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STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 10

by Casey, London

  “You shouldn’t be here!” Nate shouted.

  He pulled his trigger and hit one of the guys in the leg. The guy screamed and fell of his ride. Miller followed up Nate’s shot with three of his own, hitting two of the guys.

  Suddenly, the tides had turned and Back Down Devil was winning.

  Jace and Erik worked forward and got to the injured prospect on the ground.

  Then one of the Coast Road guys threw a small canister… it hit and rolled just beyond the gates to the compound.

  Nate turned, shirtless, grabbing Miller and pushing. Strong as an ox, Nate was able to lift and push Miller into Gaige and push both of them to the side of the railing where they could take shelter.

  “Cover! Cover!” Nate warned. “Cover!”

  Nate turned, reached back with his gun, and shot.

  The bullet hit the canister, causing it to go off prematurely. The shrapnel hit the gate and attacked the Coast Road MC guys. That’s when they hurried to retreat. Their large, muscular bodies - ‘roid bodies, as Miller called them - were big and easy targets. They’ve never had power like this before and it only stemmed from Chief Jerry and that damn judge.

  The rumbling of the motorcycles kicked up, their throttling roars echoing as they all sped away.

  “Close the gates!” Miller yelled.

  They all knew it was a matter of time before Chief Jerry would send some guys or just show up himself to investigate the scene.

  The lone prospect hurried to shut the gates. Three others joined Erik and Jace, taking over to take care of their injured friend.

  “This isn’t done,” Gaige said. “This is in the open. This is wanted. This is all approved, man.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Miller said. “Everyone needs a breath. We need to protect this compound. Nate, is your back okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Nate said. “No more of this shit though.”

  Nate started to walk away, knowing right where he needed to go. What he needed to do. And personally, he didn’t give a shit what Griffin, Gaige, or even Miller thought. This was about right from wrong. Following a hunch, some feelings, whatever.

  Miller grabbed Nate by the shoulder. His thumb dug into one of the marks on his back, sending a hot pain through the left side of his body.

  “What?” Nate growled.

  “Thank you,” Miller said. “You basically jumped on that thing for me.”

  “President,” Nate said. “I know my place. I’ll never forget it. You die and this club implodes for good. Right now, if I could speak out of place, we need to fight back. No more hiding, Miller. It’s going to get us nowhere. We’ll be in some kind of chess match. We don’t want that. We don’t function like that.” Nate lifted his hands and balled them into fists. “We fight. Headstrong. Eyes forward. We fucking fight.”

  “You going to get your leather cut off the ground?” Miller asked.

  Nate grabbed the leather cut and left his shirt on the ground. He ran to the ramp and charged down it. Shit had hit the fan, big time, and it was only going to get worse. Now was the time to either take charge or sit back and get bombed. And that had more than one meaning.


  The explosion caught Mia off guard. Of course, she couldn’t see a fucking thing from the room. There were no windows, just cool concrete walls. The room didn’t shake, but the noise was enough to send her to the door, grabbing the handle, wondering what was happening and if she’d ever get out. She did trust Nate though. He would come back for her. That gave her little hope though knowing that if Nate ended up killed, she’d be next. None of the other guys in the MC wanted her alive.

  Life had always been a sick and twisted uphill battle. All Mia wanted to do was get some extra cash… not this. Fuck, definitely not this.

  Mia stepped back from the door and kept going until she hit a wall. Then she slumped down to her ass. She just stared at the door. Her mind raced with what Uncle Jake was capable of doing. Making Aunt Theresa disappear. The way it all happened. How he claimed they were arguing too much and she wanted out. That she went to some town outside Boston and wanted nothing to do with the family. Not that there was much family left or that anyone actually cared. Plus, everyone was terrified of Uncle Jake. That, and they liked to keep on his good side in case they got in trouble. So they had someone to call with a little legal muscle.

  Thinking about Jacob… if he was hurt…

  Mia shook her head.

  The silence in the room, and then in her mind, made her shiver. Teasing herself, she wondered how many days she could survive without food or water. Just stuck in the room until her body gave in and she simply died.

