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Scarlet Memories (Book 1)

Page 5

by Jessica T. Ozment

  ‘Hey!’ She spoke to Jaime. She watched as his head popped up from inside the book he was reading.

  ‘Hey.’ He said back to her. He closed the book in his hands and set it into his lap.

  ‘Did you get your mail?’ He asked her. He was walking back to the bookshelf to return his book.

  ‘Yeah…Yeah, I did.’ She lied.

  ‘Listen, we are going to have a visitor come up here. It’s an old woman that I found downstairs. She needs to come up here for a little while. I think she might need help like you do’ Sam smiled at him. She noticed that he didn’t seem to be too worried. It looked as though he only got upset when it came to his mother.

  ‘Ok, I don’t mind. She will be safe with us up here. ‘

  Sam kept on thinking about what a sweet boy Jaime was. She really hoped that they could find his mother. She didn’t mind keeping an eye on him until she got back. But, she wasn’t ready to take on a kid all by herself. Especially one that she didn’t even really know. Still, something about him compelled her to help him. She knew that whatever she did, she could not abandon him. He deserved better than that. And she would do all that she could to find his mother. Even if she had to leave this place.

  Sam realized she was spending too much time thinking and less time coming up with a plan. She was about to have a very unwanted guest. And she needed to keep Ruth away from the boy. Something was very off about her. Of that, Sam was sure of. She would just keep Jaime watching DVD’s and Ruth entertained with chatting. Something needed to keep her from snapping in and out of reality. Or wherever she went when she fell into those deep trances. Hopefully this wouldn’t last long. Maybe this whole thing could be isolated soon. She would avoid leaving the Hotel until Marshall Law was lifted. Or until help arrived. Whichever came first.

  Suddenly, Sam heard a loud thud outside her hotel room door. It sounded far away. Sam jumped to her door. As she did so, she turned to Jaime and motioned for him to be quiet. She pressed a finger to her mouth and pleaded with him. She watched as he quickly hid behind her bed. His head barely visible was popping up from the edge of the bed. Sam turned her head to her door. She pressed her face up to it and peered out into the hallway. She couldn’t see much. Her eyes were adjusting to the lighting out there. Once it did, she saw someone coming up the hall from the elevators. It was a little bit dark in the hall at the moment. The attendant had not yet made his rounds turning the lights on. Something that you would think would be automatic.

  Sam tried to focus on the person walking towards her door. It wasn’t easy. She was still reeling from what had happened earlier with the Roger the bell hop. Sam slowly realized that it was Ruth coming up. She noticed that her limp was getting worse. And that she seemed to be dredging slowly down the hall. It was taking her much more time than it did when she was downstairs. She couldn’t wait to get to her hotel room. She even ran. So, what is taking her so long? Sam thought. Sam wished she had a better view of Ruth. This woman already worried her. This feeling was only getting worse.

  Ruth finally reached Sam’s door. Sam watched as she walked up and rested in front of the eye hole in the door. Ruth’s face soon came into view. At first, Sam thought she looked extremely tired. Her face was sagging even more than before. She actually looked older somehow. And from what Sam could see, Ruth’s skin had a more greyish tint to it now.

  Ruth raised her hand and knocked on Sam’s door. When she did, it startled Sam so much that she shuddered.

  ‘One second.’ Sam called. She really wished she hadn’t even opened her mouth. What if she never said anything and the lady thought she had remembered the wrong room number? Sometimes Sam just acted on impulse and regretted it later. She would have to work on that. Sam took a deep breath and slowly unlocked her door. She pulled the knob towards her and allowed Ruth to step inside. A profound smell gave off of Ruth’s body as she passed Sam.

  ‘Um, ahem!’ Sam cleared her throat.

  ‘Why don’t you stay right there on the couch while I grab some tea.’ She asked.

  Showing her to the living room area. Sam smiled at her and watched as she sat down onto the couch and stared at the TV. She seemed much calmer than before. But, somehow seemed much more distant. And overly sweaty. That would explain the smell giving off of her body. Sam’s nose cringed as the smell hit her.

