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Unbearable Heat (The Grizzly Next Door 2)

Page 10

by Aya Morningstar

  He left a note for Lily and asked her to call him when she woke up, and he arranged to meet with his wolf friend Sanas.

  They met at a bar, and since it was barely past noon, the place was mostly empty. Sanas and Seth sat at a table in the corner over a couple of beers. Shifters’ bodies broke alcohol down incredibly fast, and Seth couldn’t even bet a buzz until he’d downed a twelve pack. They drank simply for the taste now. Seth had a dark ale, and Sanas had an IPA. They drank together and spoke in low voices.

  “Does Dirk want me dead?” Seth asked.

  Sanas took a sip of his beer, sniffed, and said, “Of course he does. The question is whether he’s willing to act on it. It’s been a long time since you killed his uncle, and while it’s a big deal to him, most people—even in his pack—are over it.”

  “So if he tries to kill me,” Seth said, “it will use up his...political capital.”

  “Yeah,” Sanas said. “That’s a good way to look at it. He had to cash in a lot of favors and use a lot of pull to splinter the pack, and he’s just now getting back on his feet—just now gaining stability as pack leader. If he goes after you straight away, it will alienate some that followed him over to the splinter pack. They’ll wonder if they betrayed Darius just for petty revenge.”

  “Yeah,” Seth said, “but a lot of people really were loyal to Dirk’s uncle. And I know for a fact that a lot of them hate my guts. He might alienate some by going after me, but it would make others real happy.”

  Sanas lit a cigarette, drew on it, and finally said, “Yeah. Based on what you’ve told me, I think it’s safe to say Dirk’s going after you.”

  “Anything else suspicious? You got ears on them?”

  “Maybe,” Sanas said, crossing his arms.

  Seth and Sanas had a working relationship, but it was tenuous. Seth had built it up slowly with him, and they didn’t totally trust each other, even after many years.

  Seth, for instance, would not mention Lily. Sanas didn’t need to know he cared for her, as it would just make her vulnerable. And Sanas was obviously keeping something to himself as well.

  “Sanas,” Seth said, “if you know something here, you’ve got to tell me. If it’s their whole pack against me, what chance do I have?”

  “You asked if I saw anything suspicious,” Sanas said, “and I did, but it don’t concern you. And it ain’t the whole pack against just you. If they try anything, we’ve got your back.”

  While Dirk’s pack hated him for killing Dirk’s uncle, Darius’s half respected him for it. And it seemed that respect went far enough that they’d stand with Seth if Dirk moved against him.

  “Sanas,” Seth said, “just tell me—”

  “All right! My guy saw Dirk meeting with a human, saw them shake hands.”

  “So?” Seth said.

  “So,” Sanas said, leaning forward, cigarette in his mouth, “Dirk don’t deal with humans. Ever. They’re getting drawn in by something bigger, some shadowy cult-type thing. And they fucking hate humans now. So seeing Dirk himself shaking hands with one? Something’s up there.”

  “You know who it was?” Seth asked. “The human?”

  “Doubt you know him,” Sanas said. “Flynt.”

  Seth’s stomach churned, and his chest froze. He bolted upright, knocking the table and spilling both drinks.

  “What the fuck?” Sanas said, beer spilling onto him.

  “Flynt Brenner?” Seth roared. “You’re sure?”

  He grabbed Sanas by the collar and pulled him in.

  “Yeah. How many people named Flynt you think there are in Cascadia Falls? You know him?”



  Lily woke up with a dry throat, and it took her a second or two to remember what had happened. How her life had been transformed. She was with Seth now, and everything was right in the world. Her house had needed to burn down. It was a good thing, because it brought Seth back into her life. It was as if fate had finally intervened, and it used whatever means necessary to get her and Seth together under one roof. They just needed to be forced together again for a few days to know that they should be together for a lifetime.

  She got out of bed, stretched, and went to go look for Seth. She wanted to get a drink of water and go back to sleep. She’d dozed off for a few hours at a time in the hospital, but she was totally spent. Maybe she could convince Seth to lay in bed with her.

  She walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge. Seth was out taking care of some things, but he wanted her to call him when she woke up.

  She felt a bit sad that he wasn’t there, but when she looked at the clock, she realized she had only been asleep for about an hour. He probably was trying to run errands while she was sleeping. She’d give him a call and let him know to take his time, that she was going to go back to sleep.

  She couldn’t find her phone though. Had she left it on the nightstand? She went back to the bedroom and looked at the nightstand, but it was empty.

  “Looking for your phone?” a voice rumbled from behind her.

  She screamed and spun around.

  A huge man with long, black hair was standing in the doorway. His arms were like barrels, and his eyes were full of hate.

  She screamed louder, but Seth’s house was right at the edge of the forest, and she knew no one would hear her.

