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Breaking Free (The Den Boys Book 3)

Page 22

by A. T Brennan

Since I didn’t have any cuts on my hand, the staff at the hospital wasn’t worried about me catching something from Jeremy’s blood. They did take a sample to test but said it was just procedure.

  By this point, I was more coherent and could answer their questions. Jeremy had confessed everything as soon as the police had arrived, so they only wanted our side of what happened before they got our info and told us they’d be in touch. One of the officers drove us back to the club so we could pick up Kai’s car. Mine would be staying in the lot overnight.

  Kai had called his mom while we were in the hospital waiting for the cops to come talk to us. She was shaken from the news but safe at home. Kai also called Levi to make sure he was safe but didn’t give him any details about what happened. He just told him it was over, and his stalker had been caught.

  Whatever they’d shot me with at the hospital was making me drowsy and a little disoriented. They’d also given me a prescription for painkillers to start taking tomorrow, and a week’s worth of antibiotics.

  When we reached my house, Kai parked in the driveway and climbed out of the car. Wordlessly he brought me inside and straight into the bathroom.

  He turned on the water and stripped out of his clothes before helping me pull mine off. It was a bit awkward getting into the shower with me holding my arm out of the spray, but Kai took his time scrubbing me down with body wash before he shampooed my hair for me. When I was clean, he quickly washed his hair and body and turned off the water.

  He dried me off with one of my towels and then used the spare for himself before leading me out into my bedroom so we could climb into bed.

  As Kai curled up against me, I pulled him as close as possible.

  “I love you,” I said softly, my eyes already closing from exhaustion and painkillers.

  “I love you too, Zander. Sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

  I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but the words died on my lips as my body gave in and I fell into a deep sleep.

  THE NEXT MORNING I woke up feeling groggy and sore, but more in control. Kai was already awake, lying on my chest with his hand over my heart. I hoped he hadn’t been up all night.

  “Hey,” I said thickly, swallowing a few times to try and clear my throat.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” Kai looked up at me, worry and fear etched into his face.

  “Did you sleep? You look tired?”

  “Not a lot. But what about you, are you okay?”

  “My arm hurts, and whatever they gave me is still fucking with my head a bit. But I’m fine.”

  “I’m so sorry, Zander—”

  “Stop. Nothing about last night was your fault. Don’t you dare blame yourself for any of it.”

  “But you got hurt—”

  “You’re safe. That’s the only thing that matters. He’s out of your life, and you’re safe. A cut arm is nothing.”

  “I should have done more, something—”

  “Kai, babe. Stop.” I leaned up and kissed him, trying to put my emotions into the kiss and show him that I was fine and that he wasn’t to blame.

  Kai kissed me back, shifting so he was lying on top of me as I wrapped my good arm around him.

  “I love you, and it’s over. That’s all you need to think about, okay? I’ll heal.”

  “I love you so much. I was so scared.” Kai’s eyes filled with tears as he looked down at me.

  “I know, babe. I was too.” I brushed his hair back from his face and then wiped away the single tear that slid down his cheek.

  “When I saw the knife, and then the blood... I thought he’d stabbed you. I thought I’d lost you forever,” he confessed in a quiet voice.

  “I can’t imagine how terrifying that was for you,” I soothed, gently rubbing his scalp. “If it had been me seeing you get hurt, I don’t know how I would have handled it.”

  “I kept seeing it in my dreams. The whole thing would happen over and over again, except it wasn’t your arm. He killed you right in front of me.”

  “Oh, baby.” I pulled Kai down and cradled him to my chest as he began to sob.

  I knew it wasn’t just last night he was crying about. After months of being afraid, of having to deal with this by himself, it was finally over. I could only imagine how raw and vulnerable he had to be feeling.

  I held him and let him cry. I didn’t try to shush him or tell him everything was going to be fine. I let him feel whatever he needed to, and when he stopped crying, I continued to hold him until he pulled away.

  “I love you, Zander.”

  “I love you too, Kai.” I wiped a few errant tears off his cheeks and gave him a soft smile. “I know this isn’t going to go away overnight. But I’m here with you and for you, okay? I’m not going anywhere, not ever.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me for supporting you. It’s what boyfriends do.” I used his line and earned a smile in return.

  “What do you say we call the people we need to, get things sorted and then watch movies and eat take out for the rest of the weekend?” I suggested.

  “That sounds perfect.” Kai smiled and traced his thumb over my bottom lip.

  That move sent a shot of pure energy up my spine, and my dick hardened almost instantly.

  “I was a bit out of it last night. Did the doctor say anything about any physical limitations?” I asked as Kai’s cock grew hard between us.

  “Just to take it easy for the next few days.” Kai straddled my hips so my cock was pressing against his taint. “So how about you lay there while I ride you? Think that’s taking it easy enough?”

  I groaned as Kai reached behind him and grasped my shaft, squeezing it gently as he dropped a kiss on my lips.

  As Kai pulled away and reached into my bedside table for the lube, I gripped his ass and held on tight.

