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Breaking Free (The Den Boys Book 3)

Page 15

by A. T Brennan

  “Fair point,” Rhys conceded. “You get a message from Kai?” He turned his attention to me.

  “None of your business.”

  “That’s a yes.” Cody grinned.

  “Care to share with the rest of the class?” Rhys asked sweetly.

  “That would be a no.” I couldn’t help grinning at the ribbing the guys were dishing out.

  “Come on; I’ve got a phone full of dick pics I can share with you in exchange,” Rhys bargained.

  “No one wants to see fifty pictures of your dick, dude,” Tristan called out from the other end of the bar where he was settling a tab.

  “I would volunteer for that,” the customer at the case piped up with a grin, raising his hand playfully.

  “See! My dick pics are worth one little sext.” Rhys turned back to me.

  “Not happening,” I laughed. “I’ve got to check something in the storeroom. I’ll be right back. Try to at least look busy while I’m gone.”

  “Sure, there’s something in the storeroom that just can’t wait.” Cody winked and turned to Rhys. “You heard the man, quit slacking and start working.”

  I turned away from the bar and headed into the storeroom before Rhys could answer. As entertaining as the guys were, I had a message burning a hole in my pocket, and I wasn’t about to wait until my break to open it.

  When I was in the very back of the storeroom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tapped on the video message.

  It started with Kai in a pair of silver briefs and nothing else, posing next to a stripper pole. It was obvious that it had been taken before the club opened since there were no flashing lights or laser effects, but there was music.

  After pausing for a few beats, Kai hooked his leg around the pole and pushed off so he could spin around by the back of his knee, his hands above his head as he put his other foot on the pole to keep steady.

  The move was simple but beautiful, and I was mesmerized as he moved into different poses, using his hands, arms, body, and legs to create absolutely gorgeous silhouettes as he danced.

  At one point in the video, Kai had climbed up near the top of the pole and was holding on to it upside down using just his legs. Suddenly, he almost seemed to let go, and he dropped down toward the floor in what looked like a controlled move, but my heart jumped into my throat nonetheless.

  Just before he hit the floor, he came to a sudden stop and put his hands down so he could flip off the pole. I half-expected him to start spinning around it again, but instead, he stood and grabbed the pole with one hand and began dancing against it, circling and thrusting his hips in a way that instantly made me picture what he’d look like riding my cock.

  My dick was heavy with need, my balls were tight, and I had the overwhelming urge to reach into my pants and stroke myself to relieve the pressure, but I was at work and jerking off wasn’t an option.

  Just before the video cut out, Kai paused his dancing and looked right at the camera, blowing a kiss as he winked saucily.

  “Holy fuck.”

  That was the single hottest thing I’d ever seen. It was as though Kai was born to dance. The pole had almost been an extension of his body. The way he’d used it had seemed so natural and sensual.

  I’d seen strippers before, and pole dancers who kept their clothes on, but none of them had danced like him. Most of them had been able to hit the same and even more difficult poses and were not shy about grinding the pole like they were riding a dick, but none had been as fluid or effortless as him.

  My boyfriend was fucking amazing.

  Wait, my boyfriend?

  Kai and I had decided to see each other, but we were just dating. We weren’t boyfriends. It was true that we were exclusive, and we were focusing on building an emotional connection and not just a physical one, but boyfriends?

  I didn’t know what to make of that. Was it true? We hadn’t talked about it, but my subconscious seemed to have already decided that we were. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and tried to focus on work.

  I saved the video to my phone just in case I ended up deleting the text for some reason and tried to calm my raging libido as I made my way back out into the bar. As much as I’d like to watch the video a dozen more times, I was at work.

  Besides, I’d be seeing Kai in person in less than five hours.

  THINGS PICKED UP AS the night wore on, and by the time we were closing I wished I hadn’t sent Blaze home. It took a bit longer than I would have liked to finally get us all out of there and headed home, and when I was sure the bar was locked up, and everyone was off safely, I hopped in my car and headed toward Chimera.

  One nice thing about going to a club so close to closing was there were parking spots available nearby, so I didn’t have too far to walk. I’d texted Kai when I’d gotten to my car to tell him I was on my way. He hadn’t replied right away, and I took that as a sign that he was still dancing.

  All done. I’ll meet you in front of the DJ booth after I’ve showered and changed.

  The text came just as I was about to enter the club, and I tucked my phone back in my pocket as I went through the doors.

  It was almost last call, so the bar was swamped. The air inside the club was thick and heavy with the scent of baby powder and man, and I immediately started to sweat under my dress shirt.

  I made my way to the DJ booth and leaned against the wall, my eyes traveling around the dance floor as I waited for Kai.

  This was a safe space, and I loved how free we could be here. Men of all ages, shapes and ethnicities danced together, enjoying themselves and letting go. No one judged if you wore clothes that covered you from neck to ankle or nothing but shoes and a jock. There were men dancing in groups, in couples, in threesomes, and even by themselves. People kissed and frotted, and there was one couple giving each other hand jobs about ten feet from me as they danced, but no one cared.

