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Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows

Page 23

by Michelle Horst

  “R-R-Raighne.” My chest was closing with panic. I knew I had to try to calm down for my Chosen Ones, at least. Still, all I could focus on was this monster in front of me.

  Raighne, I can’t cope with this! Do something, please!

  It was at this point that Carter took a step towards me and actually reached out to me as if he was sorry for what he’d done. I scrambled further away, straight into Jason and Lee’s confused arms. They yanked me up behind them, as Raighne tore loose from his father’s grip, grabbing hold of Carter. He slammed him so hard into the wall some of the paint and plaster chipped off.

  It all happened in a split second, though in that second he was not the Carter from the shack. His eyes were not the dead, pale eyes which had tortured me every day for all those hours. They were the eyes that last day he ask me for forgiveness - the ones filled with raw sadness - only now the guilt shone too.

  “What is this, father? Why is he here? Why is he still alive? I will kill Carter myself for what he has done to Alchera!” Raighne’s voice was filled with sheer hatred. He lifted his blade, although froze in midair when his father spoke.

  “Carter is your cousin.” Eamar pulled Raighne away. “He is your family…our family. He is Adeth’s son and was under her spell. He is as much a victim as Alchera was. Adeth came back for him after fully turning to the shadowed side. She took Carter when he was only six-years-old.” Eamar positioned himself between Raighne and Carter, and continued, “Adeth kept him under a spell woven in Hell, itself. He had no control over what he did. He was her puppet, to do her bidding when she so willed it.”

  “No!” The word had slipped through my lips before I could stop it. I couldn’t believe he wanted to call this beast family. “He has the same d-dark powers she has.” Oh crap, I was going to be sick. Maybe Sid should be recalled, considering he was the only one who made any sense at all anymore.

  Eamar nodded. “Yes, he does have those powers. Adeth tested potions and spells on him that you could only dream of. The things I know would make you turn inside-out. Once she perfected the potion or spell on him she would use it on herself to gain her powers.”

  “So he still has th-them?” I curled further behind Jason.

  “Yes, but he is no longer entranced. For reasons unknown, Carter’s mind rebelled.” Eamar looked at Carter again, as if to make his point.

  “I killed Adeth, although I was not fast enough. She got…she killed Aurian.” Raighne’s voice lowered to a whisper at the end. It only made me feel more guilty for the part I’d played. I was again responsible for the loss of a family member. I tried not to take my eyes off Carter, not believing for one second that he was even close to being as harmless as Eamar was making him out to be.

  I shouted, “That’s not true!” My voice dropped to that same malicious tone I’d had back at Jason’s home. “If I didn’t hit Adeth with that stupid pillow she wouldn’t have stabbed Aurian. I might as well have killed him myself. It was all me. I’m slowly killing my whole family, one by one.” I couldn’t help but look into Alandra’s shocked eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Alandra. Michael gave me ‘one question’ and I chose to save Jason’s animals, not thinking for one moment about our father off fighting Adeth. I let him die, and now I’ve caused Aurian’s death, as well.” I pulled loose from Jason and Lee, walking away from everyone.

  “I would stay away from me if I were you, you’re probably next.”


  I sat outside for an hour, with Jason sitting not far from me. He didn’t say a word, which I appreciated. I wanted to be alone and think about as little as possible.

  Yes, I knew it wasn’t a possibility, not with Carter so close. All I could think about was him. Where was he? Was the monster watching me? It was driving me insane not knowing what he was busy doing or planning. I had to deal with the fact that he was here, alive, able to walk around freely. I was reeling with emotions. Even on this planet, he should be held accountable for his crimes.

  And where was Raighne in all of this? Where was he when I needed him the most?

  Alandra came outside as the sun began to set, bringing sandwiches with her. Did they really think I would be able to eat at a time like this - with that man lurking somewhere?

  “Thanks for the trouble, but I’m gonna’ skip the sandwiches.”


