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The Reluctant Emissary (The Annunak Series Book 1)

Page 14

by TM Toombs

  “Next time. How long should we stay hidden before you deem it safe to exit the ship?” Kolass whispered.

  “Beats me, this is all new to me.”

  They waited until the sounds of the emergency vehicles faded away before emerging from their hiding places. Eshan walked over to the door and found the controls to the small cargo exit. He pushed the ‘open’ button and hesitated.

  “Stay here. I’m going to go look around.” He climbed down the small extended ladder and ducked under the ship. As he pretended to check out the underbelly, he scanned the area, looking for a means to get the Annunak away from the ship without being noticed.

  A plan would be nice about now, he thought.

  A large, box-style truck with “Emergency Management Team – Mechanical” painted on the side parked 100 yards off to his right caught his attention. No one was in its cab and he didn't see any activity nearby. He casually made his way over to the truck while occasionally glancing around to look for onlookers. Once he reached the truck’s driver side door, he knelt to tie his shoe. He reached up and tried the door. It was unlocked. Opening it just wide enough for him to slink into the seat, he checked the ignition for the key. My lucky day. He started the truck and drove slowly back to the ship. Parking it next to the ship so that it obscured the opened cargo hatch, he hopped out, walked around to the back of the truck, unlatched the door and opened it. He darted to the ship’s hatch.

  “OK, let’s go.” He gestured to the back of the truck. Kolass and Bax moved quickly to the rear of the truck and clambered in. Eshan closed the door, secured the latch and emerged from the back of the truck to find an angry looking security guard looking through the driver’s window.

  “Can I help you?” Eshan smiled.

  “What are you doing here?” The guard eyed Eshan with a look of disdain plastered on his gaunt face.

  “I was told a cargo ship had landed with an emergency and to come over and check out their malfunctioning pulse engines. This is the only ship I see here, so I figured...?” Eshan tilted his head to one side and narrowed his eyes.

  “The only emergency we had today was a medical emergency. Unless dispatch forgot to update our response sheet. Again.” The guard huffed then turned and walked back to his converted golf cart.

  Eshan watched him putter away before climbing back into the cab of the truck and starting it up. He put it into gear and headed for the nearest exit off the tarmac. After working his way into the busy airport traffic, he navigated the truck out onto the highway and headed for downtown Washington DC.

  A large, brown sign off to his left caught his attention. He turned on his turn signal and took the next exit headed for the East Potomac Park. Getting off the freeway, he followed the meandering two lane road until it dead ended at the tennis facilities. He found an empty parking spot away from the dozen or so cars parked near the moderately busy entrance and backed in. He turned off the truck, looked around to see if anyone was paying him any attention. When he was sure he wasn’t being watched, he exited the truck cab and made his way to the back of the truck. Quickly unlatching the roll away door, he opened it and sat down on the wide bumper.

  Bax and Kolass were sitting on the deck of the cargo box. Kolass looked at him with uncertainty. Bax appeared to be dozing. Nearby, the cherry blossoms were blooming and a rowing team whisked by on the calm river.

  Eshan breathed in the delicate fragrance of the blooms, grateful to be alive, grateful to be home. Home. How long will Earth exist if the Greys have their way? Will there ever be another spring in DC?

  “He ok?” Eshan pointed at Bax with his chin.

  “He is, ah, space sick.” Kolass smirked.

  “Space sick? Seriously? He piloted a broke ass ship off Charon and he gets sick on a smooth ride in a cargo ship?” Eshan chuckled.

  “If he’s not the one piloting, he can’t seem to stomach it. Literally.” Kolass smiled. “It would be best to let him sleep it off. He’s cranky when he doesn’t feel well.”

  A warm breeze rustled leaves on the asphalt and deposited a sheet of paper against Eshan’s leg. He bent over and pulled it from his leg. He was about to crumple it, but stopped when a word in it caught his attention. He opened it, spread it out of the cargo floor to read. A grin spread across his face.

  “I think I know how we're going to get you two to the capital building to talk to Senator Hunter, but I’m going to need a phone,” Eshan said without looking up from the piece of paper.

