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The Heir of Night

Page 44

by Helen Lowe

  crow: companion bird of the Huntmaster.

  Darkness of the Derai: see the Great Betrayal.

  Darkness: the name given to the Swarm of Dark by the Winter people.

  darkspawn: the minions of the Swarm of Dark.

  Darkswarm: see Swarm of Dark.

  Darkswarm Bestiary: a Derai book describing Darkswarm minions and their habits.

  Darksworn: the vanguard of the Swarm of Dark.

  Daughter of Night: a title given to a daughter of the Earl of the House of Night. See also Malian.

  Defender, the: see Mhaelanar.

  Derai Alliance: the formal alliance of the nine Houses of the Derai.

  Derai-dan: ancient combat code of the Derai, including both armed and unarmed techniques.

  Derai, the: warlike race, alien to Haarth, comprising nine Houses and worshipping nine Gods. They arrived on Haarth fifteen hundred years before and brought with them their traditional enemy, the Swarm of Dark. The Derai are fighting an eons old war to stop the Swarm obliterating the universe. The Derai are divided into three societies or castes: warrior, priest, and a third caste that comprises both warrior and priestly talents but are focused on some other skill, e.g. the Sea House are navigators and the House of the Rose are the diplomats of the Derai Alliance.

  Doria: Malian’s nurse.

  dream: the power held by a dreamer.

  dreamer: a person with the old Derai powers who can pass the Gate of Dreams in both their spirit and their physical body.

  dulkat: a leaf that dulls pain when chewed.

  Earl of Blood: the hereditary ruler of the House of Blood.

  Earl of Night: the hereditary ruler of the House of Night.

  Earl of Stars: the hereditary ruler of the House of Stars.

  Earl of Swords: the hereditary ruler of the House of Swords. See Sword Earl.

  Earl’s quarter: sector of the Keep of Winds given over to the use of the Earl of Night and his household.

  Earl, the: the hereditary title given to the rulers of the nine Houses of the Derai Alliance.

  Eight-guard: the basic unit of a Derai guard, comprising teams of eight.

  eldritch light: a sorcerous fire used by the Swarm to attack and overcome enemies.

  Emer: a land of Haarth, located south of the River on the route to Ishnapur.

  Emeriath: a figure of Derai legend, who appears in the songs and stories concerning Kerem the Dark Handed.

  empathy: see spirit bond.

  Ephor: a ruler of the River city of Terebanth.

  Eria: an initiate priestess, serving in the Temple of Night.

  Errianthar: the Priestess, an ancient hero of the Derai, twin sister of Telemanthar the Swordsman.

  Falath: one of Rowan Birchmoon’s hounds.

  Fall of Night: the feared twilight of the Derai and then all worlds, should the House of Night ever fall.

  farseer: a Derai with ability to see events across physical distance and time. See also Terennin.

  Farseer, the: see Terennin.

  Farseeing, the: see Terennin.

  Feast of Returning: a formal feast held to mark the return of any Derai expedition, particularly those associated with the defence of the Wall.

  fell lizards: creatures that serve the Swarm.

  Fire, the: see Golden Fire.

  fire-wielders: Derai with the power to bring fire with their minds and direct it through both eyes and hands as a weapon.

  First Kin: the first degree of kinship to the direct or greater line of the Blood of any of the nine Houses of the Derai. See also greater line.

  Garan: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Gate of Dreams: a place between worlds and times that can be reached through dreams or via mind- or spiritwalking.

  Gate of Stars: see Great Gate.

  Gate of Winds: the main entrance into the Keep of Winds and a fortress in its own right.

  Gerenth: military commander of both the Keep of Winds garrison and the House of Night.

  God of Death: see Hurulth.

  Goddess of Luck: see Ornorith.

  Golden Fire: a power and strength of the Derai that once burned in the nine Keeps, until the Great Betrayal.

  Gray Lands: the desolate plains that adjoin the Wall of Night.

  Great Betrayal, the: refers to the Derai civil war and its intended end when the peace feast turned into a night of slaughter between House and House, warrior and priest, kin and kin. See also the Time of Blood and the Night of Death.

  Great Chamber: the formal council chamber of the Keep of Winds.

