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Monstrous Lust

Page 11

by E M Beastly

  The black beast thrust his hips harder and faster, lifting his ass high before bringing it down like a hammer. The bed shook, the house shook, hell, Genie could feel the vibration even where she stood. Then with a final powerful thrust, the beast stopped and her mother squirmed no more.

  The beast pulled loose, his cock bubbling again with white ichor. As he did this, he also looked in Genie's direction as though he knew she was there. He sat there with a terrible grin that only a devil could make. When he began to laugh, Genie reeled backwards into the dark hallway. She had to get out of here, that was her only thought, and she ran down the hallway and down the stairs.

  They're Cumming

  * * *

  "Ugh," Heather moaned as she sat on the toilet in the dark. She played with the shadows with her flashlight to try to keep herself awake. It was late, it had to be something like two in the morning, and the power was out. She probably would have slept through it all if her older sister was not so afraid of the dark. Ever since Genie had encountered something in the basement two months ago she had become terrified of it. With the power off, that meant all of Genie’s night-lights and other defenses to fend off the dark were not working, and so she had woke her. "Ugh," Heather said again.

  It wasn't that she didn't believe her. No, she had been privy to her own strange occurrences in this house. This house was definitely haunted. Yet, unlike her sister, she felt it brought her no ill will. Instead, it wanted to entertain her with x-rated adult content on the television. Actually, it seemed to be teasing her with it. There would be a man and a woman, or sometimes more than one woman, or more than one man, doing naughty grown up things to each other. The men were always these big guys with unbelievably huge dicks; Heather never realized they could grow them that big. Nonetheless, even though she saw those big dicks get hand-jobs and boob-jobs, or be tickled by lips, tongues and ass cheeks, something would always interrupt her before she go to see them penetrate their mates in full coitus.

  Heather could not understand why she wanted to see that so badly. It was not like she couldn't go on the internet and find more porn. The internet had anything and everything. Nonetheless, this tease that would turn on the television only when she was viewing it, and would not allow her to change the channel or even unplug it to stop this lewd broadcast, had her spellbound. She wanted to see these big men with their monster-sized cocks spread apart the labial lips of wanting partners. She wanted to see this impossible thing occur, and yet, she did not know why. Therefore, whenever given the chance to be alone, and whenever the mysterious channel would broadcast itself, she would watch it with great intent.

  If the house was playing with her with naughty televised content, she could only imagine what it was doing to her sister in the dark. She knew it was why her sister would not talk about it. The ghosts were playing with her inappropriately. How inappropriately, Heather could only guess. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was somewhat envious of her sister because it must actually be going after her, while all she was receiving was a teasing show to watch.

  Tonight it was a nuisance. It was late, the house was dark, and her sister had awoken her just so she could sleep with her in her bed so as not be alone when her bogeyman struck. At least it gave her a reason to get up and go to the bathroom she supposed. Yet, even here, in the bathroom her sister wanted to accompany her and give her no privacy. That, she would simply not allow. Genie would have to wait in the hallway, and would just have to deal with the darkness of this night.

  And as she thought about all of this, Heather begin to notice the house had become rather quiet. Her sister should be pining just outside the bathroom door. Genie was irritably restless when they had gone into the hallway. She had been pacing nervously while whispering her impatience through the bathroom door. Heather was sleepy, but thought she should be tentative enough to notice when the noises from her sister stopped. Yet, now that she was paying attention, it seemed she had been sitting on the toilet a long time without even one old floorboard making a squeak to interrupt her thoughts.

  "Genie?.. Genie you still out there?" she asked without hesitation. She was too tired to care if her voice might wake their mother whose room was just down the hall.

  Yet, when only the quiet of the dark responded, it left her sitting there confused. She continued sitting there listening for a while, too tired to think about a course of action other than to finish relieving herself. The dark had yet to scare her, nor did she feel any malice in it. Thusly, she did not rush herself even if she told herself she ought to.

  She did not know how much time had passed before she felt awake or refreshed enough to finally go and investigate. When she got back into the hall she found her sister not to be there.

  "Strange?" she thought as she checked both her and Genie's room. "Where did you go?"

  The only other place to go was downstairs. Heather strongly debated about going to look for her sister; it would be nice just to go back to bed. Her sister was probably fine, even if she talked about a monster haunting her in the dark. It had been two months and it had not done anything serious to her yet. Nonetheless, Heather found herself going to check anyway to see where her sister had roamed off to in the middle of the night.

  Downstairs was oddly quiet. This old house was prone to making noises as old houses did. Yet tonight, there seemed little in the way of creaks and groans coming from its settling beams and old floorboards. There was no flashlight beams to be seen either, and her sister would not have gone far without her precious flashlight; she carried it around even in the day.