  “How is that?” Kolass asked, nudging Bax with his foot. Bax grunted and looked up, rubbing his eyes.

  “This.” Eshan handed Kolass the paper. “It’s a flyer for the Cosplay Parade on Pennsylvania Avenue and it’s happening this afternoon.”

  “What is cosplay?” Bax asked through a yawn.

  “It’s people dressing up and imitating their favorite fictional characters. There’s a whole subculture around it. You two would blend right in and no one would give you a second look. It’s perfect. We’ll ditch the truck here and catch the public transportation to the parade.” Eshan stood up and looked around, searching for something. “But first, I need a phone.”

  Some thirty yards away, a middle-aged man carrying a gym bag and talking on his phone was walking towards his car. “Wait here,” Eshan said as he turned and jogged over to the man.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Eshan smiled at the man as he got within earshot, “I have an emergency and I can’t find my phone. Can I borrow yours?”

  “No. Can’t you see I’m on my phone?” The man set his bag down and fumbled in his pocket for his keys while talking into his phone, “I don’t know, some guy wants to use my phone.”

  Bax walked up behind Eshan, reached past him, took the phone out of the man’s hand and handed it to Bax. “Emissary said he has an emergency.”

  The surprised man stuttered as he swiped his phone back from Bax. Cursing under his breath, he opened his door, climbed in and slammed the door. He started his car, threw it into reverse and sped out of the parking lot. Eshan watched him go and sighed, his shoulders slumped.

  “Uh, thanks a lot, Bax.” Eshan rubbed his chin and scanned the surroundings.

  “Emissary, I still don’t see how participating in this cosplay will assist in our mission,” Kolass insisted as he climbed out of the truck’s cargo area and walked over to join Eshan and Bax.

  “We’re using it as a cover until we can get close to the senator.” Eshan answered as he noticed a small group sitting at a cluster of picnic tables near the river. “Get back in the truck for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  Eshan jogged over to the picnickers, slowing when he got within earshot. “Hey, are you guys going to the cosplay parade?”

  A pot-bellied Jedi looked up from his plate of fried chicken and smiled, “How did you know we were going to the parade?”

  Eshan laughed, “Well, it’s not every day you see a Jedi, a storm trooper, the Hulk, a mermaid, and a Pikachu having lunch together.”

  “I’ve seen stranger things in DC,” smiled the mermaid as her companions nodded in agreement.

  “Are you all walking over?” Eshan shifted his weight from his left foot to his right foot.

  “Yep. Parking can be a real pain downtown. So, we decided to meet here, have a quick lunch and head over to the train.” The Stormtrooper said between bites of corn on the cob.

  “You going, too?” The mermaid looked at Eshan sideways as she twisted a long, blonde curl around her forefinger.

  “Yeah. My buddies and I are new to the whole cosplay scene and we’ve never been to DC before. Could we tag along with your group so we don’t get lost?”

  The Pikachu stood up, grabbed her plate and took it over to the trashcan. “I don’t have a problem with that. Do you?”

  “Nope.” The Jedi and the Stormtrooper joined Pikachu by the trash can followed by the Hulk.

  “Excellent. I’ll go get my buddies.” Eshan turned to leave then turned back. “Oh, do any of you have a phone I can b
orrow for a quick call?”

  The mermaid dug into her sequined bag, fished around for a moment and finally pulled out her phone. She handed it to Eshan with a sly wink. “You can use mine.

  “Thanks! I’ll bring it right back. Promise.” Eshan headed back over to the truck. As he walked, he opened the phone’s search app and typed in Senator Hunter’s name. It brought up the senator’s office number. Eshan tapped the ‘call’ icon and put the phone to his ear as it began to ring.

  After Eshan finished talking to the Senator’s secretary, he turned off the phone and walked to the rear of the truck.

  “Come on, I want you to meet some new friends.”

  Eshan caught them watching him with looks of apprehension. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

  Kolass nodded slowly while Bax watched a flock of pigeons fly overhead.

  “We need to get going. We have to hoof it about a mile and a half over to the Smithsonian Metro Station to catch the train. The senator’s secretary said it’ll take us to Eastern Market Metro Station. From there, it’s less than half a mile walk to the Capital.”