  Great Gate: the gate that Derai power-wielders opened between worlds to allow the Alliance to come through to the world of Haarth. See also Gate of Stars and Great Portal.

  Great Horses: the destriers of Emer, bred to wear armor themselves and carry armored knights into battle.

  Great One: the name given to one of the powers beyond the Gate of Dreams by the heralds of the Guild.

  Great Portal: see Great Gate.

  Great River: the Ijir, the major river that flows through the center of the land known simply as the River.

  Great Spear: a weapon of power. See also black blades.

  Great Strategist, the: see Mhaelanar.

  Great Sundering: the legendary schism alleged to have split the Derai Alliance in the early years of the Long War.

  greater line: the direct line of the Blood of a Derai House.

  Guild of Heralds: a society of messengers, said to have special powers, based in the River lands. See also Heralds.

  Guild, the: see Guild of Heralds.

  Haarth: the Derai name for the world on which this story takes place.

  Haimyr the Golden: a minstrel of Ij, which is the greatest city of the River. He is a friend and retainer to the Earl of Night.

  Hall of Memories: the hall in the Temple of Mhaelanar that commemorates the dead of the House of Night.

  Hall of Mirrors: a hall in the Old Keep.

  Hall of the Dead: the main temple of Hurulth, the Silent God, the God of Death.

  Halls of Meraun: the halls of healing, sacred to the god Meraun.

  Halls of Silence: the anterooms to the Temple of Hurulth, the Silent God, the God of Death.

  Healer, the: see Meraun.

  Heir of Night: the designated successor of the Earl of the House of Night. See also Malian and Aikanor.

  Heir of Stars: the designated successor of the Earl of the House of Stars. See also Yorindesarinen and Tasian.

  Heir’s Guard: a guard unit dedicated to serving and protecting the adult Heir of a Derai House.

  Heir’s quarter: sector of the Keep of Winds given over to the use of the Heir of Night and the Heir’s household.

  Helm of Knowledge: see Nhenir.

  Helm of Secrecy: see Nhenir.

  heralds: messengers trained by and bound to the Guild of Heralds, based on the River. See also Guild of Heralds.

  High Hall: the main hall of a Derai fortress.

  High Priest: the head of a Derai Temple quarter.

  High Steward: the head steward, oversees most of the civilian affairs of a Derai keep. See also Nhairin.

  Hills of the Hawk: see Jaransor.

  hold: a satellite fort of the main Derai keeps on the Wall.

  Honor Captain: the captain of an Honor Guard. See also Asantir.

  Honor Guard: an elite guard specially sworn to protect the lives of Derai leaders, mainly the Earls of the nine Houses.

  Honor Room: the office of an Honor Captain.

  House of Adamant: a priestly House of the Derai Alliance.

  House of Blood: a warrior House of the Derai Alliance.

  House of Morning: a priestly House of the Derai Alliance.

  House of Night: a warrior House of the Derai Alliance; claims to be the “first and oldest” of all the Nine Houses. See also Night.

  House of Peace: a priestly House of the Derai Alliance.

  House of Stars: a House of the Derai Alliance, particularly recognized for their master
y over the Derai powers.

  House of the Rose: a House of the Derai Alliance, principally recognized as diplomats and peacemakers.

  Houses, the: the name given by the Derai to the nine separate clans or peoples who comprise the Derai Alliance. See also nine Houses.

  Hunt of Mayanne: a power that dwells beyond the Gate of Dreams.

  Hunt, the: see the Hunt of Mayanne.

  Hunter: see Huntmaster.

  hunter-in-darkness: see Raptor of Darkness.

  Huntmaster, the: a power that dwells beyond the Gate of Dreams, associated with the Hunt of Mayanne.

  Hurulth: one of the Nine Gods of the Derai, known as the Silent God, the God of Death.

  Hylcarian: the Golden Fire of the Keep of Winds. See also Golden Fire.

  Ij: the Golden, the greatest city of the River, which is built on the delta between the river Ijir and the sea.

  Ijir: see Great River.

  Ijiri: a person or thing that is native to Ij.

  Ilor: an initiate priestess serving in the Temple of Night.

  Innor: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Ishnapur: a fabled city and empire on the southern edge of the known world, which borders the great deserts of Haarth.

