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Hunter: Warrior of Doridia (The Saga of Jon Hunter Book 1)

Page 16

by Ronald Watkins

  “Let me see. Ah, yes. I remember now. The stars are moving apart. The dipper, as you call it, will become less and less so. In time, I suppose, it will not resemble a dipper or even a bear for that matter. Well, young man, I must retire. I’m afraid that my old body just isn’t up to these long days as it once was.”

  And with that he bid me good evening. But it did not matter for I now knew where and when I was.

  I began walking back to my wagon. I had my answers and they did me no good but to satisfy mere curiosity. I had read once and seen three pictures of the Big Dipper. It was a senseless piece of information that had stayed with me for years. The author had been making the point that the dipper as we knew it was becoming less and less a dipper as the stars forming the cup moved further apart. In prehistoric times the dipper had been even more pronounced.

  And so I knew.

  I was in prehistoric times. In the far distant past of my own Earth, in an era lost to

  my world. For the dipper in the heavens, moving about low, in the wrong portion of the sky, was very pronounced.

  The tipped axis also explained why this civilization was lost to my time. Some cataclysm in the future would utterly destroy it, probably when the Earth moved to its modern axis. Perhaps Doridia would become Africa or Asia, I speculated. But I already knew what it would become. If I rearranged the heavens, Doridia would be relocated south, far to the south.

  Only one land mass in my time was so far south. Only one. A barren, uninhabited waste land of ice and snow.



  Our journey to Runah resumed the following day. It remained pleasant, the outlaws wisely leaving us in peace. We were passed by a lone traveler or two, Sekers journeying alone, unwilling or unable to travel with a caravan and daring the risks of the forest.

  Oxen were indispensable to this primitive culture but they were incredibly slow even when pulling a light burden. Their pace on level ground was approximately that of a leisurely stroll for a walking adult. A caravan never overtook anything in route but one could be passed by almost anyone traveling on foot.

  The weather continued to hold with clear, bright, cool days and frigid nights. We made steady progress along the narrow roadway and three days trek from the city of Runah the caravan descended into a mighty river valley. The city maintained the road to the foothills even this great distance from its walls. The land was mostly uncultivated at this distance but by late afternoon of the third day from the city, we began to see patrols of Sekers and scattered, fertile farms.

  It was a lush valley and contributed immensely to the reputed wealth of Runah. The Sekers of the caravan visibly relaxed as we entered the extensive valley. The journey would be safe from this point on. Sekers laughed and called out to slave girls along the stone roadway. Occasionally free girls, daughters of farmers, ran to the caravan and walked with us a time, laughing, flirting as young adolescent girls will. The caravan took on a markedly festive mood the final two days of the journey.

  At night when we camped the farmers traveled from some distance around to barter, trade or merely drink and gamble. Many wished the use of a slave girl for a time bored by the limited selection on their distant farms. Several farmers offered me coins or goods for the use of Shelba who I considered to be the most beautiful slave with the caravan. One old farmer, missing many teeth and smelling of garlic, approached me with Shelba to my rear and offered some freshly picked berries and two smoked fish for her use but a few minutes.

  I tasted the berries and smelled the smoked fish, making a show of deciding. The gnarled old farmer smiled hopefully, eyeing Shelba continuously as she fumed and glared at me. A slave could not speak under such circumstances. At last I told him no and he left much dejected, looking to barter with another.

  Shelba said behind me as we walked in a voice only I could hear. “Do that again and I will throttle you in your sleep.”

  I laughed but made no more similar jokes at her expense. I had felt the fire in her eyes pierce my back as we walked.

  We camped the last night before entering the city in an often used site a day’s trek from Runah. That final evening, Shelba lay beside me sharing my furs as the slave of a Seker would in those circumstances.

  “Jon?” she whispered into my ear.


  “Are you asleep?”

  “Not now.” I rolled onto my left side and attempted to return to my slumber. But to

  no avail.

