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Hot to the Touch

Page 21

by Jaci Burton

  He took in a breath and she could tell she was causing him anxiety, which was the last thing she wanted.

  “How about we do this? Let’s not put a label on whatever it is we are. Let’s just take us a day at a time, enjoy what we have and what we’re doing and ignore what anyone else thinks. The only people that matter in this equation are you and me, right?”


  “Here’s how I see this. I like having you here, Becks. I like having you in my bed—or your bed. Or on the couch. Or on the floor. I like seeing your face in the morning before shift, or at night before I go to bed. I like spending time with you. If you left, I’d be upset and worried about you and where you were. So don’t leave.”

  His words caused her stomach to clench, but not in a bad way. It was more in a way that felt warm and comforting. And that was a new kind of feeling. The kind of sensation that made her feel cared for.

  She hadn’t felt cared for much in her life.

  She grabbed his hand and jerked him into the garage, closing the door behind them.

  She backed him up against the door and pressed her body against his.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just . . . shut up and kiss me.”

  He wrapped an arm around her and pushed his body back against hers. “Fuck yeah.”

  His kiss was hot, intense, and her body was on fire in an instant.

  She’d wanted this from the moment she’d walked in the door, admittedly disappointed to find his brothers were there, planning a party, when all she’d wanted was some alone time with Jackson.

  Now all she could think about were his hands on her breasts, his teeth on her earlobe and . . .

  “Oh, shit,” she said, pulling back. “No condom.”

  “Wait.” He reached into his pants and pulled one out of his wallet.

  She grasped his face. “Yes. Now.”

  He flipped her around so she faced the door. She heard him rustling with his clothes. Suddenly her shorts and bikini bottom were around her ankles and his hands were between her legs. She shoved the shorts and bikini out of the way to spread her legs.

  She moaned as he found her clit, rubbed her right where she flamed hot with need.

  “Oh, yes, right there. Don’t stop.”

  She was coming before she could get the words out, biting down on her cheek to keep from screaming.

  He stepped between her spread legs, both of them trying to balance on that top step.

  She didn’t care. She wanted him inside her.

  And when he slid into her, she gasped. His hand met hers, his fingers tangling with hers as he drove into her.

  She was panting, sweating as he thrust over and over into her, her pussy convulsing around his cock.

  “Fuck,” he said, licking the side of her neck. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come hard inside you.”

  “Yes. Harder.”

  She was out of her mind with the need for him. Both of their bodies were slick with sweat as they glided against each other.

  She tightened and quivered, so close again. Jackson reached around her to strum her clit with rhythmic, delicious motions. She couldn’t hold back the wild spasms of orgasm.

  “Oh, damn, Jackson, I’m coming.”

  He bit down on her shoulder as he came, both of them shuddering against each other as they rocketed through intense orgasms.

  Finally, she settled and Jackson withdrew, disposing of the condom in the garage trash. He bent down and retrieved her bikini bottom and shorts. She held on to his shoulder while she climbed back into her clothes.

  “I’m sweaty as fuck,” he said.

  She laughed. “Me, too.”

  “Let’s fix that.”

  He held out his hand and Becks realized at that moment that she’d follow Jackson anywhere.


  “Come on.” Jackson took her hand and they went out the side door, around the back.

  Becks slipped out of her shorts and they both took a quick dip in the pool to cool down.

  As they treaded water, Jackson pulled her against him.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips.

  “That was fun,” she said. “Sweaty, but very fun.”

  “Definitely hot,” he said, brushing his lips across hers.

  “By the way,” she said, remembering their earlier conversation. “I won’t leave. And I like being around you, too.”

  He nodded. “Good. Then it’s settled. Now how about we see if there’s any food left so we can feed you.”

  She did feel hungry. Obviously hot, sweaty sex worked up an appetite. “It’s a plan.”

  They got out of the pool and dried off and went inside. She refilled her plate, and this time she actually ate the food on it. She and Jackson took a seat at the kitchen table. Several people had finished eating and had gone outside to play in the pool. Only Rafe was still inside eating, along with Ethan Pressman.

  “How many rounds of food is that?” Jackson asked.

  Rafe had just finished off a skewer of chicken and vegetables. “Just two.”

  “Lying will make your dick smaller,” Ethan said, then looked over at Becks and Jackson. “It’s four, in addition to the two plates he ate before.”

  “Hey, I’m a growing boy.”

  “We really should make you pay at least half the food budget,” Jackson said. “Since you eat more than anyone else.”

  “All muscle, baby.”

  Rafe flexed his biceps and Becks had to admit, it was impressive.

  “Yeah, too bad none of it goes to growing brain cells,” Ethan said.

  Becks laughed.

  Rafe shot her a frown. “Hey, don’t go taking their side.”

  She held up her hands. “I’m Switzerland. You can eat whatever you want.”

  He took another bite of chicken and pointed the skewer at her while looking at Jackson and Ethan. After he swallowed, he said, “This is why I like having her around.”

  “You like having her around because she’s a great cook,” Jackson said.

  “That, too.”

  “Where’s your date tonight, Rafe?” Becks asked.

