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Page 12

by Unknown


  “Why are we stopping here, Pastor Polk?” twelve-year-old Beth asked as Thad pulled off the road and parked his car in a grove of trees.

  “It’s such a wonderful day, I thought it would be nice to walk down by the river,” he replied. “Don’t you think so?”

  “That sounds great!” the little girl with the dark bobbed hair exclaimed, and she jumped out of the car.

  Thad followed her through the trees down to the riverbank. They had the spot to themselves.

  “Can we wade out into the water?” Beth inquired earnestly.

  “Why sure, honey!” Thad replied. “Why not?”

  He watched, a strange glint in his eyes, as she bent to take off her shoes. He quickly did the same, and he removed his socks, as well. He rolled up his trousers as he followed Beth to the water’s edge.

  She began to wade into the shallow, slow-moving current.

  “Better lift your dress up!” Thad warned as the water rose to her knees.

  “Oooh, yes! I guess I’d better!”

  Beth raised her light skirt on her slim, little-girlish thighs, and the pastor nearly acquired a hard-on as he watched, following her toward the center of the river.

  Moving cautiously, to make sure she was on firm bottom, Beth got in deeper and deeper until she had to lift her skirt almost up to her panties. Following closely, Thad got his pantlegs wet, but he didn’t care.

  He kept watching the delightful child, thinking all the time of what a treat she would be for a jaded old man like Barnaby Rhodes. Of course, in order to condition her for Barnaby’s pleasure, Thad would have to break her in. That was the thought which threatened to make his prick stand up before he even got started.

  Beth was laughing and splashing one hand in the water while she held up her skirt with the other. “Oooh, this is fun!” she cried. “But I think I’ve gone far enough! The current’s getting really strong!”

  “Careful that you don’t fall over!” Thad yelled above the rushing sound of the river as he inched closer to her.

  “Okay! I’m coming back!”

  She turned, and Thad extended his hand to her. As soon as she had grasped it, he gave a yank, pretending to have lost his balance. Screaming, Beth plunged forward, into the water.

  “I’m sorry!” Thad exclaimed, and quickly grasped her lithe, young form, pulling her head above the current. He swung her up in his arms, dripping-wet, and carried her to the shore.

  “Ooooh, Pastor, what am I going to doooo?” she asked, shaking her head and blinking the water out of her eyes. “I can’t go home like this!”

  “Of course you can’t,” he said, carrying her up onto the riverbank. “You’ll have to take those wet things off and hang them up to dry. How clumsy it was of me to lose my footing and make you fall, when you were doing so well!”

  She stared at him as he set her onto her feet. “I can’t take my clothes off in front of you!” she said.

  He smiled reassuringly. “Why not? I’m your pastor. I know what God expects of me… and of everyone.”

  “Well, yes… I guess so.” She was glancing about as her wet clothing clung to her. “Maybe I could just step behind those bushes.”

  “I would be really offended if you were to do that,” Thad said. “It would be like saying you don’t trust me.”

  “Ooooh, Pastor, I do trust you!” the twelve-year-old replied. “It’s just that I’m kind of bashful.” She blushed.

  “Of course, darling. But there’s really nothing to be bashful about. Your body was made by the Lord, and it is beautiful in His sight.”


  “Take your little dress off,” Thad urged.

  The young girl obviously was embarrassed, because she never had revealed herself to a man before. But she hadn’t been taught to fear or be suspicious of men, either, having been brought up in the quite permissive atmosphere of her mother’s religion.

  Though her cheeks turned pink, and she didn’t look directly at him, she followed his instruction, first unfastening her dress, then drawing it up her body and over her head.

  Thad caught his breath as he gazed at her slim, childish form which was clad in posy-patterned panties and nothing else. She didn’t have a training bra, because her breasts were only starting to emerge. Her tiny nipples were erect and were of a delicate pale-pink hue.

  “Hang your dress on that tree-limb, dear,” Thad said, his voice acquiring a trace of huskiness despite his best efforts. Something else was happening despite his best efforts, also: his long, flaccid cock was beginning to thicken and firm out, its bald knob pushing against the interior of his shorts.