  The man laughed, and Lily tried to run past him. He reached out an arm and clotheslined her, but he held her off the ground before she fell. He pulled her to his side and held her there, his huge arm locked around her waist.

  “I’m Dirk,” he said. “Your boyfriend killed my uncle.”

  Lily slammed her fists against Dirk’s sides, but he just laughed.

  “Weak humans,” he said. “It’s pathetic. Why should we hide from you?”

  He threw her over his shoulder and walked her back through the living room. When he tried to get her out the front door, she grabbed hold of the doorframe. She had no expectation of getting away from him, but if Seth were on his way home, delaying Dirk for even a few seconds could make all the difference. Once he had her in his car, Seth wouldn’t be able to find her.

  He cackled as she clung to the door, and he bashed his fists onto her fingers. She cried out in pain and let go, and he dragged her through the doorway.

  “I gotta be able to drive,” he said, “so sorry about this.”

  A cloth closed over her mouth, and as soon as she breathed in, harsh chemicals assaulted her nostrils. She tried to hold her breath, but her head was already floating, and then everything faded to black



  Seth jumped out of his truck and rushed to the door. Lily hadn’t answered her phone, but he held on to a hope that the battery had died, that she was just sound asleep and he’d be there in time to protect her.

  He tried the door, and it was unlocked. Fuck!

  “Lily!” he shouted, but already he saw signs of a struggle. A lamp was knocked over, as was the small table beside the door.

  He ran through the house, fearing the worst. She was nowhere to be found, which meant she was likely still alive. But for how long?

  Sanas stood behind him, shaking his head. “Sorry, man. If I had known Flynt was her ex, I’d have called you straight away.”

  Seth swallowed his rage. He needed Sanas on his side now, and there was no time to waste on blame.

  “I’ll kill him,” Seth said, his voice cool with anger.

  “Let us handle Dirk,” Sanas said. “You save Lily.”

  “I’ll tear his throat out,” Seth said, “just like I did to his uncle.”

  Not again! his bear moaned. Just save our mate! Save Lily! Listen to the stupid dog!

  Seth balled up his fists.

  “Look, man,” Sanas said, “I know you’re pissed. You should be—”

  “I’m so far beyond pissed,” Seth growled.

  “Right,” Sanas said, “but channel that rage into saving her. These two packs
have been destined to fight for years now. This is Dirk’s way of making it happen, and of making sure you’re there too. You gotta unravel yourself from all of this. Killing Dirk’s uncle is what got you here. If you kill Dirk—and keep interfering in wolf shit—then maybe Dirk’s nephew will have it out for you for the next ten years. The cycle will just repeat! And I swear, if you don’t get yourself out of this now, I’m done with you. I won’t protect you. Save Lily, and leave Dirk to us.

  Save Lily. That was really what mattered. He had to focus on that.

  “Okay,” Seth said.


  Sanas took Seth to Darius. They owned a garage, but it was closed now. It was acting as a staging ground for the coming battle.

  As soon as Seth stepped foot into the garage, a short and stalky man with a scruffy beard and a pronounced underbite got up in his face. The man’s lip quivered in anger as he growled at Seth, and Seth backed up.

  The man moved forward into Seth’s face and shoved him.

  Okay, he wanted to start shit? Seth shoved him back and growled louder, and the man’s lip quivered more, his bottom teeth sticking out.

  “What the fuck, Darius?” Seth shouted past the rabid werewolf.

  “That’s just Sherlock. Don’t mind him. He’s just kind of a dick. Sherlock! Down, boy.”

  Sherlock stepped back, still growling, and his lip still quivering.

  Darius was sharpening a long knife, and his pack was preparing for battle behind him. Some were gathering weapons. Others were sparring or hitting punching bags.

  Darius spoke without looking up at Seth, his eyes focused on his knife. He had a thick beard patched with silver, and his head was bald and gleaming.

  “This splinter pack,” Darius said, “these traitors, have crossed a line. They’ve been indoctrinated by this One True Clan. You heard of it? Dirk is barely even in control anymore. Someone else is holding the strings. So they kidnap your human girlfriend to force us into a fight. To force you out as well. We can’t let wolves harm a human. It goes against everything we stand for.”

  “I’ll fight with you,” Seth said. “You need my help—”

  “No!” Darius shouted. “We won’t repeat that mistake again.”

  Darius snapped his fingers, and from the corner of his eye Seth saw movement.

  He spun around to see two wolves sneaking up on him, and just as he prepared to shift, he felt a prick in his back.

  “Horse tranquilizer,” Darius said. “Triple dose.”

  Seth spun back around to face Darius, but already he felt the drug working through him.

  Stay awake! his bear shouted. We have to save her!

  “No hard feelings, Seth,” Darius said, “but I can’t risk you doing something stupid. We’ll save your mate.... You have my word.”

