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Mill Creek Menage 1-3: BBW Menage Romance Box Set

Page 8

by Marie Carnay

  She’d been up on the roof putting out the fire. He’d watched her, not knowing who she was, admiring her courage. Bravery. Inching out onto the roof to soak the worst of the blaze. She’d damped the fire enough that they were able to get out.

  But with most of the roof lying in a heap—and Angie in the middle of it—the fire had surged back to life. It was worse than before. More smoke, stronger flames. Higher heat. But it didn’t matter. Not when she was in there somewhere. They made their way through the haze, closer and closer to the heart of the fire. There!

  In the midst of new the wreckage, a boot stuck out. Angie’s boot. Rich motioned toward it and he crept forward with Dave on his heels. They’d reach her. He knew it.

  A few more steps and a blast of heat hit him in the face. Fire blazed fresh and new as flames curled around another pallet of stock. Shit. Screw caution. He was pulling her out. With a deep breath of oxygen, Rich rushed in. He scrabbled and dug through the debris, pulling hot, smoking shingles and bits of wood and sheetrock off the pile.

  At last, she came into view. Covered in black soot and limp as a rag doll, but still in one piece. He picked her up in his arms and Dave motioned to hurry. They needed to get out of there before all three of them were trapped.

  With his best friend in front to guide the way, Rich carried Angie out of the inferno, through the choking smoke, and outside. Before he could even put her on the ground, EMTs swarmed them. Hands lifted her out of his arms and carted her off as he sunk to the ground on his knees.

  It had all happened so fast. The competition. The date. Skinny dipping. He’d fallen for the woman in a matter of hours. And now…He glanced up as Dave pulled off his mask and landed on his ass a foot away.

  After a few more inhales of oxygen, Rich pulled off his mask. “Are you okay?”

  Dave nodded. “Yeah. How about you?”

  “Maybe a little smoke inhalation. But I’m fine. It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  “Was she breathing?”

  “I couldn’t tell. I didn’t want to waste any time, you know?”

  Dave nodded again before scrubbing his hand down his face. The soot and dirt smeared all over. “I know this sounds crazy, but I can’t—”

  Rich cut him off. “I know.”

  The chief jogged over and Rich prepared for the dressing down.

  “What the hell was that, Kelley?”

  “Saving one of our own.”

  “You broke protocol.”

  “Is she alive?”

  “You went in without back-up.”

  “Is she alive?”

  “You violated—”

  “God dammit, Chip. Is. She. Alive.”

  The chief exhaled. “Yes. She is. They’re taking her to the hospital now.”

  Rich pushed himself up to stand. “Then I’m riding with them.”

  “Me too.” Dave stood up next to him and the chief frowned.

  “Is there something I should know?”

  “Last time I checked what we did in our off time was none of your business.”

  “It isn’t.”

  “Well, we’re both off duty. So we’re leaving.”

  The chief narrowed his eyes, but nodded. “Keep us updated.”

  Rich nodded and he headed toward the ambulance with Dave alongside him.

  The doctor’s shoes clacked across the linoleum as Rich and Dave stood up to meet him. Angie’d been unconscious the entire ride over in the ambulance. Steady pulse, breathing shallow, but constant. She just wouldn’t wake up.

  As soon as they’d pulled into the hospital, she’d been whisked away through double doors and all they could do was wait. Rich had paced the entire first floor of the hospital—counting out checkerboard tiles down the hall and weaving zig-zag patterns with his feet.

  Dave had hit the coffee vending machine and drunk black sludge until he jittered like a strung-out junkie. And still nothing. By the time the doctor found them, Rich was ready to explode.

  He ground his teeth together as the man held out his hand. “I’m Doctor Mathews. You must be Mr. Kelley.” He shook Rich’s hand and turned to Dave. “Mr. Carter. Nice to meet you.”

  The doctor stepped back and Rich gave him the once over. Black rimmed glasses masked dark circles under his eyes and his white coat covered scrubs he’d probably worn all night. On any other day, Rich would have cut him some slack. But not now. Not when he didn’t know if Angie’d ever wake up.

  Rich swallowed. “Tell me she’ll be okay.”