  The fear started to creep in on Mia again. She sat as long as she could, until her nerves got the best of her. Climbing to her feet, she approached the door. There was no chance of getting out of the room though.

  Until the door opened.

  Mia blinked fast, wondering if her mind was messing with her. Better yet, not only did the door open, it was Nate standing there. Without a shirt on.

  Without a fucking shirt on.

  Mia lost her breath for a moment. The tattoo over his chest - right over his heart - made her panties pull as her sex became a slick mess. His shoulders, arms, chest, cuts of lines defining muscles was just too much to accept at once.

  Then there were scars.

  Ridged scars across his chest. They made his tattoo look a little messed up, but it didn’t matter. The complete look of it all was enough to make Mia melt.

  He held his leather cut with one hand and reached with the other. He wiggled his fingers and nodded. “Come on. We have to get inside.”

  “What’s happening?” Mia asked.

  “We got attacked. It’s okay. Nobody’s dead. I took the brunt of it. One of the prospect’s got shot but that doesn’t really matter. Hurry. Now.”

  Mia slipped her hand into Nate’s and he pulled. They were then on the move. A sense of freedom washed over Mia, but then she looked up the ramp. Seeing daylight was a strange blessing, although what kind of blessing could this all be, walking right into a war?

  Above ground, Nate made a line for the clubhouse. All around, the compound lot was busy. Guys were shouting orders at each other, everyone rushing to gather up weapons, guard the gate, protect the club from another attack.

  Once they were inside the clubhouse, Mia’s eyes scanned the place, taking it all in. The bar, the walls, the floor, the pool tables. The smell of smoke, booze, greasy food hanging low like an invisible fog.

  Nate swung Mia toward the bar and sat her down. He touched her face. “Stay right here.”

  Nate turned and Mia saw his back. It was raw red in several spots. Like he was bleeding but he wasn’t. They looked like painful welts, like he been beaten or something.

  A large set of doors opened and Miller came out, Gaige by his side. When Mia and Miller met eyes, she stiffened. Nate was quick to start talking, his hands going as fast as his words.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Mia looked and saw Blaine sitting next to her. He tapped the bar and pointed to a bottle of whiskey. A prospect behind the bar poured a shot.

  “Need one?” Blaine asked.


  “Yes, you do. Turn around and talk to me, beautiful.”


  Blaine leaned in. His breath smelled like death. “Come on, don’t be afraid of me. You just have to be afraid of my cock. You’ll look at it and wonder how the hell I’m going to fit inside you. Then I’ll turn you around and lift that ass up in the air. You think maybe it’ll be easy from behind, right? Because you’ve read that kind of dumb shit in magazines. But then I put my cock right to your ass. You shake your head… no way… and then I thrust…”

  Mia swung her right hand across her body. She turned on the barstool and smacked Blaine across the face. The shot glass went flying across the bar, shattering when it hit the floor. Blaine’s head snapped to the right and he let out a groan. He then moved at M
ia, grabbing her arm.

  “Now you’ve got to kiss it,” Blaine said. “Lick it. Make that stinging pain go away. And when you’re done there, you can move to my cock.”

  “Nate!” a voice yelled.

  As Mia looked, she saw rage spread across Nate’s face. His hand shot out and grabbed Blaine by the neck. He threw him off the barstool, to the ground, and then tried to step on him. Blaine rolled out of the way and jumped up. They eyed each other up and down for a few seconds.

  “You took your claim, huh?” Blaine asked.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Nate growled. “Not to her. Not right now.”

  “Okay. Not right now. Fine.” Blaine looked at Mia. He blew a kiss. “Night right now, beautiful. But when you’re ready… you’ll be biting your pillow and screaming for me to stop… and keep going… what a fucking feeling.”

  Nate stepped to keep Blaine’s line of vision away from Mia. She had a really good look at his back. Whatever happened out there was bad.

  Miller approached and put a hand to Nate’s bare shoulder. For some reason, it turned Mia on even more. She saw herself clawing at his shoulder. Holding him, fuck, hanging onto him.

