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Hard Rock Fling: A Rock Star Romance

Page 13

by Athena Wright

  We brought in two models to pose with the guys. August and Noah's shoots were solo, but Cameron, Ian and Damon needed to work with a partner in a few of the photos for their concept.

  Two gorgeous, leggy women were escorted in. I was immediately self conscious. Their waists were slim, their skin was flawless and their hair had not a strand out of place. I'd been working since six in the morning and my face felt greasy. My own hair had been thrown up in a frazzled bun at the nape of my neck. I felt, and probably looked, like a mess.

  I consoled myself that at least I had bigger boobs than they did.

  It was fascinating to watch the guys pose for photos, both with the models and by themselves. The photographer would give them directions like, August, gaze up at the ceiling as if life has no meaning. The crazy thing was, the guys could do it. The range of emotions they conveyed was impressive. Any one of them could have gone into acting.

  I was most impressed with Noah's performance. I'd rarely seen him look anything other than vaguely pissed off. But when he was told to fall to his knees, slump against a tree, and stare into the camera as if he'd rather die than ever open his heart, his face completely changed. His eyes went wide and empty, his expression lost, hopeless.

  Then the photographer would finish snapping dozens of photos, give him a satisfied nod, and Noah would go back to being disgruntled.

  The last photoshoot for the day was Ian and Damon's. They were both posing with the same girl, one in front of her, the other behind. Damon was directed to glare at her and pretend he was gripping her arm tight, ready to fling her away. Ian was directed to curl his arm around her waist and place soft kisses to the back of her neck.

  He was supposed to pretend to kiss her neck, but as I stood behind the photographer and watched the shoot, I saw his lips touch her skin, mouth moving lightly across her jaw, neck, and shoulders.

  A slow burn of jealous rage ignited inside me at the sight. My fists clenched at my side, shaking. My lips pressed together in a firm line. The longer the scene went on, the angrier I got. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't tear my eyes off the two of them. It was like watching a train wreck.

  Finally, the camera shutter stopping clicking. The photoshoot was done. The model shook out her limbs and stretched. All three of them had been stuck in a similar pose for a while. Damon did the same, rubbing at his neck and groaning.

  Ian immediately zeroed in on me. He must have seen the furrow of my brow, the tightness of my lips, my balled fists. He tilted his head and winked.

  Jealous? he mouthed.

  I whirled around with a huff, turning my back to him. I didn't want him to see me like that.

  I stalked to the table with catered food and drinks. I contemplated stuffing my face with food, but remembered Ian's lips all over the thin, slender model. I decided against it. I wasn't hungry anyway.

  Two interns brushed by me and filled up their paper plates, sticking to fruits and vegetables.

  "Were you watching Noah's photoshoot?" one of them, a blonde girl, asked.

  Her friend shook her auburn head. "No, I was too busy watching August." She sighed. "He's so gorgeous."

  "Forget it. August would never pay attention to an intern. We're too below him."

  "Did you hear that one of those models used to date Damian?"

  "Not surprising. I heard they have a thing for models."

  "I guess interns are too low on their radar, too."

  "I think it's all the same to them. Interns, models, groupies. They see a girl they want, they take her."

  "I wish both of them would take me."

  They giggled and wandered off, their plates full of rabbit food.

  My heart sank to my stomach. Those girls were right. The guys could have anyone they want, including models. Ian probably had more than his fair share of them.

  I chided myself internally, shaking off my bad mood. This was what I'd wanted. No strings.

  A touch on my waist made me flail.

  "Whoa, easy," Ian said. "Why are you so jumpy?"

  I forced a laugh. "Sorry. Too focused on the food."

  "Is the food that interesting? 'Cause I can think of something else I'd rather devour."

  I darted my eyes around, but there was no one close enough to hear.

  "In fact," Ian leaned forward, speaking low into my ear, "I know of a private place where we can dine together. Alone."

  The press of his lips against my ear caused all breath to leave my lungs.

  "We're in the middle of a photoshoot."

