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Monstrous Lust

Page 4

by E M Beastly

  Needless to say, that cat was wicked. He was truly beginning to think that the devil had sent it to claim his sinful soul. He also no longer doubted that his sisters have something to do with both the cat and his dreams. They were sneaking off at night, treading off into the same dark woods on the back of the farm's black stallion. He wanted to believe it all was all part of the same residual nightmare, as he could not fathom where they could be going in these cold and dark nights. February snow in these mountains was deep and treacherous. He had wanted to confront them about it. However, there was no evidence he could use outside of his questionable groggy vision. There should be tracks of some kind in the snow, especially left by those of such a large animal as Blackie who was a mighty sized workhorse. The snow was well over seven feet deep in places, and yet it was undisturbed around the entrance to that foreboding forest.

  He could not figure out how it all related to an event that happened almost a year ago. He was wracked with guilt and shame over what led to the death of his father, but why was there a cat? They never owned a cat. There never was a cat. He began to question his sanity. His guilt must be conjuring delusions. Shaping his inner shame bottled up inside himself and turning it into these feline manifestations. He was scared, but he could not tell anyone. The family was only starting to settle into this new life.

  He tried to fight off the dreams, but dreams have a weird way of appearing normal while one explores them. It is only after, when the dream was done tormenting, that he realized just how crazy the experience was. It did not help that he was enjoying these dreams: Well, up until the cat produced her sinister smile.

  Emile was such a sweet girl and his first sweetheart. Yet, for being the pastor's daughter, she was a wild one. Many of the younger generations were like that. Her sister Thomasin, some of the other neighbor's kids, they were all a bit rebellious. The stuffy conservatism of their hometown could be frustrating to the young, wild and free. The older generation liked to pass it off as some sort of phase that you grow out of, especially when enough 'discipline' was properly applied.

  He had to admit he fell for her looks, and lust was to blame for his crimes. He gave into temptation. He made the choice, and now this nightmare was taunting him.

  "But why is it trying to lure me further into my sin?" he asked himself desperately. "The dream gives me no room to resist. She was already on top of me. We were already doing it. I have learned how to do things in these dreams that I have never learned. They might not even be possible. I know nothing about female anatomy. Yet, if I were to take a test on what the various parts of a vagina are called, I feel confident that I could pass it. I think I could even tell somebody the best way to stimulate a woman. I don't know, maybe it's just a dream, and I don't know anything at all."

  For days, he retreated into himself, becoming a gloomy and unpleasant brother to his sisters. Nonetheless, the cat was nudging him to take action. He was certain she was trying to show him something in the deep woods. That is where she always went, and she always looked behind her to make sure he was watching where she went after every hot night of him waking up to his ejaculating mess.

  One morning, he put on his boots and coat and began to wade through the waist deep snow in the direction the cat would go. He immediately regretted his decision as the work was grueling. It turned into an almost all afternoon job just to hike the short distance from the house to the tree line. Still, it helped to verify that he must have been seeing things. For all the trouble he was putting himself through, there was no way his sisters were pushing through this snow every night.

  Once in the forest, the snow was not nearly as deep. Surely, the paw prints he was now seeing must be from a squirrel or some other animal. They were fresh and cleanly visible as they dotted his path deeper into the forest. They were the only thing to follow. There was nothing else here but the trees and snow. Even the air was mute. Nothing was stirring: No birds chirped, no furry rodents skittered about, and no wind made the tree limbs rub together; it was eerily quiet. Nonetheless, he did not feel alone. He felt eyes watching him. The further he trudged the more he felt the invisible eyes peeking at him.

  The height of the snow diminished further. He was starting to see bare patches of grass and dead pine needles. Maybe it was just the workout of trudging through the wilderness and snow, but he was hot and sweating. The cold air against his face should be welcoming, but there wasn't any cold air anymore. Even after he took off his coat, it was not enough. When he sat on an old stump to take off his snow pants, it was also not enough. Soon, all his winter clothes were off, and he carried them under an arm or had them tied around his waist.

