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No Game No Life Vol.7

Page 15

by Unknown

  How about we liken this “growth” or whatever to this:

  ——After multiplying her age by 1.6 times, she finally became a fifth grade schooler.

  If you line up by order of height, then out of the fifth graders——she’ll be the first one in the front, right!!

  “S-Shiro, stay strong!! It simply proved that Shiro is a perfected beauty!!”

  “……I, don’t care, anymore…… Nii…… Shiro…… is, tired……”

  “Wait wait wait, hey Shiro! Don’t raise your thumbs and try to go to heaven with a nice smile, hey!!”

  ——A smooth breeze rustled gently.

  While she felt her soul turn into dust and blown by the wind, her brother’s voice sounded distant——

  Shiro cursed——everything, had betrayed her.

  She had been betrayed——by the future.

  She had been betrayed——by the world.

  A selfish and gorgeous body…… breasts filled with dreams——she would never become like that……

  While Shiro’s consciousness fell, as she gave up on everything——


  “Uwaaaah!? W-What is it this time!?”

  ——Suddenly, a lighting ran through as if anchoring her consciousness as it sank.

  And following the tsunami of information surging through her brain, Shiro firmly stepped on the floor and endured.

  ——When people confronts death, it’s said they see a revolving lantern.

  That is, in order to escape the predicament, they search through each and every memories and knowledge.

  It’s said it’s a phenomenon of abnormal activity——where the brain would overcome its limits.

  ……About the matter of it being a despair worthy of death for Shiro, let’s put it aside for now.

  Shiro entrusted her body to the sensation of her brain circuits burning, and ferociously pulled the information in.

  I feel like——there’s something——

  She felt it was an “insight” ——one that would rebuild the collapsed equation——!!


  Every entertainment product like games, comics and movies her brother played, watched and finished reading during the span of eight years after meeting Shiro.

  Normal games: a total of 23.671.

  Eroge[31]: a total of 1.852 titles.

  Comic titles and erotic doujin[32] magazines: a total of 85.743 volumes.

  Anime: a total of 2465.

  Live-action dramas and movies: a total of 867 series.


  Characters from within those who are specially liked by her brother——A total number of 874 [brides].

  Without missing a single one, she forcefully aligned her mind with videos, manga, and voice, adding up the information.

  Every kind of information described in magazine articles, conquest guides and collection of settings——In other words.

  Along with various other information, the settings about their age, height and three-sizes!

  They are coherently being digitized, turned into statistics, graphics, and analyzed——!

  “……Erm, Shiro, -san? Now what are you——”

  ——Shiro’s brain probably has the most prominent capacity out of all humanity.

  And right now it was being unknowingly abused, overcoming its limits in an unprecedented waste.

  As Shiro simply glared ghastly at the floor, Sora timidly asked.

  But time passed without it reaching her ears, and after a few seconds Shiro concluded.

  ——[Work out].

  Sora——her brother’s liking, his tastes, preferences and fetishes, all of these were mathematically indexed and calculated.

  That’s right, mathematics doesn’t tell lies…… putting it bluntly——her brother’s tastes are:

  Age——the person’s exterior settings will be calculated with the average height and age——average value [12.344…… old].

  Body type(Three-sizes)——bust-waist-hip——average value [77.2 : 59.873 : 78.23].

  Settings(Relations)——younger ratio [61.1%], little sister ratio [48.4%], big-breast ratio——a minor [3.2%].


  “……. I’m, glad…… so Nii…… was…… undoubtedly…… a loli-con……”

  ——The world got filled with light, as if an aurora ripped through the night.

  Shiro fell into her knees, and looked up to the heavens——there was still hope, a future.

  “——Hey little sister. I don’t know what’s going on, but wasn’t Nii-chan greatly insulted right now?”

  The brother who had mathematically and statistically been defined as a pervert groaned with his eyes half-open——but.

  Insult? No way, it was salvation itself.

  Shiro wiped her tears and stood up, as to not look unnatural.

  ——I see, it seems that no matter how old I become, I’ll remain with a loli body.

  I don’t know if it’s the truth, or if it’s only within this game——but!

  (…… Bye bye…… breasts filled…… with dreams…… but——)

  ——There’s no…… problem.

  Right, it’s not a problem.

  Shiro clenched her fists and howled, while pretending that she didn’t notice that her heart was bleeding.

  Now that it was revealed that her brother was a loli-con, there’s no problem at all——!!

  If Nii doesn’t like it, then——

  ——If Nii doesn’t need something like breasts, then——

  ——I don’t, need——!


  ……Holding such a fierce resolution in her chest,

  Shiro pretended to be calm, and attempted to rebuild the [Calculation].

  The first equation crumbled miserably. But——

  “……Nii…… Shiro…… is, tired…… I’ll go…… take, a bath……”

  “O, oh…… stay strong, okay! N-Nii-chan likes Shiro no matter how you look, you see!”

  ——That’s right, if it’s Nii then, he will say that.