  "Nope. We're done for the day."

  Despite my words, I let him tug me along, leaving the photo area and heading down a deserted hallway housing the studio offices.

  "I have to help put stuff away with the other interns."

  He pulled me into an empty office and locked the door behind us. "Everyone who showed up at six o'clock has already left. It's the second shift's turn to clean up."

  "I still have a lot of work to do to get ready for—" I gasped as Ian bit my ear.

  "I know for a fact you don't have anything due for another few days." He mouthed the bite lightly, a soft touch. "You're running out of excuses, sweetheart."

  He placed a hand on the small of my back, pressing our hips together. I couldn't help rocking against him.

  "Standing next to that girl all day was torture. All I could think about was touching you. Kissing you. Running my hands all over your skin, worshipping every inch of you."

  I couldn't believe the line he was giving me.

  "Right." I pushed at his chest. "You spent the whole day with a gorgeous model and all you could think about was me."

  He pulled me back into the circle of his arms.

  "That girl has nothing on you, sweetness." He placed a kiss on my cheek. "You're different." He ducked his head until he met my eyes, his own a soft green. "You're special."

  Despite my better instincts, I could feel my insides melting, liquid heat flowing to the apex of my thighs.

  "How about I prove it to you?" His eyes glinted, playful yet heated. "I'll give you ten kisses for every one I gave her." He lowered his lips to my neck. "I think I kissed her about two dozen times."

  "Th-that's a lot of kisses."

  "Then I guess I'd better get started."

  Ian licked and sucked and nipped at every exposed inch of skin on my neck, shoulders and collarbone. The press of his teeth, lips, and tongue drove me crazy. I reached up to bury my hands in his hair. He grabbed my wrists, pinning them against the wall on either side of my head. Trapping me.

  "Keep them there."


  His eyes flashed. "Keep. Them. There."

  My heart fluttered. The words were commanding. Powerful. Something inside me flickered to life. Some part of me wanted me to do what he said. Wanted to obey.

  I nodded my head to show I understood, not fighting against his hold. His eyes narrowed, humming in satisfaction.

  "Good girl."

  My knees went weak, a flood of warmth rushing to my very core. I wanted to be good for him. I wanted to please him.

  But his own pleasure was the last thing on his mind.

  Ian placed soft kisses down my neck, along my collarbone, until he reached the swell of my breasts. As his lips moved downward, his hands slid upward. He untucked my blouse and skimmed along the skin of my stomach. My muscles clenched. His fingers left a blazing hot trail.

  Large hands engulfed both breasts. Two thumbs brushed my nipples through the thin cotton bra. I gasped as a jolt of pleasure went through me. He kissed along my cleavage and massaged with soft touches until I was squirming.

  I started to reach down and clutch at his hair. His words echoed in my ears. I clenched my fists instead and kept my arms where he'd placed them.

  As if sensing my inner struggle, Ian chuckled darkly. He picked me up with one arm around my hips, the other around my shoulders. Before I knew what was happening, I was sitting on a desk. Ian was between my spread legs. My skirt w
as bunched up to my waist. I blinked at the suddenness of it.

  I didn't have time to protest. Ian went straight for my panties, hooking his fingers under the elastic and tugging. I automatically lifted my hips, not thinking twice. Once my panties were gone, he placed both hands on my inner thighs and spread them obscenely wide.

  "Your body is amazing." He murmured the words against the skin of my calf. "I don't think a ratio of ten-to-one is good enough. Let's make it a hundred-to-one."

  If anyone walked in, they'd have seen Ian on his knees in front of me, head between my thighs with my legs sprawled out on either side. I should have been embarrassed. I should have been protesting.

  Instead, I closed my eyes and whimpered as Ian sucked my clit into his mouth.

  He more than made good on his promise.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  By the time Ian was done with me I was a frazzled mess. A frazzled, happy, satisfied mess.

  We put ourselves together and went back to the studio. The rest of the band members were gone, but the crew was still taking down all the sets.