  He was still warm and sweating. It felt like summer here. Everything was green and budding, even the wildflowers were blooming in the glens were they could receive better sunlight. He could not recall seeing some of these unique, wild species during the summer. He could not recall seeing anything like these flowers anywhere at all.

  Nonetheless, he was glad when he came across the bubbling spring. It was a beautiful natural well with bluish waters. He had heard that such things existed in these mountains. He just never thought they would be so deep. Descriptions of natural springs were usually depicting them as little fountains gushing out of the ground, not as giant ponds that he could fully submerge himself.

  He had to get a drink, he was so thirsty from the heat and long walk, and the water looked to inviting. It was cool, but not cold. In fact, if felt perfect in his cupped hands as he sipped from them. It was deliciously sweet, faintly having the taste of honeysuckle with the aroma of wild mint. He took big handfuls and poured it onto his face as he drank it. He let the excess pour down his chin and neck. It probably was not wise to get himself this wet when behind him the path would be cold and snowy once more, but he did not care; it felt good against his sweaty skin.

  The more he drank and the more he poured down himself, the more he desired to bath in it. It was not long before he was undressed and doing just that. He did not even think about it, he just did it, and it felt so good. He let himself float upon the small bubbles coming up out of the earth to tickle his back as he laid there in quiet contemplation. He tried to think about how surreal this was. Yet, the more he rested the less he wanted to care about the details of his discovery. Soon, he was fast asleep.

  * * *

  "Sploosh! Splash!" Carlson came roaring up out of the spring. It was not wise to fall asleep while keeping himself afloat. His body lost its buoyancy, which was too bad, it had been the most relaxed he had been in months.

  "Whoops," he said to himself while wiping the dripping water from his face and hair. He went for his clothes and his watch, expecting to find the time to be at most ten or so minutes past when he first entered the water. However, his clothes were not where he placed them. He spun around certain his clothes were nearby, but with every twist and turn, and every mossy rock on the shore he examined, they were not there.

  "Oh no! Oh no!" he said with panic.

  Frantically he searched, twisting and turning rapidly to again check all the places he had already checked. The more he searched, the more frantic he became. However, it only took her laughter to interrupt him.

  "Up here above you," she said after letting him continue searching a bit longer. It was no longer his clothes he was trying to find, but the source of her laughter.

  It was the cat, the same cat from his dreams. Yet, she was also something different. Below her giant cat-shaped face with monstrously big eyes and an impossibly wide grin, was a human-shaped body.

  What a body it was. Yes, it was covered in black fur, and it had an impossibly fluffy black tail, but it was a woman's body. She had shape, and curves and tits. Boy did she have tits! It was not the same as his dreams. Emile had the cute, sexy, petite body of a sixteen-year-old. This cat was a woman; A fit, well-managed, well-groomed woman who was not afraid to use her body for both show and play. She was sitting purposely in a way that strikingly posed its femininity to him. />
  His dick instantly went straight and stiff as though it just recognized an old friend. From her smile, he was certain she recognized it too. He tried to hide his shame, knowing full well she could see everything through the clear water. It was hard to cover it up when his dick so wanted to poke through his fingers and grabbing himself by his long shaft only made himself appear more inappropriate.

  "Boy, why are you trying to hide it? It's so excited to meet me. Now get out of that wet hole and let this pussy properly greet it." She said with not so subtle hints of both her smile and body.

  "What? Who are you? What are you? This is another dream, isn't it? He said while sinking himself deeper until only his head crested the water.

  "Maybe, but who cares anyway? You will know when you cum inside me. If you wake up squirting all over yourself, then you are dreaming."

  "What! No! I just want my clothes. Besides, it's Emile who I was in love with. Isn't she supposed to be in my dream?"

  "That would be if you were dreaming, but... she's not here. Just me, and a few others."

  "Others?" he asked surprised, and then he started looking around.

  "Oh yes, there are lots. We all want to breed with you. We will make you so much more here. You will get a new body, a much prouder one than the one you have now. Then you won't be afraid to hide your cock from me."

