King Cave

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King Cave Page 29

by Scarlett Dawn

  His delicious scent and rough words enveloped me, and again, I almost forgot my point.

  As he pressed more of his weight on me, I jerked my head to the side, away from his tempting lips that were moving in for the kill, and I stated, “No, not later, Ezra. We need to talk about sex. I’ve got a few kinks of my own.”

  Finished resting his cock against my very aroused flesh, only our thin clothes separating us, the heat amazing, he hummed in question as he began nibbling on my ear.

  I blinked repeatedly, trying to stay focused. “Outside. I want you to chase me,” I paused, and amended, “I’ll probably need a head start because you’re so fast, but I want that. Want the thrill of the hunt, the foreplay. And I want to chase and hunt you, too.” I swallowed the groan that wanted to emerge as he ran his fingers down my exposed side, sliding his hand behind me to grab my ass and press me harder against his erection. “And I want to have sex in the woods. Against a tree. On the leaves. The grass. Under the moon.”

  Ezra paused, head lifting, his eyebrows together. “You want us to fuck outside like wild animals…” He trailed off, his mouth swiftly clamping shut as my eyes narrowed.

  “Shifter, remember?” I spoke as nicely as I possibly could, since his eyes were growing as big as saucers at the reality looming. “Candles, satin sheets, and four walls with a roof are perfectly wonderful most of the time,” I shrugged lightly underneath him, “just not all the time.”

  He cleared his throat hard, probably appearing as nervous as I had when he mentioned his bondage issue. Vampires didn’t like being out in the open; it left them defenseless during a vulnerable moment like sex. They liked it dark and closed off and protected. “The woods?”

  I smiled at him gently, running my fingers over his crinkled forehead. “Maybe at first we could find a little nook and use a sleeping bag.”

  He swallowed, the tension faintly easing from his features. “Right. That wouldn’t be so bad.” He paused. “A tent would be better.”

  “Ezra…,” I grumbled.

  A moment’s pause, then he nodded jerkily. “Right. I understand.” Features still tight, he asked, “Anything else?”

  Yeah, there was. And I hesitated voicing it because it was part of who he was. Nibbling on my lip, my eyes darted back and forth between his now guarded ones, and finally, I blurted, “When you’re drinking, I would appreciate you not giving your donors any carnal vibes.” I wasn’t stupid or selfish enough to ask that he only drink off men. If he started doing that it would definitely be suspicious, not to mention, it would limit his choices.

  “I get that.” A long pause as he languidly blinked. “That it?”

  I stifled my sigh of relief when he didn’t argue that one, especially since he felt like pure stone on top of me as he tried to play it cool. “Yes.” I nodded. “That’s it.”

  The air rushed past his lips and over my face, his mouth landing on mine with bruising force. The caress definitely wasn’t tender or kind. It was more of a taking. An invading and plundering of my very will.

  As one hand pressed my core against his erection, his other hand wound its way into my hair, gripping it tight and tilting my head. I gasped at the demand of his possession, and he took the opportunity given. His tongue seized my open mouth, gliding against mine. And conquered as he left not one crevice untouched with the demanding strokes of his inventive tongue. Lost to his clever touch, I whimpered, my knees running along his sides as I opened for him, and my hands sliding over his sexy-as-fuck ass, then grabbing tight and pulling him snug.

  “Sweetheart,” he growled, grinding against me, creating a thrumming rapid fire to my belly.

  “Hmm?” I breathed absently, running my fingers around his pants’ waistline.

  He lifted his hips for my drifting hands, giving me access to slide them between us, even as he bit and licked down my jaw.

  My hands swiftly finding their destination, I unzipped his pants.

  Stopped. Remembered that his button had already been undone by the slut. I sucked in a breath, sane thoughts returning like a sledge hammer. We hadn’t resolved a damn thing.

  “Let me bite you.” His fangs were descended as he grazed them over my throat lightly. He growled softly. “Fuck, sweetheart. Please.”