  "She is probably using the downstairs bathroom." Heather reasoned with tired logic, even if there was a voice in the back of her mind yelling at her that Genie would have said something if that was the case. It was this voice that got her to move and verify such a lazy claim. Later, Heather would come to question this voice; wondering if it was just her conscience or part of the sinister plot that lured her past the television so that it could turn itself on again.

  It was not the first time in two months the television had done that. It had happened now so many times it was a wonder it had not riled other family members suspicions. Yet, it always managed to change the channel or turn itself off just at the right time. Always it teased her with the same porno of some strange man getting his dick sucked; perhaps, even getting it swallowed in an amazing feat of deep-throat action. That or the woman was getting the oral treatment. Oh, there might be some other stuff like kissing, hand-jobs and other foreplay, but never did she get to see the penetration that she was hungrily anticipating.

  The camera work in the scenes was always amazing. Even on the internet, Heather never had seen a point-of-view camera perspective used so frequently, or pulled off so convincingly. The view very much seemed like she was watching the pornographic events from the very eyes of the woman. The man's fat, vein ridden cock bobbed up and down so close to the screen. The head of it unseen as it pushed back and forth as if it was trying to come right out of the television and into her own mouth. Each time it pulled back with a slurping noise, she played upon the fantasy that the saliva polishing it was hers. This point of view was better to fantasize when oral work was instead done upon the woman. Her, looking down and seeing that smiling, handsome face peer up out of the TV screen as he licked an orgasm out of her tight pussy.

  Tonight, it was none of that. For the first time she got to see penetration, but it was not what she was hoping for. She was looking at her sister. Not in any kind of point-view-perspective, that is why she knew it was her sister. She could see her in all her naked glory. Genie was in a dark room; a room Heather could not recognize. Genie was the one having sex, she was the one being penetrated. However, the man with the massive cock was not a human one. He was a beast, some giant black beast that was almost impossible to see. Somehow, the camera was able to perfectly display them both in the dark. The beast, even if he was as black as the darkness surrounding him, was still visible enough to give Heather
an idea about him. He had an equine shape to him, and for that, it made Heather recoil. To see something like that in coitus with a woman, let alone her sister, was beyond wrong.

  Yet, it was not a horse. There was something too sinister and otherworldly about him. It was in the way his coat shimmered in the dark. It was not as if he was transparent like a ghost. It was more like he was the darkness, and that because of this he could change his shape into anything he wanted at a moments notice. His very being seemed to flow in a viscous way. It was as if he was made of tar with his shape always slowly shifting in place as it flowed and roiled about. Then there was his eyes; not demonic, not animalistic, just strange and glowing. They were the brightest things on the TV screen.

  Heather could somehow understand all of this. Later, however, when she had the time to reflect on it, she could only recall chaos on the TV screen. The camera filming this was spinning erratically about the room. It could not hold still as it zoomed in and out. Heather saw more than she desired of her sister's naked breasts and belly. As for the monstrous cock in her sister's more private parts, she only received quick subliminal flashes that were extreme and close. It was enough to let her know what she was seeing, but not enough to allow her to indulge, and it made Heather thankful. Or at least she would be if she could explain why she could not look away. Maybe it was because it was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Probably it was more about it having connotations for her.

  It was an omen. One made that much more real when the television produced further surprises. A bright flash of light filled the room. Heather was instantly overtaken by a severe sensation that struck between her legs. It was unlike anything she had ever felt, and she became disoriented and dazed. The feeling was incredible, an electrical jolting sensation that instantly made her cum. She had no idea what had happened. Even when her senses came back to her for just a moment amidst the chaos, she was still confused.

  A bolt of white lightning was arcing out of the TV screen and continuously blasting her in her crotch. It zigged and zagged whilst it undulated in the most profane way. It picked her up off the floor and flung her about, yet, the sensation was so wonderful that for the moment she did not care. It was as if an electrical tongue was lashing her. She could not say that for certain, being she was still a virgin to any kind of sexual act. Nonetheless, that was the idea that invaded her mind. The action was rough and powerful. It picked her up into the air and whipped her around the room until she was dizzy.

  When it finally allowed her to catch her breath, it still held her aloft, whilst from the television screen she saw the smiling face of a devil. One she had become very familiar with on the TV screen. It was the same smiling devil who was always having a sexy fun time licking pussy or having his massive dick sucked and swallowed. The one the camera tried to convince it was she, the viewer, who was having all the exciting adult fun with. Only this time the man licking her pussy with his lightning tongue was not fully a man. Yes, he had the same smile and recognizable features. