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Monstrous Lust

Page 9

by E M Beastly

  'Click' was the sound that accompanied the lights turning off in her room, leaving her staring blankly into the darkness. It was not so much that her room was now disturbingly dark; it was nearly eleven at night. It was the fact that the sound accompanying it was distinctively the light switch being flipped by some invisible hand.

  "Heather, are you playing a prank on me?" she said aloud. Yet, pranks were not something her sister was prone to do. The light coming from under her bedroom door verified that only the lights in her room were affected. The door was closed, and she never heard it open nor shut. She looked outside. The hall lights were on but the hallway was empty, she could only faintly hear her sister watching television from downstairs.

  She quickly flipped her lights back on and tried to dismiss it as something mundane like a faulty switch, a circuit breaker, or some other electrical fault she had no knowledge about. She went back to her notepad and back to writing a steamy little adventure of a ghost girl peaking on a boy in the shower, when 'click'.

  "Now it begins," she thought to herself. It was the first real unexplained event to verify her suspicions that this place was haunted. It spooked her; her heart thumping in her ears verified that. Nonetheless, she was not surprised, and only wondered why now these troubling events decided to start.

  "Are you there?" she spoke into the dark. "I can feel you watching me. Your presence is stronger now than I have ever felt before."

  It was the truth too. The darkness felt thick and heavy. It was not suffocating her, but it was 'touching' her in an inexplicable way.

  "Do you like what I am writing?" It made her ask stupidly into the dark. "Is it turning you on?

  And then she had to ask it, "Would you like me to write that the ghost girl do more than just watch the handsome boy shower? Would you like me to write that plays with him?" There was only darkness and silence as a response.

  "Would you like the ghost to suck the boy's cock?" She then said quickly with a determined tone to see if she would get any kind of haunting reply, but again, nothing but darkness and silence.

  She calmly got back up and turned her lights on while thinking about how silly she was being. Yet, before she could even take three steps back to her seat, 'click' went the switch creating darkness that surrounded her again. Frustrated, she turned around to turn it back on. Just as she was about to do so, she felt it. Something quickly brushed between her legs... something masculine. The touch was so quick that it was hard for her not to think she was not imagining it. Yet, the presence in the dark was stronger than before.

  Her thoughts immediately raced to "Oh my God! I have a ghost boy in my room, and he wants to reverse my story. Shit, I'm not ready for this!" and with that she decided she had enough of being alone in her room and went to join her sister in watching the television downstairs.

  Monster Movies

  For Adults

  * * *

  Heather Mercia could not sleep. She knew she should be in bed at this late hour. Normally her mother would not approve of it because she had school in the morning. However, her mother seemed more distant and occupied ever since they all moved into this creepy house seven months ago. It was this house that was keeping Heather from wanting to sleep. Nothing unusual or strange had happened, nor were there any evidence of ghosts. It just felt wrong. Actually, wrong is a harsh term, for it would imply there dwelt a certain kind of evil maliciousness that the house lacked. Certainly, even her sister Genie and her mother both felt a presence here. Only Genie was more vocal about expressing her discomfort with it, while their mother was the most in denial of it. Heather stood somewhere in the middle. She agreed with her sister that something must be lurking in the shadows of this old home but was inclined to ignore it if she could; even if on some nights only the lights and noises of a distracting television show helped calm her anxiety. Not this night; this night the house would surprise her and reveal its true intentions. Why it chose now is uncertain, but it did in a way that was so subtle that Heather would not know if anything truly was abnormal.

  She was surfing through the channels hoping to find an action movie or some other intensely energetic show that would keep her awake without it frightening her. She found far more than she bargained for, and stared gasping as she fumbled to mute the sound from the remote. She was successful in quickly quieting the scene but she did not take the time to see if others in the house had heard the calamity beforehand or not. She was too busy staring with shocked disbelief.

  A strange woman was sucking on a man’s penis. It was extreme and hardcore. The man’s dick was long, fat and the large veins pumped with blood. Below the base of his plump sausage hung a heavy sack laden with two rather large nuts weighing it down and making it an impressive ornament between his legs. The woman with him was a cute and young looking thing with brown short hair containing red highlights. She had his sloppy spit-covered dick halfway in her mouth and sucked it as if it was a lollipop.

  “What show is this?” she pondered, unable to pry her eyes away long enough to use features built into the remote that would help her find out. Heather had never seen porn before. Her eyes were just as virgin to the privies of sex as her body was. She was seventeen, and for that, her ears had heard plenty about the birds and the bees from both her schoolmate peers and the sex-ed courses that tried to teach it. Nonetheless, this was her first time actually seeing a man’s hard dick, let alone acts of intercourse. It just never happened for her yet. Maybe because she was just too much of a nerd and had her mind occupied in books rather than on boys.

  It was grotesque in how bulbously vein covered this man’s cock was, or how the fat thing squished and stretched while the woman's tiny lips rode up and down it.

  “Oh my god!” Heather quietly exclaimed to herself when the woman pulled the sloppy, saliva dripping cork deep out of her throat. “She had that much in her mouth? There was that much to be put in her mouth?” Heather asked astonishingly, perhaps hoping some invisible force surrounding her would reply.