  “Oh. What will we do tomorrow when we enter Runah?” she asked.

  This conversation seemed inevitable and so, reluctantly, I turned to her. She had a right to know what was going to happen as she had some part to play in it. I just wished that she could have selected a more opportune time to discuss it in.

  Yawning, I explained my plan to her. “I will take quarters in a tavern with you remaining as my slave. We will keep a low profile and I will seek employment with some small shop. We will hide in Runah and await word. Ctesias and Koptos will inform the Urak of our location. Hopefully, the situation in Taslea will soon be resolved in your father’s favor.” The instant I said the last I regretted it.

  “What if it is not resolved in my father’s favor?” she asked.

  “Then we must seek help from friends. You must assume your place again as a Free Woman and a marriage, as best possible, must be arranged. Without your father’s help your situation would not be secure and you must acquire a husband with all possible speed. Let us hope for the best in Taslea.”

  “Yes,” she said, “let us hope for the best.”

  Her questions answered, she remained silent while I attempted to return to sleep with little success.


  A glorious city this Runah, I thought, as we entered through the immense, ornate wooden gates. The first market square inside the gates was many times the size of the largest marketplace in all of Taslea.

  Runah also possessed a cosmopolitan atmosphere lacking in the more remote and parochial Taslea. I saw for the first time people of other races, though they were not common among the throng. They looked like the races of my Earth, some free, some slave, most poor, a few prosperous.

  The caravan broke into its respective groups, many wagons stopping in the first market place to conduct business while others sought out lesser markets in the city. Travelers disembarked and were greeted by friends and relatives.

  A glorious city Runah, a delight and a joy. Great towers rose into the sky, painted bright blues and greens and reds. Each shop wore the coloring of its Guild and most citizens identified themselves by Guild on their clothing as well. This was a bright, rich city, prosperous and teeming with life and vitality. The fertile valley provided ample and varied food and nearby mines rich metals.

  Ctesias and Koptos would continue to billet with the caravan, as it conducted its trading within the walls of Runah. My slave and I explored the city for the day and at a small, secluded tavern I secured lodging for the two of us. As was true with most taverns, the rooms were located on the second floor and as I had selected a tavern which did not provide music and dangers for its patrons, I hoped our nights would pass relatively quietly.

  My tentative plans called for me to seek employment over the next few days but for now, of course, lacking employment and within the walls of a city, I was forbidden to bear arms. Rather than be naked, I compromised by wearing a great cape which concealed a knife fastened to the small of my back.

  I informed Shelba that until I had a patron she must remain within our room for I was not adequately armed to protect her. She was quick to express her disappointment and then, rather coyly, suggested that if her safety was the reason for confining her to the room then Ctesias and Koptos could serve as our escort while we toured the city.

  “Please, please. I have never been to Runah before and it is so much more cosmopolitan than old Taslea. Please, Jon, please! It is so confining as a Free Woman. I was only rarely allowed out of my father’s
residence in Taslea and then only with an escort and to attend some boring dinner in another Great House. Only once, in all my life, was I even allowed to shop in a market.”

  What she said was true for Free Women, particularity of the Great Houses, led sheltered lives and rarely were they permitted outside the confines of their residence. Even Free Women of the Low Caste and of humble circumstances never left their residence alone or if in the country, strayed far from their house.

  “And also,” she continued waxing with enthusiasm, “as a slave I could see so much more then is ever permitted as a Free Woman. Please! Please! I promise to be good and obedient. Please!” She jumped up and down like an excited school girl, tugging at my sleeve. I knew I would relent and permit her to see the city while Ctesias and Koptos were available as escorts. But I said, “I will think on in it.”

  “But...” she began.

  “I said, I will think on in it. Now enough.”

  She saw through me though for she glowed, kissed me on the cheek and excitedly ran to the window where she sat watching the street below. Without further comment, I went to the tavern and purchased a cup of wine. Feigning off the approach of lovely slaves, I drank the first cup and then a pitcher.