  ‘Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.’ Sam nodded. She turned quickly on her heel and headed towards the kitchen. Which also happened to be next to her room.

  ‘Jaime.’ She whispered as she entered the room. She saw his head pop up, his eyes were bloodshot.

  ‘Who is that lady? She looks sick.’ He said chewing on his index finger nail.

  ‘She is our neighbor from downstairs. She is very old and I think she might be a little sick. So, I want you to stay in here until I call you out. Ok?’ She asked Jaime. Her eyes widening with each word. She definitely didn’t want her meeting Jaime after seeing her now. She had to think of a way to get her out.

  Sam kept on trying to rap Ruth’s appearance around her mind. Something was wrong with her. Maybe it was her leg? Sam thought. It probably was from the blood that she saw earlier. Maybe she had a deep infection of some sort. It certainly stank quite badly. The lady needed medical attention. Sam went into her room and shut the door. She looked passed her bed and saw that Jaime was still waiting at the edge. His eyes were wide and seemed very worried about the woman in the living room.

  ‘SShhh.’ Sam spoke softly. She raised a finger to her lips.

  ‘I’m going to make a phonecall. She needs medical attention. She is very sick.’

  Sam emphasized once more to be quiet. She opened grabbed her cell phone from the bed and placed a call to 911. Surely, they would know what to do with her. And perhaps get her out of this apartment. The phone rang for a good long while. Sam completely lost hope for an answer. Eventually, a cool and collected voice chimed in on the other line.


  Sam listened to the message thoroughly once more. The line stayed busy for a few more moments. She knew that she couldn’t stay in her room much longer. Ruth might start to wonder what she was doing. Sam dropped the phone on to her bed once more and told Jaime she would be back in a few minutes to check on him. Walking back in the kitchen sam noticed the awful smell once again.

  ‘Ruth can I get you something to drink?’ She asked the old woman.

  She walked into the living room to check on her. Ruth’s head was slumped down over her chest. Her breathing seemed quite labored. Her head bobbing up and down like a cork in the water.

  ‘Ruth…are you awake?’ She asked, walking a little closer to her.

  Ruth’s body was very stiff even through the breathing.

  ‘Ruth….’ She asked once more.

  Sam thought that she heard the old lady say something. But, it was so faint that she couldn’t make it out.

  ‘Ruth, are you alright?’ She asked tightly squeezing her fist.

  Ruth raised her head suddenly. Sam allowed relief to wash over her. She didn’t give herself time to realize that something was wrong with Ruth’s eyes. They were a brown color. Now, they are a bright yellow color and extremely blood shot. Sam turned her gaze back to the old woman. She could see that she had begun to foam at the mouth. This was not looking good. She had gotten progressively worse in just the short time that she had left the room. And that had only taken her five minutes. What was wrong with her? Could she be having a seizure? So many questions were running through her mind at the moment.

  Sam walked over to her and pressed a hand to her forhead. Ruth grunted at her ominously as her hand made contact. She was burning up! Her skin was also extremely clamy too.

  ‘Ruth, I am going to get some cool rags to try and bring do
wn that fever you have. Stay here ok.’

  Even if she managed to pick herself up off of the couch, Sam doubted she would be able to walk. It was a mere miracle that she even made it up to her room. Sam walked back to her room and into her bathroom. She gathered a few rags and a small pan to put water into.

  As she ran cold water into the pan, Sam heard a loud thud coming from the living room. Ruth must have fell off of the couch. She thought, setting down the supplies and rushing to the bedroom door. She could hear more sounds coming from the living room now. She placed her ear to the surface of the door. It felt cool to the touch. She heard movement coming from the kitchen this time. Did she dare crack the door to sneak a peek? She was afraid to. But, she had to do it. She had the boy to take care of.