  With Shiro’s dream——the future of a gorgeous body breaking in front of him, he will definitely say that.

  But that’s exactly why! It’s still possible to prove the formula…… and the second equation is——!

  ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

  ……Sora followed Shiro’s back, as they tottered while walking powerlessly.

  “H-Hey Shiro. There’s still room for growth even after seventeen years old. Cheer up, okay?”

  “……Shiro…… is super, alright…… super, fine……”

  She answered so with a voice that was like an example of the antonym of fine.

  As Shiro voluntarily went to the bathroom of all things, Sora seriously reflected.

  Shiro is 11 years old…… it’s 1.1 years for each single die.

  With 16 dice, it’s 17.6 years——he shouldn’t have handed out so many.

  He knew Shiro was bothered by her child-like figure——although it’s natural, since she is a child.

  Not only that, but spending 18 days in such an extreme game, it’s just natural for the mind and body to become weakened.

  At such a time, what if he was carelessly handed more than the initial amount——and ended up looking different than his own idealized appearance?

  ——Surely, it would be a shock.

  It’s because you don’t understand that side of a girl’s heart that you’re no good——Sora clenched his teeth.

  He followed the figure of his sister entering the dressing room with uncertain footsteps and called out.

  “W-well, it’s that. Take a rest. Right? Hurry up and enter the bath——”

  ——If she takes a good sleep and some rest, maybe she’ll recover a little bit.

  “……Hm…… wash…… my back……”

  “That’s it! Get your back washed! Get refreshed, okay!?”<
br />
  Sora brightly nodded diligently at Shiro’s answer and came out from the dressing room.

  “……Wash…… my hair……”

  “Yeah! Doing this stop-it-right-now great adventure for over two weeks is just too much, isn’t it!?”

  And then…… in what must be the bathroom since he didn’t really understand the Elves architectural style.

  Steam was rising without having a roof, so rather than a bathroom with the ceiling open.

  ——It was a hot spring.

  Sora couldn’t afford to care about something like the scenery until now, but his heart jumped at this open-air bath.

  If one were to forget about everything and be healed in this bath, he would surely recover in one go, wouldn’t he.

  “……And so…… while…… washing…… Shiro’s hair……”

  Sora stood still as if he got charmed by the bathtub, but Shiro was——

  “……Nii…… who’s been storing it up…… will violate…… Shiro……”


  …… Hm?

  “……Being rough…… to Shiro…… like in a, erotic doujin……”


  “……like, in an erotic, doujin……?”

  “No, this silence isn’t to make you say it twice you know? Erm?”

  Though Shiro essentially remained with her back turned to Sora,

  “——Why are you making it seems like we’ll be entering together. Both your back and hair, the one who will be washing it will be——”

  Having told her so, Sora looked around——but, the ones standing there,

  “……Who…… will be the one washing it……?”

  ——Was just Shiro, who turned around showing a smile, without a single thread covering her body.

  And Sora——who felt a shiver run down through his back, wearing a single towel wrapped on his hip.

  He finally noticed he was in a situation where he was alone with his naked little sister, facing the bathtub.

  “——No, no, no, no, that can’t be HAHAHA, well well, you, wait a little?”

  Sora diverted his gaze in a panic and stood still while sweating cold like a waterfall.

  “S-Shiro, you’re 17 years old, aren’t you!? You must consider the rating, because how would you take responsibility if it gets prohibited——”

  “……Nii, that’s wrong……”

  ——Why is it.

  With a smile that didn’t hold a single speck of malice, Shiro took one step closer.

  Taking one step back in follow, Sora thought.

  ——Why is Shiro’s smile this scary——!?

  “……Each one of, Shiro’s dice…… isn’t…… [1.1 years] ……”

  ——I see, Sora understood.

  Although it’s obvious, Shiro’s age isn’t exactly eleven years old.

  Reaching her eleventh birthday, they came to this world(Disboard)——so it’s eleven and seven months.

  A single die for Shiro didn’t turn into [1.1 years] ——but [1.15833…years].

  ——But what about it. That’s just a “measurement error”, isn’t it?

  *step* *step*——

  Step by step——as if seeing through what Sora was thinking in his mind while backing away,

  Step by step——while Shiro approached smiling, Sora certainly heard what she answered.

  ——That’s correct. It’s just a “measurement error”.

  The worst kind of stuff that would confound every equation——a “measurement error”.

  With that measurement error, two of Shiro’s dice changed from [2.2 years] to [2.3166…years].

  And it changed the [17.6] years Shiro have from the sixteen dice——

  ——Into [Above 18 years(18.533... years old)].

  “……I failed…… at fascinating you with a gorgeous body…… but……”

  ——This is bad.

  Sora understood that he failed since it was too late.

  Seeing his little sister murmur like that——he heard his instincts shouting.

  ——He didn’t really understand why but, this is——

  “……The operation…… went exactly as I calculated, you see? Nii——”

  ——A pinch.