  “Take it easy for a minute,” Miller said. “We’re good here, Nate. You took a bomb for me, for the club. We’re guarded now. If Chief Jerry shows up, I’ll handle him.”

  “You sure?” Nate asked.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Coast Road rode through because they thought they could catch us off guard. They almost did. Almost. It’ll never happen again.” Miller patted Nate’s shoulder. “Grab a drink and a shower.”

  Miller walked away and pointed to Gaige. They both went back into a room and shut the large doors.

  Nate put his hand out and Mia took it again. A prospect put a couple beers on the bar and Nate grabbed them. He led the way from the main part of the clubhouse to a hallway. It was dimly lit and then opened up into a couple hallways. Nate kept going, stopping at a door.

  “Going to chain me up again?” Mia asked, trying to break the mood.

  Nate curled his lip at her. “If you want me to.”

  He opened the door and let Mia inside.

  Luckily this was just a normal room. A bed. A nightstand. A tall, skinny dresser for clothes. A closet. Another door - maybe a bathroom? Everything was normal. A Back Down Devil black flag his on the wall above the bed and that was it. Nothing else that could give Mia a hint of who Nate was. Before the MC, right now, or what he planned after the MC.

  Then again, judging by the scars on his chest and the wounds on his back, there was no future for Nate. Back Down Devil MC was the last ride of his life. He’d die in his leather cut. It sounded scary, but it turned Mia on like crazy.

  “Nate. What happened?”

  “Just an attack,” he said.

  “Just an attack?”

  “Babe, that’s this life.”

  “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m alive.”

  Mia sighed. “Does this have anything to do with my uncle?”

  “Yeah. It’s piecing itself together. When you were on the run, we were busting up a drug run. The guy we normally call is working against us. Maybe not directly against us… until now. I was attacked because I saw something. That was personal against me. Throwing a couple exploders in the lot and trying to ambush us… that’s an attack.”

  “What does it have to do with my uncle?”

  “They’re all working together, babe. Everyone wants a piece of the MC. Truthfully, they want control of Frelen. Perfect town to set up shop for drugs, right? Easy to run through. Off the map from the bigger cities. The police force is easy to control. Hell, nobody gives a shit about this town. It’s perfect for what they want. Your uncle is a real piece of shit.”

  “I know that.”

  “Good. We agree on something.”

  Mia moved forward and grabbed Nate just above the bends of his elbows. Her hands trembled at the stone like feel of his biceps. “We agree on something? I think it’s more than just something, Nate. Why did you bring me inside here? Why have you fought to keep me alive? There’s more to your story…”

  “We all have stories,” Nate said. “Want to sit around in the past or try and survive the present?”

  Nate shook Mia away and walked to the bathroom. He opened the door and then stepped out of his boots. He stood right there and dropped his jeans, leaving his bare ass free to see. Mia let out a soft gasp at the sight of Nate naked from behind. He stepped into the bathroom. When he turned to shut the door, Mia caught a quick glimpse of himself. Hanging flaccid, still beautiful and thick, that barely-a-second sight enough to cause Mia to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Sitting there, she listened to the shower water turn on. She imagined what it would look like. Nate in the shower. Water touching his body. It made her toes curl. She then licked her lips and kicked off her shoes. She took off her socks, eyes on the bathroom door. Nate never completely shut the door. She bit her bottom lip and stood up. Creeping toward the bathroom, she took a chance and pushed at the door.

  Inside, she shut the door behind her. The shower stall had a clear door. The glass was a little fogged but not enough so that Mia couldn’t see a thing. Big, wide, Nate lumbered in the shower, a bad guy fantasy come to life.


  The shower door opened. He stood there, facing her. The water hit his right shoulder. The water raced down his chest and body. Mia tried to follow a few droplets but couldn’t. Her eyes got lost on his muscles, his stomach, right down to his cock. The way the water even ran down there was sexy. His thick and powerful legs, big feet.

  Holy shit.

