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Saving Runt: Cosmos' Gateway Book 7

Page 21

by Smith, S. E.

  “Good—and not so good. I have a replacement panel and most of the items I need, but,” He held up a melted piece of metal. “I need to go into the city tomorrow and see if there is anything left.”

  “That doesn’t look good,” she murmured.

  “Yes… not good. I need to replace the coupling and don’t have the right one,” he replied.

  She turned to study the sky with a frown. His gaze followed hers. While it wasn’t dark, it was definitely not as bright as it had been earlier. Dark clouds swirled above them with increasing speed.

  “Is it going to rain?” she asked.

  Derik shook his head. “No, it looks like a sandstorm. We should be safe. The cliffs above will shield us from the worst of it,” he said.

  “I’ve never been in a sandstorm before,” she commented.

  “Another first,” he teased with a grin.

  She snorted. “Not the kind I want to experience. By the way, I think I fixed the issue with RITA2 and DAR. The versions we have onboard are the offline ones downloaded to the ship’s computer system. I figured they would be good to experiment with. If the changes I made work, the new code should upload once they reconnect with their primary versions back on Baade. We should know before then if everything is back to normal,” she explained.

  He frowned. “Did you reboot them?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I can’t exactly test them if they aren’t working. I have them helping Afon and Marcelo,” she said with a sigh.

  “I can’t believe DAR helped them get on my ship,” he muttered, returning his attention to the compartment he was working on.

  She giggled. “It’s the reasoning behind it that gets me—'in case you needed some male instruction on how to deal with a human woman’! I think DAR’s been spending a little too much time with your brothers. Did Hannah really hit Borj in the head with a frying pan?” she asked.

  Derik laughed. “Borj would never admit it. You should have seen what Tink did to J’kar’s entire ship! When she was telling us about…,” he stopped and flushed.

  She leaned back and looked at him with an amused expression. “You mean the scene from When Harry Meets Sally? DAR showed me the video. You guys really needed to get a life. I’ve seen juicer stuff online,” she remarked.

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “Is that where you learned the things you did last night?” he inquired with a fiery glint in his eyes.

  She lifted her chin. “I learned a lot more than that,” she replied in a low suggestive purr.

  Derik heard the invitation in her voice, and set down the melted part on a torn piece of metal, threw his gloves on top of it, and closed the distance between them. Her legs parted so he could stand between them. Her arms slid up his arms as he wrapped them around her waist and pulled her close.

  Their lips met in a passionate kiss. The intensity was magnified by the danger of the day. Deep down, they both knew that last night could have been their only chance to be together. The light banter between them had been covering their need to reassure each other that they had survived.

  “I want you,” she frantically mumbled against his lips.

  He pressed a series of hard kisses to her lips, then followed the line of her cheek down to her throat. She tilted her head back and to the side to expose the slender column. His teeth lengthened at the invitation. His hand slid down to her ass and he cupped her buttocks.

  “Do either of you know where I can find a…,” Afon’s voice shattered the moment.

  Derik’s savage snarl drew a giggle from Amelia. Her hands clung to his shoulders as if she was afraid he might rip her uncle’s head off his shoulders. The idea was very tempting. He closed his eyes and counted to ten. His body was throbbing with the need that he had been trying to keep under control.

  “What… do you need?” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  “DAR said a splicer,” Afon responded before he looked up at the sky. “It is going to rain?”

  “Sandstorm,” Runt replied, looking over Derik’s shoulder.

  Afon’s expression turned grim. “Will it cause more damage?” he inquired.

  Derik released a loud sigh. “No, but I need to seal the panel before it hits. Sand in the electronics doesn’t do well in space,” he acknowledged.

  Afon returned his gaze to Derik’s face with a pointed look. “Then I guess you should quit groping my niece and finish working on it,” he suggested.

  Derik growled. Afon’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t back down. Derik really was tempted to just rip the human’s head off. He sighed when he felt Amelia’s hands tighten on his arms.

  “I’m not going to kill him,” he muttered.

  She laughed and patted his chest. “I can read your thoughts,” she reminded him.

  He stepped back when she slid off the bin, and looked over his shoulder again. Afon was watching them with a narrowed-eyed gaze and folded arms across his chest. He sighed and picked up the splicer he been using. He tossed it to Afon. The other man caught it in midair.

  “I can’t do any more until I get a part. Hopefully, the city wasn’t completely destroyed,” he said before looking at Amelia. “You better go inside. The storm will be here soon. We all need to be inside the ship when it hits.”

  She held onto his arm and rose on her toes to brush a kiss across his lips. “I’ll check on RITA2 and DAR,” she murmured against his lips.

  He nodded. His gaze lingered on his mate’s back when she turned and walked past Afon. When she disappeared into the ship, he turned his attention to the man still watching him.

  “I don’t care what RITA2 or DAR said, I know what you are. I don’t trust you and if you try to get between me and my mate again, I will kill you and leave your body to rot in the sands,” he snarled.

  Afon’s expression hardened. “I’ve seen what your kind can do. I won’t let you harm the girl,” he stated in a cold voice.

  Derik’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you care? You’ve never cared before,” he demanded.