  I breathed shallowly and tried to squirm out from underneath him, moving a few inches up on the couch and placing my index finger against his lips. “Ezra, it’s not that, I—”

  He cut me off. “Good.” He bit down on my finger. With his fang.

  I gasped, my eyes flying wide at the action. He pulled hard, sucking my finger further into his warm, moist mouth. I sank onto the sofa, my eyes hooding as my body came alive with pleasure. A guttural groan that was half woman, half wolf slipped passed my lips as I, none too gently, raked my free hand’s nails down his back, hearing him moan at the tiny hurt, until I got to his ass. Sliding my hand under his jeans and boxer briefs to his heated skin, I took a firm hold of a perfect globe and didn’t let go.

  This was different.

  I could still appreciate everything around me. If fact, I didn’t want to close my eyes. No part of me wanted to lay docile. I could feel everything, which was mainly the fucking huge erection sliding against me as Ezra re-positioned himself to where I had moved. Most assuredly, this was no unconscious encounter.

  His mind hold felt like slow, pleasure-filled flames licking across my breasts, which I brushed against his chest, adoring the added contact. It was a fanning to the flame that already existed inside my belly, making me tremble further in desire. And it was the sensual glide of heat against my intimate folds, which I rubbed against his erection.

  Green eyes dilated even more, darkening, as he took another pull on my finger and watched my reaction, the heat in his gaze just as potent as his mind hold.

  I whispered, “That’s nice.” Understatement.

  The corners of his lips lifted around my finger at my simple, polite words, his eyes taking on a mischievous cast as he sucked again, cheeks hollowing with the act.

  His mind hold changed.

  My eyes damn near crossed as I cried out, “Holy mother!” I choked, my neck arching as those previous gentle flames arrowed straight to my core, finding every nook and cranny, and licking and filling me in a possessive sensual thrust. “Jesus fucking Christ!” Gasping in delectable indulgence, I gazed up at him, undulating against him in luxury.

  His green eyes alight with desire and self-confidence, his attention was unwavering as he hummed softly in his throat. Bit by bit, he raised his head, my finger sliding out of his mouth slowly, and his tongue grazed my tiny wound. He said softly, “That was only a little taste.”

  I cleared my throat, trying to come down from the inferno he had set off inside of me, which didn’t work so well as my body screamed for completion.

  A tiny smile graced his exotic features, before he inhaled deeply, his grin growing larger.

  Uh-huh. He could most definitely smell my arousal since I could scent how turned on I was. His hand slid from my ass, fingers trailing along my trembling flesh to my stomach, and he started unbuttoning my pants as his head lowered and his tongue dipped under my bra line. I blinked furiously as his hand plunged beneath my underwear, his fingers slipping through my folds.

  He groaned against my cleavage. “God, I love how wet you get.”

  “Ezra…,” I panted, as his other hand skimmed behind my back to my bra’s clasp. I shook my head hard, then thumped my forehead a few times with the heel of my palm when he started circling my clit with the pad of his finger. “We need to…” I cleared my throat hard, not remembering what we needed to do, sucking in air.

  That’s what did it. The deep inhale of slut. Instantly, my wolf took voice, and I growled low and full of menace, my eyes glowing in rage. Ezra’s gaze collided with mine, and I hissed, “You fucking reek of slut!”

  His mouth opened, and I slammed a hand over it. “If you say one more time that the woman I saw enter a bedroom with four other Vamp m
en is not a slut, I’m going to slap you fucking silly.” His eyes narrowed, and I knew he was going to argue. Hell, he’d probably been one of those four men before. I growled again, fury enveloping me as her scent wafted from his hair to my sensitive nose. “We’re so not doing this right now.”

  Arched brows slammed together, and he pulled his hand out of my pants to knock my palm away from his mouth. “Do I need to take a fucking bath so you’ll quit with the hysterics?”

  For that comment, I thumped him on his own forehead this time, then shoved him off me, very much enjoying the satisfying thud and grunt he made as he hit the hard wood flooring beside the couch. Quickly clipping my bra, which he had managed to undo, and zipping my pants, I rolled to my side and saw green eyes flashing in anger up at me where he had landed. I explained as passively as I could manage, “We aren’t doing a damn thing until this whole exclusive situation is decided.”