  “Ms. Williams has been through quite an ordeal.”

  Rich’s jaw ticked. “I’m aware of that. I pulled her out of the debris.”

  The doctor offered one of those polite, bland smiles and Rich balled his hand into a fist.

  “She’s suffered a few minor lacerations, smoke inhalation and possible a concussion.”

  Dave piped up. “But she’ll be okay?”

  The doctor nodded. “Yes. She should make a full recovery.”

  “Can we see her?”

  “You may. But she needs to rest, so don’t agitate her.”

  “Thank you.” Rich exhaled and the tension that had knotted him up all night eased. She’ll be okay. He shook the doctor’s hand again and waited until the man strode down the hall and out of earshot. “Thank God. She’ll be okay.”

  “I know.” Dave leaned against the hallway wall and closed his eyes. The stress and toll of the last twenty-four hours had hit him, too. His blond hair stuck up in tufts from running his hands through it all night. His clothes were wrinkled and sloppy from pacing the waiting room and trying to doze in a vinyl-covered chair.

  Rich knew he had to look the same. Worse. But none of it mattered. Angie survived. They’d pulled her out of the cinders and ash and she’d be okay. He found a spot on the wall next to Dave and sagged against the white plaster.

  The fire had stirred up a whole host of needs and wants that Rich had tried to bury. Forget. Emotions weren’t his thing. After Monica, he’d pretty much shut them all off. But Angie’d opened the floodgates. She’d broken right through and turned him on in every way. No shutting off. Not now.

  With a deep breath, he opened his eyes and turned to Dave. “I don’t want to go back.”

  “To what?”

  “What it was like before. When we tried to pretend we were like everyone else.”

  Dave opened his eyes and turned so his shoulder rested on the wall. “You mean before Angie?”

  Rich nodded. “After Monica left and you bailed…I haven’t been more lost in my life. I can’t do that again.”

  Dave’s eyebrows notched as he stared at Rich. Blue eyes clear and focused. After a moment, he answered. “I’m sorry, Rich. I thought Monica was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. How do you get another chance like that, you know?” He mashed his palm against his cheek and rubbed his stubbled skin.

  Rich nodded. “But we’ve got one. And Angie…she’s so much more.”

  Dave blew out a short, quick breath. “She is, isn’t she? I mean, with Monica, I thought things were good. Pretty okay. But…”

  “You can see a future with Angie?”

  Dave nodded and pushed himself off the wall. “Let’s go find her.”

  Rich swallowed. “I just hope she feels the same way.”


  DAVE PUSHED OPEN the door to Angie’s room and both men eased inside. She laid in the hospital bed, eyes closed, brown hair fanned on her pillow like a crown. Rich swallowed. They were so far out of their league.

  A few days before, he’d thought Angie was one of the guys. Sexy, yes. But unavailable and not interested. Now? She could be their whole world. And they’d almost lost her. Spit lodged in his throat and he coughed into his elbow.

  “You came.” Her voice was rough and raw and it pulled at his heart like no sound he’d ever heard.

  Dave reached out and gave his arm a squeeze. He felt it too. “How are you?”

  Angie tried to sit up, but both men rushed her, one on
either side of the bed. Rich smoothed her hair. “Don’t get up.”

  She sank back into the pillow. “I’m okay. Doctor says I have a bit of smoke inhalation. Some bruises. Nothing major.”

  Rich frowned. “Aren’t you leaving out the concussion?”

  Her lips twitched. “Possible concussion. They aren’t one hundred percent sure.”

  Rich sat on the edge of the bed. There were so many things he should say. So many emotions and words trapped up inside his head and heart. But did she even want to hear them? Did she even care?

  “Thank you for saving me.” Angie reached for both men and took their hands.

  “What were you doing on the roof? You had to know it wasn’t safe.”

  Angie glanced down at their interlocked fingers. “I saw you two rush in. Get trapped. I couldn’t—” her voice faltered, but she persevered, “I couldn’t lose you. Not when I’d just found you.”

  Rich exhaled and Angie glanced up through a thicket of lashes. “I can’t imagine going back to how my life was before last night. I don’t know what it is we all have together, or how it would work. But let’s figure it out together.”

