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Mill Creek Menage 1-3: BBW Menage Romance Box Set

Page 3

by Marie Carnay


  RAVEN UNPACKED THE last box of kitchen supplies. Paper towels. Dishcloths. Oooh, new sponges. She folded the cardboard flat and added it to the stack of other boxes. There. I’ve unpacked everything. She looked around at the cozy little house. Not bad. She’d found the dining room chairs, cleaned the counters, scrubbed the floors. Made the bathroom sparkle. The place finally felt like home. An empty, quiet home begging to be filled up by two hunky men.

  She’d taken what Bruce and Hank said to heart, staying up late into the night and mulling it over. Could she date two men? Could she deal with the funny looks and the strange questions and the occasional outrage? Did she even care about any of that?

  After shoving the dishwashing soap under the sink, she stood up with a start. No. She didn’t give a damn. She liked Hank and Bruce. Wanted them as more than friends or carpenters she called when she had a loose board. The three of them had the potential to be way more than just a rebound or a summer fling. To hell with what anyone else thought. That’s why she’d moved to Mill Creek. To stop doing what other people wanted her to do and be her own woman.

  Raven picked up her phone and turned it on. So I didn’t want to fall into a relationship right away. Oh, well. She also hadn’t expected to find two hunky, kind, and compassionate men. They’d kissed and caressed and licked her into an orgasm and said goodnight. Who does that? She pulled up her text messages. Sometimes you had to work with what you’d been given. And she’d been given a chance to have two sexy men worship her in every possible way.

  With a deep breath, she texted Bruce. I’ve thought about it. I still want you both. She waited, nibbling on her lower lip and pacing back and forth until he replied.

  You’re sure?

  She smiled. Positive. How about you both come over tonight? I found my dining room chairs. 7:00?

  We’ll be there.

  She turned off her phone and glanced around the house. This time, they weren’t leaving without a stop in her bed.

  Bruce glanced at his reflection for the twenty-seventh time and called out to Hank. “Dude. How long can it take to get ready? You don’t even have hair long enough to comb.”

  “Don’t mock my primping. I want Raven to take one look at me and know she made the right call.” Hank had been hogging the bathroom for the past half hour, doing God-knows-what to his short hair.

  Bruce hollered down the hall. “She texted me, remember?”

  “Only because she doesn’t have my number.” Hank strolled out of the bathroom all swagger and bravado. “You know she wants me more than you.”

  “Sure thing, pretty boy. She’s going to take one look at that moisturized face and send you right back home.”

  Hank walked by and bumped his shoulder into Bruce. “You keep telling yourself that. Come on. We don’t want to keep her waiting.”

  A few minutes later and they were pulling into her drive.

  “That’s not her car, is it?” Instead of the Subaru Bruce remembered, a Dodge pickup with gleaming chrome wheels sat in the drive. Nothing like Raven. He frowned and cast Hank a glance. “Something’s not right.”

  “Because there’s a truck in the drive?”

  “Yeah. And she didn’t tell us to expect company.”

  Hank parked and killed the engine. “You go up the front steps and I’ll check around back.”

  “Sounds good.”

  As soon as Bruce opened the door, the hair on his neck rose. Not good. He loped to the front steps as Hank slipped around the back. Before he could knock, he saw what he’d been afraid of. A man paced back and forth inside Raven’s house. Gesticulating and shouting. Piss.

  Bruce couldn’t make out the words and he couldn’t see Raven anywhere. At last she came into view. Eyes red and swollen. Face contorted and angry. She shouted back at the man, but he only laughed. Asshole.

  Part of him wanted to break the door down and punch the guy’s face in. But what did Raven want? What did she need? For all Bruce knew the guy could be her brother and they could be fighting like they always did. Damn it.

  He bit the inside of his cheek and forced the anger to recede. He’d only just met her, but already the protectiveness had kicked in. She wasn’t going to get hurt. Not by some asshole in a faded windbreaker who drove a truck just for show. He watched as they argued, resisting the urge to bust in and knock the man out cold. Just give me a reason, buddy. Thirty seconds later and he had one. The man shouted and his arm came back and Bruce wasn’t waiting for that curled-up fist to strike anything.