  After so many years of pushing people away, I’d finally broken free from the grief that had held me captive for so long. I had a man who loved and accepted all of me, whom I loved more than I ever thought possible. Kai was my future, and there was no way in hell I was ever letting him go.



  Two months later

  “Hey, babe.” I grinned as Kai came into the living room and sat down on my lap. “How was your day?”

  “Same old. Class, a test. You?”

  “Not bad. Had to spend half the day hunting down some lost inventory. I missed you.” I nuzzled his neck, smiling when Kai shivered and let out a sexy sigh.

  “Mmmmm,” he moaned as I rubbed my hand over the swell of his ass. Even sitting it was perfect.

  “How’s your mom settling in? Does she need any help on Thursday?”

  “She’s good. She really loves her new place. I think she wants to do the rest of the unpacking alone, make it completely hers. She did invite us over for Sunday dinner, every week for the foreseeable future,” he added with a grin.

  “Sounds good.” I gave him a kiss and smiled contentedly.

  After the attack, Kai and I had decided to live together, and after talking things out with his mom, we’d figured out a way that worked for everyone.

  Kai had moved into my house but continued to pay for his half of everything at his old apartment so his mom could continue to live there. I’d also co-signed a line of credit with him so they could pay off their debts. Kai had fought me on that, but even he couldn’t argue the logic once I’d laid out the numbers and a repayment plan.

  With her debt clear, Kai’s mom had been able to secure a small apartment in a new building ten minutes from our house. It was in a safe neighborhood and closer to her work, and I’d seen the proud look on her face when she’d signed the lease. She was so happy to have a place of her own, and she couldn’t have been more supportive of our relationship.

  Layla and I had switched positions so I was now the day manager while she worked nights. It put Kai and me on similar schedules so we had more time together.

  After the attack,
Kai had gone to Open Arms and talked to Jonah so he could work through his feelings of guilt and deal with his nightmares. He’d made a lot of progress, but it had taken time for him to start dancing again and go back online.

  I was so proud of him and in awe of his strength and resilience. I’d always have a scar on my arm reminding us of that day, but Kai was dealing with internal scars. For a while I’d been worried that his fear would win and he’d stop doing the things he loved.

  “Is it too late to cancel tonight?” he asked softly, snuggling against me as I leaned back on the couch.

  “Considering it’s your birthday everyone is celebrating? Probably.”

  “But my birthday isn’t until tomorrow.”

  “True. But I want you all to myself tomorrow, so we’re going out tonight.”

  “Fine.” He chuckled and pressed a few wet kisses against my neck. “Can you at least tell me where we’re going?”


  “You suck.”

  “You love me.”

  “Yeah, I do.” He sighed dramatically and sat up. “Come on. Let’s go get ready for whatever the hell we’re doing tonight.”

  “You’re cute when you pout.” I laughed and helped him climb off my lap.

  “Glad you think so.” He rolled his eyes playfully as I stood. “Can you at least tell me what to wear?”

  “Dress comfortably and pack something sexy.”

  “Sexy like a jock and nothing else? Or sexy like those jeans that make you grope me every time I put them on?”

  “The jock under the jeans.”

  “And comfortable like climbing clothes?” He shot me a hopeful look. “Are we going climbing?”

  “You really suck at surprises.” I laughed and waited for him to go into the bedroom first.

  “I really do.” He nodded. “But are we?”

  “Yes. We’re going climbing.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

  I was actually shocked he’d made it this long without guessing or trying to get me to tell him what I’d planned. Kai was worse than a kid when it came to being surprised.

  “Just us?”

  “You want me to tell you the whole plan?”

  “Does any part of it include a moment where people yell ‘surprise!’ to me and I’d have to feign shock?”


  “Then yes.” He held up two jocks and showed them to me. “Which one?”

  “Definitely the blue.”

  He tossed the red jock back in the drawer and looked at me expectantly.

  “We’re meeting everyone except Evan and Layla to go climbing at the gym. Then we’re all going for a nice dinner before heading back to the bar for a few drinks.”

  “That’s actually kind of the perfect night.” He grinned and dropped his pants.

  “It will be once I get you home and pull that jock off you with my teeth.”

  Kai’s eyes darkened as he licked his lips. “So, because it’s my birthday, does that mean I get to fuck you?”

  “You bet. After I’ve fucked you, of course.”

  “Mmmm. Promise?”

  “You bet both of our asses I do.”

  “We’re going to be late if you keep looking at me like that, and talking about fucking me.”

  “So we’re late. It’s not like they can’t start without us.” I crossed the room and pulled Kai into my arms. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Kai stood up on his tiptoes so he could give me a quick kiss before tugging at the waistband of my pants. “Now take these off and show me how much.”

  Preview of Book Four ~ Sweet Surrender

  Chapter One


  Seventeen seconds.

  I have no idea what possessed me to start counting when the guy walking in front of me suddenly collapsed like a sack of potatoes. Even as I rushed to his side, concerned because he’d hit the ground at full tilt, I started counting the seconds that passed.

  I dropped to my knees beside him, completely unsure of what to do.

  “Hey? Bud? You okay?” I asked, feeling stupid for asking an unconscious man questions.