  Dave leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “There’s nothing we want more.” His lips brushed her temple and his voice dropped to a whisper. “When I saw you fall…I was afraid our chance at happiness was falling along with it.”

  Rich squeezed her hand. “How about you rest now? We’ll be right here.”

  Angie glanced at him with a frown. “You’d stay here? For me?”

  “We’ll stay with you as long as you want us.”

  Dave nodded. “As long as you need.”

  “Okay. Don’t be mad if I keep you up snoring.”

  Angie smiled and the last part of himself that Rich had buried away burst open. “I won’t. Scout’s honor.”

  “You didn’t need to drive me home.”

  “Hospital orders.” Dave pulled into Angie’s drive and she bit back a grin. There’d been a moment—when the roof caved in and she was falling—when she wasn’t sure she’d ever be coming home again. But they saved her. And after three days in the hospital monitoring for a concussion and internal bleeding, she was ready to move on.

  As Dave turned off the engine, Rich opened the door. “Let’s get you inside so you can rest.” He held out his hand and Angie took it, sliding across the back seat until she could climb down.

  Only her feet never hit the pavement. Instead, Rich’s sturdy arms slid under her thighs and around her back and she was airborne.

  “Put me down!”

  “Hey, they made us wheel you out in a wheelchair. Carrying you inside is completely logical.”

  She thumped on his solid chest. “You’ve picked me up more in the last couple days than any man my entire life.”

  He laughed and Angie couldn’t help but laugh with him. “What can I say, it gives me a chance to squeeze this amazing ass.”

  His hands gave her backside a stroke and Angie rolled her eyes.

  “Hey! Quit groping the patient. You know she needs to rest. Not fend off roving hands.”

  Dave unlocked her front door and held it open as Rich angled Angie through the opening. Home. Where the last thing she wanted to do was rest. She’d been cooped up for days in a hospital. Been given a clean bill of health. No wasting any more time.

  Rich set her on her feet and stepped back. “You should take it easy. Rest for a few days. You’re not on shift until next week.”

  “Neither are you.”

  Rich ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, but we aren’t the ones who fell through a burning roof.”

  “You just ran through fire to save me.” Angie glanced at Dave. “The least you could do is stay for a while and let me thank you.”

  “Angie, I don’t—”

  “Shh. Don’t tell me it’s not a good idea. I feel fine. I’ve got a few bruises, but that’s all.”

  “Maybe a concussion.”

  “The doctor said maybe. And it’s been three days. Besides, isn’t sleeping bad for a head injury?”

  Dave ran his tongue over his lip. “What are you saying?”

  Angie smiled and reached for him. Her fingers brushed against his firm chest and she twisted his t-shirt in her fist. “I’m saying we should pick up where we left off. Before the emergency.”

  She tugged and he stepped forward with a frown. “But the doctor—”

  “Damn it. Shut up about the doctor and kiss me.”

  Dave’s lips crushed against Angie’s and Rich couldn’t catch a breath. They should be leaving—walking out the door and giving her time to heal and rest. But she clutched his best friend’s arms like her life depended on it.

  With a shrug, Rich shut and locked the door. Maybe Angie was right. They could all use a little healing of a different kind. Her hands ran up and down Dave’s arms, skimming across the gray cotton as he kissed her. It was enough to make Rich forget all about the fire. The fear. Almost losing her.

  He could remember everything in the morning. Right now he had a sexy woman with curves enough for two men right in front of him. Waiting.

  “Please tell me there’s room in this party for one more.” He slid up behind Angie and stroked the soft arc of her ass.

  She groaned and leaned back, breaking her kiss with Dave. “Of course. Unless you just wanted to watch.”

  He nuzzled her neck until she moaned. “Maybe later. Right now, I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “That makes two of us.” Dave flashed him a grin as he set to work on the buttons of her shirt. Popping them open one at a time until the crisp, white fabric fell away.

  Damn. Angie was spectacular. Lush, full breasts. Hips that begged for his hands to grab on and hold tight. Dave slipped her shirt off her shoulders as Rich stroked her back and sides. Silky, tanned skin, nude lace bra he couldn’t wait to take off.

