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Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch

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by Sally Bedell Smith

  95. “She was most interested”: Ibid.

  96. When the BBC proposed: Interview with Rolf Harris, January 2006, Royal Insight, Official Website of the British Monarchy.

  97. “We made the Queen a Hollywood star”: Stephen Frears interview.

  98. a lifelong republican whose newfound admiration: Helen Mirren interview.

  99. “What is brilliant”: Frances Campbell-Preston interview.

  100. “I gather there’s a film”: Graydon Carter interview with Tony Blair, June 24, 2009,

  101. “Because it showed why”: Confidential interview.

  102. One of Elizabeth II’s friends gently ribbed: Confidential interview.

  103. “I suppose it depends on your point of view”: Monty Roberts interview.

  104. “rang true”: Nancy Reagan interview.

  105. Palace officials were delighted: Confidential interview.

  106. “You know, for fifty years and more”: Helen Mirren Oscar acceptance speech, Feb. 25, 2007.

  TWENTY: A Soldier at Heart

  1. Leibovitz was surprised to learn: Annie Leibovitz, At Work, p. 189.

  2. “She came all the way by herself!”: Ibid., pp. 186–87.

  3. “I don’t have much time”: Ibid., p. 189.

  4. “Less dressy!” Ibid.

  5. “feisty”: Ibid.

  6. “an appropriate mood”: Ibid., p. 184.

  7. “The Queen examined them closely”: Washington Post, April 5, 2007.

  8. “Do you play football too?”: Kevin Sullivan interview.

  9. “You should have some things like that!”: Daily Telegraph, May 5, 2007.

  10. Now her new bloodstock adviser: Michael Oswald interview.

  11. “Nobody pays any attention”: Confidential interview.

  12. Anticipating the Queen’s interest: Amy Zantzinger interview.

  13. “She gave me a look”: CBS News, March 31, 2009.

  14. “it was sad that security was so tight”: Confidential interview.

  15. “So glad to see you”: Frolic Weymouth interview.

  16. “the sweetest thing”: Laura Bush, Spoken from the Heart, p. 390.

  17. “vital wartime alliance”: White House Press Office transcript of remarks by President Bush and Queen Elizabeth II at a White House state dinner, May 7, 2007.

  18. “It was the perfect retort”: George W. Bush interview.

  19. “a lacuna”: Tony Blair, p. 608.

  20. “some good information”: Robert Hardman, Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work, p. 170.

  21. “tremendously respectful of the royal family”: Simon Lewis interview.

  22. “what works and what doesn’t”: Hardman, p. 170.

  23. “she’ll be talking about things”: Ibid.

  24. When the Queen was with friends: Anne Glenconner interview.

  25. “brought a certain amount of heavy weather”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  26. “With the absence of her mother and sister”: Confidential interview.

  27. When he was away: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  28. “They are not physically demonstrative”: Confidential interview.

  29. “His approach is much more restless”: George Carey interview.

  30. “not a sweet old Darby and Joan”: McDonald, The Duke documentary.

  31. “I don’t read the tabloids”: Paxman, p. 237.

  32. After Philip took one too many: Daily Express, May 2, 2010.

  33. “on Her Majesty’s instruction”: Tony Parnell interview.

  34. “incredibly stupid birds”: McDonald, The Duke documentary.

  35. “Her taste was very modest”: Tony Parnell interview.

  36. “He wore a cap like a taxi driver”: Frolic Weymouth interview.

  37. “That speech contained more jargon”: Chris Mullin, A View from the Foothills: The Diaries of Chris Mullin, p. 429.

  38. The Queen appeared in the same double strand: Daily Mail, Nov. 19, 2007.

  39. “Let us love one another”: BBC News, Nov. 19, 2007.

  40. “a life where duty spoke”: Daily Telegraph, Nov. 20, 2007.

  41. As they had with his older sister: Daily Mail, April 21, 2008.

  42. Since the invasions: Gen. Charles Guthrie interview.

  43. “The royal family has pride and joy”: Ibid.

  44. Once she helpfully sent: Ibid.

  45. “Do the Welsh Guards have new uniform”: Johnny Martin-Smith interview.

  46. “The Queen has an eagle eye”: Confidential interview.

  47. “wouldn’t read a three-volume history”: Charles Guthrie interview.

  48. “You could tell her what you thought”: Ibid.

  49. “She knew we had too many regiments”: Jonathan Powell interview.