  Just before returning to my room for sleep the rotund, jovial owner approached me and said, “Not interested in my girls, hey? Well, I saw what you got up in your room waiting for you. With all the use you get out of her I can see why my girls don’t interest you. A man can only take so much of a good thing, hey? Well,” he said, clapping me gaily on the back. “And she’s ready when you are, hey?” Laughing, he returned to his place.

  I peered deeply into my cup for a long time.


  “Throw him to the floor! Throw him!” the skinny, old man beside me screamed, clutching his colored betting token tightly in his gnarled fist. He was dressed in a dirty tunic and I moved more to my right to distance myself a bit from the enthusiastic fan.

  The wrestlers circled each other, both weary as this was the fifth of five falls. Each had thrown the other to the floor twice and the winner of this fall would win the match. These were massive mountains of men with shaven heads, attired in form fitting leather gherkins but otherwise naked. Their oil covered bodies made a firm grip impossible. The rules disallowed blows and so there was much clutching and futile grasping. The favorite technique consisted of tremendous lunges at each other much as sumo wrestlers. These two had pounded each other unmercifully and both were bleeding from their heads as butting was permitted.

  This style of wrestling was performed by men trained from early childhood. Before they achieved puberty their testicles were repeatedly pushed up into the scrotum from which they had descended. If the openings were not kept open in this fashion they closed permanently. By keeping them serviceable into adulthood the wrestlers were able to protect themselves from low blows merely by tightly binding their sac and forcing the testicles into their bodies.

  The men circled, bare feet gripping the fine, white sand. Suddenly, they lunged at one another each vainly seeking a favorable hold but soon they broke apart. The mixed crowd of High and Low Caste roared and screamed encouragement, rage or frustration. Betting was continuous, the odds shifting dramatically following each fall’s outcome.

  Hawkers selling sweets and spicy meats cried into the din incessantly. We were enclosed within a giant open arena surrounded by a crowd I estimated in excess of five thousand.

  These wrestlers were the fifth match of this event. Each set of wrestlers had represented a faction and so betting was not only allowed on the individual match but on the outcome of the five matches as well. The matches were presently tied at two for green and two for blue. The wrestlers circled and once again lunged at each other. This time blue secured a hold on the shoulder of green and with a mighty effort threw him to the sand. The roar of both victors and losers filled the arena as the winner strutted about the ring, hands over his head accepting the adulation of the frenzied crowd.

  Coins were tossed for him and one or two slave girls were thrown bodily into the arena as well, the use of them enthusiastically offered by their owners. I had fortunately bet on blue and leaving Shelba in the capable charge of both Ctesias and Koptos went to collect my winnings. The wrestling was completed so we moved on to other events.

  We saw a number of spectators surrounding a pit and shouting enthusiastically at the spectacle below. Pushing our way through the group we peered down and viewed two hen- like birds fighting with spurs on their feet. The birds were chicken appearing but of a larger size and fiercer nature. The fighting was as intense as it was short for soon one of the fowls lay in the white sand, heart pounding, bleeding its life from a gaping wound to its throat. The losers were quite bitter and shouted insults at the poor dead animal’s distraught owner. I had little appetite for this bloody sport and suggested we move on.

  Nearby were other pits, only within them dogs fought for sport. They looked as any dog only possessing small ears and disproportionately large shoulders and forepaws. The animals were incredibly ferocious and had to be pulled from the dead body of the defeated opponent. The vicious dogs were muzzled before and after each bout.

  We moved on to jugglers and acrobats, allegedly from Eshlunna. We saw no Free Women within the arena, men of all description and some slaves but no Free Women. This was not thought proper entertainment for genteel women.

  I purchased a small bit of sweets and made Shelba beg for them as a Master often would before giving her one. Koptos and Ctesias were surprised at my manner towards the Lady but remained silent.

  As night approached, we moved on from the sporting arena and sought out the street life of Runah, the beautiful. This was the three day period of the full moon and as in Taslea was a festive time.