  "Shit, I missed my ride," Ian said.

  "It's your own fault."

  "Worth it."

  I had to pull myself together and get back to work. "I need to get my purse and stuff."

  I could tell he was going to pull me in for a kiss. I side stepped away. I couldn't let him do that in front of everyone.

  Ian narrowed his eyes in a fake pout.

  "You've manhandled me enough for one day," I admonished. "I'll see you back at Etude."

  "Fine. I'll go see if any of the guys are still hanging around somewhere."

  I'd misplaced all my things so I had to go looking in every corner and under every table. I tried to stay out of the way of the crew but I received a few glares when I got too close to a piece of expensive equipment. All those cameras and lights were just waiting for me to bump into them and knock them over.

  I still hadn't found my bag. I panicked, wondering if someone had stolen my stuff. I approached one of the interns.

  "Hey, have you seen a black leather purse with pointed studs?"

  "No, but I think someone complained about our stuff being everywhere," she said. "An assistant moved everything to a break room. The one with the large fridge, not the one with the small water cooler."

  Annoying, but better than having it stolen. I thanked her and made my way to the back.

  Familiar voices echoed from down the hall. Damon and Ian were there. I was about to push the door open when I heard my name. I paused. The voices got louder, shouting. Damon's voice rang out.

  "…hope you know what the fuck you're doing."

  "I don't know what you're talking about." Ian sounded as stubborn as Damon usually did.

  I should have left. I should have turned around and walked away.

  I didn't.

  "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

  "What do you care, anyway?"

  "We fuck them," Damon said bluntly. "We don't fall for them."

  "I haven't fallen for her."

  "I've seen you two sneak off. I've seen the way she looks at you. You said it was a one-time thing."

  "This one is different."

  My heart thumped madly in my chest. I peeked through the crack in the door.

  "Is the sex that good?" Damon asked sarcastically.

  Ian fumed for a brief moment before he smirked. "Man, you've got no fucking idea."

  "Listen. I get it, she's hot. I'd fuck her too."

  Ian choked, rage exploding across his face. "Don't you even—"

  "Then again, maybe not," Damon muttered, talking over his twin. "Those eyes of hers would drive me nuts before too long."

  "What's wrong with her eyes?" Ian asked, as a vague feeling of insult spread through my chest.

  "I dunno, man. It's like she's gazing into your soul or something. Those concepts she came up with for each of us? Like she's psychic." Damon faked a shudder. "Fucking creepy."

  "She's observant."

  "Exactly. That's what I'm telling you. She notices things." Damon gave Ian a pointed stare.

  Ian's shoulders slumped, as if he were giving up. "It doesn't matter anyway. We're just having fun. She's nothing to me."

  My throat closed up. All that stuff he'd said about me being different, about me being special… I'd known it was all just a game to him.

  I quickly blinked tears away, admonishing myself. I should have known better. Hasn't I been through this once before? I couldn't believe I'd almost make the same mistake twice.

  No more. I wasn't going to let myself fall any further. Whatever I had with Ian was supposed to be fun. Exciting. I shouldn't expect anything other than that. I didn't want anything other than that.

  "What do you think's going to happen if she finds out?" Damon continued.

  Ian flinched. "She won't." He avoided Damon's eyes, playing with the buckles on his wrist brace and twisting it around in circles.

  Damon placed his hands over his brother's, tangling their fingers together to stop the fidgeting. "You think she'll just keep quiet about it?"

  Ian pulled away with a jerk.

  "We did everything we could to keep it a secret," Damon pressed on. "We went on fucking hiatus, Ian."

  "She won't find out!"

  I'd known the band had gone on hiatus. They never said why. At first fans thought there had been a falling out between the members. When they got back together, we assumed they wanted a break.

  They ended their standoff. Damon let out a frustrated growl and stalked towards the door. I quickly fled around a corner, not wanting to get caught. Damon left the room first. I waited but Ian didn't come out. I tiptoed a few feet down the hallway then made my way back over, shuffling my feet loudly to announce my arrival.

