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Page 19

by AnonYMous

  However well settled she may appear to be, a woman must ever look to her pecuniary advantages, not immediately but as they extend into the future. Thus Selina in her wisdom saw to it that Lord C.—who was widowed— was sufficiently well furnished with entertainments as would make him look no further for a spouse who otherwise would enter into the benefits of his Will. Such schemings, which may be thought ruthless and immoral to the world, are better understood between women than by men who have ordained for themselves the laws of property and seen to it that they alone own the spoils.

  A writer of such meretricious novels as men secretly acquire from the bookshops in London's Holywell Street—and which, as I happen to know, are also hawked by vendors at the back doors of country houses—would have it that such as Elaine and Emily were rodded by their sires each day, or some such nonsense. Having enjoyed the fruit of the cock, such girls are wiser and intend not to become helpless hens to the strutting cockerel, but ration out their favours in due course as whim, desire or opportunity takes them.

  Mr. Maudsley was such a one whose ebullience was rather more quickly subdued than he had anticipated. Within a year, Catherine saw to it that her elder daughter was married off and that Bertram was accorded no more favours, for to have permitted such would have created unwonted complications in her view. As to Susan she remained a perfect little houri—an arrangement that suited Catherine well as regards her own dalliances and kept Mr. Maudsley happily chez lui.

  What a coldhearted view this may be thought to be, and yet what a practical one! All were happy thereby, as were Emily and Selina, for both could flirt and dally as they would while dear Lord C. dare make no wrong move or he would soon have been brought to heel and forbidden entrance to their beds.

  I myself by the age of twenty-three gave thought to marriage, but discarded it as unnecessary, at least for two or three years, by which time certain stocks and bonds that Papa had set aside for me would have matured. Pearl gave no thought to marriage nor ever had, though making numerous acquisitions from various gentlemen who greatly appreciated her reputation for “arranging things” to their desire.

  “Some would call me a procuress, but that would be a nonsense,” said she, “for I procure, introduce or persuade only such as would be persuaded and who are, of course, of equal social rank to the gentlemen. Some ladies arrange marriages, but I arrange pleasures. The latter is most often preferable to the former!”

  In this she was right, for it takes neither wit nor sophistication to procure a girl from a dancing troupe, or such as parade upon the stage in Tableaux Vivantes when they appear, under cunning lighting, to be naked but are of course wearing flesh-coloured tights which cause great delight to gentlemen who see thereby the exact conformation of their tits and bottoms, not to say their often fulsome thighs. Young servants may equally be seduced, and frequently are by the masters or sons of households who slip a sovereign into their hands for their favours.

  Such “adventures” Pearl and I ever considered tawdry and of no merit, interest or excitement whatever. We preferred some ceremonies or mischiefs such as are not obtained by merely paying a girl to up her skirt. I wished frequently that I had myself first been mounted in the manner of Elaine or Emily.

  “Why? Would you have had it so?” Selina asked me when I confessed this to her some months after the seduction of Emily. I had put Selina to the tawse since then and she much enjoyed it, as did I, for in moderation—or some would say a shade beyond—it causes the bottom to burn delightfully and to arouse one's ardor. I reached into the lap of his breeches and passed the monstrous organ into my hand. So lusty in girth was it that my fingers could not hold fully around it. It throbbed like an engine. I felt the veins outstanding against my flesh. My belly swirled. I could not help but widen my thighs as much as my fallen drawers would permit to allow his finger to seek up between the lips of my lovenest. I know not what words passed between us in those brief moments save that on his part they were lewd and on mine excited. I moved my hand gently up and down his shaft. My senses reeled. Second by second I could feel my cunny moistening the more. Our tongues flashed together in such utter yearning that the moment clearly could no longer be delayed.

  “You must know how it will be, Arabella, must you not?”