  I gave her a tired glance. Alandra would always win. I took a sandwich and, in defeat, I choked it down.

  Evin brought us coffee. He was also the first to break the silence. “Are you feeling better now?” He looked at me like a scientist dissecting a fly.

  “Why? What did they send you tell me now?”

  He laughed, which was totally out of character for him.

  “I chose to come talk to you. My father has not returned yet.” He took a deep breath, reminding me of Raighne. There was big news to come - news I wasn’t going to like.

  “As soon as my father and Carter return from Vaalbara they are going to stay with us. My father feels we can move faster with Carter shimmering us to where you need to go to save The Chosen. His powers will be beneficial to us.”

  My mouth opened and closed a few times with no sound coming out. I was at a total loss for words.

  That voice appeared behind me; the voice from my nightmares. “I know I am the last person you want help from. I know if you could, you would kill me yourself. Alchera, I cannot fix, or make up to you for what I have done. Please allow me to help you fulfill your destiny.” Carter’s voice made me feel insanely sick. I made a run for the backyard, where I found some privacy behind a tree, and transferred the sandwich to the birds.

  A hand reached past me, handing me a towel. I should’ve known it was Carter. Why couldn’t I sense him?

  “I know what I did to you deserves death. I remember every second. You might not believe me now, Alchera, but I was screaming just as hard as you were. I was trapped inside my body. My arms were moving without me saying so. I was not the one in control of what I did. My m…Adeth, was the one giving the instructions. Every day I wanted to die with you. I prayed as hard, if not harder. I would have traded places with you in a second, with no questions asked. It was not me doing those horrible things to you. I swear this, Alchera. Look into my eyes, surely you can see the difference now?”

  By the time he was finished talking, I thought I was ready to faint. His hands were on my shoulders. If it weren’t for Carter holding me, I think my body would have shaken to pieces right there.

  I forced myself to look into the eyes of my enemy, expecting to see the cold, dead gaze that was imprinted on my soul, although that wasn’t what greeted me. His eyes had turned a deep blue, and were drowned in guilt.

  “I know you will never forgive me, nor will you ever be able to stand the sight of me.” He swallowed. “But at least let me help you…let me do this one good thing. Please.”

  I took a step away from him. “Can you not t-touch me?”

  Carter immediately dropped his hands. “Done.”

  “Stay away f-from me. If Raighne is not with me I d-don’t want you near me.” I started walking, almost running, towards Alandra and Evin.

  “Thank you.” He whispered the words with so much emotion it almost made me feel guilty.



  It was just after eleven, and I was staring up at a new blood red moon. Most of the guys were asleep. It scared me, not knowing what I was really up against. Was Awo out there thinking of me? It made me wonder where Elora was and how she was dealing with her fate. Did she even know about Aurian’s death?

  I was under a tree, only a few feet from the door, when Raighne came outside followed quickly by his father.

  “Raighne, wait.” He turned slightly. I flattened myself against the tree, trying to make myself unseen.

  “I need to talk with you, in private. The house is too crowded.”

  “What is this regarding, father?” His tone was clipped and cold. Light coming from one
of the bedrooms spotlighted Raighne’s rigid form.

  “I had a talk with Carter. You already know we are going to join you on this last stretch of your mission and I…wanted to warn you.” I could see Eamar tensing up. “Carter has some feelings for Alchera.”

  “What!” His voice fractured the darkness like a lightning bolt. Raighne looked like he was about to explode.

  Eamar placed his hand on his shoulder, in an attempt to calm him. “Let me finish. He is as much a victim as she. He had no control over what happened. Carter was stuck in his body, forced to watch while his hands tortured her. He wanted to protect her despite the fact that he nearly ended up killing her. Carter’s spirit was still alive in there. He saw Alchera every day, fighting, not willing to give up.”

  Raighne spoke through clenched teeth. “He beat her to a pulp. Her back was pulverized. It took me three healings to try and fix her. He broke every one of her ribs. I will never forget the sounds she made the night you brought her back.”