  "I'm not coming out! I am either going to wake up, or you are going to give me my clothes back," he exclaimed while still trying to find a way to hide his shame. He had to wonder if the water was not doing something to him. He never remembered his dick being this big. It was odd that he felt more in his palms and fingers than he could remember.

  "It's too late for you," she said as she exposed even more of herself.

  "Too late? what do you mean too late?"

  "You drank the water. You fell into our trap. It's too late. Now we have sex with you."

  "Well, unless you plan on fetching me out of this pond, you will do no such thing. And...what are you, a cat? Cats don't like water... Ow! Hey! What the..."

  There was something in the water with him. When or how it got there was unknown. It was a sleek, long brownish thing and it was pawing at his crotch.

  He fought vigorously to keep it from prying his hands away from his dick. "Why the hell is this exciting me more?" he silently screamed.

  His dick was getting very hard and excited with this thing trying to get at it. Like the cat, it had a definable human form; a female form, but it still was not human. His dick was so impossibly big now, which made it impossible to protect it with his hands. That frightened him more than the thing trying to play with it. Something had been done to him, and now his dick was changing. He could almost feel his tip cum up to poke him in the stomach.

  With his attention distracted by his new physical developments, he lost his balance on the slippery stones he had been standing on, submerging himself in the deeper water. He quickly floundered his way back to the surface, coughing up the water he just inhaled. Still coughing, he tried to swim frantically back to where his feet touched bottom near the ponds mossy banks. Yet, he was not quick enough to escape his swimming companion. The sleek brown creature gracefully leaped out of the water to pounce upon his legs and groin. Her mouth, a long muzzle with sharp canines, bit down upon his dick, swallowing it whole.

  He felt her teeth grate against the tight skin and throbbing veins of his dick, but they did not pierce it. A long and nimble tongue coiled completely around it from tip to base. His dick could not handle it. He came, but not like the raging geyser as he had past nights. It still felt like an impressive amount; and how his dick ached with pleasure from this alien sensation, he was sure more would blast out soon enough.

  The she-creature looked like some kind of furry shark. The details were hard to make out; his vision was blurry and his mind was whirling. It took him a good two minutes to recognize what kind of creature attacked him. Like the cat, she was something of a mix of things. A stoat or otter came to mind. However, the human qualities, particularly the perky and bubbly boobs she pressed against his balls, distracted him from meaningfully determining what she was; not that it mattered.

  He wanted to pry her off but his fear mixed with overflowing amounts of pleasure. Much like how it was in his dreams, the pleasure sapped his strength; sending tingling numbness down all his extremities. His dick loved the oral attention, its veins pumped hot and hard with blood. It throbbed with its own inhuman intensity to the point that he was afraid it would burst. He swore it was only getting bigger, even if stuffed down this creature's throat.

  In his euphoria, he did not notice others come up behind him to drag him further out of the water.

  "Hurry," said one voice that sounded like the Cat's, "he will soon produce for us fresh milk. It has been so long since I have tasted fresh milk from one yet untouched.

  "Then tell Nana to stop hogging him, or else she will get all his first spoils," said another. "Quickly, stand him up, and move over. Let's all taste the first nectar."

  He could barely stand, so the three held him up. The cat's smiling face came into view hugging at his knees, another helped brace him from behind desperate to also get her lips and tongue somewhere near his genitals. Carlson could not believe what he was seeing; this third she-creature was some sort of bird monster with multicolored feathers of brown, red and gold. She sent her large, hard beak diving toward his testicles.

  Excited about their prize, and he unable to stand properly, they quickly sat him beneath a large shady tree. They spread his legs and all dived in. All tried to consume him as though he were some rare fruit ready to fall. With each lick of their strange tongues, or touch from the fur or feathers of their strange bodies against his sensitive skin, his dick seemed to almost moan as it stretched and bulged. The changes were subtle, but his body was reacting very strangely to these strange maidens. He could feel incredible heat and pressure of likes he never thought possible. He wanted to cum, and cum bad.

