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STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 13

by Casey, London

  Nate smiled and then rolled from the bed. Standing with his ass to Mia, she watched him put his jeans on. His back was clearing up from the attack, but when he turned, the scars on his chest were still there. Not like they were going to go anywhere.

  “Come on,” he said. “We have to get moving.”

  Mia stepped from the bed and stood, completely naked. Hands at her sides. She just stood there, actually feeling pretty for once in her life.

  Nate stared. “You ever think about changing a thing and I’ll chain you up for real.”

  “Changing what?”

  “You know exactly what I mean. Where you work, babe. You don’t need a set of tits. You’re… just like that. It’s…”

  Nate nodded.

  He grabbed a t-shirt and his leather cut then stormed out of the room.

  Mia stood there, blushing. She took it as a good thing. Nate trying to compliment but not crossing the line.

  Fuck the line, Mia thought.

  After getting dressed, Mia was on the road. Traveling through Frelen, driving to Uncle Jake’s house. Repeating the same parking routine, walking to the backdoor, knocking and waiting. The door opened and Mia wanted it so badly to be Jacob.

  It was Uncle Jake.

  He had heavy bags under his eyes. He looked like he had aged two decades. Like he was coming off a long, drunk night or something.

  “Are you okay?” Mia asked him.

  “Get the fuck in here,” he growled at her.

  Uncle Jake slammed the door behind Mia. He pointed and said, “There’s coffee if you want.”

  “Thanks,” she said.

  Uncle Jake grabbed a big, black mug off the counter. He kept his back to her. “What’s the situation over there? What are they preparing for?”

  “Right now… nothing. It’s been quiet. I think their guard is down?”

  Uncle Jake looked back. “You’re as dumb as your mother was.”

  Mia gasped. That comment went through her heart. “Don’t talk about her.”

  “Yeah, right. The entire fucking family. Bunch of idiots.” He shook his head. “Look, I need details. I’ve got… people… waiting.”

  “Who? What is this point of all this? I just come to help with the gambling stuff. That’s it. I’m not good at this…”

  Uncle Jake slowly turned. He eyed Mia up and down. “You’re fucking him. I know it. I can smell it. Christ. That’s what you have to offer. Keep fucking him if he keeps talking. If he has nothing to say, go for Miller. He needs a good fuck.”

  “You know their names?”

  “I know everything.” Uncle Jake put the coffee mug down. “Don’t try to undermine me either, Mia. You want the truth? Back Down Devil needs to be removed from Frelen. If I cut off this charter, the rest will start to fall apart. This isn’t just about Frelen. It’s everywhere. I’m tired of it. We’re going to destroy all connections with their kind. Restructure the town. To put it simple… I’m going to take over Frelen. I’m going to take down Back Down Devil MC. I’m going to run for Mayor. I’ll have the chief of police in my corner, along with the support of the town.”

  “Holy shit,” Mia whispered.

  It made some kind of sense now. Uncle Jake wanted to do what Back Down Devil was doing. He wanted to control Frelen. He would be the Mayor and he would be the one pulling all the strings behind closed doors. Not to mention the big names and power that came to the illegal poker games. They’d all have a guy like Uncle Jake to call. And Uncle Jake could then lean on the local PD to get what he wanted.

  “Making sense,” Uncle Jake said. “I see it in your eyes. You get it now, Mia.” He pushed from the counter. “Tonight is important to me. I’m going to announce my plan to some dear friends. I’m going to start asking for money. You want to know something about money?”


  “It gets very slippery when you’re drinking. You know what that means?”

  Mia shook her head.

  “When a guy walks into the stripclub, he has a budget in mind. He’s going to spend X dollars to see tits and pussy. Maybe he’ll have a few extra for a private dance. Maybe he’ll have a fantasy of being lucky enough to get off from it all. But then he has a drink. A second, a third. A fourth. What happens?”

  “He spends more,” Mia said.