  Sam slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. She could barely make out a short figure standing in her kitchen at the fridge. It didn’t take rocket science to figure out that it was Ruth. She seemed to have so much more enerdy. What is going on with this woman? Sam asked herself. She shut the door silently and spun around to face Jaime.

  ‘Whatever you hear, do not open this door. I want you to lock it a soon as I step out.’ She told him.

  She walked over to the supplies she had been preparing. She gathered everything up and made sure to include a large pair of scissors. She walked over to the door and nodded to Jaime. He watched her intently as she slowly opened the bedroom door and walked out. He shut the door and locked it.

  Outside the door in the kitchen, the two of them stood together. Ruth’s back was to Sam. Her body still quivering nervously.

  ‘Ruth….’ Sam managed to splurt out.

  She was terrified of what might turn around. She had a feeling that she was right in her assumption. Ruth spun around at the sound of Sam’s voice. Her jaw opened wide, foam streaming down the sides. She had foam all down her shirt. It covered the kitties down the front. And her eyes were a deeper shade of yellow now, there was no white left in them. Some of the foam had blood mixed in with it. A closer glance and Sam could see that it was from Ruth biting down on the sides of her lips. She had bitten clean through in one area.

  ‘Oh god Ruth!’ Sam cried.

  She had dropped the medical supplies onto the floor in front of her. She was not expecting this. But, she was pretty darn sure that Ruth had turned into one of those things that were downstairs. But, how? Sam thought. She racked her brain trying to think if she saw anything wrong with her earlier. And then it hit her, She had that wound on her leg. I bet one of those things bit or scratched her. That would explain the smell. Sam snapped back to Ruth’s scary figure in front of her. What would she do?

  At that moment, Sam watched as Ruth let out a gut wrenching screech. So loud that it broke one of her glasses on her kitchen counter. Sam raised her hands up over her ears. But, nothing would help. The sound was abnormally loud. Then, Ruth began to sprint towards Sam. The foam trailing down her face and out behind her. Sam felt an overwhelming sense of fear rush over her. She tried to let out a scream. But, nothing would come out. She had never been so scared in her life. The only thing that she could think of to do, was hold out the scissors that she had in the medical kit. She had no time for anything else.

  Chapter Four: Horde

  Ian tried to brace himself for the impact. He didn’t really have much time at all to prepare. As they smashed into the tree, Ian and the others all slammed forward. They would all hit what ever was in front of them with their foreheads. Ian’s head hit the dash of the truck with a loud crack. It immediately pulsed with pain. After a long moment he was able to open his eyes. The pain was seering now throughout his body. At first he didn’t feel anything but his head. Now, his back and arms hurt too.

  As he opened his eyes, Ian saw Susan crumpled over the steering wheel. Her body had cuts all over it. As he kept looking her over Ian noticed the windshield had been shattered to pieces. The glass must have scraped her as it fell.

  ‘Susan? ‘ Ian croaked.

  It hurt his throat when he tried to speak. He realized that he was quite thirsty and desperately needed water. Ian watched as Susan slowly began to move. Her head lifted first and then the rest of her body followed suit. She was wiping the blood out of her eyes when on of those things showed up next to her window. Susan screeched with fear. The guys in the back heard her and jolted up. They all looked very groggy.

  ‘Susan!’ Ian screamed.

  He realized that her window hadn’t been broken. But, her side of the windshield was caved in more from the wreck. That thing outside her window could get to her soon if he didn’t do something. It was already pawing at Susan from the outside. It’s jaws expanding far more than the average human. It wasn’t human anymore though. And what ever these things were when they turned; they don’t care about mutilating the host’s body to mutate their dna.

  Ian grabbed at her seatbelt and pressed hard on the harnesses button. It immediately released her belt and Susan broke free. She quickly scooted next to Ian. The guys in the back were all scampering around trying to figure out what to do.

