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Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Which one is she?” I ask, bumping his shoulder gently with mine, “Oh, is it her by the door with the awful purple dress on? I can see why guys would like that.” He looks over to the girl half-dressed and completely wasted draping herself over a guy looking pleased with himself. “Or is it her, she definitely knows how to show her assets off,” I giggle, pointing to another half-dressed chick hanging onto a guy’s arm.

  “Or, is it…”

  “Okay, okay enough,” he laughs, and finally looks at me. His eyes, oh man his eyes. They convey everything he’s feeling right now yet they show me nothing else. They don’t look kind but they don’t look unkind, there’s no anger but there is no happiness either, they look like they’ve seen a lot but they don’t give away what.

  “So who’s this girl that’s the only one to tear you away from the fire?” I ask, needing to hear him say it.

  He laughs shortly and looks back to the fire.

  “I think you know and you’re just fucking with me.”

  “I want to hear you say it,” I whisper.

  This has turned back on me rapidly and my heart picks up pounding against my chest. What began as teasing has turned into a deep need to know he likes and wants me.

  He gives me his full attention again and I feel his hand brush against mine. I need to see the contact he has made but I daren’t break eye contact with him.

  “It’s you. Look around, guys love to have these chicks hanging off them but they’re nothing but fun. I like my women with a little more class and to me, you’re the only one here with class.”

  “How do you know I have class?”

  I mean, I’m not trashy and I like to keep myself sober enough to know I’m not letting my tits fall out for all to see, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to let loose sometimes.

  “For starters, you’re drinking but you’re pacing yourself unlike most of these chicks. Secondly, you look…a knockout and you’re only dressed in shorts and a tee…”

  “What are you trying to say about my outfit?”

  “Absolutely nothing. The way your top hugs you, it’s hard to look away, the girl you pointed out leave nothing to the imagination but with you…you have a lot to leave a guy thinking about.”

  His smirk says more than his eyes and I am dying to find out more about him. There was me thinking I would have to nudge him and here he is flirting with me and making my legs go numb.

  “In that case, why don’t you finally tell me your name and show me around this place and maybe I’ll give you more to think about.”

  Our conversation turns from light teasing to intense seriousness and I know the way he has been looking at me isn’t how he looks at everyone else.

  “Sure, I’m Mark, Mark Blake.”

  I take him by surprise when I link my arm through his and move in closer to him as we walk around the Johnson place. He explains to me everything they have been doing out here for the last couple of weeks and the state it was in when they first arrived. I’m not interested in the labour side of his appearance in town but I listen because the sound of his voice not only draws me to him, it makes me feel stirrings no one has made me feel before. He makes me feel alive.



  Micky’s idea to turn a party into a money making idea was the best the guy has ever come up with and his brain for ideas knows no bounds. Last night was the first turning point in my life. I could feel it with every word she spoke, each time she lightly brushed against me and every detail she told me about her life. When she asked me to show her around, there was only one place I wanted to take her and that was to the room I have been staying in. It took all my will power not to make it happen. As it was, the night couldn’t have gone better. We found an empty spot by a fire pit on the edge of the crowd and stayed up talking till the sun came up. As each hour passed she moved closer until her head was resting on my shoulder and my arm wrapped itself around her shoulders to keep her warm. The soft side of me wished for it to still be night so I could sleep with her under the stars but as the fire began to sizzle out she laid in my arms and we both faded into sleep as the sun rose.

  Throughout the afternoon after we were woken by her friend shrieking in our ears for her to wake up. We were never far from each other, always in eye shot of one another. I laughed at Micky for falling in love so quickly but now I could shake his hand. Every time he dragged Flo away, it left Rayna in need of company and I took advantage of this.

  The weekend so far has felt surreal like it should be happening to someone else.

  The sun set a couple of hours ago and I couldn’t wait for the darkness to roll around again. We were all sitting around a fire, Flo and Micky doing things that should be done behind closed doors. Oak, with a girl on his lap whispering God knows what in her ear and Michael talking with a guy I haven’t met before. Then there was Rayna, dancing. Swaying her lithe body to no beat in particular, just moving in her own little world. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. She is intoxicating with her blonde curls flashing against the flames behind her.

  She focuses on me and smiles when she sees me watching. She sways to where I’m sitting and kneels before me. The image of her on her knees makes my dick twitch.

  “What’s the one thing I should know about you?” she asks, resting her hands on my knees.

  That I want to fuck you so hard it hurts. I keep that to myself and give her something she should know about me.

  “That I’m not big on talking about myself but if you ask me a question I’ll tell you what you want to know and I won’t lie.”

  “That’s good to know,” she smiles, pleased with my answer.

  “What should I know about you?” I ask, leaning forward so our faces are mere inches apart.

  “That I always go for what I want,” she breathes.

  She leans in and closes the gap between us, her lips crush against mine and before I get lost in all that is Rayna I pull away and drag her up with me.

  “Not here, come with me.”

  I take her hand and lead her to my room. I’m all for free expression and being free in the moment but with Rayna but I want the moment to stay between us. The house being the only place that is out of bounds, it’s empty and quiet as we pass through the kitchen.

