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Raven's Seduction

Page 2

by M T Stone

  “No. There are several guys and two girls who run the place, and they basically do whatever you want,” she said in a hushed voice.

  “So it’s like a brothel?” Amber asked, shrugging her shoulders and raising her eyebrows.

  “No, she told me it’s a perfectly legal club,” she explained. “She said they know how to make you orgasm a hundred different ways without even having sex with you.”

  “Orgasm? Now you have my full attention!” That was the one thing that I had missed most after the split with Perry. He was the only one who ever gave me multiple orgasms. God those were awesome.

  “When can we go?” Amber asked with a completely straight face.

  “I don’t even know where it is exactly,” Polly confessed. “Let me see if I can reach my friend who works there. She can tell you more about it.”

  An S&M club, now that is way beyond anything I would’ve come up with. I cringed at the thought of my participation getting back to my clients or co-workers. My mind began to race as Polly got her friend on the phone. Do people really do that stuff? I had always thought that Fifty Shades of Grey was way out there. At the time, I couldn’t imagine anyone I knew being involved in role-playing or bondage. Amber was sitting there silently as well, so I knew that she had similar thoughts running through her mind.

  “I’ve got you on speaker phone,” Polly told her friend as she set her phone in the middle of the table.

  “Hi, guys, this is a little awkward. If I wasn’t busy tonight, I would come and join you in person.”

  “That’s okay.” It didn’t bother me if it didn’t bother her.

  “We need details,” Amber said, leaning in to make sure she didn’t miss anything.

  “I told them about the club and they would like to hear more,” Polly explained.

  “Like when can we do this and where do we go?” Amber added eagerly.

  “Well, let’s start at the beginning. I’ve been working there for nearly five years,” she began. “I was the first female to make it through all ten levels.”

  I could just picture this burly woman who enjoyed beating on people.

  “Do you dress in black leather?” Amber asked with a giggle.

  “I do actually. I find that it contrasts nicely with my blonde hair,” she responded.

  My mind had begun to race once again as she relayed all of the details of what went on at their sex club. Apparently, there were ten different levels of pain and pleasure. Starting out at level one, there really is no pain involved, just pleasure. She piqued my interest when she talked about level one being primarily about achieving multiple orgasms.

  “If you want to add a little extra excitement, you can be restrained or blind folded, but there is no pain involved,” she assured us. “As you move up through the levels, though, each one becomes more intense with pain and pleasure until you have completed the first five levels. Beginning with level six, there is sexual penetration and humiliation combined with the pain.”

  “What’s the deal with pain? Why would anyone want that?” I had to ask as soon as she paused for a couple of seconds. I just didn’t get it. Amber nodded her head in agreement wanting to know as well.

  “Pain is highly addictive, because it triggers endorphins to be released into your system. The more pain you endure, the more endorphins build up in your system, leading to a more intense orgasm,” she explained.

  “Oh, wow… that makes sense,” Amber replied, her eyes widening. “But what’s that stuff about humiliation?”

  “That really doesn’t come into play until the last few levels,” she said. “They will tie you up and have sex with you in combination with the bondage once you advance to level six. Level seven is similar but it might be a threesome involving two men or a man and a woman.”

  “I don’t even want to know what happens on level ten,” I said, cringing at the thought of it.

  “That’s good, because everyone has to find out about the last three levels on their own. In fact, everyone has to sign a confidentiality agreement before they are allowed to proceed with level eight.”

  My panties were drenched just from hearing her describe the first seven levels. I couldn’t imagine what it would happen if I actually went through with it. The words multiple orgasms continued to echo through my head.

  “So, how do we do this?” Amber asked, squirming in her chair.

  “You simply send a text to 415-555-SEXX with your name and phone number, and let them know that you want to try level one,” she instructed. “Someone will call you or text you back to set up an appointment.”

  “And you haven’t tried it yet?” Amber asked Polly, with a puzzled look.

  “No. I haven’t dared try it yet. If you guys do it, though, I think I will too.”

  “We’re going to hold you to that,” I assured her as I added the number to my contacts.

  After Polly hung up with her friend, we all sat there silently for a moment. Everyone was obviously absorbing all of the information that had just been shared.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Could we get a round of kamikazes please?” I asked, when the waitress glanced our way. I’ll tip her extra to make up for Amber’s rudeness earlier.

  “Well, was that exciting enough for the two of you?” Polly asked with a smile of pride crossing her lips.

  “You definitely blew our ideas out of the water.” Amber laughed.

  “Yeah, you’ve brought my thought process to a whole new level,” I added.

  “I’m glad I was able to help out,” Polly replied still smiling.