  He knew it had to happen soon, but something was holding him back. It was excruciating. He began to cry out, Oh, god! I need...I need to cum. Oh....oh I can't stand it, please!"

  Every little touch and nudge from these creatures, even the warm, smooth beak of the feathery she-beast nuzzling his scrotum or lightly pecking at his balls, felt like hot, soothing menthol that made every nerve scream in delight.

  "Shoosh now, it will be soon. The first time is always the most intense," they all reassured him as though they knew more was going on that just his dick getting sucked.

  Finally, without warning, his muscles all relaxed; he had no control. His cum did not shoot out in the ropy streams he thought it would, or as it had in nights past. This time it was thick and heavy. It pushed up so slowly through his urethra, he had to wonder if he wasn't trying to piss out warm molasses. He forced himself to push harder, cumming with all his might. The weight and amount of it did not allow the thick wad to shoot very far. It just fell back down on him like the contents of a water balloon, making a soupy splatting sound upon impact between his belly-button and pubic hair. It hit with enough force to cause thick droplets to fly like hot grease onto his face and chest. He would have taken the time to wipe them off, but his body just wanted to keep cumming. He had become some sort of endless human wellspring. It was impossible for his body to produce so much, but there was nothing he could do to protest except grunt and groan with each jolt forced out of him.

  "I forgot how much these new ones produce. Do you think the three of us is enough?" one of the girls said, but the other two were too busy trying to polish his dick. They took turns slurping down its filthy length. Each taking huge swallows before quickly passing it on to whoever would take it next before he erupted again.

  For Carlson, each spurt of his cumming cock was like somebody striking a blow to his head. All he could see was white, and all he could hear was the ringing of his heart. He knew it was not ringing out of love. This was pure lust, and his weak body had already gi
ven in to temptation.

  Finally, the flow subsided, but his dick retained its readiness. In truth, it was harder than before. It had tightened to the point that it hurt, its blood pumping so severely he was sure he could hear it. It was almost as if his dick had a will of its own. It no longer wanted to be bothered with this oral foreplay. It wanted warm flesh to squeeze it and a womb to fill with its next load. It wanted the kitty-cat from his dreams to take him exactly as she had in his dreams.

  The cat was ready to oblige. She was a terrifying and sexy thing. Her body was the most exciting thing he had ever seen, regardless if she had fur. However, her face with its smile was from a sinister nightmare. Her eyes were bright and bold with daggers in them piercing his soul. There was no fighting her as she forced herself upon him. Her face and her eyes were so very close to his. She was purring softly, but even that did not distract from the danger and wickedness of her smile. She opened her maw to let a long and prehensile tongue escape it. Opening her toothy snap trap only made her grin more pronounced as the edges of her smile curled upwards in an impossible manner.

  The wet sting of her tongue coincided with the sting of her body. She forced his all too willing dick to pierce her inhuman flesh. It felt like nothing he could remember, real or otherwise. He felt like his own body was betraying him. He swore his dick had slithered inside her like a snake writhing for the warmth and comfort of a new den. It could be just a hallucination or a product of this strange nightmare. Perhaps he ate something that did not agree with him before bed, or some insect or thorny plant stung him. The later seemed more reliable for his delirium, because he could feel poison in his veins. It stung where her tongue touched and lapped at his neck and cheek, and it burned where the pillowy flesh of her black vagina rubbed against his dick.

  It was a satisfying burn. It made his muscles vibrate and tingle with excitement. His dick lavished in its wet new den. It had even stopped throbbing and hurting so much with its awful lustful ache. Now it was content to rest snuggly in her chamber, even if she made him slide it soothingly in and out of her in a slow rhythm. The enchanting heat and friction of both her tongue and cunt made him feel like he was melting. Nonetheless, he was terrified because he could do nothing. It was not because he could not fight off these monsters; it was because his body refused to do so. He was a prisoner to its desire. His muscles controlled themselves as if they had their own will. Soon, he was fully embracing his capture, kissing that monstrous toothy smile with all the embrace his body could muster. His mind screamed and recoiled, but his body only squeezed her closer while his tongue pressed against hers.


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