  He pounded on the door. “Raven? It’s Bruce. Let me in.”

  The door flew open and Mr. Angry Fist stood there. “Who the hell are you?”

  “The guy stopping you from assaulting anyone.” Bruce stormed in and glanced at Raven. “Are you okay?”

  She wrapped her arms around her middle and nodded before turning to the other man. “You need to to leave, Greg. I’ve told you again and again. We’re done. Just go home.”

  Her ex. Now it all made sense. She’d been hesitant to talk about him and Bruce could see why. The man was a real charmer. No wonder Raven moved somewhere new.

  “You can’t just kick me out. I’m not going anywhere until you agree to come back home.”

  “That’s not going to happen and you know it.”

  “That’s where you belong, Raven. This leaving on your own and this shack of a house—” Greg threw his hand wildly about “—it’s ridiculous.”

  “Not to me. You need to leave. Now.”

  Bruce stepped up to Raven’s ex. This needed to stop. “You heard her. It’s time to leave.”

  Greg bristled. “What are you, her bodyguard?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Well, we’re fine. And this is none of your business.” Greg turned back to Raven, but Bruce was done playing nice guy.

  If the jerk wouldn’t listen to him, then he’d drag him out of her house and call the cops. They were always ready to get out from behind their desks. “I don’t think you understand, buddy. You’re leaving. Now.”

  Bruce grabbed Greg by the arm and tugged him toward the front door. But instead of coming with him, Greg spun, fist high and ready to strike. He swung and Bruce jumped back. “Think you need to work on your aim there, Greg.”

  The asshole almost growled and launched himself at Bruce and the two men crashed to the floor. Over and over they rolled. Fists and elbows and shoulders. No way was any guy from out of town getting the upper hand. Bruce got in a good right hook and Greg slacked off.

  As he pulled back to knock him out cold, someone grabbed his arm. Hank. He pulled Bruce up to stand as the flash of blue lights filled the drive.

  “What the fuck, man?” Greg sat up and worked his jaw back and forth. “You called the cops?”

  “You threatened Raven. Came after my best friend. Of course I called the cops.” Hank frowned at the man as Sheriff Dawkins walked up the front steps.

  Bruce rolled his shoulders and tried to calm down. At fifty-two, the sheriff wasn’t as imposing as Hank or Bruce, but he could still hold his own. And he didn’t like men from out of town threatening the residents. As long as Bruce didn’t say anything stupid, the sheriff would side with him. No question.

  “Gentlemen. I got a call about a belligerent visitor.” He pushed open the door and a deputy came in behind him. Both men surveyed the scene and turned to Raven. “Miss? What seems to be the trouble?”

  “My ex-boyfriend,” she paused and pointed at Greg, “showed up and started threatening me. Bruce protected me.”

  “Is that so?”

  “No, way man!” Greg clambered to his feet. “That asshole grabbed me first! I was attacked.”

  The sheriff stepped closer and gave Greg a sniff. “Is that beer I smell on your breath? Are you intoxicated, sir?”

  “No!” Greg glanced around the room with wide eyes. No one said anything.

  “Hmm.” The sheriff scratched his chin. “I think a night in the drunk tan
k’s in order. You sober up, cool off. We’ll discuss possible assault charges in the morning. And how you can get your truck out of impound.”

  The cuffs went around Greg’s wrists before he could say anything. Hank leaned in and exchanged a few words with the sheriff and that was that. As soon as they got Greg outside, he spoke up, arguing about Bruce’s punch. Bruce heard him talking to deaf ears all the way down the steps and out to the patrol car.

  As the lights of Greg’s truck and the police cruiser trailed off into the distance, Bruce turned to Raven. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Thanks to you both.”

  Hank waved her off. “Dawkins owed us a favor. We fixed up his barn for his daughter’s wedding last month.”

  She shook her head. “I was wondering why he was so nice.”

  “Hey, I figured they didn’t have anything better to do. And it gave Jesse a chance to drive a giant truck all through town. He’s been wanting one for ages.”