  Beth turned in the direction he was pointing, and he gazed at her cute little bottom, in the flowered briefs, as she hung her dress over a low limb.

  “Take off your panties, too,” he said.

  “Oooh, must I?” she asked, over her shoulder.

  “They’re wet, aren’t they?”


  “Then, by all means, take them off.”

  “All right,” young Beth murmured and, continuing to face away from the preacher, she bashfully stripped her panties down, exposing her baby-smooth bottom.

  How trim and firm her little asscheeks were!

  Thad’s cock mounted higher, so that, by the time she turned to face him, the monstrous erection made a tent in the front of his trousers.

  The little girl’s gaze centered on the amazing protrusion of the pastor’s pants, and her babyish mouth dropped open.

  The same thing happened to him that happens to Timmy sometimes, when Mama walks around with her titties bare! she thought. His THING is sticking up! But the pastor’s thing must be a lot bigger than Timmy’s, because his pants are standing way out, I wonder why the peepees of boys and men get all stiff like that. And why did the pastor’s pee-pee get stiff from looking at ME? I don’t have any titties yet — at least, not much of any.

  Thad’s eyes at that moment were not focused on the little girl’s nearly non-existent tits, but had centered on the junction of her belly and thighs where her hairless mons was divided by a neat, tight slit that curved out of sight.

  “I… I must take off my trousers and dry them…” Thad mumbled, more nervous than he had ever been with a female before. But he had never been with a female like this sweet, young thing.

  He dropped his trousers and, as he hopped from one foot to the other to take the pants off, his erection skidded to the gaping fly of his shorts and suddenly speared out to stand in naked, eight-inch splendor before the awestruck eyes of the little girl.

  “Ooooh, Pastor!” she cried. “Your thing is so… big!”

  He smiled as she stared at it, making no move to put it away. In fact, he curled his thumb and forefinger as far as they would go around the base of his monstrous stalk and waggled the organ to and fro.

  “You talk as if you know about things like this,” he said.

  “Well, I’ve only seen my brother’s,” the little girl replied. “And it’s a lot smaller.”

  “Of course,” Thad said, walking closer. His upthrust cock, sticking out through the fly of his shorts, quivered. “Would you like to touch mine, Beth?”

  “Ooooh, Pastor, I never touched one!” the pink-cheeked girl exclaimed.

  “Then it’s time you did. Come on. It won’t bite you. Just curl your little hand around it.”

  Beth reached out hesitantly. When her fingers first touched the pastor’s very stiff erection, she recoiled, as if it was hot.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, chuckling tensely.

  “It… it feels funny, like a bone with skin wrapped around it.”

  “Touch it again. And take hold of it this time.”

  Beth followed directions, blushing stronger. She looked up into the preacher’s face as she clutched his immense tool.

  “Wowww…!” she breathed. “It sure is haaaard! How come it gets all hard like that?”

  “It’s a secret. But I
’ll tell you, Beth, as long as you promise not to tell anyone we talked about it or that I showed it to you.”

  “I promise,” she said willingly.

  “Well, my cock gets hard because — that’s what it’s called, incidentally, a cock. Say it.”

  “Cock,” the young girl repeated, and the pastor’s hard-on twitched in her grasp.

  “There are other names for it, too — prick, dick and pecker.”

  Beth giggled. “I’ve heard Mama call Timmy’s thing a pecker sometimes. That’s a funny name for it! I just call it a pee-pee.”

  “Well, call mine a cock,” Thad instructed.

  “All right.”

  “And what you have is a pussy.”

  Beth giggled again. “That’s funny, too.”

  “Well, anyway, my cock gets hard and sticks up whenever I see a woman or a pretty little girl like you with her clothes off. I can’t help it, so you see there’s nothing bad about it. It’s just natural.”

  “But I still don’t understand why,” Beth persisted.

  “That’s where the real secret comes in.” Thad began to slowly bump his hips, causing his cock to stroke forward and back through the “C”-shaped curve of Beth’s little hand. “A man’s cock gets hard so that he can push it into a woman’s body. That’s the way people fuck.”