  “Hey, waiting long?”

  I turned and found Kai standing next to me, a smile on his face and his hair hanging in wet cords as it dripped onto his white T-shirt, and I couldn’t help leaning forward and giving him a quick kiss.

  “Just got here.” I nodded to the dancefloor. “Want to dance?”

  “Raincheck?” he asked, leaning closer. “I’m all danced out after my shifts.”

  “Of course.” I reached down to take his hand. “My place?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Together we made our way through the throngs of people and out into the fresh air. The stark contrast in temperature made me shiver slightly, and out of habit, I dropped Kai’s hand.

  I was about to step away from him when I realized what I was doing.

  It took every ounce of self-control I had not to look around as I stayed next to Kai, close enough that our arms brushed with each step.

  “Are you okay?” Kai asked softly.

  “Fine.” I looked down at him and tried to smile.

  “If it’s too hard right now, I’ll understand if you need to put some distance between us.”

  “It’s not that. I’m just thinking about something.”

  “About what happened to Kaden?”

  “No, actually. About what happened to Blaze.”

  “What happened to him?” Kai asked as we stopped at the corner and looked both ways before heading across the street.

  “About a year ago he was leaving here, back when it was still Envy. Three guys jumped him, and they roughed him up pretty bad.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “One of the men was about to curb stomp him when his husband Galen came across the assault and stopped it. It’s how they met, actually.”

  “Shit, that’s... I can’t even imagine how scared he must have been, and what that must have brought back for you.”

  “It was a harsh reminder that there are still people out there who will hurt us for who we are.” I sighed. “I think it was so hard to wrap my head around because Blaze isn’t small. His hair makes him stand out, but he’s big
and built and looks like he can take care of himself.”

  “Unlike a twink like me.” Kai’s voice was heavy and a little sad.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” I tried to backtrack. “I just meant—”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Kai cut me off. “I get what you mean. I’ve had a target on my back since I stopped growing in the ninth grade. Even if I wasn’t gay, I look and act like I am so people assume what they want. I can’t change it, and I’m not going to live in fear just because I’m not some big masculine dude.”

  “I’m sorry, Kai. I never meant to imply that you can’t take care of yourself.”

  “You know what? You’re not wrong.” Kai shrugged. “I can’t defend myself against someone bigger than me. I’m fast, and I can outrun a lot of people, but if someone caught me unaware I’d be at their mercy. I don’t like it, but it’s a fact.”

  We reached my car, and I unlocked the doors with my key fob.

  “How was your shift? Make lots of tips?” I asked after we’d climbed into the car. I hoped a change in topic would lighten the mood. Kai didn’t need to be reminded of the fact that he was at a physical disadvantage in a fight, and I felt like a dick for bringing it up again.

  “A shit ton.” He smiled and nodded to his bag. “I didn’t have time to count, but it looks like one of my best nights in a while.”

  “If you danced like you did in that video you sent me, I can only imagine how many guys emptied their wallets for you.”

  Kai laughed and blushed prettily. “I don’t know how many guys I put in the poor house, but they were generous tonight.” He paused and looked out the window for a moment. “You liked the video?” he asked in a cautious voice.

  “Loved it. I went into the storeroom to watch it right after you sent it. I was torn between playing it again so I could jerk off and leaving work to come watch you in person.”

  “I’m guessing you settled on staying at work and being sexually frustrated?” Kai laughed, his eyes lingering on my crotch for a moment before he looked back out at the road.

  “You guessed right.”

  It wasn’t a long drive to my house, and we filled the time with idle chatter. Kai told me about a few of the funny things that happened while he was at work, and I told him about my night. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I was feeling relaxed and comfortable.

  “You okay?” I asked when I noticed how stiff Kai seemed as he climbed out of my car.

  “Yeah, just sore tonight. The pole is fun, but it’s hell on the muscles.”

  “Is it normally this bad?” I asked as we made our way to my front door. I didn’t remember him being this sore the last time I’d seen him after pole night.

  “Not usually. I did more flips and holds tonight than usual, and I think I overextended my back. It didn’t start hurting until I was sitting still.”

  “Do you want something for the pain?”

  “I took some ibuprofen before I left. Hopefully it kicks in soon.”

  I led him to my bedroom and nodded to the bed.

  “Strip down to your briefs and lie down on your stomach.”


  A strange sense of pride went through me when Kai didn’t even hesitate to do as I asked. He trusted me, and it was in that moment I made a mental promise not to break that trust.

  As Kai pulled off his clothes, I went to my night table and pulled out a bottle of massage oil. The bottle was new and had been given away as a promotional item during pride last year. I’d grabbed one, not expecting to ever open it, and suddenly I was very glad I had.

  “If that’s what I think it is, and you’re about to do what I think you are, I’ve just died and gone to heaven.” Kai smiled as he settled on his stomach, his chin on his crossed arms as he looked at me.

  “Well, it’s massage oil, and I’m about to give you my best deep tissue massage.”

  “Definitely dead and in heaven.” He grinned wickedly. “But you’re wearing way too many clothes.”

  “I can fix that.”

