumbled back for a moment before quickly recouping and lunging after Adrian. Florence wrapped his arms around Adrian as he slammed him to the ground. Adrian’s breath escaped him, but he still managed to move his head to the side as Florence’s solid fist came at his face. Florence’s fist hit the ground, creating a loud pounding sound right next to Adrian’s ear.

  Adrian glanced up for only a second to see Kayci fighting against Natalia and Orrick while they tried to force her into the car. Natalia punched Kayci in the stomach. She collapsed from the blow. As Adrian looked back at Florence, he took a rock-hard fist to the face. Blood immediately poured out of the broken flesh. Adrian took hold of Florence and pulled him toward him and then viciously dug his fangs into Florence’s neck. Florence let out an agonizing growl as he jerked away from Adrian’s bite, his flesh tearing away from his body.

  As Florence put space between them,
Adrian kicked Florence, knocking him farther away. Adrian rolled sideways and jumped up to a standing position. He extracted the curved blades from his back as Florence charged him. Adrian swiped the blades through the air, only grazing Florence’s arm as he spun and avoided the sharp blades. Adrian turned his body to face Florence, only to receive another blow. Adrian stumbled sideways from the agony in his jaw. Before he could recoup, Florence struck his fist to Adrian’s back. He buckled from the pain.

  “Just think of this as a mercy killing, Adrian. You’ll be able to be with your half-breed partner very soon,” Florence taunted.

  Adrian pushed through the excruciating pain of fractured and broken bones and swung his arm forcefully as Florence raised his arm to deliver another punch. Adrian’s blade slashed through the air and came down on Florence’s raised arm. The arm severed at the elbow. As Florence’s shock and pain swept over him, Adrian swung the second blade toward Florence’s head. The blade stopped short of severing Florence’s thick neck. Adrian held the blade firmly in his left hand and kicked the back of the blade the remaining way through Florence’s neck. Florence’s body dropped to the ground before bursting into ashes.

  Adrian fell to his knees from the aching pain in his face and spine. He dropped the blades beside him and slowly pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He dialed Vladimir.

  “Florence is dead. Where’s the trade taking place?”

  Adrian dropped the phone on the ground and remained on his knees. He didn’t have a choice. He had to let himself heal before he would be able to drive to the trade location.

  Chapter 27

  Kayci’s heart pounded so loudly in her ears, she barely heard the comments of the vampires around her. She tried to gain composure over her rising fear so she could concentrate and be logical. Orrick and Natalia still had painfully solid grips on each side of her. They had dragged her into an underground floor of an old factory building. Around her, seven of Danika’s coven vampires impatiently waited. They circled Eva, who was tied securely to one of the building’s structural pillars. Danika’s coven faced Kayci, Orrick, and Natalia with violent stares.


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