  “Ooooh, I’ve heard about fucking!” Beth replied. “I mean, I’ve heard the word, but I didn’t know what it meant. How does a man’s cock push into a woman’s body? Where does it go?”

  “Through that little slit you’ve got between your legs,” Thad said. “Your pussy.”

  “My, that must hurt!” she exclaimed.

  “Just at first. Then it feels very good. I can show you if you like.”

  “Is it… all right?” Beth asked innocently.

  “Of course. It happens to every girl sooner or later. But we won’t do it just yet. First, I’d like to have you get to know my cock better. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “Well, I don’t know,” she said, slowly taking her hand away from his rod. “I feel kind of funny about this. Are you sure it’s all right, Pastor?”

  “Trust me. Now, Beth, get down on your knees so you can look at my cock closely.”

  “All right.” The little girl sank to a kneeling position in front of Thad, and his huge erection pointed directly at her face.

  “Lean closer,” he directed, his voice husking up.

  Beth complied, until her sweet, childish face was just an inch or two from the large, purplish bulb of his prick.

  “I can… smell it!” she reported.

  “But it doesn’t smell bad, does it?”

  “No. Just funny.”

  “You’ll get to like that. All girls do. Girls like the way a cock tastes, also.”


  “Sure. Why don’t you see what it’s like? Just stick out your tongue and run it over the knob of my cock.”

  “Ooooh, Pastor!”

  “Come on, now. If it wasn’t a nice thing to do, I wouldn’t ask you to do it.”


  “Come on, Beth.”

  She opened her mouth, and her trembly little tongue appeared, glistening and pink. She leaned a bit closer, and her tongue touched the bulging head of the pastor’s erect penis. His organ inadvertently twitched with excitement, and the delightful contact was broken quickly.

  “Lick it some more!” he husked.

  “I… don’t know if I… like the taste of it,” Beth remarked, working her mouth.

  “You must try again. Get more of the flavor this time. Hold my cock by the stem so that it won’t bob away from you.”

  Beth hesitantly took hold of his penis, causing it to throb some more. This time when she touched his knob with her tongue, she glided the wet caress around the bulge. She licked it again, this time at the tip.

  “Mmmm,” she said.

  Thad smiled. “You like it, don’t you?”

  “Well, it’s not too bad.”

  Beth held his prick higher and began to lick up and down its sides. Thad knotted his fists against the luscious thrills that rolled through him.

  “Now put your mouth around the end of my cock!” he exclaimed lustfully. “Suck me!”

  Beth pursed her lips around the snout of his organ. Looking down at the lovely little girl, while she kissed his prick that way, Thad feared for an instant that he might shoot immediately. But he gained control of himself and pushed forward, ever so gently, causing her lips to spread.

  His slow thrust widened her lips more and more until they seemed stretched to the maximum. Still the fattest part of his prick hadn’t passed through. Anxious that the little girl might draw back, he wrapped his hands around her head and twisted gently as he rammed forward the final fraction of an inch.

  His cockhead popped into her hot little mouth, filling it completely, and her eyes widened as she gazed up at him. It was at once the sweetest and most obscene sight he had ever seen, as his long, thick rod stuck into the twelve-year-old girl’s face.

  “Ghhhawwwngh… ghawwww…” she said, and he thought she might be gagging. But then she started to suck on his immense penis as she cradled its underside with her tongue.

  He bent, grasped one of her hands, and carried it into his shorts. She blindly explored his balls, then brought them tumbling out.

  He began to stroke, slowly and carefully, between her stretched lips, guiding her head forward and back at the same time. Her mouth could accommodate less than an inch of his shaft along with his huge glans. But that provided enough stroking to thrill him to the tips of his toes.

  He got very hot very quickly, and he pulled his prick from the child’s face.

  “Ooooh, wowwww!” she breathed. “That was wild!”

  “Get down! Get down! Stretch out!”

  “What are you going to do now, Pastor?” Beth asked.

  “I’m going to fuck you!” he said.