  She let her mild voice bounce joyfully.

  The smile that floated thinly trembled faintly with shyness.

  Revealing her flushed body, the little sister leisurely approached——and behind her,

  “……With this, Nii…… has no other option, besides entering the bath together, with Shiro…… right♪”

  Sora certainly felt like he saw——a Shinigamishadow[33], laughing evilly while holding a great scythe.

  *step* *step*

  As the Death God——rather, his little sister approached step by step, Sora desperately attempted to resist with a hollow voice.

  “B-But your looks haven’t changed that much——ah, no, f-f-for starters what’s inside is——”

  “……Nii, had said…… Old Man Soul…… the current Shiro…… has an above 18-year-old soul……”

  “No, no, no! Somehow that’s no good! According to things like law, regulations or organizations!?”

  “……The Earth’s unrelated…… so does the policemen…… that’s…… what Nii, said……”

  ——But, as Sora backed away, his back finally hit the wall.

  Sora, whose words and escape had been cut off, was convinced.

  This is——a [verbal attack].

  Using Sora’s own words as a weapon, Shiro was cornering him——

  “……Nii, self-destructed…… you don’t have, any excuse…… to escape……”

  And then——she finally “slammed it on the wall”.

  Both of her hands, obstructing his left and right sides——though it was around his hip, due to the difference between each other’s height.

  Looking down on the ruby eyes which showed a joyful look, Sora thought.

  ——Now, what will you do, Sora virgin, provisionally and also confirmed to be currently 18 years old.

  His escapeexcuse was cut off…… no——the fact that he cut it off himself “was used”——!!

  Losing to Shiro——it would be a lie to say he wasn’t frustrated, but it also happens everyday——but.

  Sora felt the ground collapsing beneath his feet, having lost at [tactics] of all things——

  …… Wait. Wait wait wait——!?

  “——Hah…… haha, hahahahahahahahahaa!”

  Sora laughed loudly, as a flash of light ran in his mind——in other words, an insight.

  ——He was about to get deceived.

  Escape? An excuse to escape? That’s unnecessary!

  “Fufu, my little sister, listen well, alright? I’ll accept your proclamation we’re both 18 years old——but!”

  That’s right, this is still [Check]——it’s not [Check-Mate]!

  For starters——

  ——Just why would they have to enter the bath together just because they’re both 18 years old!?

  “Siblings who enter the bath together even after being 18 years old is truly the height of the unnatural!! If Shiro is also 18 years old, then you should go alone——”

  Sora roared as he was convinced that the Check had crumbled, but——

  ——It had already been over 18 days since this game begun.

  They kept going on extreme situations, with fatigue, hunger, wild animals, 【Tasks】and——

  They managed to survive until now while constantly feeling the Death God’s scythe on their necks——and yet.

  “……Nii…… do you, hate…… Shiro…… that much?”

  ——Shiro lowered her face and let her voice escape, a few words that sounded like she was hurt.

  At that, Sora finally felt like the scythe had cut a piece of his neck’s skin and his view darkened.


  While hugging the naked Shiro whose face remained lowered……
Sora thought.

  ——What would be the reason for still saying [NO] even after receiving that line?

  Is it because she’s a child?

  He had accepted the proclamation that they were both 18 years old——Refuted.

  I-Is because she looks like a child?

  Then will he insist on calling Shiro a child for her entire life? ——Refuted.

  Is it because we’re siblings? Refuted——It had been refuted by those few words——!

  It was exactly because they were siblings, because he didn’t hate her, that he could proudly stay together with her without any guilty feelings——

  ——Guilty feelings?

  …… There’s something bugging me, Sora thought vacantly.

  (…… What. I feel like I’m about to notice something I shouldn’t——furthermore)

  With the height difference, Shiro’s heartbeat could be felt at his hips through the skin.

  The girl looked up to him, with her heart beating soundly, strong and big, like an alarm bell——

  (…… Just what is it! Those eyes telling me to “notice” ——!)

  ——It’s a game where people deceive and betray each other.

  But why is it that Shiro of all people——the only one who definitely wouldn’t betray him,

  ——Was cornering him this much——!

  That’s right, in the exactly moment when the Death God’s scythe was about to slash Sora’s windpipe——

  “Excuse me for my rudeness, Master…… Is Sora-sama——”

  “Uwooah Jibril-kun!! Hey you!? Your dice are~erm~oh me! They decreased to two, didn’t they!! What a serious deal, so hurry, I’ll give you eight of mines! What, no need to hold back you mustn’t alright heeey!?”

  “Eh? Ah, haa……?”

  ——A brutal angel descended into the bloody bathhouse.

  So no matter the number of her agedice, it won’t affect her appearance huh——in any case.

  For some reason the brutal angelMessiah appeared with sharp eyes, he then threw some dice at her.

  ——Immediately after, it seemed like her expression eased somewhat——but.

  But for now, that doesn’t matter in the slightest, Sora singed like he was dancing.


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