  His jaw hung open.

  It was actually adorable. Kind of endearing, really.

  Until he decided to speak.

  He sputtered on a rising shout, “You’re fucking turning me down?”

  I stared down at him. Hmm. To go along with all that ferocity and desire etching his face, he now appeared incredulous. My, my. “You’ve never been told no before, have you?”

  Blurring to his feet, standing at his full, imposing height, he growled, “No. I have not.”

  I sat up, bones languid, but my body and skin were still on fire for him. “You just sounded like a stuck-up prig.” He froze, eyes going wide. I gestured to the door. “There’s a first time for everything, Casanova. Consider this yours.”

  He didn’t move.

  “Seriously, Ezra. I’m not doing anything sexual with you until we’re exclusive.”

  He slashed a hand in the direction of his erection, hissing, “And in the meantime, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?”

  My lips twitched. Oh, God. “I’m sure you can,” I paused, “handle it.”

  His cheeks flushed with undisguised hostility.

  I ignored it and started buttoning my top, ready to get the hell out of there before he started seducing me again. I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to withstand another round.

  “And what about you?”

  My fingers froze on the buttons. Even though I had never heard that tone from him before, I knew what it was. That musically growled question had been his predator’s voice.

  Very damn cautiously, I peeked up, not making any sudden movements. My heart rate pounded rapidly at what I saw. Fangs fully extended and eyes glowing, he watched me from under his lashes. His tone magnetic, though scary as fuck, he asked, “How do you plan to relieve the pressure?” He took two gliding steps toward me, so smoothly he seemed to float, and his head cocked. “Do you plan to find Finn or Merrick?”

  Swallowing gently, and absolutely not moving, I whispered, “No. I don’t plan to find a different bed partner tonight.” His head tilted the other way, the movement extremely Vampire. Motionless, I waited in the quiet for a response, but when he didn’t move for a full minute and none came, I realized I hadn’t answered his questions fully. “I plan to handle it myself.”

  Green eyes glowed even brighter, basically spotlighting my crotch when his gaze flew there. Still, I didn’t move as he stared. Finally, a half-minute later, he ran a hand over his face, and when he peered up into my eyes, his weren’t glowing anymore. But they were hungrier than shit, apparently knowing what I was going to do, turning him on to fever pitch.

  As if he hadn’t even realized he’d gone all Vampire-terrifying, he murmured, “Let me watch.” His gaze was lit only with heat and desire. “I won’t touch you, I’ll only…” Again, he motioned to his bulging pants.

  I blinked, grasping…Oh, shit…When he’d gone all loco, it had been him jealous. The scent of his possessiveness still hung in the air. I gulped, wondering if he had been right. This was uncharted territory for us. Jealousy wasn’t something either of us were used to. With mates, you knew they were faithful, thanks to the magic. And anyone else we hadn’t given a damn about. And he, obviously, did give a damn about me, like I did him.

  When I sat silent for a few beats too long, he asked softly, “Sweetheart?” He bent at the waist to look me in the eye, only to wince and stand straight again.

  I licked my dry lips and shook my head, staying strong on what I knew I wanted, even if he was freakily frightening. “No. If we’re exclusive, then I’d be more than happy to do that for you.” Another shake of my head. “But not tonight.”

  He cursed, turning his back to me and crossing his arms, giving me a great view of his ass. Hormones nowhere near diminished from his little Vampire act, I had to close my eyes so I didn’t tug him back on top of me. He asked on a growl, “What if I decide a real relationship isn’t best for us? What happens then?”

  Keeping my eyes closed against the scenery, I told the only truth available to us after feeling this way for him. “We go back to being just friends. To how we were before.”

  He cursed again even more harshly, and I heard him moving away. I chanced opening my eyes. He was at the desk, grabbing his shirt and jerking it on over his head. Leaving his belt dangling, he zipped and buttoned his pants with a growl, then grimaced as he picked up his robe and towel off the floor. Hand on the doorknob, he glanced at me, his eyes flashing bright green. And continued glowing. Again, his voice harmoniously low and fangs extended, he probed, “Swear to fucking God you’re not going to Finn or Merrick or some other damn schmuck tonight?”