  Ian stood in the middle of the room, head bowed, hair falling over his eyes. He was back to fidgeting with his wrist.

  "Hey, you still here?" I made my voice purposely cheerful and carefree. I hoped my eyes weren't red-rimmed.

  He glanced up with a jolt, his own eyes wide, panicked.

  "Sorry!" I said hurriedly. "I didn't mean to startle you. I'm looking for my bag."

  He seemed to force himself to relax. "It's okay. I was just lost in thought." He scanned me up and down, a sly grin crossing his lips. "One of your shirt buttons is still undone."

  I looked down, horrified to find he was right. How embarrassing. I fumbled to quickly fasten it back up. I hoped no one else had noticed.

  He came over and took my hand, squeezing it. "I forgot to tell you. We're doing a small concert tonight. There's a couple other bands who're going to be playing. You want to come and watch backstage?"

  Did he really want me there? Or was he hoping to get a good luck blowjob before he performed?

  I pushed back the snide thoughts. I'd known exactly what I was getting into.

  "Do I have time to change?"

  "Gonna put on sexy little number for me?"

  I thought about the clothing currently in my closet. I'd have to borrow from Faith again. "Sure. I'll tart myself up like all the other girls."

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and swung me around. I let out a soft shriek.

  "You're nothing like the other girls." His eyes sparkled with good humor, but there was something deeper in his voice.

  We're just having fun.

  Despite the smile on my face, Ian's words were sobering.

  She's nothing to me.

  I tried to shake it off. It didn't matter. Ian was right. We were just having fun.

  Besides, I wasn't going to let myself fall for someone who could break my heart without a second thought.

  Still, a small part of me couldn't help snarking.

  Too late.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I hadn't tarted myself up for the concert, but I had at least put on a cute dress I'd borrowed from Faith. It was short, it was tight and it was sexy. I figured that was good enough.

  The w
hole time I got dressed I couldn't help wonder what was the point. Nothing I did was going to make Ian fall for me.

  But I didn't want him to fall for me, anyway. We weren't ever going to be anything serious. I'd known that going in. I'd hadn't wanted that. I hadn't wanted any strings. Hadn't planned on getting attached.

  I snorted to myself. So much for that.

  When I arrived at the concert venue I flashed my ever-present staff badge at the bouncers and was nodded through to the backstage.

  I found Ian talking with an assistant, holding his guitar in one hand. He was smiling at her, his head tilted to the side. She was practically swooning. He said something I couldn't hear and she nodded fervently, rushing away to do his bidding. He smirked and slung his guitar over his shoulder.

  I tried to ignore the ache in my heart.

  Ian noticed me, his eyes lighting up. He headed straight toward me. I braced myself for whatever flirtatious words he was going to say. I got ready to steel my heart against it.

  Surprisingly, Ian didn't immediately run and tease me, or flirt with me or put his hands on me.

  "This concert is going to fucking rock!" he said with a mad grin. "The fans have been cheering our name for a solid twenty minutes straight already." His eyes twinkled with an almost manic glee. "Can't wait to get on stage."

  "What's got you so pumped up?"

  "We're going to try out some of our new songs. I can't wait to hear what the audience thinks."

  "Are you going to try yours and Damon's song?"

  Ian's mouth turned down at the corners, almost seeming to deflate. I immediately regretted asking about it, wondering if it was a sore point.

  "Nah." He faked casual shrug. "It's not one hundred percent ready yet. Noah's song is going to rock though." He glanced around the backstage before turning back to whisper. "Honestly, it's such a sappy song I think all the girls in the audience are going to burst into tears."

  "Isn't that a good thing?"

  "Damon gets pissy at Noah's emotional stuff. Says we want the girls thinking we're sexy rock stars, not some sort of sensitive artiste."

  "There's nothing wrong with that."

  "I thought you were into the rock star god thing? All leather pants and eyeliner, not acoustic guitar and crooning love songs."


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