  The adrenaline coursing through me gives me a rush I haven’t felt in a long time.

  Closing the door behind us, the air becomes thick with sexual desire.

  “I can’t work out what it is about you…”

  She closes her mouth on mine to stop me talking and pulls away again.

  “Take your time trying to find out.”

  I want to pounce on her, it has been a long time since I’ve felt like this. Instead I slowly pull her against me leaving no space between us and claim her mouth once again. I’m going to do what she said and take my time finding out.

  Her mouth falls away from mine and her head tilts back exposing her neck. Trailing my lips from her jaw down to her collarbone, I can feel the Goosebumps springing up on her skin under my lips as my breath causes her to tingle.

  She untucks her shirt and I take her place and pull it over head, throwing it to the floor. She stands before me bare and at complete ease. Shimmying out of her shorts she kicks them to the side leaving her in her panties.

  “This is where I get to see you too, Mark,” she smiles, breathing heavily.

  My tee is off in seconds and my jeans are around my ankles as I am pushing her back towards the bed. A tiny giggle escapes her as she bounces on landing but she turns serious when I don’t laugh with her.

  Kneeling on the end of the bed, I hold her leg in one hand and use the other to push her other leg further open.

  She completely relaxes and flings her head back onto the pillow. Her skin is soft and smooth, just as I expected her to feel.

  Running my fingers up her thigh, I can barely contain myself. I lean over her and think fuck it. I have all night to take my time figuring her out. Right no
w, I need to be inside her and to know how she feels wrapped around me. Her legs fold around my waist and pull into her and our lips connect. Her lips are so soft and she tastes the right mix of sweet and longing. I could kiss her forever.

  Time feels like it is both passing by painfully slowly and is rushing away from us. The heady mix is intoxicating.

  Pushing my boxers down my dick springs free and begs to push into her so I do. Her quick, sharp intake of breath pierces my ears and fuels me to push harder.

  Hearing her gasp my name is the biggest turn on I’ve experienced. Pumping into her harder and fastening my pace I crave to hear her scream it. Her legs tighten around me and force me on. Her heels digging into my ass cheeks spur me and before I know it I am completely lost in the moment. I hear nothing and can see nothing.

  My release fills her and all I can think is, oh God, this is embarrassing. Over so fucking quickly.

  I stay inside her and she pulls me down so I am laying on top of her.

  “I hope you’re going to be ready to go again soon,” she giggles.

  “Don’t worry about that, we have all night,” I pant, rolling off her.

  She leans up on her elbow and places a kiss on my chest.

  “We will see each other again, won’t we? I mean, by morning you’ll have had all of me. I don’t want this to be a onetime thing.”

  “Damn right we will. This is only the beginning,” I grin.



  Mark, Oak and Micky are busy continuing the renovations that stopped for the party that ended a few days ago, the work has been non-stop. I nearly had to knock Micky clean so I could do the food run on this bright, sunny morning. Any chance he gets to see his chick, he takes. I’m taking my chance to see Rayna without Mark around claiming all her time and attention. I wasn’t surprised when I found out that he had spent the night with her. He has a way of always getting what he wants. Apart from his high school sweetheart, I haven’t known him to commit to a woman seriously. I’m hoping this is just another fling for him, and a short lived one at that. Until he properly claims her as his own, I won’t pretend I don’t like her and I won’t stop trying to claim her for myself. I don’t feel bad about this. Mark obviously likes her too, he hasn’t said anything to me but he knows I like her and that didn’t stop him from taking her to bed. Does this bother me? No, not really. Mark and I have always had an I-want-what-you-have type of relationship, but the beauty of it is, we never let it come between us.

  I throw open the door to the diner and confidently walk in and sit at the counter.

  Rayna’s smile kills me as she walks over to take my order, so sweet yet seductive. The mere sight of her makes me nervous, in a good way.

  “What can I get you today, Michael?” she asks, leaning in front of me on the counter.

  “What I want isn’t on the menu, darlin’,” I smile.

  “Stop it,” she laughs.

  I like how she knows what I’m trying to say without out right telling her I want her out of that drab uniform and naked and it doesn’t even have to be in my bed, I would take her any place she would allow me too.

  “Seriously dude, what do you want?”

  The last person to call me dude, I punched and had his blood covering my fist. I hate being called dude. Rayna however, can call me what the fuck she likes.

  I pull out the scrap of paper of what everyone wants and give it to her.

  “Do theirs after mine, I’m going to eat in today,” I say, looking around the diner.

  “It’s pretty quiet this morning, where is everyone?”

  “Eating their breakfast’s at home I guess, not that I’m complaining.”

  Perfect. I can have more time with Rayna without her being called away to take an order and deliver food to tables.

  She pours me a coffee and leans on the counter again in front of me.

  “How’s the old Johnson place coming along?” she asks.

  “It’s coming, the main house is done as of last night and the work on the outbuildings start today.”