  Freezing in place, most definitely seeing his predator make another appearance, I replied honestly, “I’m not going to visit any other person to fulfill my needs tonight.” Carefully, I raised my hand, waggling my fingers. “Just myself.” I held my breath as he stared me down.

  After at least a half-minute of stillness, his lashes lowered lazily. When they lifted, his eyes were green. Normal green. Rubbing the back of his neck, he muttered, “Fucking shit.” Then he was outside the door before I could track him, slamming it closed so viciously that I watched as a crack webbed its way in the golden paint from the doorframe to the ceiling.

  Staring at the closed door, I sucked air, breathing in an echo, “Fucking shit.”

  What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  I groaned, letting my head fall into my hands. I was left high and dry, and had just possibly awoken a predator of epic proportions if he couldn’t get himself under control. I wasn’t even going to think about my own predator. Hell, I wanted to leave the room right now and hunt.

  For Jessica.

  Mumbling to myself, I criticized, “Lily Ruckler, this may have been the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” I pounded my forehead against my hands, sighing heavily when it didn’t clear the bloodlust any for Jessica. “Shit.” I stood from the couch.

  And instantly fell to my knees.

  Shaking my head, I placed a hand on the ground, trying to breathe through the lust that had bizarrely turned my body to jelly, which I was thankful for since it was overriding what I would have liked to do to Jessica. His mind hold had definitely taken a toll. Spending a good five minutes on the ground, I tried for calming breaths, sneezing sporadically. Ezra’s scent was dissipating and that damn fireplace was tickling my nose.

  Wiping my free hand on my pants, I rubbed my nose once it didn’t stink of slut so badly. Gingerly, I got to my feet and stayed there for a full minute, feeling dizzy and aching everywhere he had touched. Rolling my head on my shoulders and windmilling my arms a few times, sneezing twice more, I made my wobbly legs move and started blowing out the candles he had lit in the room. As I began picking up the items that had been knocked to the floor, I noticed my hands were shaking.

  I stopped and stared at my hand, watching it tremble in front of my face. Well, that was a new one. Pathetic, really. It was like Ezra withdrawal or something. I growled and picked up the pace, wanting to get out of this literally odd-smelling room.

; Then I paused with a specific item in my hand.

  A brown leather book.

  I knew this book. But previously it had been glowing golden. Antonio’s book.

  Scanning the room again, I groaned. Fuck, this was his frigging office. Not even curious about what was inside, nor stupid enough to chance reading from it, I placed it on his desk.

  Only to sneeze.

  And freeze with a damning thought.

  My senses were wacked without Ezra in here distracting me with his touch and scent. I was shaking and wanted to growl. The symptoms were all there. But, God no…

  Deliberately, I rose, lifting a pencil from the desk. Dread began to fill me as I walked toward the lounge couch we had been on only minutes before. I sneezed again, my whole body beginning to vibrate. Taking a calming breath, I chucked the pencil at the fireplace.

  As if in slow motion, I watched it fly end over end through the air.

  It bounced off thin air, that area a dot of golden magic as the pencil fell to the floor.

  I felt the blood drain from my face. Oh, dear Lord above.

  Beginning to hyperventilate, I whispered, “Drop it, Antonio.”

  He had done this once before. Snuck up on us, while we had been sleeping in Ezra’s bed, before my surprise funneling attempt. It had wreaked havoc on my senses then, the same as it was doing now. But this time, Ezra and I had been doing much more than sleeping. If Antonio was in this room, hidden behind a Mage spell, there could only be one reason why.

  Holding my breath, I waited.

  It didn’t take long.

  A too large fucking golden bubble appeared before my eyes, encasing a fourth of the room, an edge only a few feet in front of me.

  Then it was gone. The room as it should be.

  Dizziness rushed over me as I began gasping for air, very nearly on the verge of fainting.


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