  “Yes!” I assented, though I scarce recognised my voice as my own. I felt myself being borne back. We fell together upon the floor, he taking care that I would not harm myself in doing so. Without more ado my drawers were ripped from my ankles. With a certain roughness that thrilled me exceedingly, he thrust my legs apart, raising himself a little above me on one hand while with the other he fumbled his enormous cock against my slit.

  “You will be put so upon the floor, or upon a couch, and fucked, Arabella.”

  “OH!” I moaned. His knob was at the portals. I felt the huge bulb of it press into my wetness. For a second or two our hot eyes locked together and then with an ineffable groan he inserted two inches of his meaty shaft and was full upon me. Our lips meshed. I was in such an ague that I wriggled my bottom to obtain more of his prick, though to my uncle the movement must have appeared evasive in intent for he seized me strongly about the waist and embedded his throbbing peg the more so that in some magical wise my cunny expanded to receive it.

  “You will be thoroughly fucked, Arabella—do you wish to be?”


  I could not speak. I was filled with him. His huge balls hung beneath the lower bulge of my bottom. His lips savaged my own. With a passionate jolt of his loins the peg was fully inserted and then all but withdrawn so that I near cried out for its return. His face appeared haggard and flushed. I saw the ugliness of male lust and desire that soon enough melts into fiery passion as two bottoms begin to work in unison.

  “You wish to be—you wish to be!” he exulted.

  “Oh, Uncle—oh!”

  Some inner wisdom in me told me not to respond directly, though I would have fain have cried out that I wanted his prick to work me strongly. Some measure of modesty must be present at all times in the first moments of erotic bliss. Such draws the male on to excite one the more. They would have us all be whores in bed.

  “You do, you do—confess it! What a luscious little cunt you have—how tightly it enclasps and sucks upon my prick. I shall come in you ere I mean to. Ah my god, yes, work your bottom!”

  In my fever, I was doing so without knowing it. It mattered not. We were lost in that world wherein fulfilment is all. The selfsame cock that I had seen pistoning back and forth in Helen's bottom was now in my own enamoured possession. I gloried in each powerful stroke of it. My spendings sprinkled his balls. I implored his tongue the more by twirling my own in his mouth. I was as one who drowns in passion and seeks to do so. Cupped now upon his broad palms, the tight cheeks of my bottom rotated savagely, though it was then to my gain that he thought me endeavouring to fight free from under him by so doing and hence his tool rammed in and out the more lustily.

  His questions poured upon me. It was my first lesson in discovering how a man will try to draw the lewdest words and phrases from his mount, seeking to find beneath her apparent innocence the hottest pits of desire. I answered not except by chokes and sobs. Advised by instinct that he would think me otherwise a schemer, I held back the lascivious responses that would fain have come to my lips. It is no folly to use them when one knows one's stallion, though all should be spoken haltingly and not in too great an efflorescence of words, for such would render the female common. The lure must always be that all is not said which it is wished to be said by one's partner. Thus is he kept in thrall, ever convinced that he will finally succeed in drawing one out to confess all one's innermost desires and—indeed—prior adventures. One is not so foolish, however, as to disrobe one's mind fully in front of, or indeed underneath, others.

  My legs lay limp, my knees slightly bent. He was near-ing the end of his course, as I sensed by the roughness of his panting. His praise for the tight sleekness of my cunny was ever
expressed. I continued to moan. I evaded his mouth from moment to moment as though in inner conflict at what I was permitting. His kisses rained upon my cheeks and neck. I felt the throbbing of his cock increase.

  “It will be so, if you come,” he croaked.

  I AM coming, I thought—but told him not. I bucked, I clung, my soft cries grew ever wilder. All that had been promised to me by Elaine was true. With a last rattling cry he flooded me. His effusion pumped into me—a veritable leaping of thick gruelly sperm that I received with joy. Our mouths fastened together again, for I could refuse him not in that moment. With every inward thrust a fresh jet spattered me. The strokes of his cock grew shorter. Panting, he thrust it in to the full and lay all too heavily upon me for a long moment until he stirred. I felt the slow withdrawal of his weapon with infinite regret. Had another taken his place upon me then, I would have welcomed it. Drawing me up, his eyes searched mine. I hid my face and affected great confusion. Thick and limp, the big worm of his prick dangled against my thigh.