  “Exactly. He thinks the more he spends the better chance he’ll have of getting something he wants. The beautiful woman that keeps shaking her tits in his face… maybe she wants him. So he keeps paying her to stay close. That’s what I’m going to need tonight. You’re going to keep the drinks flowing. Fast, strong. Got it?”


  “I’d ask you to show off your tits, but you have none.”

  Uncle Jake snickered and Mia fought back anger and pain.

  Nate likes me… my body. My chest. He holds me. His tongue… flicking my nipples…

  “I thought about asking your co-workers to come, but I’ll save that for another night.”

  Mia nodded. “Okay. That’s fine.”

  “That’s fine?” Uncle Jake shook his head. “Do this for me, Mia. Help me get all this. I’ll take care of you.” Uncle Jake touched her cheek. “I realize what happened between us before was wrong. I shouldn’t have come on so strong. But you know my intentions with you. And we’ll get there. Slowly. Build trust. I like the thrill of the hunt. And eventually… I’ll feast…”

  He leaned in like he wanted to kiss her.

  Mia turned her head and slipped away. “I’m going to get some coffee.” She rushed to the coffeepot and poured herself a cup. “Hey, where’s Jacob?”

  “Friend’s house,” Uncle Jake said, coldly.


  “Him and his best friend… they can’t get enough…”

  Mia watched how quickly her uncle dismissed it. Like he had already found a way to live life without Jacob around.

  “Is he okay?” Mia asked. “I mean, with all the school stuff…”

  Uncle Jake looked at her. “Stay out of it. It’s a delicate situation. It requires a delicate solution.” Uncle Jake’s cell phone rang. He grabbed the phone and started bellowing and barking orders about judgements, dates, hearing, and other legal stuff.

  He stormed out of the house and Mia stormed to the stairs.

  She had to see Jacob’s room again.

  Mia rushed up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. How badly she wanted to see Jacob in the room. On the floor playing with cars or a video game or something.

  But the room was the exact same as before. Like nothing had been touched or moved. The sight absolutely scary. Like someone who lost their child and refused to touch the room for the sake of memory. Mia knew that Uncle Jake ran a tight ship and would definitely make sure Jacob had the room clean everyday. But nothing had been moved. The pillows on the bed were in the exact same position. The bottom corner of the comforter was slightly pulled up. Just like before.

  There was one thing different. And that was a white piece of paper on the bed. As Mia approached, she realized it was a note. A typed and printed note. She leaned over the bed and was about to grab the note when she realized what it was.

  A goodbye letter… from Jacob. He had run away and didn’t want to be found. If anyone tried to find him, he’d be dead. He missed his mother too much to go on…

  Reading it sent chills through Mia’s body. Her bottom lips started to quiver with a paralyzing fear. She suddenly felt watched in the room.

  This was what happened with Aunt Theresa.

  The so-called fights and then a note… a phone call… then she was just gone. Never to be found again. Uncle Jake accepting that his wife had left him. Everything had happened to sudden and so smooth.

  He was doing it again, now with Jacob.

  Mia felt like she could throw up.

  Knowing what happened last time she was upstairs, she hurried to shut the door and rush downstairs. She was back at the counter, holding her mug of coffee, drinking it, as Uncle Jake came
back inside. He looked at her and knew something was up. But he didn’t talk about it.

  “I have to take care of some things,” he said. “I expect you to leave before I’m out of the shower. I’ll send you the address for tonight. You need to look like a fucking whore.” Uncle Jake reached into his pocket and put money on the table. “Go get whatever you feel you need to make that happen. Got it?”


  Uncle Jake walked to the archway of the kitchen and then paused. He looked at Mia. “You need to leave Jacob alone. He’s fine. He’s at a friend’s house. Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. That’s how bad things happen.”

  The message was clear and as a threat.

  Uncle Jake left the room.

  Mia grabbed her keys, the cash off the table, and ran. She left the house and made to the edge of the lawn before she hunched over and got sick. Uncle Jake had taken out his wife and now his son. He was hell bent on taking over Frelen from Back Down Devil MC.