  “And then what?” Kolass elbowed Bax who was intently watching boats glide by on the river.

  “Then we keep an eye out for the Senator. She said he would meet us along the parade route.” Eshan shrugged.

  “Are you certain he’ll show?” Bax said in his low growl that Eshan was finally getting accustomed to.

  “I told her that we had evidence to back up all of his claims. She said he would be very interested in seeing it.” Eshan closed the truck’s roll away door and locked the latch. “Ready?”

  Bax nodded as Kolass shook his head.

  “Good. This way.” Eshan turned and led them over to the group of cosplayers waiting by the picnic tables. He made the round of introductions and handed the mermaid back her phone. Once everyone had said their ‘hellos,’ the Jedi lead them across the parking lot and onto the pedestrian walk that followed the river.

  As they wound their way down tourist filled sidewalks, Eshan found himself flanked by Kolass to his right and Bax to his left. The larger of the two aliens continuously shifting his gaze, watching for any potential danger to the Emissary. Bodyguards. This is going to take some getting used to.

  “How long are you going to be in DC?” Mermaid smiled sidelong at him, her tail swished from side to side as she wormed her way between Kolass and Eshan.

  “Um,” Eshan shrugged. “Maybe a day or two? I’m not really sure.”

  “Where are you from?”


  “Wow, really? I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska.”

  “Yep. Really.” Eshan flashed Kolass a ‘help me’ look. Kolass shook his head. For an assistant, you sure aren’t assisting much, buddy!

  “What do you do in Alaska?”

  “I drive a truck on the haul road, delivering supplies to the oil patch on the North Slope.” Eshan forced himself to smile back at the mermaid.

  “That sounds exciting. Do you see a lot of penguins and stuff? I love penguins.”

  Eshan was tempted to lie to her, reinforcing the myth of the flightless birds living in the Arctic. “Nope. No penguins in Alaska. Those live at the other pole. Only moose, caribou, a few bears, and the occasional man-eating polar bear.”

  “Seriously? Polar bears eat people?”

  The look on her face made Eshan laugh. “It’s been known to happen a time or two.”

  “When I come to visit you, you’ll protect me from the man-eating bears, won’t you?” She beamed up at him.

  “Uh. Yah, sure.” He glanced down at the all-too-suggestive twinkle in her eye and quickly looked away, studying the sign on the side of a bus pulling away from the curb ahead of them.

  She touched his arm, and he jumped. She pulled her hand back and giggled. Her laugh reminded him of Anna. He stuffed his hands in his pocket, his shoulders drooped.

  “I’m sorry. I can come off as a little strong sometimes. I hope I didn’t offend you by touching you.” She clasped her hands in front of her.

  “Oh, no. It’s ok. I’m just…shy, is all. And I’m not used to being hit on by such an attractive mermaid.”

  She laughed again and he grinned. “So…when is the best time to come visit you? I mean, visit Alaska?”

  He swallowed hard.

  “Eshan will be traveling extensively for the next year. He is on a very important mission on behalf of the Annunak,” Kolass interjected.

  Eshan breathed a sigh of relief. With a strange look on her face, the mermaid opened her mouth just as Eshan pointed to the large building across the street. They crossed over and entered the Smithsonian Metro Station.

  “Oh, man,” Eshan grumbled, “I didn’t bring any cash with me. I didn’t figure on taking the train today.”

  “It’s ok, sweetie, I got you.” The mermaid beamed at Eshan then purchased three train tickets from a kiosk. She handed Eshan and each of his companions a ticket and led them to the appropriate station platform to wait for the next train twenty minutes away.

  As they stood patiently waiting for the arrival of the train, the platform began to fill with a mix of tourists from the nearby museums, local business people checking their phones, and school kids on a field trip. Most, if not all of them, took a double take of Bax. His large, hulking mass paired with his elfish features were hard to miss, even in the crowd. Beside him, Kolass attempted to blend in with the crowd but received almost as many stares. The mermaid got a wink or two and the Jedi barely a glance. The cosplay players apparently seemed nearly normal compared to the Annunaks.