  “No date. Not right now, anyway. I’m playing host to all of these fine people.”

  “Plus, more food for him this way,” Jackson said.

  Rafe shot Jackson a glare, then laughed. “Rude, but not untrue.”

  “And now for some strange reason I’m hungry again,” Jackson said, shooting Becks a teasing look. “I think I’ll get more of that fruit salad.” He got up and went over to the island to check out what was left.

  “And I’m heading out to the pool.” Ethan stood up and left as well.

  “Your parents must have spent a fortune on food on all of you,” Becks said.

  “I seem to recall four or five gallons of milk going into the grocery cart every week,” Rafe said. “You know what it was like. When you go from having no food to suddenly being able to eat? It was like we’d died and gone to heaven. And in our heaven, there was pizza and milk and pancakes.”

  Becks nodded. “Yes. We didn’t have unlimited food in foster care, but there was a full plate on the table at each meal, and to me, it was a smorgasbord.”

  “I started working out in high school. And my appetite grew even more. My parents never complained. Mom just made sure there was plenty in the fridge.”

  “Your mom is amazing.”

  Rafe grinned. “Yeah, she is.”

  The doorbell rang and Rafe frowned. “Everyone knows they’re supposed to come through the side gate.”

  Becks got up. “You eat. I’ll get the door.”

  She went through the living room and by the time she got to the door, whoever was on the other side was knocking in a rapid fashion.

  Someone needed that door opened

  She opened the door to a petite, beautiful young woman with raven-colored hair piled high into a bun on top of her head.

  “Hi, is Rafe home?”

  “He is.” She waited, not sure if she should let her in.

  “I’m Carmen. I live next door.”

  Ah, a neighbor. “Hi, Carmen. I’m Becks. I live here.”

  “That’s nice. So is Rafe here?”

  Okay, so no pleasantries. “Yeah. Come on in.”

  She brushed past Becks in a hurry, her tennis-shoed feet squeaking on the tiled floor.

  Becks followed behind her as Carmen marched into the kitchen. Obviously she knew her way around the house.

  Jackson had disappeared—somewhere, so it was only Rafe in there.

  Rafe stood. “Is it Jimmy?”

  “Yes. He fell in the bathroom. I can’t pick him up by myself.”

  Rafe wiped his mouth and hands with his napkin. “Let’s go.”

  Not knowing what to do, Becks stepped in line with them.

  Rafe paused at the door to look at Becks. “Get Jackson.”

  She nodded, pivoted and dashed into the kitchen. Jackson hadn’t come back, so he must have gone outside. She ran through the doors and searched the pool area, and found him in the corner talking to Callie’s husband, Aaron.

  She grasped his arm. “Rafe ran next door to help Carmen.”

  She immediately saw the concerned frown on his face. “Jimmy’s in trouble?”

  She nodded. “He asked for you to come help.”

  Not only did Jackson dash through the gate, but Kal did, too. And suddenly the entire backyard emptied, all the firefighters following Jackson out of the yard.

  Becks knew there was nothing she could do, but she had her phone on her. So just in case they needed to call an ambulance, she figured she’d come along.

  Carmen’s house was similar to the guys’, only there were wheelchair ramps leading up to the entrance, and once inside, she noticed it wasn’t as modern as Jackson’s house. There were more walls closing rooms off. But it was clean, nothing strewn on the floors, and there wasn’t nearly as much furniture.

  She followed the sounds. This was where the floor plan deviated. Straight past the kitchen there was a bedroom, and a bathroom.

  And a ton of firefighters helping an older man who was lying on the floor in the bathroom.

  “I told you not to try to take a shower by yourself, Grandpa,” Carmen said.

  Rafe and Jackson were checking him out. “I don’t think there are any broken bones.”

  “I already checked him before I ran over,” Carmen said. “Nothing’s broken.”

  “Except my damned dignity. I’m naked here, Carmen.”

  “You feel okay, Jimmy?” Jackson asked.

  “As okay as I’m gonna feel laying here on my side naked with everyone gawkin’ at me.”

  “Then let’s get you into the shower,” Rafe said. He looked up at Carmen, who nodded.

  “Come on, Grandpa. Shower time.”

  “How about you let me handle this?” Rafe looked to Carmen, who sent a glance to her grandfather.

  She gave a quick nod. “Sure. Put him in his shower chair, and his soap and shampoo are on the smaller ledge.”

  “Got it,” Rafe said. “Jimmy and I are gonna get naked together.”

  Rafe and a couple of the other guys got Jimmy up and into his shower chair. “Don’t you think that means we’re dating or anything, Rafe,” Jimmy said. “I’ve got a lady friend I see on bingo nights.”

  Rafe cracked one of his brilliant smiles. “Noted, sir.”

  Carmen sighed, then turned to the crowd and smiled. “Everybody out. And thank you all for coming over to help. I’ll bring an enchilada casserole by next shift.”

  “Now you’re talking my language,” Jackson said. Kal had herded everyone else out the door.

  After the door closed, Becks lingered while Jackson asked, “But how’s he really doing?”