  And Mia was smack dab in the middle of it all… with nothing to gain from the situation… maybe except Nate. But they weren’t supposed to fall for each other.


  Miller turned and threw the cell phone against the wall. It shattered into dozens of pieces. He then attacked the wall, punching hard enough to make a few nice dents. He tore a picture off the wall next and slammed it against a table. Glass flew everywhere. He spun, facing the full table, everyone standing.

  Nate slowly took his gun out and put it on the table. A sign of respect to the President, but a subtle warning to maybe calm the fuck down. It took guts to pull a gun on the President of a MC. But the anger in Miller’s eyes told Nate that whatever he was feeling ran miles deep.

  When Miller saw the gun, he gave a nod. Nate took the gun back and put it away.

  This was supposed to just be a quick meeting before they broke up and worked their way to the poker game. It was driving Nate insane to imagine Mia at the game right now, being harassed by rich men. Keeping tabs on the underground illegal shit was impossible to do. The MC had broken up enough games, mostly to chase away any outside visitors. This was far different. They knew it wasn’t just about poker and pussy. There was more to all of this.

  “Miller,” Gaige said. “Talk to us.”

  “It was all delivered.”

  “What was?” Nate asked.

  “The van.”

  It was then like the air been sucked out of the room.

  “Shit,” Gaige said. “The entire thing?”

  “Driven by Chief Jerry himself,” Nate said. “He must have had the tires fixed and then did it himself.”

  “We know that for sure?” Blaine asked.

  Miller looked at Blaine. “I just talked to Johnny in Crestman. They watched the fucking shit go down. Chief Jerry explaining that the van had come under attack. But it was good. Promises were always going to be kept.”

  “Fuck,” Gaige said. He punched the table and stood up.

  Soon, everyone was standing. It was like a riot getting ready to explode in the clubhouse.

  Miller put his hands out. “Okay. Let’s take a second here. Absorb this shit. Chief Jerry is against us. We knew that though.”

  “He’s getting bolder,” Nate said. “Because of Judge Jake. Coast Road MC. It’s getting thick.”

  “It’s going to get thicker,” Griffin said. “Something has to give.”

  “Tonight,” Miller said. “I’d like to assume Chief Jerry will be there. Why not? He’s part of their group now. We’re going to bust into that game and destroy everything. That’s the plan. Scare the fucking shit out of them. Send a clear message to Judge Jake.”

  “This breaks all silence,” Jace said. “Not that I give a shit. But this will…”

  “This is going to open it all up,” Griffin said. “Everything we say, we do, it’s going to be scrutinized. Police are going to be here driving us crazy.”

  “Yeah,” Miller said. “I know.”

  “If we don’t,” Nate said, “they’re going to keep trying to overrun us. To keep pushing drugs through town. I don’t think we can trust Chief Jerry at all anymore. Not even if we needed a favor. We knew he was going to set those Coast Road guys free. But he took the van and made the delivery. Do we know who he’s distributing to?”

  “Suits and ties,” Miller said with a strong gaze at Nate.

  “No fucking way. Family stuff?”

  “Could be,” Miller said.

  Nate felt his chest tighten with anger.

  “What does that imply for us?” Gaige asked. “If we fuck with them…”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Miller said. “We keep our town safe. This is ours. The MC is in control. We are not going to bow to authority. And if this opens something bigger than we’ve ever seen… then we fight until there’s no more fight.”

  “Until I’m dead,” Blaine said.

  “Agreed,” Gaige said.

  “In,” Jace said.

  “In,” Erik said.

  Without calling for an actual vote the entire table gave a vote. They would fight, as they were meant to do. To represent the patch, the cut, the club.

  In the back of Nate’s mind he thought about Mia. Never before had he considered someone else when getting set to put his life on the line.

  It was getting too serious.

  That meant it was time to get her out of here for good. Rescue her from the poker game tonight and get her out of Frelen. Nate could call in a favor from another charter to get to her and then help her move. Maybe south, definitely east. Get the hell out of the way and out of danger. Mia deserved more than all this bullshit.