  Noticing all the unwanted attention, Eshan turned to them and asked loudly, “What time does the Cosplay Parade start?” The look on a majority of bystanders registered understanding as they focused their attentions away from the odd-looking pair.

  “Shortly after we arrive at the Market station,” Hulk said as he stood next to Bax, stretching himself up, eying the alien's muscular form. He was much shorter and thinner than Eshan’s protector. The Hulk slowly deflated with a frown.

  “Not soon enough,” grumbled Bax, a head taller than everyone around him as a distracted man in an expensive suit plowed into him.

  “Watch where you’re going,” the man scolded without looking up and rushed off.

  “I’m not sure your race is worth saving, Emissary.” Bax groaned at Eshan. Eshan smirked.

  Around them, the gathered passengers began to sense the arrival of the train. A moment later, it could be heard coming down the rails through the tunnel. It arrived with a whoosh. The doors opened, passengers offloaded and the crowd around Eshan and his companions boarded the train like a herd of cattle. Eshan, Bax and Kolass were instantly separated from the cosplayers by the swarm of passengers rushing for seats.

  Eshan found an empty spot at the back of the car as the doors closed. He quickly guided his entourage to the spot as the automated voice announced the next three stops along their route.

  “Hold on to the overhead rails,” Eshan warned. “Next stop, crazy-ville.”

  Chapter 13

  The train pulled into the Eastern Market Metro Station exactly thirty-three minutes after Eshan, Bax, Kolass, and their new cosplay friends had boarded. The doors opened and they moved with the crowd out onto the platform. Eshan read the overhead sign and pointed to the escalators that led up to street level. A light spring drizzle greeted them. Eshan inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of the rain on home Earth before he focused again on his mission. They turned left and headed northeast, towards the Capital Building. He smiled inwardly as he remembered walking this street with his parents on a family vacation when he was eleven. I need to call them as soon as this mess is over.

  “There are many odd-looking species here,” Kolass pointed out a group of twenty or so individuals standing in line for coffee across the street. Donald Duck, Pepe Le Pew, fur-covered barbarians, scantily clad women warriors, and a host of other Cosplay participants chatted as they waited or sipped t
heir beverage of choice.

  Mermaid appeared out of the throng of people exiting the train station. Standing next to Eshan, she noticed where Kolass was pointing. She turned to Eshan. “Would you like to get a coffee before we go to the parade? My treat?” She flashed Eshan a flirty smile.

  “Uh, yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” Eshan blushed. Sorry, Anna, I just need to play along for a little bit longer, sweetie.

  They checked both directions before they darted across the street, Kolass and Bax on their heels. They joined the line and did their best to try to look like they belonged.

  “Nice costume, man!” The superhero in line in front of them said, admiring Kolass’ silk looking tunic and pearl-like skin tone. “So, what are you? I know it’s rude to ask, but I can’t place your character.”

  Eshan interrupted, “We’re trying to crowd source a new indie project about alien explorers and their many adventures through the universe. It’s a mingling of anime, real action and CGI.” Eshan shot Kolass a quick wink then smiled at the super hero.

  “Sweet man, what’s it called?” he asked, nodding.

  “Our working title is ‘The Annunak Adventures’.”

  “Right on, good luck to you.” The super hero turned and stepped up to the counter, taking his turn to place his order.

  Mermaid, who had been standing between Eshan and superhero in this exchange, glanced up at Eshan with an admiring look. Whether she was pleased to find out she'd nabbed herself a movie producer or hoped he might have a role for a mermaid in his adventure movie, he couldn't tell.

  After the superhero moved out of the way, Mermaid and Eshan moved to the counter, read the board and ordered four large hot mochas. He waited as Mermaid paid then motioned for his companions to follow him to the pick-up window. He collected their coffees and handed two of them to Bax and Kolass.

  “Thank you for the coffees. And the train tickets. I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name,” Eshan handed the mermaid her coffee as they headed towards the street corner.

  “My pleasure. I’m Mandy. And your name is?” she accepted the coffee Eshan handed her.


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