  Carmen shrugged. “Good days and bad days. He resists therapy, stubbornly thinking he can do everything for himself. And in the meantime he’s getting weaker.”

  “I’m sorry,” Becks said. “That must be so hard for you.”

  Carmen shot her a scathing look. “Who are you again?”

  “I’m Becks.” She motioned with her head. “I live next—”

  “Oh, right. You answered the door. Well, Becks, you probably have the perfect family so you wouldn’t understand. And why are you even here? I’m not after your boyfriend, if that’s what Jackson is, so get lost.”

  Ouch. That one stung. “I don’t have a family, I was concerned for your grandfather. And you don’t have to be such a bitch to people who are trying to be nice to you.”

  Tears pricked her eyes and she pivoted and turned, exiting the house as fast as she could without running. When she got back to her house—correction, Jackson and Rafe and Kal’s house—she made quick work of getting up to her room. Fortunately, everyone else was outside so she didn’t run into anyone she had to talk to, because her throat was thick with unshed tears. Once in her room she closed and locked the door and sat on the edge of her bed, immediately realizing she was breathing too fast.

  She slowed her breathing down, slid off the bed and went into the bathroom, splashed water onto her face and gripped the edge of the counter while she stared into the mirror.

  Okay, so her next-door neighbor was awful. She could handle that. It wasn’t like she was going to be here forever anyway. Once she got some money saved up, she was out of here. She’d get her own apartment, regain her independence and not feel like she was an intruder.

  This place was starting to close in on her anyway.

  In the meantime—

  She heard a knock on the door.

  “Becks? You in there?”

  It was Jackson.

  Maybe if she stayed quiet he’d go away.

  “Becks, come on. I just want to talk. I’m sorry about Carmen.”

  She didn’t want him to think it was his fault, so she went to the door. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not okay. She treated you like shit and I told her that. She’s upset about her grandfather.”

  “I know she is. Which still doesn’t give her a pass.”

  “I told her that, too.”

  Her lips curved. “Thanks.”

  “Can I come in so we can talk face-to-face?”

  If he came in she’d want him to hold her. And then they’d kiss. And probably make love. And then she’d feel better.

  So what exactly was wrong with that?

  Nothing, except she didn’t want to feel like she could lean on Jackson. She wasn’t going to be here long, and this thing with Jackson was temporary. She needed to start remembering that.

  “I’m kind of tired and I have a big day tomorrow. I think I’m going to bed.”

  “I could give you a back massage. Help you fall asleep.”

  She closed her eyes, wishing she could care but not care at the same time. “No, thanks. Good night, Jackson.”

  It took him a minute to answer.

  “Night, Becks. Hope you sleep well.”

  She’d probably sleep better if he were in bed with her, but wasn’t the whole idea to do this alone?

  She shuddered in a breath and pushed away from the door.


  To say Becks was nervous about opening the new shop would have been the understatement of the century.

  On opening day, she was up before dawn, even though the shop wouldn’t open until noon. She showered, combed out her hair and went downstairs to make herself coffee. She sipped the first cup while going through her schedule on her phone. She had a fairly full day of appointments, though she had a few gaps between appointments, so if she got walk-ins she could han
dle it. Plus, it gave her time to spend with Hwan, who wouldn’t be tattooing, just observing and working on sketches.

  Fortunately, Martin could work independently so she wouldn’t have to worry about him.

  Since she was heading in early, she’d offered to swing by the park to pick Aria up, so she wouldn’t have to walk in the humidity and heat.

  At first Aria had declined, saying she could walk. But Becks had convinced her to accept the ride, arguing that if she walked she’d show up sweaty and be uncomfortable all day and she shouldn’t suffer just to prove her independence. And that once she got a couple of paychecks under her belt she could start taking the bus.

  Aria agreed, so Becks told her she’d pick her up at ten. That would give them plenty of time to stop off to grab a quick bite to eat somewhere before heading to the shop.

  “You’re up early.”

  She looked up and saw Jackson coming downstairs, wearing only shorts that hung low on his hips, showcasing his amazing abs, chiseled shoulders and incredible torso. His hair was disheveled from sleep, and all she could think was how nice it would have been to sleep with her body wrapped around his. In addition to how much fun they could have had together before they fell asleep.

  But no. She had to get all up in her head about her independence and how she was going to move out, all because the angry bitch next door had insulted her.

  She should have jumped all over Jackson, screwed him ten different ways and worked out her hurt feelings that way.

  Sometimes you are so dumb, Becks.

  She sighed and put on a smile. “Yes. Lots to do today.”

  He made himself a cup of coffee and pulled up a chair next to her. “Feel better today?”

  “I felt fine last night.”

  “No, you didn’t. Your feelings were hurt and I don’t blame you. Carmen is very protective over her grandfather. And she was scared. She took it out on you and that was wrong.”

  Becks shrugged, really wishing they could talk about anything other than what happened last night. “Not the first time someone has judged me wrong. I’m tougher than you think, Jackson.”

  He leaned over and smoothed his hand down her arm, making her tingle all over and inside. “You’re also softer than you think. And you can still hurt, too. We all can.”


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