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Infatuation : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection)

Page 6

by Brie Paisley

  I’m already falling hard for him, and this is just another reason why I need to remember not to push him for more.

  If I’m not careful, I may find myself in way too deep.

  If that happens, I’ll be left with another broken heart.

  The next night, Weston claims he has a surprise for me. Giddy with a rush of excitement, I happily agree to go out with him. Not to mention, I wouldn’t pass up one more night with him.

  Knowing that I’m heading home in the morning, I want to enjoy our last night together. I haven’t asked him if he’s coming to Seattle any time soon, even though I want, too. The need to have a plan or more of stable connection with him is overshadowing every single thought I have.

  So, I’ve decided to stop over thinking things, and just let him lead. That’s what I do every night in his bed, and so far, it’s been the most thrilling part about my life. It makes sense to just trust him, because he’ll do anything to make sure I’m safe and happy.

  However, the moment we arrive at an ominous building, I begin to worry. He hasn’t said anything about visiting another club for us to play, so I’m pretty sure this isn’t one. Not to mention, it seems this place is still in the process of being renovated.

  As Weston parks, I turn towards him, and then ask, “Where are we?”

  His eyes fill with excitement, as he claims, “Just wait and see.”

  Looking away, as he gets out of the car, I frown, wondering what kind of surprise this could be. Once he opens the car door, I take his outstretched hand, and then, I follow close behind him, as we walk into the building.

  Once inside, the first thing I notice is that this is definitely not where couples come to play.

  Glancing towards my right, my frown deepens, as I realize there’s a huge stage with a pole in the middle of it. My eyes scan the area, taking note of the newly purchased table and chairs. There’s also an impressive bar to my left, and I notice someone placing the alcohol on the shelves.

  “Sebastian, it’s good to see you,” Weston claims, and I snap my gaze up. I’ve been so lost in my own thoughts and surroundings to even realize that someone is now standing in front of us.

  I don’t utter a word, as Weston and Sebastian shake hands. “What do you think? We still have some more work to do, but Viktor assures me we’ll open soon.”

  As Weston answers his friend, I clench my jaw, as realization suddenly overwhelms me. I thought tonight was going to be about us, or another way for Weston to make me feel special. Turns out, this is some sort of job interview that I have no inclination of accepting. Did he really bring me to an upcoming strip club, so I could work here?

  Glancing down at my feet, tears begin to burn in my eyes, because I have no control at all. I never wanted Weston to control my every waking move, because I’m not that kind of submissive. Yes, I crave to be controlled, but it’s only in the bedroom. I like having my own mind, and especially, making my own choices.

  This right here, is crossing a very big line.

  How dare he take this upon himself, and think that I’ll be okay with this. Anger unlike anything I’ve ever felt before rushes through me, and for just a moment, I see red. I can’t believe he would do this behind my back, and then try to surprise me, like he thought I would be fine with his decision.

  Honestly, I should’ve seen this coming, and I hate that I ignored my instincts, reminding me to be careful. Now, it’s too late, because I’m already in love with him. Which means, what I’m about to do is probably going to end up ruining me for the rest of my life.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I pull my hand out of his, and then calmly step back. My stomach drops, seeing how gorgeous he is, talking to his friend. I’m going to miss gazing into his brown eyes, and the way his rough hands caress me. I can’t second guess my decision though. I have to walk away now, because if I don’t, then I’ll end up completely losing who I am.

  It’s not easy to take another step away from him, and it gets even harder, as he realizes I’m not standing beside him anymore. He quickly turns around, and he frowns, once he sees I’m nearly at the door.

  “Kendra, what are you doing?”

  Clearing my throat, I try to tell him exactly what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. However, I can’t seem to form a single word, since there’s a huge lump in my throat. Instead, I blink, and then a single tear rolls down my cheek.

  The second I reach back and touch the door, he’s suddenly standing in front of me. “Tell me what’s going on,” he demands, as he wipes my tears away.

  My chest clenches, hearing the command. Is he ordering me, because he’s my Dom, or is it because he genuinely cares? Is this just another way for him to control me? That’s the problem with us now. I can’t blindly give him what he wants, when he demands it.

  I can’t be controlled like that.

  I won’t be controlled like that.

  “Kendra,” he warns, and I stare into his eyes, as anger comes rushing back.

  “I’m leaving, Weston.” It’s clear he’s confused by the look in his gaze, so I add, “I won’t let you do this to me, and so I’m going. Please, don’t try to stop me.”

  As he jerks away from me, clearly in shock by my words, I take my chance and exit the club. Cool, fresh air hits my cheeks, and I use the back of my hands to wipe the tears off of my face. All I want to do is fall down onto the ground and weep like a child, knowing this is over between us.

  Somehow, I keep walking, but each step further, only adds to my misery.

  Chapter 11


  It takes me precious moments, before I race after her.

  I have no clue what happened, while we were in the club, but whatever it is, I’m determined to find out. I can’t lose her, because I’ve come to realize that I need her. These past few days with her have done nothing but prove that fact. Running down the street, I see her not far from where I parked, so I push myself to run faster.