  J’mair: a famed poet of Ishnapur, whose work has survived down centuries.

  Jaransor: the range of uninhabited hills that lies to the west of the Gray Lands.

  Jehane Mor: a herald of the Guild, from the Guild House of Terebanth, a city on the River.

  Jhaine: a land of Haarth, located far to the south of the River on the route to Ishnapur.

  Jiron: the Earl of Night’s scribe.

  Kalan: a novice priest in the Temple of the Keep of Winds, who was born to the House of Blood.

  Keep of Stone: the stronghold of the House of Adamant.

  Keep of Winds: the stronghold of the House of Night.

  Kerem the Dark Handed: an ancient hero of the Derai.

  Khorion: Lieutenant of the Gate of Winds, in the Keep of Winds.

  Kin Right: the priority claim Derai may make on their blood kin; particularly inviolate in terms of the Blood. See also Matter of Blood and Right of Kin and Blood.

  Korin: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Korriya: a senior priestess in the Temple of Night and First Kinswoman to the Earl of Night. See also Sister Korriya.

  Kyr: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Lady Consort: de facto title given to Rowan Birchmoon by the Derai.

  Lady of Winter: see Rowan Birchmoon. See also Winter woman.

  Lannorth: Asantir’s lieutenant, second in command of the Honor Guard.

  Lieutenant of the Gate: commander of the Gate of Winds, the main entrance into the Keep of Winds. See also Gate of Winds and Khorion.

  Lieutenant, the: the second-in-command of the Honor Guard. See also Second.

  lightless dark: one of the many terms for the Derai’s great enemy, the Swarm of Dark.

  Lira: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Little Chamber: the Earl of Night’s private council chamber.

  Long War: the great and protracted war between the Derai and the Swarm before they came to the world of Haarth.

  Lord Defender: see Mhaelanar.

  Lord of the Dawn Eyes: see Terennin.

  Madness, the: a condition associated with Jaransor.

  Malian: only child of the Earl of the House of Night. See also Heir of Night, Child of Night, and Daughter of Night.

  Mareth: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Maron: a figure of Derai legend, best friend and blood brother to Antenor.

  Master of Messengers: master of the House of Night’s courier corps.

  Matter of Blood: a matter of great importance, usually life or keep threatening, that concerns the Blood of a Derai House.

  Mayanne: one of the Nine Gods of the Derai. See also Spinner of Nets.

  Maze of Fire: a stronghold of the Swarm, from the legend of Kerem the Dark Handed and Emeriath of Night.

  Meraun: the Healer, one of the Nine Gods of the Derai. See also Healer.

  Merry Hunters: an aspect of the Hunt of Mayanne.

  messenger horses: horses, usually black, belonging to the Derai messenger corps, famed for their endurance and speed. Legend has it that they can see the wind.

  Mhaelanar: the Defender (or Defender of Heaven), one of the Nine Gods of the Derai. See also Beloved of the Nine, the Great Strategist, and the Shield of the Derai.

  mindburned: a mindspeaker overcome by a psychic attack. See also mindsweep.

  mindshield: a psychic protective barrier. See also shielding.

  mindspeakers: Derai with the ability to communicate telepathically across distances, sometimes vast.

  mindspeech: communicating directly from mind to mind, an old Derai power. See also powers.

  mindsweep: a wave of psychic power, designed to sweep away any psychic obstacle in its path.

  mindwalking: see spiritwalking.

  moon-bright helm: part of the magical arms of the hero Yorindesarinen. See also Nhenir.

  Nerion: Malian’s mother, the Earl of Night’s former wife.

  Nerith: of the Sea Keep, mother of Nerion.

  Nerys: a guard serving the House of Night.

  Nesta: the most senior of the maids attending on Malian.

  New Keep: the newer and inhabited stronghold of the Keep of Winds.

  Nhairin: the High Steward of the Keep of Winds. See also High Steward.

  Nhenir: the moon-bright helm, part of the magical arms of the hero Yorindesarinen. See also moon-bright helm, Helm of Knowledge, and Helm of Secrecy.

  Night: common name for the House of Night.

  Night March: a marching song of the armies of Night.

  Night Mare: a stealth hunter and a powerful demon of the Swarm.


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