  For this being her very first time exposed to such things she was experiencing a one hell of a massive sized stud pared with the talents of a star who could swallow his whole thing down. She felt as if she should be appalled, and even went so far as to tell herself in a disgusted tone that it was time to change the channel. Yet, all she managed to do was try to check the channel info to figure out what in the hell she had stumbled upon. Strangely, the channel info on the remote did not want to work for this particular show. When she flipped to the nearest channel next to it, she found a tame and familiar one that mostly showed cartoons. She had no explanation for it. The only half-baked ideas she could conjure was her satellite receiver was picking this up by accident from some other location.

  “Well…I am the only one watching, and it is kinda late…” she devilishly contemplated. “Ya, I guess I do want to see this stuff. After all, it is kinda educational.”

  She flipped back to it, finding it without any difficulty even though it was not listed as a selectable channel. She flipped it just in time to see her fist cumshot.

  “Holy mother of…”she gasped and held a hand over her mouth. The cum came out in thick long ropes that squirted out over a distance of two feet to slap the woman across her face and into her open mouth. The squirting ribbons striped her up and down, left and right; he even got a couple small squirts to cover her shapely breasts.

  Heather once eavesdropped on some of the sluttier girls in her high school during gym. They had talked about taking a guy's load to the face, but she hardly expected it to be quite as dramatic as what she was seeing now. Being that this was her first time seeing it at all, she was quite disturbed that girls participated in this weird ritual of letting men shoot thick, sloppy goo all over their faces. It made her slightly nauseated to see this porn star lick and swallow large gobs of the man cream, or continue to sloppily suck on his shaft and tip when it was still dripping with the stuff.

  "Must taste good?" she thought to hersel
f while frowning. Her inquisitive mind could only fathom that there must be some sort of pheromone effect on the brain that produced the desire to stick ones mouth on anyone's private parts, let alone consume the bodily fluids they produced.

  However, Heather had a much harder time dismissing her rising desires when the couple positioned themselves so that the big man could insert his big dick into the lovely woman’s small body. Heather had to question how a man's cock, even a big man's like this, was capable of stretching open the female body and then sink himself all the way down deep inside of something so small and tight. The limits of biology truly amazed Heather, especially when she heard tales that some woman had trained their bodies to take whole fists from the arms of burly men.

  This small girl was not trained like that. The man was having a hard time spreading the lips of her pussy enough just to get his tip in. More than likely it was just a tease for the audience. Against Heather it was working. She really wanted to see what this fat and vieny thing looked like stuffed inside this petite woman. Seeing the pussy lips peel apart as the slimy tip of the cock rolled between them excited her with a surprising awe. Somehow, without her noticing, her own hand had slipped between her panties to stimulate this hidden excitement she was trying to contain.

  "Come on, put it in," she whispered to herself without noticing. She sat on the edge of the sofa chair as though she was ready to cheer on this act of coitus. The camera work on screen was giving her an excellent view of what was about to happen, and the man's tip was just about to disappear inside the warm wet flesh of his partner when..."Shit!" Heather whispered as she frantically changed the channel at the sound of somebody coming down the stairs. It was her sister Genie, and she had a concerned look on her face.

  "Shit," Heather thought to herself while trying to act as innocent as she could. Fortunately, her sister concerns were focused elsewhere.

  "Have you noticed anything unusual happening in this house?" Genie asked, "Like just now, particularly with the power or the lights?

  " not at all," Heather nervously replied, "Nope, just watching TV, nothing unusual."

  Genie looked at her funny. "What are you watching?" she finally said suspiciously.

  "Ah, just cartoons," Heather replied honestly.

  Genie did not believe her and came to inspect both the TV and the remote. Heather grew pale as she her sister switched through the channels and took note of the viewing history. She sighed in relief when the big man about to penetrate his woman could not be found. In fact, all traces of its existence seemed to have disappeared.

  The Dark Lives

  * * *

  It had only been a couple days since the light switch incident in Genie's room. She had largely forgotten about it since it had only had been a minor incident, and no other weirdness had occurred to verify its authenticity. That was until this evening where she was in the basement washing clothes. The basement was one of two places in the house she hated the most. Even with the lights on it was gloomy, for this old home had no windows of any kind along the cracked cement walls that made up its foundation. Maybe it was just the atmosphere; many people did not like going into their basements. Nonetheless, Genie intended her visits down here to be quick and to the point; the less time she was down here the better.

  'Click', the lights went off just like that night in her room. Without a window or lights coming from up under a bedroom door it was unbelievably dark. Genie could not even see her hand in front of her face for the first minute or so until her eyes adjusted, and then she still could only barely see the shadowed outline of her surroundings.