  “I’m going to text that number as soon as I get home,” Amber declared as our kamikazes arrived.

  “Here’s to new friendships and new adventures ahead,” I said as I lifted my shot glass to toast both of them.

  “To new adventures,” both Amber and Polly agreed.


  When I got home that night, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole premise of a sex club where I could experience unlimited sexual pleasure with no strings attached. How can this even be legal?

  If it’s all on the up and up, I could definitely use some exhilaration. Even on nights when I had gone out, I would end up lying in bed alone feeling blue. I loved being a mom and my financial worries had eased a bit recently, but there was a definite need for something more in my life. I also dreaded the fact that I would soon turn thirty. I had always heard that it was much harder to find a man once you entered that dreaded fourth decade, especially being a single mom. I’m not going to be old and alone. I don’t even like cats.

  The words multiple orgasms once again drifted through my mind. I wonder how many I could have in a row? I would sure love to find out! I suddenly decided that I was going to be the guinea pig. In a moment of sheer bravado, I grabbed my phone, pulled up the number, and sent a text:

  Me: I am interested in trying level 1 as soon as possible. I’m 29 years old, 5’ 9” with black hair, hazel eyes, and a slender build.

  After pressing send, I started thinking that I probably should’ve sent my name instead of my description. Stupid.

  Me: My name is Raven btw

  Looking at the time, it was only 10:35 pm, so I thought maybe someone would get back to me. Of course, most normal people probably aren’t sitting at home on a Friday night. I’m sure these guys are busy punishing their subs. I laughed to myself and began clicking the remote looking for anything interesting to watch. I’m not even sure I could be a submissive, I thought, as there wasn’t anything on TV that could compete with the idea of the S&M Club.

  Luckily, my phone buzzed within a few minutes. Someone has replied to my text already! I felt an instant rush of adrenaline through my body.

  Unknown: Is now a good time to talk?

  Oh my god!

  Me: Yes! Now is great!!

  Did I really have to use three exclamation points? That doesn’t seem at all eager or desperate. Sheesh. Within a few seconds, my phone buzzed again
. I felt another surge of nervous energy as I saw the number on the screen and clicked to answer.


  “Hello Raven, this is Gunner,” a completely sexy, sultry voice said on the other end of the line.

  “Hi Gunner, nice to meet you.” Ok, that was pretty lame as well. “I’m fascinated to know more about what you guys do there,” I added trying to make intelligent conversation.

  “When would you like to come in?” he asked. “The only way to learn about us is to experience it first-hand.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s why I sent the text. My ex will have our daughter next weekend, so will Friday or Saturday work?”

  “How about I pick you up at nine o’clock Friday evening, in front of the Excelsior Hotel? I will have you back there by midnight at the latest.”

  “That will be fine.” God he has a sexy voice.

  “I really look forward to meeting you, Raven. I’m a sucker for black hair and hazel eyes,” he replied in that sultry voice again.

  “I can’t wait either,” I replied feeling as giddy as a high school girl who had just been asked to the prom.

  “Remember to bring five hundred in cash,” he added before hanging up.

  “Okay, I will.” Holy shit, five hundred dollars? Not only did that curb the giddiness, but I suddenly felt more like a curb crawler than a schoolgirl. Neither Polly nor her friend had mentioned the stiff fee. I guess I should’ve known that it would be costly.

  I texted Amber to motivate her as well, but she had become intent on waiting until I had returned safely. Amber was the type who was always gung ho, until it was actually time to commit. I love her, but she’s kind of a chicken shit.

  I’m excited to meet Gunner, was my last thought before I finally drifted off to sleep with the help of two slippery fingers.

  Chapter 3

  The Following Friday


  Friday evening was another cold and misty one in northern California as I stood outside of the Excelsior Hotel waiting to meet a guy named Gunner. What the hell am I doing? The anticipation that I had been feeling all week was slowly being replaced by an overwhelming urge to flee. I felt a twinge in my stomach as I stood there thinking about all the unknowns that lurked ahead. Why did I decide to go first? Maybe Amber was smart to wait until someone else had paved the way. It would be reassuring to know someone who had done this and made it back unscathed. I forced a smile and lowered my head as a couple passed by on the sidewalk. Fuck, it’s freezing out here. I felt a shiver run up my spine as a black stretch limousine pulled into the driveway and stopped right in front of me. Oh shit, now it’s too late to run.

  “Are you Raven?” a cool, collected and seriously sexy voice asked as the window began to descend.

  “I am.” I nodded my head nervously.

  “Excellent,” he said, opening the door and stepping out to greet me. “I’m Gunner.”