  Raighne’s voice was dripping with venom. “You go back to that ‘thing’ you choose to call family, and tell him I will make him suffer tenfold for what he has put Alchera through if he so much as touches a hair on her head.”

  “Calm down, my son. This is not like—”

  Raighne lost control just then and shouted, “She is my life! I will not let Carter or any other man take her away from me. Alchera is mine and she has been through enough!” He stormed back into the house.

  My heart stopped. Did I hear right? Did he really feel that way about me? I wasn’t thinking of Eamar still standing there when I moved from my hiding place. I needed to get to Raighne.

  “Alchera! You heard…everything?” Eamar sounded exhausted.

  “I was sitting over there when you came out and I didn’t want to…interrupt.”

  He sighed. “It is just as well. Carter told me he spoke with you earlier.”

  “Yes.” I didn’t want to talk about Carter. Not now.

  “How do you feel about him being here?” I wasn’t expecting the question. I’ve pushed everything about Carter aside, yet I was now being forced to deal with him being right in front of me as an…ally.

  “I’m trying not to think about it. I don’t want to see him. How do I feel about him? He is the vilest creature I‘ve ever known. I believe that Hell holds a special place for him.” I walked towards the door when Eamar took me by the arm.

  “I understand your fear. After all, it was I who saw you first. I remember it like it was yesterday. Still, I have never been wrong about people. I am telling you now that Carter has suffered the same fate as you, and at the hand of his own mother. Do not make him pay for Adeth’s sins now when he is finally free of her.” He let go of me.

  “How do I forgive him? I can never forget what Carter did to me. What you ask is impossible.”

  Eamar tilted his head to the side, reminding me of Alder for a brief moment. “Forgiveness comes when you least expect it. Be careful, Alchera, to say never.”

  I quickly walked into the house, running away from Eamar’s words. I slowed down as I reached the passage, stopping in front of the room where Aurian was killed.

  I hesitated at first. It was dark, although I saw Raighne’s form lying by the window. The bed was moved up against the wall, and he was on the floor. Hunching down, I touched his shoulder to get his attention. I almost had a heart attack when his body jerked and he grabbed my hand. This was also the part where I realized it wasn’t Raighne I was touching. It was Carter.

  “I th-thought you were Raighne.” I pulled away immediately, trying desperately to put space between us. The light went on, and the brightness blinded me.

  It was Raighne. “What is going on in here?” His eyes went to Carter and then settled on me.

  “I th-thought you were sleeping in here.” I blurted the words out so quickly it made me sound guilty. I looked down at Carter, of all people, for backup.

  “Oh…” My eyes were as huge as saucers. I knew it was rude to stare, but I couldn’t stop. Carter’s upper body was half exposed, and every inch of his skin was covered with stab wounds and whip marks - some of which were so wide and deep they had formed ridges on his skin. There was also a fresh wound on his right side covered with a bloodstained bandage.

  He grabbed his shirt when he saw us staring at him, and tried desperately to cover himself. I could see he was self-conscious and…it stirred something in me. It was the first time I didn’t feel fear in his presence.

  “Your own mother did that to you?”

  “Raighne!” I spun around shocked. “You can’t ask him something like that.”

  “I thought my father exaggerated when he told us about your…situation.” Raighne reached out and took my hand, pulling me to him.

  Switching off the light, I stole one more glance at Carter as I closed the door.

  He was looking back at me…smiling gently.

  Chapter Eleven

  Chaos Rules the Day

  Chaos – A state of utter confusion and disorder.

  Carter was standing over me with his whip ready to begin yet another day’s torture, but I couldn’t understand why he was crying.

  “I do not want to hurt you, Alchera. Please forgive me?”

  “Carter?” I looked into his bright eyes, alive with pain, as he lifted his arm for the first lashing. “You can fight her. Please, don’t!” Nothing I could say stopped him from bringing the whip down on my broken skin.