  “You will not tell her?” he demanded hoarsely while caressing my long brown hair with a certain tenderness. I quivered and pressed in. My skirt being caught up still, the warmth of my belly stirred his doughty weapon.

  “Why, do you not know? I mean Priscilla and Kate,” came the reply, and one which meant nothing to me until it was explained to me that the two young ladies in question were twins and in the care of an uncle who, so it was rumoured, had several times endeavoured to invade their drawers without success. Worse, it seemed, the two had run to their aunt who was a woman of prim ways, so that she in turn had berated her husband and nagged him constantly upon the matter.

  “They must be put to the cock, then, not only out of reasons of wilfulness, but disloyalty,” I said immediately since I knew somehow that it was looked to me to say it first. “Of course they must be well-strapped first,” I added, to laughter from Emily and Selina.

  “Be in no doubt that I have thought of it already,” said Selina, “but the problem, my sweet, is that Esmeralda— the aunt—keeps the girls ever within her sight for fear that her husband will get his prodder to one or other.”

  This problem—such as it was—I considered for but a brief moment. “The solution comes plain to me,” I declared grandly, “for there must be many a lusty young man would as soon poke a mature lady as a younger one. We must deal with all three of them, must we not?”

  Becoming quite excited at the prospect, Emily all but clapped her hands. “Oh, but who? Who is to be the young man and how may we set about it?”

  “A touch of some opiate, Emily, in Esmeralda's wine. That will quieten her sufficiently to make less or little ado about what happens. Moreover, she will then be so compromised herself that naught will avail her to protest about it afterwards. By the sound of things, we have a fair task ahead of us and must consider the details earnestly. Listen and I will tell you what I have in mind.”

  CHAPTER eighteen

  If I gained a full conquest in what was to occur, I also gained a fervent admirer in Selina with whom I had up to this time been the passive rather than the active companion. How carefully my steps were taken shall be seen, for I first needed to make acquaintance with the uncle. He, being under the watchful eyes of his wife as much as his nieces were, I chose to represent myself first as a charity worker and so inveigled myself into the house by way of inviting donations, receipts of blankets and old clothing—all such as one normally collects in doing good works.

  The pious are ever anxious to please, believing perhaps that in so doing they encourage to themselves the greater admiration of their Creator—a philosophy I take to be a nonsense. For though I bow as all do to our Creator, I can never bring myself to believe that such mundane deeds as the giving of a few sovereigns or a couple of old blankets would be singled out as meriting the donor a better afterlife than others. How unkind this would be upon the poor who can give nothing by way of material things!

  Such thoughts lessening my conscience ever, I found Esmeralda much as I expected to find her, which is to say in the middle way of life, neither fat nor thin, and possessing still a reasonable attractiveness as well as a goodly, large bottom. The fact that the last-named was itself to receive “donations” caused me to smile inwardly while being entertained by her, promised gifts, and introduced to Priscilla, Kate, and Herbert—as was the uncle's name.

  Priscilla and Kate were twins indeed, of elegant slim-ness, pale of features and with large eyes. That they seemingly had good legs and were a mite above middling height pleased me, for so a girl should be who is destined to be bent over to receive her future gains.

  Thus having made covert entrance to the house, as it were, I needfully gained the attention of Herbert who by good chance was a master builder. I needed his advice, said I, upon the enlarging and converting of a small house into a refuge for the homeless. My manner of speech being ever soft and my general appearance made utterly demure by deliberate choice of the most unfetching dress and bonnet I had been able to find, I thus utterly dissolved any suspicions that his wife might have had of my enticing him away from the house. By making my request hesitantly, and ever seeking an eager nod from Esmeralda, I soon enough won the day and arranged to meet the good gentleman at an address I gave him.