  The fear that I’ve lost her forever is enough to make my feet carry me where I need to go.

  Reaching her, I grab her hand, hoping she’ll stop and listen. “Kendra, please stop.” I plead, needing her to talk to me. Thankfully, she does stop, but she refuses to turn around. Swallowing down my apprehension, I brush her hair off of her shoulder, and take her hand in mine, as I ask, “Please, tell me what’s going on? I won’t just let you walk away.”

  “You won’t let me?” She snaps out, and then quickly faces me. “You don’t get to order me around, like I’m nothing. I won’t let you.”

  Standing still, she yanks her hand out of mine, and I frown, wondering what in the hell is happening right now. “I’m asking you to talk to me. I have no clue what’s going through your mind, but whatever it is, we’ll work through it.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Weston.” Hearing how defeated she sounds, I reach forward, needing to pull her close and keep her there, but she jerks back, and then claims, “Don’t touch me.” Clenching my jaw, as another tear falls down her cheek, it takes every part of me not to reach for her once more. “You don’t get to touch me anymore. Not after this. Not after you’ve proven to me that you’re not the person I thought you were.”

  “Kendra,” I whisper, feeling my stomach drop. Whatever she’s about to say, I know it’s going to be damning.

  “I refuse to let you control every aspect of my life, so I think it’s best if we go our separate ways. I can’t do this with you anymore.”

  My eyes widen, as I finally see what she thought tonight was about. Dropping my head, I know I’ve fucked up in a bad way, and I know nothing that I have to say will matter in this moment. She’s hurt and angry at me, so I don’t try to explain myself.

  As much as I hate to let her go, I know this is what she needs right now.

  “This isn’t over between us. Not by a long shot,” I claim in a rough voice, refusing to just give up and accept this.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. It’s done, Weston,” she states, and the
tone of her voice tells me not to keep pushing her.

  So, I watch her walk away, knowing she’s taking my heart with her.

  Two weeks later

  Time seems to stand still, when the woman you love most in the world, refuses to even answer your calls or texts. I’ve done everything I know to do, but at this point, I can’t keep going like this. While I know she needs her space and time to cool off, I need to see her.

  The very thought of never seeing her or holding her ever again, almost makes me go mad with rage and sadness. It’s funny how my last sub claimed that I was too demanding and controlling, and now here I am, yet again, with another sub saying the same thing.

  The difference is I never wanted to control Kendra that way.

  Hell, the only damn reason why we were at that club was to get Kendra’s advice about the club. Sebastian wanted someone to talk to about the ins and outs of what he and Viktor were missing, and since Kendra works at a strip club, it made perfect sense. Sure, I had some hope that she would want to work there, that way she and I could build a life together, while living in the same state. I wanted to ask her to move in with me that night, too.

  Her last night with me ended up completely fucked up.

  I know it’s my fault for not communicating with her better. I should’ve just told her what the plan was, but I can’t keep dwelling on it. All I can do now is find a way to make it right, and then win back the woman I plan on making mine for the rest of my life.

  Three weeks later

  I’ve reached my breaking point on staying away from Kendra. Every day that I can’t even speak to her, just drives me to the edge. I’ve never missed someone so much in my adult life, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it.

  It’s funny how now that she’s gone that I realize how many mistakes I’ve made. I also realize how deeply my feelings for her are, and I’m a fool for not telling her sooner. Now, it seems stupid that I wasted so much of our time, being worried about letting her in, when she’s everything that I’ve been searching for.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I open my laptop, knowing what I have to do. I know she asked for space, and for time to figure things out, but the thing is, I’m done with waiting. I’m the type of man who goes after what I want, and I can’t just idly sit by anymore. I can’t keep letting her push me away, when we both know we’re meant to be together.

  With new determination, I book my flight, and then hope fills me.

  I’m going to do whatever it takes to win her back.

  She’s mine, whether or not she wants to admit it.

  Chapter 12


  Staring at myself in the mirror, I fight against the tears, threatening to break free. Now isn’t the time to have a pity party, because Chad is already on my ass. Things would be so much easier, if I could just forget all about Weston. At times, I even wish that I had never met him.

  The months we had together changed me, and I can’t seem to forget him.

  I’ve tried to bury the memories of us, and how he would make me feel, but somehow, I’m still left missing him, wondering if I made the right choice.

  I don’t know if it’s the guilt talking or not, but ever since that night, I’ve questioned myself about it every single day. However, I always come to the same conclusion, because if I was wrong, then why did he let me go? Why didn’t he try and stop me, or at the least, explain the situation?

  Shaking my head, I remind myself now isn’t the time to think about Weston. I have work to do, so I finish my makeup, and then stand to grab an outfit for the night. As soon as I do, another one of the girls rushes in, and I instantly race towards her, as I see her in distress.

  Placing my hand on her shoulder, I have to suck in a harsh breath, seeing her tears, and then, I notice her clothes are torn. “Who did this to you?”