  “No! Please… don’t” My words echoed in my ears. My voice? No. It was Carter’s voice, begging for Adeth to stop. I looked at the whip-bearer - a six-year-old boy.

  “Carter!” I woke up calling his name, half my body slumped over on Raighne’s - my face pressed tightly into his chest. His hand was in my hair. I couldn’t help the tears coming, some dripping on his bare skin. I could still feel the pain from the lashing on my back.


  “Yes.” I whispered softly, trying to hide the conflicting emotions I was feeling. Here I was, very conscious of Raighne’s body, while trying to deal with the aftershock of the nightmare.

  His fingers moved soothingly over my cheeks, then his hands took me by the shoulders and gently pushed me on my back.

  “How can I help take your nightmares away?” He was leaning over me - his one hand caressed my face.

  “Keep me awake.” I gave a fleeting laugh. “I’m sorry f-for crying again, it’s becoming a habit.” Raighne’s closeness made my stomach clench into a tight ball.

  “It is understandable that you will be emotional. You have had a lot to deal with so far.” He took a deep breath. “When you need to cry I will be here to comfort you. I will never leave you, Alchera. Never.”

  His words from last night flashed through my mind. My skin tingled as his hand slid along my arm. Lacing his fingers through mine, he pinned my hand down beside my head. My breath caught in my throat. I could see my reaction excited him. He did the same with my other hand, before bracing himself over me.

  I wet my lips nervously. I wanted him to kiss me so badly. My eyes darted from his bare, firm chest to his full lips, then on to his dreamy eyes. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I lifted my head the small distance between us, kissing him with everything I had. I kissed him with all the love I felt for him.

  Raighne released my left hand, allowing his to glide slowly over my body. It left me gasping for air before his mouth took mine again, his tongue dancing with mine. His hand slipped under my top gently caressing my quivering body.

  His familiar warmth surged through me when he pressed his body hard against mine. I let my hand slide down his chest to the place where the warmth of his skin was scalding.

  Raighne was incredible - mind-blowing to look at - yet, here I was touching him. He moved down…inching up my shirt, he trailed kisses along my ribs.

  I want you to be mine.

  I shouldn’t have said that. He was off me so fast I felt his warmth leave with him.

�I did it again! I cannot lose control when I am with you.” He was angry.


  “It would not be right. Awo would not approve.” He kissed my forehead like he used to when I was still plain, old Aislinn. “I have to protect your virtue but, I, somehow have become its biggest threat.” He offered that lazy smile, as he helped me out of bed.

  “It is time to get up. I have to…shower.”

  “I’ll get coffee.” I headed for the kitchen, only to freeze halfway through the door. Carter stood there inspecting the wound I had seen the night before.

  “Morning. I will leave now.” He yanked his shirt down and darted for the backdoor when I did something inexplicable.

  “Don’t.” Carter turned back to me in surprise.

  I pointed at his wound. “What happened?” I looked around the kitchen for any sign of coffee.

  “One of the men shot me. Eamar took the bullet out, although it will have to heal the human way. I cannot heal it myself until we go back to Vaalbara. Our immortality does not count for much here on Earth.” He took a step towards me, setting me in motion. I started opening cupboards, looking for anything even remotely caffeine-related.

  “Can I make you some coffee?”

  “That would be kind. Raighne told me about our strengths and weaknesses here on Earth; coffee seems to be a necessity.” He smiled at me. I was stunned by how different he looked, he was so…alive.

  Damn, what was I doing? Have I lost my mind? I was having a morning chat with my…abuser, as if I could stand the sight of him, as if—. Wake up Alchera, this is the guy who almost killed you!

  He handed me the cup when our fingers accidentally touched. The cup smashed to the floor in my rush to break contact.

  “Sorry, I’m… I still have—”

  “Please do not apologize. I am happy you are even tolerating me. The look of total disgust is no longer in your eyes. I cannot tell you in words how much that means to me.”

  “I have to go.”

  I turned to walk away, but was brought to a standstill when a man fell down at my feet.



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