  I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance and looked around. It was midafternoon, and the street was deserted.

  “Hey, you okay?” I asked as the man’s eyes blinked open. “Hello?”

  The man pressed his hand to his eyes for a moment, and then to his ear, a panicked look coming over his face.

  It was at that moment I noticed a behind-the-ear-style hearing aid lying on the ground about a foot in front of him. I could tell it was a newer model. The earmold was clear, and the case was silver.

  I reached out and carefully picked up the aid by the case and gently touched the man’s shoulder as I nodded to it. His eyes settled on the aid, and a look of relief washed over his face. I offered him my hand to help him sit up and handed him his aid.

  As he quickly fit it back in his ear, I took a second to check him out.

  The man was gorgeous. His eyes were big, almost doe-like, and a rich brown. His features were rugged but youthful. With his high cheekbones, strong jaw, two-day stubble, and full lips, he was fucking hot. He also had a scrape on his chin and another on his cheek from the fall. His mop of curly hair was long enough it covered his ears and was a deep shade of chestnut brown.

  My eyes swept over his body, both to look for injuries, but also to check him out. His limbs were long and lean, and by the tight T-shirt and jeans he was wearing, I could tell his muscles were compact.

  His clothes were a bit dirty, but nothing was ripped, although there was a scrape on the back of his right forearm.

  Are you okay? I signed, and the man’s eyes widened in shock. Do you want me to call an ambulance?

  He shook his head and gave me a weak smile. It happens sometimes. I’m fine.

  I’m Rhys. I spelled out my name for him.


  What was that? I had to ask.

  “An atonic seizure. I have epilepsy.”

  I was surprised that he switched to speaking, and a little surprised at how clear his voice was. He must have some of his hearing left.

  “Atonic?” I asked, offering him my hand to help him up. I noticed how he kept his eyes on my mouth as I spoke. He was reading my lips.

  “It’s also called a drop seizure. Your muscles give out, and you literally drop.”

  The moment his hand touched mine, a faint current passed between us. I tried to ignore it, but by the way Caleb’s eyes widened, I suspected he’d felt it too.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to call an ambulance? You’re hurt.”

  “Bruises and scrapes. Nothing new.”

  “At least come with me, to my work,” I added quickly so I didn’t sound like a creeper. “We have a first aid kit. You can get cleaned up.”

  “Where do you work?”

  I pointed to The Den. Caleb had collapsed less than twenty feet from the front door.

  “Thank you.” He nodded and fell into step beside me.

  We walked through the entrance together and I led Caleb to the bar.

  “Rhys?” Zander questioned, his eyes sweeping over both of us. Blaze and Cody were behind the bar and glanced at each other curiously.

  “This is Caleb,” I signed as I spoke. I wasn’t sure if Caleb would be able to hear me in the bar because of the music playing in the background. “He had an accident outside. Can we use the first aid kit?”

  “Of course. The office is open.” Zander, the daytime manager, nodded.


  I nodded for Caleb to follow me and brought him through the back of the bar and into the office. I motioned for him to sit on the plush office chair and went to get the kit off the wall.

  How do you know ASL? Caleb signed as I knelt in front of him.

  “My niece was born deaf. I learned so I could talk to her.”

  Caleb nodded, and brushed his hair off his forehead.

  “Do you mind?” I motioned to the kit. “I’m not
a medic or anything, but I’ve got my first aid.”

  Caleb nodded and extended his arm to me.

  The scrape was long and raw, but not deep. I opened a package of gauze and the bottle of antiseptic and quickly soaked a piece of gauze so I could wipe the wound clean.

  Caleb grimaced at the contact, but he didn’t pull away or make a sound.

  “Do you want me to cover it so it stays clean?” I asked, looking up at Caleb so he could see my lips as I spoke.

  He nodded again, and I quickly taped a large bandage over the wound.

  “This is probably going to sting a bit more,” I cautioned as I soaked a new gauze pad and nodded to the cuts on his face. They weren’t big or deep, but the one on his cheek was bleeding lightly. “Ready?”

  He nodded again, his lips set in a tight line as he leaned forward. I cleaned the cut on his cheek first, glad that it immediately stopped bleeding. I noticed that while it was obvious the antiseptic hurt, he didn’t cry out or pull away. I cleaned his chin next and then sat back on my heels.

  “It would be best to let those scab over. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “No, and thank you.” Caleb sat back and looked down at his arm.

  I could sense that he was guarding himself. I didn’t know what he was trying to hide or why, but I didn’t push. I was a stranger after all, and he had to be shaken from his seizure.

  “Do you need a ride home?” I hated the idea of him walking around and having another seizure. I had no idea how often they happened or if he was in danger, but I was worried.

  Caleb’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. His expression might have looked surprised, but I could feel a wave of fear as it crashed over him.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for your help.” He jumped up and gave me a tight smile. “Thank you.”

  Before I could answer, he bolted out of the office, and by the time I got to my feet to follow him, he was out of sight.

  “What was that?” Blaze asked as I came out into the main bar.

  “Did he leave?” I glanced around.

  “He tore out of here like his ass was on fire.” Cody looked between me and the door.


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