  When Mia met eyes with Nate, there was no more conversation needed. Not right now at least. She instantly reached for her jeans, opening them. She kept her eyes to Nate as she bent over and wiggled her hips. She stepped out of the jeans and then grabbed the bottom of her shirt. This didn’t make sense, at all, but it just felt right. She wanted to be in there with him. Touch him. She wanted him to touch her. She needed to feel trusted and protected. Even if it was temporary, like a drug. Fine. Nate could be her drug. And her body could be his drug.

  She reached back and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Mia touched her cheeks, bit her lip again, and slid her fingers down to her shoulders. Slowly, her fingertips continued until she touched her own breasts. Her body was so sensitive and reactive, even to her own touch. The moment her middle fingers touched her nipples, they were hard, tender, making her jump a little.

  Speaking of jumping, Mia watched as Nate’s cock reacted to her. Thickening, pushing forward, starting to become stiff.

  Mia cupped her breasts and sighed. She watched Nate swallow hard. He kept his hands at his sides, just watching her.

  She then moved her hands down. One hand into her own panties, the other grabbing the side of her panties. Her fingertips felt her smoothness, but she didn’t go all the way down to touch where she was wet.

  That was for Nate to do.

  Mia stripped off her panties and then stepped toward the shower. Nate backed up to the wall and gave a nod, allowing Mia into the shower.

  She stepped into the water, sliding along the door.

  Nate shut the door and then turned his back to Mia. He put his head down into the water, letting it cascade down his back.

  Softly, Mia touched his back. Her fingertips moved to the blistered welts.

  “Does it hurt?” she asked.

  “Does it look like it hurts?”

  “Yeah. A lot.”

  “There you go.”

  Mia ran her hands down Nate’s back. She touched his waist, even touched his ass for a second. It was all wild, different, but it was so good. Her knees were shaking with some kind of erotic fear. Between her legs, she was already throbbing, wishing Nate would reach back and touch her. Slide his fingers between her legs, press against her soft folds, and then enter her.

  Using her right hand, Mia’s crept around to Nate’s stoma
ch. She felt the bottom ridges of his stomach muscles. It was then smooth for a moment before she felt his pubic hair. Her fingers found the thick and solid root of his cock.

  He was fully hard.

  Holy fucking shit.

  Mia tried to curl her fingers completely around him. She slowly slid her hand up and then back down. She repeated the slow motion to his hardness a few times. Her lips came forward, kissing his back. Then she pressed her breasts to his back, wanting him to feel her. Her other hand came around and joined in.

  Mia had her left hand at the bottom of Nate’s erection. Pumping him. Her other hand slid up to the engorged tip of his cock and she squeezed. Nate let out a groan and she felt his ass flex against her body.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Her hand twisted and played, feeling the amazing definition of his dick. She then started moving both hands together on him. Up and down, pulling, pushing, squeezing, releasing. Feeling this wild hardness of Nate’s cock. He started to thrust a little, coming forward and then pulling back, hitting Mia’s body.

  She was ungodly turned on, each time Nate moved, his back pressing against her breasts. Her nipples never felt so sensitive in her life, to the point where any kind of stimulation sent a wave of pleasure between her legs. Mia caught herself rocking her hips, her body demanding relief. She wanted to come when Nate did.

  Nate pulled back and thrust hard at her hands again. She cried out and then nibbled at his back. She was breathing faster than he was.

  That’s when Nate stepped forward, taking his beautiful cock out of her reach. He put his hands to the wall and stood there, the water going beyond him, hitting just Mia’s body.

  “It’s okay,” Mia whispered. “I need… you…”

  Nate looked back at her. “No, you don’t. You fucking think you do.”

  “Try me.”

  Nate turned. His hands balled into fists. His cock pointed right at Mia. Long and thick, aiming for her. He took one step, gritted his teeth, and Mia fell back against the other wall of the shower.

  The look in his eyes was addicting. That bad guy anger rushed right at her.

  A second later, Nate was her. One hand cupped her ass, lifting her, putting her into position. Her back against the wall, Mia lifted her right leg. She bent her left knee a little and then grabbed for Nate’s shoulders. She felt his intense strength as he squeezed her ass.


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