  I tossed the bottle on the bed and stripped down to my boxer briefs. I was already sporting a semi from just the thought of getting to rub oil over Kai’s tight body, but he politely ignored my bulge as I climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs.

  “You said your back. Anywhere else?” I asked as I cracked the seal on the bottle and poured a generous amount into my hands and then rubbed them together to warm it up.

  “My shoulders are tight, and the backs of my thighs too,” He admitted as I placed my hands on his lower back before rubbing them over his skin to spread the oil.

  “You like it deep or light?”

  “Deep. Oh my god,” Kai almost purred as I pressed my fingers into the muscles in his shoulders. “Exactly like that.”

  I continued to work Kai’s muscles, trying not to let the little moans and whimpers he was letting out affect me. I tried and failed because I was rock hard in about thirty seconds and my underwear could only contain so much.

  If Kai noticed that my dick was poking him in the ass every time I shifted, he ignored it. I had no idea how long I worked on him, but I was getting just as much out of it as he was. His skin was soft and warm, and I loved the feel of his lean and firm muscles under my hands. Hearing him enjoy the massage was making me think of the noises he made during sex, and I loved that I could do this for him.

  After working his shoulders, back, and thighs, I paused. “Anywhere else?”

  “My whole body feels like water right now.” He sighed happily.

  “That’s good, right?” I asked with a chuckle as I climbed off him and grabbed a discarded shirt to wipe off my hands.

  “Very good. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.”

  “I’m glad I could help.” I dropped a kiss on his shoulder. “Come on. Let’s flip you around so we can get to sleep.”

  “I have to get my pajamas. I actually brought a pair with me.”

  “Such foresight.” I held his shoulders so I could help him shift around on the bed. “But I think we can skip them tonight.”

  “Yeah?” Kai wasn’t really able to help me move him, but he was small enough I could do most of the work without much effort.

  “Yeah, as long as you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” He settled against my side as we stretched out, and my arm tightened around his body as I pulled him even closer.

  I was still sporting an erection, but Kai was so relaxed he was like putty in my arms, and I could feel him already falling asleep. I didn’t want to disturb him, so I merely kissed him and lay back. It wasn’t the first time I’d gone to bed with a boner, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  “Goodnight, Kai.”

  “Night, Zander.”

  Kai fell asleep almost immediately, his warm body heavy in my arms. I shifted so I was turned into him slightly and his head was against my chest and not my shoulder, and breathed in deeply. I loved the way he smelled, like fresh rain with a touch of a spice I couldn’t quite place. The massage oil seemed to amplify his natural scent, and I closed my eyes as it enveloped me, lulling me to sleep with its familiarity and comfort.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I woke up feeling safe and warm. It took a moment for me to clear the cobwebs out of my brain and realize that I was wrapped in Zander’s arms. As my mind continued to wake up, I remembered the massage he’d given me.

  It had been healing and sensual at the same time. Feeling his hands on my body as he worked my muscles had done wonders for the pain I’d been in, but it had also wreaked havoc on my senses. Zander had been a perfect gentleman. Even though I’d felt his arousal pressing into me throughout the massage, he hadn’t done anything about it. I’d started the massage horny as hell and as hard as a steel pipe, but by the end, I’d been so relaxed I’d been on the brink of sleep and flaccid as could be.

  Now that I was awake I was anything but soft, and I could feel Zander’s morning wood poking me in
the hip.


  “Jeez!” I jumped in Zander’s arms, causing him to laugh deep in his throat.

  “Not exactly the greeting a guy hopes for in the morning.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” I looked up at him, my face hot with both arousal and embarrassment. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  “You looked like you were having some interesting thoughts. Feels like it too.” He moved his hips forward so my cock pressed into his abdomen.

  “Yeah, they weren’t exactly innocent.”


  Zander rolled on top of me, capturing my lips under his in a deep kiss. I immediately forgot about everything except how good he felt over me.

  We lay there for what felt like forever, just exchanging kisses. We were both hard but didn’t do anything about it, preferring to enjoy the kisses for what they were and not as a precursor for more.

  When Zander finally pulled away and looked down at me, it felt like my lips were swollen and my head was spinning a bit.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. It might take a moment for the blood to come back to my brain, so I can’t promise an answer right away.”

  “How come you don’t like to be prepped before sex?”

  “Wow, not at all what I was expecting.” I smiled and reached up to trace my fingers over the planes of Zander’s face. “It doesn’t feel good,” I said simply, dropping my hand.


  “Not at first.” I shook my head. “Once I get used to it, I enjoy it, but if it’s going to hurt, then I’d rather have a dick than a finger in my ass.”

  “But that’s what prep is for, to stretch you so it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Maybe, but that hasn’t been my experience.”

  Zander rolled off me and pulled me so we were lying on our sides facing each other. “You’ve never had a lover try to make it better for you?”

  “Not really. Brian wasn’t big on prep. He was all about sucking dick and fucking. He was good at both, so I didn’t mind. After him, no one really tried to make it easier for me. Shoving three fingers in my ass hurt as much as their dick, and it felt wrong.”


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