  We wandered about for a while, admiring the jugglers and acrobats. I noticed that our two companions were following behind us now and whispered to each other intently. I thought I knew what was on their mind.

  “And what would you two care to do now?” I asked them. They were startled and unsure of themselves. Blushing a bit, at last Ctesias spoke for the pair, avoiding the curious look of Shelba.

  “Well, we were thinking... you know... that maybe.... well.... it’s alright let’s just go on as we were.”

  Shelba temporarily out of character as my slave spoke up, “Go on, just what is it you want to do?”

  Ctesias looked sharply at Koptos who was gazing intently at some object on his hand. Finding no help there he looked again at me, still avoiding Shelba’s eyes.

  “Well, we thought, that maybe ... well, that maybe we might stop off and have a drink or two and see... well, and see some entertainment you might say... if you understand my meaning.”

  Ah, yes, I well understood his meaning and if we went through with it the Lady was in for quite an education. I looked questioningly at her.

  “I see no reason to object,” she said. And so the four of us marched off in pursuit

  of a tavern. We located a smallish one that was large enough for our purposes. The entertainment had just finished and many patrons were leaving searching for a new tavern. We pushed our way through the crowd and with good fortune located a pillowed place on the polished floor beside the dancing area.

  Shelba had never before been in such an establishment and it was unusual, although not completely unknown, for a Master to bring a slave with him. We drank the spiced wine and enjoyed watching the crowd, making little attempt to engage in conversation over the din. Ctesias was the first to leave and did so with unusual discretion. Shelba hardly noticed and started to say something to me when she realized that he was leading a small serving slave by hand towards an alcove. Her eyes grew and grew and then she began to blush, first in her cheeks and then in her face and gradually throughout the entire upper portion of her body.

  We drank, perhaps a bit much, but we enjoyed ourselves. The dancers were excellent though not the equal of the slave dancers of Rashmalan. These wer
e dark slaves of Eshlunna and they danced in a primitive fashion to the music of assorted drums. They lacked much in style but were certainly a stirring group.

  Shelba watched them intently and judged their looks as well as those of the serving slaves quite critically. After they finished the performance, the dancers scurried among the patrons who bargained briefly for their use and rushed off to the alcoves. Shelba discreetly averted her eyes from the scene but I saw the bright color in her cheeks.

  We departed the tavern before the next floor show. The caravan would depart in two days for Taslea and so Ctesias and Koptos sought to enjoy all they could of the Runah night life before the winter sojourn at Taslea. As the night festivities came to a close they escorted us back to my tavern room and bidding us good night and left, I suspected, for the establishment we’d just been in. I would miss these two faithful and devoted friends when they departed for home.

  Shelba and I prepared to retire. I was permitted weapons within my own quarters and kept them close at hand. My “slave” lit a lamp.

  “Are the women of your world like the women of Doridia?” she asked softly.

  “Women are always women but there are differences,” I replied. “My world is unlike this but not any better. Woman here are more beautiful and alluring. There are greater differences here between men and women, each sex is uniquely its own. Your society encourages this difference and I do not disapprove.”

  She looked directly into my eyes. “Do you find me beautiful, Jon?”

  I did and told her so. The single flame of the lamp danced in its place and the

  meagre amber light flickered across her smooth, clear golden skin. Her eyes were a deep blue and as if for the first time, I saw the full, ripe, richly curved body beneath her flimsy slave tunic. Her deep red moist lips parted slightly, revealing white even teeth behind them. Her wet tongue slid silently across the teeth and I felt my body respond to this magnificent beauty, every part of me desiring to possess her that very moment in my furs.

  I had, unfortunately, committed myself to and had assumed an honor code that forbade I violate my trust. Should I, there was no returning to Taslea and Shelba could only return a fraud to be discovered eventually or remain in Runah, friendless, destined ultimately to become a true slave. The rules of this society could be ever so much more rigid and uncompromising than those of my own.


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