  Seth fought as hard as he could, but it kept him conscious for only a few moments more. He felt his legs give out, and his shoulder slammed onto the cold concrete.

  “Chain him up,” Darius’s voice said above him, and then he blacked out.


  Seth awoke with his hands chained behind his back and chains around his neck. The chains on his neck were just tight enough that he couldn’t pull them up over his head, but if he shifted, they’d choke him to death. His legs were unrestrained, but he was shut up inside some kind of small room. The door was thick metal, but he kicked it as hard as he could. He’d break it down through sheer force of will. He kicked it five times, ten, twenty, but it wouldn’t budge. He gasped for air and fell down. He’d take a short rest and then kick it again.

  Kick it harder! his bear said. Just keep hitting it!

  Another big dumb bear idea. Just keep hitting it forever. Another big dumb obstacle. He thought back to the iron gate from when Lily’s house was burning, the one he could have just climbed over.

  He tried the handle and the door opened right up.

  Just outside the door he found a blowtorch, and there was a small sticky pad on it with scrawled writing.

  SAVE HER. Don’t do anything stupid.

  Sanas. He’d gone behind Darius’s back and had unlocked the door.

  Now he just had to get the blowtorch going and burn the padlock off the chains around his hands.

  He tweaked the acetylene and oxygen mixture to about half and half, and then he fumbled awkwardly until he hit the pilot light on. The blue flame shot out, and Seth set the tank on the ground. Then he moved with his back facing the flame and squatted down until he saw the flame touch the lock. He tried to hold still, but soon he felt the chains heating and burning into his skin.

  “Fffuckk!” he grunted as the pain became ice-hot, but he couldn’t waste even a second, so he bared the pain.

  The lock popped open, and Seth jumped away from the flame. He flexed his muscles and pulled until the chains unraveled. He grabbed hold of the blowtorch and burned the lock around his neck until it clattered onto the ground, and finally he freed himself from the chains around his neck.

  He knew where the battle would be. Where Lily was. After the wolf pack had split into two, Darius’s pack had started using this garage as their headquarters. That meant the splinter pack had kept the location of their old base, which was the same place where Seth had killed Dirk’s uncle. It was deep in the forest, on the opposite end of town as his home. It was little more than a handful of cabins in the woods circled around a big fire pit. It was a place for them to meet as wolves, not as men, and the cabins were simply there to hold supplies, or occasionally to hide one of the pack who had run into trouble with the law, as was often the case.

  Lily would likely be in one of those cabins, guarded, of course. And not only guarded, but whoever was guarding her would be expecting Seth.



  She was tied to a tree with thick rope. It burned her wrists as she tried to work herself loose, but it was useless. She was in a clearing in the forest, with cabins circling around her. She was surrounded by Dirk’s men—no, werewolves—and Dirk himself. While some lounged about lazily, she could see from their movements that they were tense and poised.

  “We’re gonna settle an old score today,” Dirk said to her, picking some grit out of his nails with his gleaming knife. He sat on a simple wooden stool near a pile of logs: what looked like a bonfire waiting to be lit. All his men stood while he sat.

  “I don’t care,” she said. “It has nothing to do with me.”

  “Ah,” Dirk said, “but it does, you see. Our whole pack split in two all because of what your boyfriend did. He is your boyfriend, ain’t he? Tell me he ain’t and you’re free to go.”

  “He ain’t,” Lily said, mimicking his voice. She’d lie through her teeth if it would get her out of this.

  Dirk laughed. “She’s got a mouth on her! Too bad it’s full of shit.”

  He sprung to his feet and spun toward her. His arm snapped in a chopping motion, and she saw the knife flash and disappear.


  She looked to her side, and just inches from her cheek, the knife gleamed, stuck at least three inches deep into the thick tree.

  Dirk laughed even harder, as did some of his men.

  Lily shuddered inwardly but let out no sign of fear.

  Dirk sniffed the crisp, cool air. “Smell that? They’re coming.”

  “What if they bring guns?” Lily asked. “Your knives won’t do you any good, especially since you can’t even hit me with one from five feet away.”

  Dirk growled at her as he approached. He got right up in her face and then stared into her with dead eyes. He pulled the knife from the tree and said, “I never miss. Next time it will go right through your fucking eye if you don’t shut up.”

  He flipped the knife through the air and caught it by the handle. “Wolves fight with tooth, claw, and knife. The splinter pack may be cowards, but they’re still wolves. They ain’t bringing guns to this fight.”

  She realized then that not all of the men had knives. The unarmed one
s must be those who focused on fighting as wolves, while those with knives were less likely to shift in battle.

  A lone wolf walked forward from the dense trees of the forest. Dirk signaled his men back, and the wolf shifted to human form as it approached the fire pit.

  It was a bald and bearded man that Lily didn’t recognize, but she assumed it was their pack leader.


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