  Having to think light on his feet, Ian pushed open his door and stepped out. He traced his surroundings with his green eyes. The only undead that he saw was at Susan’s window. He rushed over to it swiftly. First, he made sure that the thing hadn’t noticed him and searched the ground for anything that he could use to take it down. The first thing he saw of use was the mirror of the side mirror of the truck. It had broken off in the crash. It now had a more jagged edging to it and could be used to create a blunt force.

  Ian swooped down and grabbed the mirror on the ground next to the thing. He nearly lost his footing as he did so, because, the thing noticed him and charge at him. Ian barely made it several feet away before the thing was able to reach for him. It seemed quite slow. Where as, Allison was much quicker. Maybe this thing had been around longer than Allison. Before she turned…He thought.

  As he stepped a little further back, Ian glared at the mirror. He was trying to find the jagged edging. After a second, he found it and held out the mirror facing with the jagged edge directly up front. As the thing approached him, Ian reared back the arm holding the mirror and slammed it into the thing’s head. Dead center between it’s eyes. A loud cracking noise sounded as the mirror collided with it’s skull. The sound made Ian’s skin crawl. He never wanted to have to do that in real life. Acting just came natural to him. But, this, this was something entirely else.

  The thing fell to the ground with a loud thud. All of the weight it had was dead weight. The landing was in no way graceful. As it fell, you could distinctly hear several bones break in either it’s back or leg areas. Ian flinched when he heard this. He turned away from the body just intime to catch his breathe before seeing another one on it’s way. In fact, there were many more coming. It was an entire horde of them!

  Ian peered out into the vast amount of bodies heading towards him. They all had crazy expressions about their faces. Every single one smeared with blood. Many different types and shapes of people were in the group. He even noticed a few were missing arms and sometimes a leg. But, even if they had to crawl, they would still come. Nothing would stop them. They may not be as fast as the average human but, they are diligent. And will continue to come at you through any obsticle. Even if it meant getting injury to the body.

  Ian held his breath and ran around to the other side of the car. He quickly opened the doors to the cab of the truck. He had to get them out of there. Or it would be like throwing chum into the ocean for Great White sharks to come and feed at the side of a boat. There would be no escape. Susan and the others jumped out swiftly. There would be no need to shut the cab doors. They would be abandoning this vehicle. All five of them watched as the horde got closer and closer. Susan looked at Ian. Her eye’s seemed to ask him what to do? And he wasn’t even sure if he could answer her. His body was just as frozen as hers. He was just as scared. He had no idea how to get out of this situation.

  As the terrifying s
well of the undead moved closer to them, Ian pulled out one of his weapons from his bag inside of the truck. It was a make-shift melee weapon he made from taking the metal camera stands and tapping them together. He basically made a very hard metal staff out of it. If he could put some distance between those things and himself, he would be happy. The closer they were, the less he felt safe. And what he needed right now was to feel safe.

  One of the undead made it to the group before the others. He came through the bushes next to the tree where the truck had crashed. It was a good thing that Ian had gone back to retrieve his weapon or they might never have noticed it coming. Ian pressed his back foot firmer into the ground and held his staff out in front of him. He held it sideways so that he could spin it easily if he needed too. He remembered playing with cane poles as a kid. How he would pretend he was a sith from Star Wars, weilding a giant double sided laser staff. He practiced every day so, he felt comfortable in using this homemade weapon.

  Ian quickly snapped the rods of metal towards the undead’s head. As the two collided, there was a very loud and cringe worthy snap. The undead hit the ground. It’s dirty face was laying down in the dirt but, you didn’t have to see it’s face to notice the giant crater missing from it’s forehead. Globs of congealed blood had already started ozzing out of the side of it’s head.

  Ian snapped the end of his staff to clean the blood off of it. He did this as he noticed another thing stumbeling towards him. He ran up to it using the rods as a javelin. Although he never let go of the giant rod. He did use it to hit the thing directly in between the eyesd and push it to the ground. Close enough for him to take out his pocket knife. He jammed it betwixed it’s eyes. Holding it there until it stopped moving beneath him.


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