  His fingers flicked against the clasps and it sprang open. That’s it. She wriggled against him, grinding her ass into his crotch as he slipped the straps off her shoulders. The bra fell to the floor and Dave almost growled his appreciation.

  While his best friend fondled and stroked Angie’s nipples into hard buds, Rich took her by the jaw, twisting her upper body until he could capture her mouth. His lips pressed against hers, his tongue flicked and she opened on a gasp.

  Yes. Wet and hot and so damn eager. He couldn’t wait to bury himself inside her. Make her come again and again. Obliterate her memories of the fire and replace them with all-consuming passion. Pleasure. Release.

  Rich slid his hands down her sides as he deepened the kiss. She still had on too many clothes. His fingers fumbled with her jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping while his tongue danced with hers. Little moans and sighs tumbled from her open mouth and Rich tugged.

  Dave’s hands slipped over Rich’s and pulled her jeans and underwear off. That’s better. Rich broke their kiss as Dave slid to his knees. “This is all about you, Angie. Showing you how much we want you. How sexy you are. How badly we’d have fought to save you.”

  “Rich is right. We only just found you and the thought of losing you in that fire…” Dave trailed off and kissed her inner thigh.

  “What?” Angie blinked her eyes open and looked down at Dave. “It what?”

  “It would have wrecked us.” Dave kissed her again and she squeezed her legs together. “Relax, Angie. Let us make you soar.”

  Dave took her by the knees and spread her legs. Wider and wider until she closed her eyes and fell back against Rich’s chest. Perfect. Rich reached for her arms and pulled them up until she wrapped them around his neck.

  With her holding on, they could show her all they could do. All she could experience. Rich reached for her leg and slipped his arm beneath her thigh, pulling her leg up higher and higher.

  “Mmm. You are so beautiful, Angie.” As Rich held her leg with one arm, Dave leaned in. He licked a trail up her slit and Angie cried out.

  “I’ve got you.”
Rich nuzzled her ear and licked her earlobe, sucking the plump little lobe into his mouth. “Just let go.”

  Angie moaned as Rich toyed with her ear and Dave lapped at her pussy down below. Damn, she was sexy. Her breasts heaved in front of her and Rich used his free hand to stroke her nipples. A quick pinch and soft flick and Angie shook against him.

  Her whole body trembled, Dave groaned into her slick heat and she crashed over the edge into orgasm.

  “Oh my God. I don’t—I mean, the pair of you…Wow.” Angie pulled her back away from Rich as he let her leg go.

  “Is that good?” Dave stood up and wiped his mouth with the back his hand.

  “So, so good.” Angie stepped forward and the loss of her heat had Rich reeling. They couldn’t be done. Not even close.

  As Angie took Dave’s face in her hands, Rich reached out and cupped her heart-shaped ass. Caressing and squeezing, he drew out a low moan as Angie kissed her own desire right off Dave’s lips.

  “How are you feeling? Should we stop? Leave?”

  The sound from Angie’s throat had Rich holding back a laugh. “No. You will not be leaving. And I’m fine.” She whipped around and grabbed his hand. “Come. My bedroom’s this way. I want both of you naked by the time we get there.”

  She tugged his hand, quick and hard, before letting go to flounce down the hall. Her ass swayed and bounced with every step and Rich tore his gaze away to glance at Dave. “We’re in trouble, man.”

  “Tell me about it. I think she owns us already.”

  “I can hear you!”

  “Yep. And it’s so worth it. Come on, let’s go.”

  Angie sucked in a breath and opened her bedroom door. She couldn’t believe it. She’d always been a straight talker. In charge and to the point at work. But in the bedroom? Or entryway…Not so much.

  Something about Rich and Dave together—it brought out the confidence. She bit her lip and glanced at the bed. But could she? Did she really want to…

  Footsteps sounded behind her and she grinned. Hell yes, she did.

  Rich’s arms encircled her waist and Angie sighed. The way he supported her, held her, saved her life. It was crazy, but every touch made her bolder. Stronger.


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