  Obviously, she wanted out of here, and wanted out now. Unfortunately, the washer was not in a convenient place close to the stairs or a light switch. She would have to walk twenty feet and then turn a corner. Genie yelled at her sister upstairs, wondering if she was responsible for this prank. Obviously, Heather would not respond, even if it were her doing. More than likely, her sister was upstairs watching TV again, and could not hear her plight over its droning noise. Interestingly, Heather normally read books rather than watched television. Why Heather was now overly intent on watching TV, particularly in the evenings, went against her reserved and solitary nature. Her behavior was strange, but Genie could not find anything to suggest something amiss. It did not stop Genie from cursing and threatening her sister over her current predicament.

  She clumsily made her way, tripping on almost all the storage boxes and other clutter her family had managed to stuff down here. Barely able to see, this was not an easy task and she nearly fell over a couple of times when she collided with objects. She gave up trying to watch her step when it really was not doing anything for her but slowing her down. She focused all her energy on getting to the stairs as quickly as possible. The price of her folly was slamming her body into a large and heavy object.

  "Dammit, what the hell is this in my way?" she cursed as she felt out in front of her; groping at the big black object standing in her path.

  As soon as she touched it, she recoiled, because it recoiled. It was firm and organic, covered all over in course hair. Her reaction was off absolute terror as she shrieked and froze on the dark basement floor. The shape in front of her barely moved, she could not tell what it was, but it was massive.

  Genie calmed her breathing and her heartbeat as she tried to make out the thing in front of her. She thought she could see it move, but was not sure she was just overreacting to things she saw in the dark. Cautiously she reached up to touch it again. Sure enough, the texture of flesh twitched. It was far too big to be a rat. Whatever was standing there was huge. Still, it did not seem to move much, or seem threatening. It forced Genie's rational mind and wild imagination to have a battle with each other, leaving her sitting there wondering what to do.

  She finally decided that there was nothing there, or that if there was it was something completely ordinary. A third time she reached out, and a third time she touched something alive. It was definitely big. It was much bigger than a dog. Its course hair reminded her of something, but she could not pull out the memory. Whatever it was, it was letting her touch it without moving. Cautiously, she explored it with her fingers to figure out what this thing was without upsetting it. As she reached upward from her position on the cold cement floor, she grabbed hold of a part of this creature that was warm, pulsing and strange. It was long and tubular shaped. The skin of it was stretchy with thick veins pulsing with blood underneath it. She would have thought it a snake but it was too limp, warm and attached to a much larger mass.

  Genie paused still grasping the thing. She could feel herself turn bright red. "Oh my god," her mind screamed in panic. The thing she had in her hand was a male phallus.

  "No, no it can't be," her mind tried to reason. "This thing is far too big and strange to be a dick."

  Indeed, the tip was weird and mushroom shaped, and other features about it and the body attached to it weren't human..."Oh, fucking hell!" she exclaimed as she found herself playing with the sack with very large nuts inside. It was a cock. She could not deny it. It did not belong to any human being.

  The creature stomped its back leg, which clomped against the cement. It swished its tail and then made a low and haunting sound. It was a sound Genie recognized, but could not understand why it was being produced from an unseen form looming over her in her own basement.

  She screamed. She screamed as loud and as hard as she could until her sister or anyone who would hear would come for her. It did not take long before Heather came running and flipped the lights back on. Genie could instantly see clearly in gloom. The lights down here were pathetic but they were lights that revealed her strange phallic beast to be...nothing. There was nothing there before her.

  Genie did not care; she knew what she felt and what she heard. No amount of trying to explain things to her confused sister, or her trying to reason with her, would convince her that there had not been a horse-like being standing over her in the basement. Yet, the thing sh
e would not, nay could not, tell her sister was that she had been stroking its massive horse cock without knowing what it was, or that with the creature’s horse-like neigh it spoke words: Words that said, "You will get to play with me soon."


  * * *

  Heather spent the next couple of days secretly trying to find this hidden channel of porn but to no avail. She even dared to ask friends if maybe they too had accidentally stumbled upon this unlisted broadcast. She only succeeded in having them look at her funny because of how nervous she was in trying not to reveal the lewd contents of her discovery. Then they made fun of her when she failed and blurted out she had watched a man getting his dick sucked on the TV. None seemed particularly shocked by what she had watched. One girl name Hilda attributed the channel to a secret 'paid-to-view' porn channel that Heather's mother probably paid a monthly subscription for her viewing pleasure.

  "You must have just come across it because she forgot to relock, or re-hide the channel, or maybe it was due to a glitch. Whatever the case, porn isn't exactly hard to find on cable these days. My brother broke through our parental blocks months’ ago," she explained.

  That explanation would have probably sufficed, and Heather would have eventually forgotten about it and moved on to more constructive things. Except this evening the naughty channel would find her. It started after Heather lost interest browsing the array of reality TV shows and reruns. Therefore, she decided to give up the ghost early and find something more intellectually stimulating. When she turned it off, turned away and moved to go upstairs to her room, the television continued to blurt out songs and sounds. Heather, a bit confused, paused. She was sure she had seen its pictures turn to a quiet black upon touching the remotes power button. Maybe she was mistaken and had not sufficiently pushed it. Yet, as she turned around to redo the errand, she is welcomed by familiar images on the screen from that lewd night of before.


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