  “Hi Gunner, nice to actually meet you,” I replied, sticking out my hand. Holy shit he is even hotter in person! He had dark wavy hair with matching eyebrows contrasted by perfect white teeth, gorgeous blue eyes, and a ruggedly masculine jaw line.

  “Ahh, a professional woman. I like you already,” he smiled, shook my hand and stood there looking all sexy in his partially buttoned white cotton shirt and distressed jeans.

  The smell of his cologne was just as intoxicating as his chiseled features. He stepped aside and motioned for me to enter the limo. This is it. I hesitated momentarily, giving him another once over from head to toe.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he reassured me. “If at any moment tonight you feel uncomfortable, simply say the word Red and we are done.”

  “Is that my safe word?” I asked, recognizing it from Fifty Shades Of Grey.

  “It is. If you say the safe word, everything stops, and we will drop you off right back here where we started,” he said with a confident smile. “If you just want me to back off a little bit on the intensity, the word to use is Yellow.”

  “Alright, that makes me feel better.” I got into the back of the car and slid over to let him in. “So E.L. James didn’t make up the safe word Red huh?”

  “No. Red and Yellow are pretty standard,” he laughed. “By the way, I’ve been doing this for three years and no one has ever used their safe word.”

  “So you must be pretty gentle?”

  “No. I’m that good,” he said, signaling the driver. “Do you have the money?”

  “Yes, five hundred in cash just like you said.”

  I gazed into his intensely blue eyes; trying to recall how much money I had in the bank. I knew right then that if he turned out to be as good as he looked, I would be fighting an instant addiction. Shit, things are already a bit stretched.

  “Thank you.” He smiled as he folded the bills and stuffed them into his shirt pocket.

  “I have never done ANYTHING like this before,” I said, feeling a strong compulsion for him to know that I was way out of my comfort zone.

  “A beautiful, professional woman with no prior experience? My favorite. We are going to have a lot of fun together.” He laughed.

  His laugh was almost evil. What am I getting myself into? I looked around and noticed that between the interior lights and the windows being so dark, I couldn’t see a thing outside of the car.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, the butterflies once again going crazy in my stomach.

  “To the dungeon.” He smirked. “I think you’re going to like it.”

  “Where is it?”

  “It’s high up on a hill, hidden from the civilized world.” He smiled once again. “Don’t worry. We are very secretive, but we have no intent of hurting anyone. In fact, I’m hoping that you will be a repeat customer.”

  “That’s good. My girlfriends know what I’m doing tonight. They made me go first,” I said, feeling compelled to let him know that if I went missing, they would know where to look.

  “So you and your girlfriends like to venture out to the wild side?”

  “Something like that. We’re all single moms who are slowly dying of boredom.” I laughed, lightening up for a moment. I also wanted him to know that I had a kid at home who was depending upon my safe return.

  “Do you understand what we will be doing tonight?” he asked, sitting back and cocking his head to the side.

  “I think so. I was told that level one is all about pleasure, no pain. That’s pretty much my general MO in life.”

  “So you’ve talked to someone from the club?”

  “Yeah, she’s the one who gave us the number to text,” I explained. “We weren’t told her name but she said she had been there five years.”

  “Why are you afraid of pain?” He stroked his chin with his thumb and forefinger.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t think that part of the equation will appeal to me.” I tried to keep myself from fidgeting, but I was having a hard time controlling my nerves.

  “Relax; there will be no pain tonight. We use levels one through ten because that allows people to adapt to a level of stimulation before increasing the intensity or difficulty.”

  “Do most people stay at level one?” I asked hoping for a simple yes answer.

  “No, that would be boring. If you come back again, I’m going to take you to the next level whether you want to or not,” he warned, flashing that devilish smile.

  “You enjoy scaring people, don’t you?”

  “I enjoy helping people escape from their little boxes and allowing them to test their limits. Most people find out that they are much stronger than they thought.” He shrugged. “It’s fun.”

  “Oh, I know I’m strong. I’ve been told how strong-headed I am my whole life.”

  “After tonight, you will have to decide whether or not you want to find out just how strong you are. But for tonight, it’s all about pleasure,” he said as I felt the car slow down to a crawl and go over some kind of a bump.

  “Are we there already?” My heart was pounding
so hard that I could feel it in my throat.

  “Yes, this is the entrance,” he confirmed, looking down to shut off his phone.

  The car continued to descend while making a series of turns. We must be going into an underground parking ramp, I thought. I pulled my phone out of my purse to turn it off. The words No Service made me cringe.

  “There’s no reception down here,” he affirmed after seeing my reaction.

  “I thought you said this place was on a hill?”


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