  “Nate?” Miller asked.


  “We have the address and time?”

  Nate nodded. “Yeah. Mia sent it to me, as promised. She’s there. If we bust in… are we firing?”

  “We do what needs to be done,” Miller said.

  Nate gritted his teeth.

  He didn’t want Mia to get hurt. Or killed. He wanted to speak out and make the club promise nothing would happen to her. But that would never happen. This was do or die. All in. And rightfully so. Nate couldn’t protect Mia right now. He could get into that poker game, destroy some shit, and hope to leave with her. If it didn’t happen…

  Anger boiled and Nate grabbed his chair. He spun, throwing it against the back wall. It hit the wall with a loud thud and he kept his back to the table. No woman had ever cut through his shell like Mia had.

  “Bro,” Gaige said. “It’s okay. We’re not going in there to kill her. I know what it’s like to send someone you care about into danger. It hurts pretty fucking bad.”

  “She didn’t ask for it,” Nate said.

  “Not many people do,” Blaine said.

  Nate turned his head and saw Blaine approaching him. The crazy son of a bitch put a hand to Nate’s shoulder.

  “Hey,” Blaine said. “I’m not usually a fan of small tits, but that woman is pretty hot. I can almost promise you I won’t shoot her tonight. I mean, I won’t be aiming. Maybe with my cock, but that’s a whole other thing. And, hey, when we get out of there… you and I could double team her.”

  “I fucking hate you,” Nate said. He stepped away from Blaine and turned toward the door. He then looked at Miller. “This fucking changes everything.”

  “That’s what all the fights do,” Miller said. “The end result we try to keep the same. That’s Frelen being ours and the people in it being safe.”

  “No,” Nate said. “Think about it. We’re going to take out a judge. We’re going to bust into a poker game with some powerful people. And our biggest contact… is gone. We won’t be able to take a shit without someone there, ready to cuff us and take us away. And we have a lot of enemies behind bars, man. We could survive the inside life, but for how long? How long do we keep getting fucked with…”

  “I get it all,” Miller said. “But principle says we fight. Yeah, we’re going to take out a judge, but
you’re going to do it the right way.” Miller grinned.

  “Me? The right way?” Nate asked.

  “Old school style,” Miller said. “From where you came from. The right way.”

  Everyone looked at Nate.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Griffin asked.

  “Nate knows,” Miller said. “That’s all that matters. We will not be broken. We will break those in our way.”

  Nate heard enough. He walked to the door and left. A bold move, considering Miller hadn’t called the meeting done yet. For Nate there was nothing left to hear. Nothing left to do. He had to get to Mia.

  The entire thing was going to be blown wide open tonight.

  Sitting at the bar, Nate tried to think around it all. If there was some other way to handle this mess. If they waited…all those at the illegal game would be under the spell of Judge Jake. Who knew the power in that room… it could easily end up the entire world against Back Down Devil MC. More than usual.

  The club could move. They could easily be on the road and out of Frelen within hours. There were charters everywhere. Hell, they could make calls of their own. Bring in over a thousand bikers to stand ground right in town. The attention that would get though…

  A hand clamped down on Nate’s shoulder.

  It was Miller. He put two fingers on the bar and two shots were quickly served.

  “I’m not pissed,” Miller said. “You walked out when you had to just then. Your mind is going fucking wild. I know you dealt with these types before.”

  “Types,” Nate laughed. “Sometimes I think suits are scarier than leather cuts, Miller. It’s not a joke. I don’t know if he’s connected or not. It’s burning in my mind…”

  “And if he is?”

  “We take out a guy who’s connected… it’s bad for us.”

  “So what you think?” Miller asked, leaning against the bar. “We wait? Let this keep happening?”


  “Connected… meaning more powerful than the businessmen?”

  “Yeah. Who do you think controls all of it? The judges, cops, businesses, everything. The mob… mafia… family… whatever you want to call them… they are everything. Christ, they’re one rung away from the top of ladder, next to God.”


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