  “Jesse?” Raven glanced at Bruce and Hank.

  “The deputy.”

  “Do you two know everyone in Mill Creek?”

  Hank shrugged. “There’s one I’d like to get to know a whole lot better.”

  “Make that two of us.” Bruce stepped forward. “We’re sorry we got in the middle of your argument. I just didn’t trust the guy not to hit you.”

  “No! I’m glad you did. He never used to be like that, but over the last few months, he changed. It’s the main reason I left. And it’s like I said before, any relationship I had with Greg is over. He just needs to accept it.”

  “I think he will now. Especially after he pays the fine to get his truck back.”

  Raven let out a small laugh. “I hope it’s huge.”

  “Enormous.” Bruce reached out and ran his hand down her side. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too.” Raven glanced at her watch. “Oh! It’s late. You both must be starving. Let’s forget all this and eat.”

  Raven pulled a dish out of the soapy water and rinsed it off. What a night. A terrifying visit from the ex. Followed by an awesome dinner with two scrumptious men. Raven had been on a roller coaster ride since she stepped foot in Mill Creek. And it didn’t seem to be slowing down. At least she didn’t need to worry about Greg showing back up. Since the sheriff put him in the drunk tank, she could have a blissful, worry-free night. Preferably wrapped up in the arms of Hank and Bruce.

  She grabbed another plate out of the soapy water. “Thanks again for taking care of Greg.”

  Hank slid up beside her and snatched the dish towel. “You’re welcome.” Raven handed him the clean plate and he dried it and set it on the counter. “Has he always been like that?”

  “No. He used to be lazier.” She snorted and handed over another plate. “When he read the writing on the wall and realized I really was leaving, he showed his true colors. Seems he didn’t want to lose his meal cooking, dish washing, live-in maid.”

  “Hmph. I should have decked him, too.”

  “No. I’m glad you didn’t. No reason to make trouble for yourself. He’s been an asshole lately, but I don’t think he’ll come back.”

  “Well, if he does, we’ll be here.”

  She smiled. “I hope so.”

  Bruce came in from outside and the three of them finished the dishes. It took all of Raven’s self-control not to drag both men down the hall and into her bedroom. She’d been waiting for this moment. For a chance to see if she could handle both of them. Touching. Teasing. Turning her on.

  Lucky for her, she didn’t have to make the first move. Hank’s arms wrapped around her waist as she turned off the kitchen light. “I can’t wait another second.” He nuzzled her ear. “I’ve been dying to touch you all night.”

  “Feeling’s mutual.” Bruce stepped up in front of her and Raven flushed. Only the night before, his head had been buried between her legs and she’d trembled and come right in that very spot. Her sex throbbed and she grabbed his shirt to tug him closer.

  “I guess that makes three.”

  Bruce reached out and stroked her bare arm and heat and tingling fire raced across her body, sparking somewhere inside. He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers and she opened on a gasp. His tongue slipped past her lips and raked across her teeth. Every flick and lap stoking a fire that had been burning since the night before. Wow. Bruce kissed her like the whole world was aflame and her mouth the only source of oxygen.

  As she reached out to touch Bruce’s chest, Hank’s hands squeezed her from behind, digging into her soft curves, running up and down over her dress. Her nipples hardened and she moaned into Bruce’s soft lips. His body tensed as her fingers darted beneath the hem of his t-shirt to touch the firm muscles beneath. Damn. Solid and sturdy with more strength than she ever imagined. No wonder they could fix a porch in two days. Bruce was ripped.

  As he flicked his tongue against her lips, Hank massaged her thighs and ass, grinding his hips against her backside. The heft of his erection pressed into her flesh and she moaned louder. It’d been so long since a man had treated her this way. Acted like she as the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. And she had two. All she wanted was for them to lay her down right there on the floor and ravage her. But she had gone to the trouble of making her bed.

  As Hank toyed with the hem of her dress, Raven broke her kiss with Bruce. “I’ve unpacked. I’ve got a bedroom now. Queen-sized bed and everything.”