  50. Speaking to one of the army chiefs: Confidential interview.

  51. “It is a traditional thing to do”: Charles Guthrie interview.

  52. despite the well-documented fact: Smith, p. 212.

  53. He was determined: Daily Telegraph, Feb. 28, 2008.

  54. Army Chief of Staff Sir Richard Dannatt vetoed: Prince Harry deployment update,, May 15, 2007.

  55. “turn to the right and carry on”: BBC News interview with Prince Harry, Feb. 28, 2008.

  56. They decided to deploy Harry: Sky News, Feb. 28, 2008.

  57. “I think she’s relieved”: BBC interview with Prince Harry, Feb. 28, 2008.

  58. “ ‘mucking in’ with every other soldier”: Daily Telegraph, Feb. 29, 2008.

  59. “All my wishes have come true”: Ibid.

  60. “it’s very nice to be sort of a normal person”: BBC News interview with Prince Harry, Feb. 28, 2008.

  61. an opsimath, she calls herself: Bennett, p. 48.

  62. “had a much better bite at the carrot”: Ibid. 482 “by analysis and reflection”: Ibid., p. 113. 482 “Oh do get on!”: Ibid., p. 49.

  63. “offered yet another reason to think warmly”: New York Times Book Review, Sept. 30, 2007.

  64. “It was shared, it was common”: Bennett, p. 31.

  65. “It’s very informal”: Mark Collins interview.

  66. At the invitation of a conservation group: Confidential interviews.

  67. The following July she watched: BBC News, July 20, 2009.

  68. She even started taking: Daily Mail, Dec. 17, 2009; Daily Telegraph, Feb. 8, 2010.

  69. “We have seen less of them”: Confidential interview.

  70. The children of her longtime friends: Confidential interview.

  71. When one of her bridesmaids: Elizabeth Longman interview; Freddy Van Zevenbergen interview.

  72. “a wall”: Daily Telegraph, June 21, 2008.

  73. “I’ve done it!”: Ibid., June 19, 2008; Ian Balding interview.

  74. “I wouldn’t have been invited”: Helen Mirren interview.

  75. “I expect you think”: The Guardian, Nov. 24, 2006.

  76. “For Prince Philip and me”: BBC News, Nov. 12, 2008.

  77. “All her programs are done with great cleverness”: Malcolm Ross interview.

  78. “she instantly spots it”: Confidential interview.

  79. “Why did no one see it coming?”: The Guardian, Nov. 18, 2008.

  80. “The general feeling is she is more approachable”: Confidential interview.

  81. Philip began writing letters: Daily Mail, April 17, 2009.

  82. Elizabeth II eventually took up cell phones: The Times, Oct. 17, 2008.

  83. At the suggestion of Prince Andrew: Daily Telegraph, April 1, 2009.

  84. “a great googler”: Confidential interview.

  85. “Just come back from jogging?”: Daily Mail, Oct. 17, 2008.

  86. “Lovely little thing isn’t it?”: The Times, Oct. 17, 2008.

  87. During a shooting weekend: Confidential interview.

  88. “At long last my grandparents are reunited”: Ashe Windham, “A Fitting Memorial to Queen Elizabeth,” Friends of the Castle of Mey Newsletter, A
pril 2009. p. 5.

  89. Elizabeth II was only scheduled: Elizabeth Anson interview.

  90. “She knows every inch”: Charles Powell interview.

  91. “few dogged bastions of republicanism”: The Times, April 29, 2011.

  92. “I am very pleased to be in Kingston”: David Pogson, senior press officer, Buckingham Palace Press Office.

  93. When the Queen was younger: Confidential interview. 489 To help prepare the Queen: Susan Cunliffe-Lister interview.

  94. When the train pulled into the Hull station: Author’s observations.

  95. “She has an amazing ability to scan”: Phil Brown interview. 490 She talked across the table: Author’s observations.

  96. “was picking at her bread roll”: Maria Raper interview.

  97. “SHE’S A ROYAL TONIC”: Hull Daily Mail, March 6, 2009.

  98. “as a signal of the strong”: Daily Telegraph, Feb. 16, 2009.

  99. The first lady even confided: Confidential interview.

  100. “The Queen knows when she enters”: Brian Mulroney interview.

  101. “frightfully funny”: Confidential interview.