  She sniffs loudly, and then someone hands me a tissue. Giving it to her, she claims, “One of The Johns’ is a grabber, and he’s very aggressive about it, too.”

  “This is such bullshit,” I utter, because it really irritates me that Chad lets this happen. It’s his job to make sure we’re protected, but yet, he just sits back, while these men harass, and now, assault us.

  Offering her comfort, I wish she could just quit, but I know she can’t. Her deadbeat husband gambles away all of their money, and they have three kids at home. She works all of the time just to make ends meet, and yet, this is what she gets in return.

  After she calms down, I ask her to describe the man that grabbed her. She quickly gives me a description, and once she’s done telling me, I walk out of the locker room. Anger and rage fuel me, as I make my way to the front of the club, intending on giving this piece of shit a taste of his own medicine. In the back of my mind, I know this is most likely not a good idea, but I’m so angry, and my mind is only focused on one thing.

  I have a lot of frustration to get rid of anyway.

  Once I find the asshole, I walk right up to him, and then take his beer sitting in front of him. He has the nerve to smile, and then asks me, if I want to suck his dick, and it just adds more fuel to my burning rage. Clenching my jaw, I lift his drink, and then pour it all down his head.

  “What the fuck!”

  “If you ever touch anyone here again, I’ll make sure you’ll regret it.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, my stomach drops. Especially, when he asks, “Is that a threat, bitch?”

  I stare at him right in his ugly, brown eyes, refusing to let him intimidate me. “Yes, it is. You have no right to touch any of us.”

  He smiles, and seeing it, makes my skin crawl. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” he sneers, and then before I realize what he’s doing, he grabs me by the arm. He jerks me forward with such force that I stumble right into him. “You’re nothing but a slut anyway, so if I want to touch and do whatever I want, then I will.”

  Disgust and utter determination to get away from him, race through me. However, his grip on my arm is so tight that it’s starting to hurt. Doing the only thing I know how to do to break free, I use all my strength to knee him in the balls.

  Unfortunately, he must have suspected what I would do, so he blocks my attempt to get away. “That’s enough out of you,” he yells in my face, as I try to jerk my arm out of his grasp.

  Somehow, we end up pushing each other, and when his hand connects with my face, I realize how much trouble I’m in. In the back of my mind, I know I’ve made a grave mistake facing him alone, and I know that I have no one to come help me now.

  Even still, I fight him with everything in me. He hits me once more, and I know I’m no match for him. As I feel everyone’s gaze on me, I call out for help, hoping that someone will step in and stop this.

  They don’t though.

  For some unknown reason, Weston’s handsome face flashes in my mind, and I want to weep, realizing he was right about this place. It’s not safe at all, and here I am, putting myself in a horrible situation without any help.

  He’s not here to help me, and I fear this isn’t going to end well for me.

  Using my free hand, I try to hit him back, but that only earns me another slap across my face. Feeling blood running down my face, I blink back tears, and try once more to escape. However, at the same time, he pushes me, so in return, I do get free.

  But then, I lose my balance. Before I’m able to catch myself, I fall and hit my head on a nearby chair. I hit it so hard that my vision is suddenly impaired. Blinking rapidly, I reach back to touch the tender spot on my head, and then realize that I’m bleeding.

  I don’t even get the chance to call for help, before I completely pass out.

  Waking up some time later, I blink my eyes rapidly, as I realize I’m lying in a hospital bed. Glancing down, I hiss out in pain, seeing that I’m hooked up to an IV, and because my head is also suddenly pounding. With my free hand, I reach up, and then touch the bandage around my head.

  I clearly remember what happened at the club, but I�
��m surprised that I’m not dead. I thought for sure that asshole would’ve finished the job, but it seems someone decided to grow some balls and help me.

  “Thank fuck, you’re awake,” a familiar voice states, and I snap my gaze up, and instantly feel the urge to cry.


  He’s instantly by my side, and he tenderly cups my cheek, as he says, “I’m here, kitten.”

  Losing the battle with my emotions, I let out a cry, and then fall into his arms. He holds me tightly, as I let out my tears. Knowing he’s here, when I need him the most, makes my heart swell with love. I can’t help but be thankful that he’s here, even if the circumstances aren’t the best.

  After a while, my cries finally dissipate. Leaning back, Weston quickly wipes my cheeks, and I hold his gaze, as he watches me closely. The longer I gaze into his brown eyes, the more I don’t understand how he’s here.

  Frowning, I quietly ask, “What are you doing here? How did you know that I was here?” His head drops, as his jaw clenches, and I wonder if he’s upset about something. Thinking he’ll ignore me, I sigh heavily, and then lean back in the bed.

  When he runs a hand through his hair, I glance down at his hand that’s holding mine. Inspecting it closer, I notice the cuts and bruises, forming on his knuckles. “What happened to you?”

  Holding his gaze, as he looks back at me, he roughly claims, “I went to your apartment to talk to you, but then, I quickly realized that you weren’t there.” He licks his lips, before he adds, “I had a hunch that you might be working, so I went to the club.”


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