  “Ooooh, Pastor, NOOOOH!” she cried. “Your cock’s too big! It’ll HUUUURT meeee!”


  Thad was beside himself with lust. If he didn’t have the sweet, young girl he would go berserk.

  Frightened but unable to resist him, Beth stretched out as he had demanded, and he dropped between her legs, wrenching them so wide apart that she gasped, then uttered a little cry.

  He stared at her babyish cunt.

  Without a hair near it, her slit remained snugly shut. Thad pressed his thumbs next to her pussy and stretched the very tight labia open. Their inner sides were a pale, delicate pink. Thad bent closer and stuck out his tongue.

  “Ooooh, Pastor, what are you going to do to meee?” Beth asked excitedly.

  Then she let out a yelp as he replied by placing his tongue between her immature cuntlips. She whined and cooed pleasurably as he licked up and down her tasty, young slit, causing her hips to bob and her legs to kick, wide apart.

  She was beginning to moisten some. Thad detected that. It also seemed to him that her labia was puffing and flaring a bit. He licked the very small mouth of her vagina and knew he would have to go very easy in order to avoid hurting her.

  He couldn’t wait a moment longer.

  Raising his head, he took a grip on his monstrous rod and moved closer on his knees. He rubbed the spongy head of his dick up and down the girl’s slit, wiggling her labia.

  “Ooooh, Pastor… wowww… that feels so funnn-eeeee!”

  “It will feel very good,” he husked. “Now just relax. Let me do all the work.”

  He began to push his prick against the opening into her childish belly, and he watched her eyes widen, then darken with pain. Her features contorted. She cried out.

  Thad kept pushing, feeling not an iota of mercy, commanded only by the mad lust that possessed him. Clutching the upraised thighs of the young girl, as if they comprised a wishbone that he was about to snap, he twisted his great cock forward… finally spreading her childish cunt wide and ramming into it, ripping her
hymen in two.

  She shrieked.

  Thad didn’t let up. He ground his prick deeper into her tightly clasping channel, and his cockhead felt like a huge rock in her belly. She writhed, trying in vain to get away from his brutal impalement, but he only pushed deeper into her until she had at least half his shaft in addition to his huge glans.

  He pulled back and commenced pumping while the girl cried and bicycled her legs in his grasp.

  “Ooooh, Pastor… NOOOOH! Oooh, you’re KILLLLL-ING meeee! I don’t want to do it any more!”

  Still, he kept fucking the sweet, innocent child, his eyes wild and his black hair falling across his forehead. He bared his teeth and growled like an animal.

  Beth felt as if she were being split in two by the cruel thrusts of his massive phallus. She prayed for the torture to end.

  Thad stroked faster. His brain turned light as he neared the delirious point of climax. He fucked the twelve-year-old as rapidly as he could make his cock go.

  Suddenly his tool twitched inside her, and he felt a magnificent burst of pleasure as his prick spurted in Beth’s tight, young pussy.

  “You dirty, lousy son of a bitch!” a woman’s voice cried, and he jerked his head to the side.

  Edna stood there, clicking a camera. It belonged to Harvey. Being on vacation, he had been carrying it in the glove compartment of his car. Luckily, it was loaded with fresh film.

  Enraged, Thad pulled out of the sobbing little girl and leaped toward Edna. But she was already on the run, holding her skirt up around her middle so that she could take long strides, her rounded buttocks quivering in her silk panties.

  When she lunged into Harvey’s car, Thad, his erect penis waving, was just a step behind. She yanked the door as he was about to leap in on top of her. But the door wouldn’t shut.

  Thad howled. He fell back, his face a mask of horror, and Edna saw what had happened: she had slammed the door on his cock!

  “Oh, my God!” she cried. “I’ve crippled his pecker!”

  Harvey gunned the car.

  “You should have seen it!” Edna went on. “It was all mangled and bloody. Hell never fuck with that son of a bitch again!”

  Harvey gripped the wheel and stared straight ahead.

  “Well, I’m not sorry!” Edna continued. “He deserved what he got. And that isn’t all that’s going to happen to him, either! Wait until I turn my picture over to the local cops!”


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