  102. After ten seconds, the Queen dropped: Daily Mail timed sequence of photos, April 3, 2009.

  103. “It happened spontaneously”: Peter Wilkinson interview.

  104. “unthinkable”: The Guardian, April 2, 2009.

  105. “mutual and spontaneous display”: Confidential interview.

  106. a ritual that invariably prompted: Confidential interview.

  107. The Queen was a smiling icon: Author’s observations.

  108. “no visible signs of flagging”: Sir Richard Gozney interview.

  109. She had a four-hour stretch: Confidential interview.

  110. “I have to be seen to be believed”: Longford, Elizabeth R, p. 5.

  111. For her four-hour flight: Author’s observations.

  112. In years past: Duncan, p. 19; Morrow, pp. 111, 118.

  113. “Every word she says”: Kamalesh Sharma interview.

  114. “The Commonwealth is very much her legacy”: Brian Mulroney interview.

  115. “many of us would have left”: Shawcross, Q and C, p. 48.

  116. She could discuss grazing rights: Bradford, p. 229.

  117. or a particular leader’s fishing habits: Shawcross, Q and C, p. 201.

  118. favorite hymns: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  119. “Commonwealth psychotherapist”: The Times, April 16, 1986.

  120. “doesn’t look at photographers”: Robin Nunn interview.

  121. Elizabeth II was interested in seeing: Eric Jenkinson interview.

  122. The Queen seemed unperturbed: Author’s observations.

  123. filming for the monarchy’s website: Peter Wilkinson interview.

  124. The schedule called for 4.5 minutes: Eric Jenkinson interview.

  125. “I don’t have time to use it much!”: Author’s observations.

  126. Pausing briefly: Eric Jenkinson interview.

  127. “That was a seamless”: Confidential interview.

  128. “I sometimes think”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  TWENTY-ONE: Long Live the Queen

  1. “How kind they are to me!”: Lytton Strachey, p. 156.

  2. “Three cheers for the Queen!”: Lacey, Monarch, p. 40.

  3. “Her reputation now is as high”: Charles Powell interview.

  4. “the largest flotilla”: Diamond Jubilee Foundation statement, April 5, 2011.

  5. “oiled and manacled MPs”: The Guardian, April 5, 2011.

  6. “ideas” year: Confidential interview.

  7. “Republicanism isn’t even an esoteric”: The Times, Nov. 13, 2009. 501 In one movie theater after another: The Guardian, Nov. 12, 2011.

  8. “On the whole she quite liked it”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  9. “redressing the economic balance”: Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Broadcast, Dec. 25, 1983, Official Website of the British Monarchy.

  10. “the sheet anchor in the middle”: David Airlie interview.

  11. She had first glimpsed: Daily Mail, May 10, 2010.

  12. “constitutional obligation”: Ibid., July 29, 2010.

  13. “It was important for Geidt”: Simon Lewis interview.

  14. “I can’t keep the Queen waiting”: Ibid.

  15. “a big generous offer”: Daily Mail, July 29, 2010. 503 “I said I couldn’t be totally sure”: Ibid.

  16. the Queen’s treasurer took: Civil List Act of 1972, Report of the Royal Trustees, June 22, 2010 (Treasury Report), “Background Information and Review of Performance,” p. 6.

  17. By 2009, yearly Civil List: Treasury Report, p. 33.

  18. “careful housekeeping” HM Treasury, Budget Announcement on the Civil List for 2011, June 22, 2010.

  19. In addition, Elizabeth II planned: Treasury Report, p. 61.

  20. Charles spent £9 million: The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall Annual Review 2010 (PoW Annual Review), p. 40.

  21. “so that my successors do not”: The Independent, Oct. 21, 2010.

  22. “adversely high”: The Mail, Oct. 24, 2010.

  23. Buckingham Palace has been losing: The Mail, July 5, 2010.

  24. To recognize two of her ladies-in-waiting: Confidential interview.

  25. “credit crunch couture”: The Times, Oct. 22, 2009.

  26. her £1.3 million catering: Treasury Report, p. 33.

  27. “We have no experts in royal history”: Confidential interview.

  28. “We are not about demystifying”: Ibid.

  29. “the space of young people”: Ibid.

  30. which costs the British government: Daily Telegraph, May 30, 2010.

  31. plus his £249,000: Daily Mail, July 12, 2010.

  32. Government officials credited: Financial Times, May 23, 2010.

  33. His lobbying for British industry: The Guardian, Nov. 29, 2010.

  34. “It’s not about the power”: Daily Telegraph, Oct. 24, 2009.