  Afon was quiet for a second before he answered. “I lost the only family I ever had once. I couldn’t stop it then, but I can now. I won’t let that happen again,” he quietly vowed.

  “The decision is not yours, it belongs to the Council. You know that I have to take you back,” Derik said.

  Afon shrugged. “You can try. I prefer to make my own destiny,” he countered.

  A blast of chilled air swept down from the cliffs. The storm would be upon them soon. Afon must have sensed it as well because he bowed his head and turned. Derik watched him disappear inside the ship.

  He shook his head. “I need my head examined,” he said under his breath.

  He picked up the panel cover and fitted it over the area he had been working on, quickly securing it before he picked up his tools. The winds were picking up, swirling the sands until they delivered a sting when they struck his exposed skin. He retreated up the platform and turned to watch the storm as he pressed the button to close the hatch, though his mind was on Amelia, not on the storm beginning to rage outside. He had brought her to spend some quality time, just the two of them, learning more about each other. Instead, he had placed her in mortal danger. Space was a dangerous place.

  “So is Earth,” she quietly reminded him.

  He turned to see her standing a few feet behind him. Her dark eyes held an emotion that took his breath away. She silently walked toward him before stopping just a few inches away.

  “You could have died today,” he said.

  She shrugged. “I could have died weeks ago in DiMaggio’s club. If I had to choose between the two, this was a lot more scenic,” she half-heartedly joked before her expression became serious. “We never really know when our time is up, Derik. We can only embrace each day and keep putting one foot in front of the other,” She took in a deep breath. “When I thought my mom…,” her voice choked up and she bowed her head, taking a deep breath before she looked at him again.

  “How did you
get to be so smart at such a young age?” he tenderly asked.

  She touched his chin, her gaze focused on the motion, but he could tell her mind was far away. He saw flashes of memory—her father, her mother, the other homeless people—Bert…. They had all played a role in shaping who she was and who she would become.

  “I don’t ever remember being young—until last night. Last night I forgot about everything but you,” she whispered.

  He reached over and placed his bag of tools on the control box for the door, then his arms swept around her and he tenderly pulled her close. Her arms wound around his waist. They embraced each other for several minutes.

  “I want to give you more of those nights,” he said.

  “I know.”

  Her quiet response shook him. She believed in him. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She tilted her head back and slipped her hand between them to the opening in his shirt. It took a moment for him to realize that she was touching the locket that he still wore.

  “I keep forgetting to give this back to you,” he said.

  She shook her head. “I want you to keep it. I like being near your heart,” she confessed.

  “You are always near it, Amelia,” he said.

  “You have grease on your chin. I think you need a shower, and I know the perfect person to help you take one,” she suggested, pushing his hair back from his temple.

  He released a low hiss of pleasure. “So help me, if Dolinski tries to interrupt us, I’ll throw his ass out into the storm,” he vowed.

  She giggled. “I’ll open the door for you,” she teased.

  He grinned and swept her up into his arms. Striding across the bay, he climbed the short set of steps and passed through the opening to the main corridor. He could hear Afon and Marcelo quietly talking. They were in the galley.

  “Shush!” she whispered near his ear.

  He grinned and nodded. They both fought to keep from laughing as he carried her past the galley door. Once they were past it, he sped up as Amelia buried her face against his neck and giggled.

  He turned into their cabin and gently placed her feet on the ground. Waving his hand over the door panel, he closed the door. His gaze locked on her shimmering eyes.

  “I love you, Amelia,” he murmured.

  She touched his cheek. Her lips parted, but no sound emerged. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the pent-up emotions raging inside him.

  Her fingers fumbled with the fastenings of his shirt. Their heavy breathing filled the room. His hands moved to the hem of her shirt and he broke their kiss long enough to pull it over her head.

  “Thank you,” she said in a breathless voice.

  “For what?” he asked in a rough tone.

  “Thank you for not ripping my shirt. It’s one of my three favorites,” she said as she pushed his shirt off his broad shoulders.

  “How many shirts do you have?” he curiously asked.

  “Three,” she replied with a grin.

  “I’ll have to find you more,” he chuckled.

  “Last one in the shower gets to be washed first,” she laughed, twisting away from his hands.

  He turned, watching her as she kicked off her shoes and began to wiggle out of her jeans. A low growl of approval slipped from him when she kicked them aside and bent to pull off her socks. Seeing her clad only in her lacy silk panties and bra, his body filled with need. He imagined standing behind her, taking her from behind while his hands were filled with her firm breasts, squeezing her hard nipples between his fingers….

  “Hey, are you coming?” she called from the bathroom.

  He blinked and shook his head. “I will in a minute, and so will you—multiple times,” he chuckled.

  He quickly stripped out of his clothing, his body throbbing with need, then he paused and looked at the hidden compartment near the head of the bed. His gaze moved to the bathroom, and he wondered….

  A moment later, he stepped into the bathroom and stood by the door. Amelia was standing in the shower. A heavy mist surrounded her. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed. Water trailed down her shoulders and a single droplet clung to one taut nipple.

  He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Drawn to her like a moth to flame, he opened the door and stepped inside the shower cubicle.