  Two days later our rendezvous was made, and no greater delight ever appeared on a man's face than when he saw me arrayed modishly in a dress that more freely offered all my curves to his view. Moreover, the address I had given him was one of a hostelry—much to his astonishment—though not for long when my purpose was made plain.

  I was not of course so indiscreet as to rush into explanations immediately. I did confess to a certain subterfuge in entering his residence, though at haste to point out—most truthfully, I should say—that I frequently did collect on behalf of charities for the needy. Utterly intrigued—and not a little bewitched by me—he hung upon my every word as we sat lunching in an upper private room of the hostelry.

  One of my lesser-known charitable works, I softly informed him, was in assisting gentlemen of the first rank (a phrase that made him flush with pleasure).

  “In what way, may I ask?” he enquired.

  I shrugged as if the matter were really of no great moment. “There are deeds of giving and deeds of love, are there not? They appertain mostly, of course, to works of charity, yet within one's own domicile there are deeds of love to be performed also. What beautiful nieces you have! I trust they are of my mind,” said I smoothly enough while he—mouthing for the bait, as it were—caught it nicely.

  “They are—er—that is to say—er, backward. A little perhaps,” he said with consummate politeness.

  I clucked my tongue at this and appeared to consider the matter. “They are not beyond redemption? Have you endeavoured to convert them?”

  At this he gaped a little—for which I could scarce blame him. Taking advantage of his momentary confusion, I rose from the table and sat upon a small sofa, motioning him politely to follow. This he did, whereupon I laid my hand comfortingly on his knee. “Let us not be coy about the matter,” said I, “for as I saw it both Priscilla and Kate are worthy girls who well deserve pleasuring. They are close upon eighteen are they not?”

  Seeming a trifle distraught or excited, he nodded, being feared perhaps to speak for the moment. Then, gathering himself under the questioning look in my eyes, he said as if with some attempt at self-excusing, “They are prime to be mounted. Dare I say that?”

  “You may of course,” I laughed, “since it is true. They have not yet learned that charity is giving and hence they must be taken. You have the wherewithal to do this, I imagine?” Saying this with quite a sparkle, I passed my hand up his thigh and discovered an expected eruption that felt sufficiently hard and long to please any maiden.

  “Ah then, you mean what you say!” he exclaimed and, casting his arms about me, donated many a fruitful kiss upon my lips while I deftly unveiled his rigid member.

  “What else? They a
re fair to be put up to this, but once they are in position and ready to be saddled, as it were, you, sir, will have to learn constraint.” Being asked then what I meant and his hands already in course of raising my skirt, I responded that in what I was pleased to call the ethic of the matter, only his own cock must first make entry into their sublime bottoms, for to permit another so to do would be a coarseness. “On the first occasion at least,” I added.

  “By jove, I see the sense of that. A purely domestic occasion, what?”

  “You may see the sense of it, but can you do it, for as I see it they must be put up to you side by side. Come, let me demonstrate, for you are in fine fettle and I ready to receive your charge. Give me first a little room that I may kneel up—so.” Thus saying I uncovered myself to the waist and to his supreme delight exhibited the fact that I was wearing no drawers. The sofa creaked a little, but by bending his knees and pressing them to the edge of the seat he was enabled to present the nose of his cock to my rosette.

  “Dearest, what a bottom you have,” he exclaimed hoarsely while causing me the most pleasant of sensations as the rubbery rim of my most secret aperture yielded slowly to his nudging.

  “That is precisely the sort of compliment I wish you to pay Priscilla and Kate. Oh, but enter it slowly for the first three or four inches, then ram it up me to the full. Oh, you brute, what a monster of a prick you have! AH! OOH!”

  In such circumstances I am not always given to lucid conversation. His prodder was indeed thick and doughty and was expanding my narrow channel deliciously so that all the breath seemed to be being forced from my body. Unbuttoning my corsage as best I could, I allowed his hands to delve within and cup the pendant gourds of my tits as the last three inches of his throbbing penis split my bumptious cheeks.


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