  Bruce’s brow furrowed. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I want you both in it. Right this second.”

  Hank chuckled behind her and let her go. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too.” Bruce stepped back and Raven led the way down the hall. She paused outside her bedroom door. This is it.


  WHY HAD HE resisted this? God, she was every man’s dream. Sexy curves, open mind. Bruce couldn’t get over their luck. He ran his hands up her sides and cupped her thighs. “This is real, right? I’m not imagining all of this?”

  “Not your imagination. Totally real.”

  “Good. Because I’d hate to wake up in a minute.”

  She reached out and ran her fingers through his hair, twisting the strands as he tugged her closer.

  “You are so beautiful. I don’t think either one of us has told you that enough.”

  She blushed and rocked back on her heels. With a bite of her lip, she glanced down at his crotch.

  Is there a problem? He followed her gaze and laughed. His dick was so hard it bulged his jeans like he’d stuffed a damn potato down his pants.

  Bruce shrugged and ran his hands around her thighs, kneading the soft globes of her ass. “What can I say? You turn me on.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Hey! He’s not the only one.” Hank shut the door to Raven’s bedroom and slid up behind her. “I’ve been waiting for hours to tear this dress off you.” He grabbed it by the hem and in an instant, it was across the room in a heap on the floor. “So much better.”

  Bruce stole a glance at her breasts slipping over the top of her bra and her ample hips he could squeeze all night. Damn.

  Hank whistled and gave her ass a smack. “You’ve been holding out on us, Raven.” He leaned forward and kissed her earlobe. “I can’t wait to make you come. I’m going to lick that hot, tight pussy of yours until you beg me for it.”

  Her whole body shuddered and she let out a gasp. “Anything you want. I’m yours. Both of you.”

  Bruce ran his hands up and down her sides, brushing against Hank’s chest as his best friend kissed Raven’s shoulder. He swooped up to stroke the weight of her breasts through her bra. Mmm. Two firm, tight nipples, hardening with each caress. With a grin, Bruce leaned over, tugging down her bra to lick one into his mouth before lapping across it with his tongue. Raven arched into him, hands scrabbling to grab his shoulders as she moaned out loud.

  He sucked and licked and fondled her nipple, working her u
p until she panted into his hair and squeezed his arms. Then he unclasped her bra and switched sides, giving her other breast equal attention—flicking the tight bud over and over until she shook with unsatisfied desire.

  “Oh, God, Bruce. Your tongue. You’re incredible.”

  Hank slid down behind her to his knees. “You haven’t felt anything yet.”

  She reached for Hank, but he batted her hand away and kissed just behind her knee. Spreading her legs apart with every kiss, he inched higher and higher. She trembled against Bruce and grabbed his shoulders to keep herself from falling. When Hank reached her panties, he took a deep breath and blew, hot air fanning across the damp fabric and making her moan.

  “Lay down on the bed for me, Raven. I want to taste you.”

  She groaned but complied, crawling up onto the mattress as he grabbed her panties with both hands. Bruce shed his shirt and shoes while Hank tugged Raven’s panties off and threw them to the floor. Mmm. Wet already. Her pussy glistened with arousal, her outer lips swollen and pink. Bruce couldn’t wait to dive in and get lost.

  She turned around and sat on the edge, scooting up until her knees touched Hank’s chest. Bruce could see the tremble from across the room, but Hank paid it no mind. Instead, he slid his hands between her legs and pushed her open. Wider and wider he stretched her, forcing her to lay back and lift her legs in the air.

  “That’s it. Open up for me, Raven. Show me what’s ours.”

  She closed her eyes as Hank spread her legs. Holding her thighs still, he bent down, licking a trail around the edges of her slit, lapping at the hints of cream soaking her bare skin.

  She moaned and bucked into his hand and Bruce couldn’t stay back and watch while Hank had all the fun. He climbed up onto the bed in nothing but his boxers and leaned over to tease her nipples. Damn. So sensitive. He thought she’d be timid, or afraid. Maybe even ask what to do. But Raven was none of those. She’d accepted them as naturally as if two men were normal. Perfect.


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