  It has been hard to know what to do with the outbuildings because Oak doesn’t have a clue what he wants to do with them. For now, we’ll be cleaning it up and making sure the fixtures are tight and replacing the old, rotted wood for new.

  The money we raised from the party is going a long way but it won’t last. Micky and I have mentioned throwing another party but Oak is stalling. I don’t get it, he loved the cash in his hands but not sure if he wants anymore, the guy is crazy.

  Both Micky and I think we should be charging every weekend. People loved it, so much so they took their time packing their shit away and leaving.

  “What will happen to it when it’s finished?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Oak wants to sell it.”

  And I don’t like the feeling of dread that passes through me at the thought of leaving town. What happens to us then? I like the way things are at the moment, I daren’t say it but I like it here and I can see myself being content.

  She disappears when Hank pings the bell and yells that my order is up and comes back with my pancakes and bacon.

  “More coffee?” she asks, nodding to my empty mug.


  The door rattles open and Flo breezes through in an invisible cloud of perfume and hair spray holding up her huge permed curls. She stops mid-step and frowns at me.

  “Where’s Micky? He usually comes for the food.”

  I’m about to say something sarcastic that could probably cause her to cry, but I stop myself knowing she is Rayna’s best friend and chicks always stick together. If I want to get in good with Rayna, I have to pass the best friend check.

  “He slept in this morning, we all heard a beautiful vixen keeping him awake most of the night,” I say, causing her to blush and hide her face as she passed to go into the kitchen.

  I suppose it wasn’t the kindest thing I could have said, but I am who I am and I can’t hide too much of it otherwise I’ll turn into a right pussy. Still, she passed with a smile on her face.

  “She’s really falling for him,” Rayna says, looking at the swinging door Flo just walked through.

  “If it helps, Micky has fallen for her and already wants to marry her.”

  Her laughter fills the diner.

  “No way, marriage already?” I nod and she carries on, “I reckon Flo would say yes right this minute. She doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going these days and all she can talk about is him.”

  “And who do you talk about?” I ask, hoping not to hear my brother’s name.

  “I talk about a lot of people, lately though I’ve been talking about the new guys in town and not just me, you have got the attention of the whole town.”

  “What are they saying?” I ask, but more specifically, what is she saying?

  “They’re wondering what you’re planning to do here. If you’re all staying? That sort of thing. Hank thinks your party was a genius idea, apparently takings were the highest he’s ever had on a weekend.”

  At least the locals weren’t moaning about the extra flow around town and with Hank happy with the extra business, the idea of throwing another party wouldn’t be met with objections.

  “When we know what we’re doing, I’ll be sure to let you and the town know.” I smile, tucking into my food.

  Rayna’s attention soon turned to Flo when she came out of the kitchen and as I was finishing my breakfast Hank personally brought the guy’s breakfasts out to me.

  Rayna was right, Hank was pleased with the extra flow of customers and he made a point of telling me personally that we should do it again. Ten minutes of talking to him had me bunching my fists and the urge to knock his teeth out had me biting my tongue. For the sake of Rayna I wouldn’t hit her boss, how the hell can she work for this douche? He is the type of guy who thinks he knows everything but knows jack shit.

  In the end I inform him we are indeed hosting another party this weekend and
it gets both Rayna’s and Flo’s attention.

  Heading to the bathroom to relieve myself before the long journey back. I’m glad to be rid of Hank. While finishing up and walking back to collect the food I over hear the girls chatting, or more specifically,, Flo speaking and Rayna trying to quieten her. I stay back out of sight by the juke box and listen to what Flo has to say.

  “I’m telling you Ray, be careful around him. He looks dangerous, didn’t you see the way he was holding his fists when Hank was chewing his ear?”

  “You’re being dramatic Flo, he’s been nothing but kind to me.”

  “It’s not just that, Micky’s told me things about him and he isn’t kind to everyone, by the sounds of it, he’s only nice to you.”

  “And you, I didn’t see him trying to hurt you earlier.”

  Don’t listen to her, please don’t, I pray.

  “Just watch yourself around him, please,” she’s almost begging her.

  “I will if you promise not to go off and get married,” Rayna replies.

  “Huh? What are you going on about?”

  “Nothing, I’m just messing with you.”

  I make a point of being noticed when I come out of the shadows and they both jump. Rayna making herself busy wiping the counter down and Flo fussing with the pile of napkins.

  I throw down my money on the counter Rayna has yet to wipe and grab the food.

  “So I’ll see you both Friday night?” I say.

  “Sure, we’ll be there, won’t we Flo” Rayna smiles, “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Flo’s smile is friendly enough but I know what she is hiding behind it.

  As soon as I’m outside and the food is loaded into my side bags securely, I let the anger seethe. What exactly has Micky been filling Flo’s head with? One thing’s for sure, I’ll be finding out as soon as I get back.

  I made it back to the house in under a half hour thanks to the anger fuelling my journey and the need to know exactly what Micky has being saying. I managed to convince myself that I would ask questions first this time before using my fists. Also, with Mark around I wouldn’t be able to use my fists for long without him jumping in to save the fucking day as usual.


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