  “What were you doing? Daydreaming,” she answered herself without opening her eyes.

  “You were made for loving, Amelia,” he murmured.

  “Does this mean I get to be washed first instead?” she requested with a hopeful look.

  “Place your hands on the wall,” he instructed.

  Her eyes widened at his rough tone and sudden demand. She turned toward the wall. He could sense her growing excitement. She liked it when he was a little ‘bossy’ with her, as she would say.

  “Have you been watching bad-boy vidcoms or what?” she inquired.

  “If you mean what I think you mean, yes, those particular instructional vidcoms were quite exciting,” he said.

  She snorted. “I’ve heard them called a lot of things, but instructional videos were not one of them,” she chuckled before she released a startled yelp when he suddenly pinched one of her hard nipples.

  “Hey,” she hissed in surprise, looking down when the pressure didn’t stop after he removed his hand.

  He moved behind her and held one hand under her jaw while his other hand moved to her right breast. She squeaked again when he pinched it.

  Derik slowly slid his right hand down over her wet skin while he kept his left hand under her chin He caressed her right buttock.

  “How much do you trust me, Amelia?” he murmured in her ear.

  “How—How much should I trust you?” she asked in a voice that wavered.

  “Completely,” he said.

  He pressed a kiss to her neck as he continued to caress her ass. His hand slid across to trace the delicate line separating her right cheek from her left. Tonight was about savoring each other. They had come together in passion. Now he wanted them to come together in love.

  “That’s a lot to ask,” she weakly protested.

  He turned her toward him. “Is it?” he quietly probed.

  She stared up at him, her eyes conveying how conflicted she was. Disappointment filled him when she didn’t immediately respond.

  He raised his hand to remove the nipple charms he had placed on her. Her hands covered his—stopping him, her hesitancy replaced by a tender expression.

  “I trust you—completely,” she whispered.

  She held his gaze, never wavering. He took in a deep breath. For a moment, they were not in the shower on his ship, but the only two people in the universe. He could see the threads of their bond glow with a luster that only their true feelings could power.

  “I want to explore you,” he warned.

  “As long as you agree that it’s an equal opportunity exploration,” she cheekily retorted.

  He looked down at the nipple charms and grimaced. “Maybe not completely equal,” he muttered.

  She laughed softly and he captured the sound with his lips. His hands slid over her body, cupping her breasts, and tracing a path down her stomach to the soft curls glistening with water from the shower. She lifted her arms above her head and opened to his touch.

  She never flinched as he learned every inch of her body. He washed her hair, traced the path of her ears, and marveled at her tiny toes. He learned that she was very ticklish on the bottoms of her feet and had a small birthmark on her left hip in the shape of a crescent moon.

  “My mom said I was sent to her from the stars,” she whispered when he traced it.

  “You were destined for the stars,” he murmured.

  When it was her turn to explore him, he remained still. He absorbed the feel of her hands on his body. When his passion threatened to overwhelm him, he focused on the droplets coursing down her body.

  “Where did you get this scar?” she asked, stroking the long line on
his left thigh.

  “Juangans attacked my brother’s ship when I was seventeen. That is when Tink, J’kar’s mate, suddenly appeared through the Gateway. I thought she was the Goddess come to save me,” he confessed.

  “And the one on your arm?” she murmured, standing so she could trace it as well.

  “The same attack. I would have died that day if not for Tink and her hammer,” he explained, sharing the memory with her.

  Her eyes darkened. “I would never have met you,” she reflected.

  “Nor I you. I thought I would never have a chance to find my bond-mate. I am glad I was wrong,” he admitted.

  She lifted her hand and touched his cheek. “Make love to me, Derik,” she whispered.

  He reached over and turned off the mist. Warm air surrounded them, drying the water from their bodies. Once the dryer turned off, he opened the door to the cubicle and stepped out. He reached out a hand to help her.

  They silently walked to the bedroom. The restraints he had laid out before stepping into the bathroom hung from the corners of their bed. He had thought to have some fun, but now he wanted to hold her—and have her hold him.

  “The fun will come later. For now…,” she said.

  He bent and picked her up. Stepping close to the bed, he gently lowered her to the mattress, and followed her down. They clung to each other, kissing, and touching until she pushed him onto his back.

  Climbing on top of him, she straddled his waist. His cock throbbed between them. She reached down and pulled his hands to her breasts. Her gaze never left his when she rose far enough to align his cock and slowly impaled herself on his thick shaft.

  “I love you, Amelia,” he declared.

  “I know,” she said.

  He pulled her down until their lips connected. He could feel her love for him. She wasn’t ready to say it and that was alright. She didn’t have to say it out loud. When the time was right, she would—and he vowed that he would be there when she ready.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  They had left an hour ago to travel to the city, and by now, Derik could see the smoldering outline of the city’s edge. He scanned the horizon for threats; pointedly ignoring the most recent of Afon’s disapproving glares. Neither he nor Amelia needed to answer to the man. It wasn’t like Dolinski didn’t ‘have a few skeletons, literally, in his closet’ as Amelia liked to say. The irony of Afon’s displeasure made him smile.


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