  35. Nevertheless, Andrew’s questionable associates: Buckingham Palace statement, July 21, 2011; BBC News, July 21, 2011.

  36. She even won the approval: Daily Telegraph, Aug. 9, 2010.

  37. employing eleven: Daily Mail, May 29, 2010; Financial Times, May 23, 2010.

  38. “never does accept a penny … lick of the spoon”: Sunday Times, May 23, 2010.

  39. “sincerely sorry”: The Independent, May 24, 2010.

  40. The guest of honor was: Daily Telegraph, Aug. 1, 2010.

  41. On August 2, 2010, Charles assumed: Ashe Windham interview.

  42. He raised more than £110 million: PoW Annual Review, p. 24.

  43. “He has made a full life”: Nancy Reagan interview.

  44. “is high octane”: Confidential interview.

  45. “He is probably an instinctively”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  46. “has no illusions”: Charles Anson interview.

  47. “Camilla soothes things”: Anne Glenconner interview.

  48. “You sense he maneuvers”: Confidential interview.

  49. “that person is for or against”: Confidential interview.

  50. “It is fair to say when he feels”: Patricia Brabourne interview.

  51. When he goes to stay at Sandringham: Confidential interview.

  52. he is known to eat a different meal: Roy Strong interview and confidential interview.

  53. “as good if not better”: Confidential interview.

  54. When Anne Glenconner’s sister got cancer: Anne Glenconner interview.

  55. Charles has eleven: PoW Annual Review, pp. 54–56.

  56. “There is nobody I admire more”: Malcolm Ross interview.

  57. “revolution … mechanistic approach”: Daily Mail, Dec. 18, 2010.

  58. “no separation between man and nature”: Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2010.

  59. “huge oversimplification”: BBC News, June 6, 2000. 513 “we have been genetically modifying”: Ibid.

/>   60. “the same argument that says”: The Guardian, July 2, 2011, excerpt from Vol. 3, The Alastair Campbell Diaries.

  61. “were becoming unhelpful”: Daily Mail, July 18, 2010.

  62. “She has allowed Prince Charles to work”: Malcolm Ross interview.

  63. “It is not a cozy relationship”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  64. “That will be a defining moment”: Confidential interview.

  65. allocating forty seconds to each: Malcolm Ross interview.

  66. “hospital nurse or nanny”: Beaton, The Unexpurgated Beaton, p. 231.

  67. Keeping eye contact: Author’s observations; Strong, pp. 313, 317.

  68. “furiously writing letters”: Confidential interview.

  69. In 2009–10 he personally wrote: PoW Annual Review, p. 45.

  70. “privately delighted”: Lacey, Monarch, p. 391.

  71. “Oh, that’s something I can’t do”: George Carey interview.

  72. “unless I get Alzheimer’s”: Margaret Rhodes interview.

  73. “But even then she wouldn’t retire”: Ibid.

  74. “The principals don’t tweak”: Malcolm Ross interview.

  75. “as the central church to her”: Confidential interview.

  76. “It is better not to have to think”: Bloomberg News, Nov. 19, 2010.

  77. “The settled rule and strong custom”: Kenneth Rose interview.

  78. “We’ll see, won’t we?”: Daily Mail, Nov. 19, 2010.

  79. “find ways to allow girls and women”: Speech opening the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, Oct. 28, 2011, Official Website of the British Monarchy.

  80. “This is a matter for the government”: Confidential interview.

  81. “defender of faith”: Sunday Times, Nov. 16, 2008. Jonathan Dimbleby wrote, “Prince Charles told me in 1994 that when he inherits the crown he wants to become ‘defender of faith.’ … This does not mean that he foresees any difficulty in swearing to become “defender of the faith.” … He sees no constitutional or spiritual contradiction in being both that and a ‘defender of faith.’ ”

  82. “absolutely determined to be the defender of nature”: Vanity Fair, Nov. 2010.

  83. “obviously it would be nice”: Daily Telegraph, Nov. 13, 2008.

  84. “active … to speak out on matters”: Sunday Times, Nov. 16, 2008.

  85. “fully accepts that as king”: Daily Mail, Nov. 17, 2008.

  86. “in a different way than my predecessors”: Vanity Fair, Nov. 2010.

  87. “Of course they really shouldn’t”: Ibid.


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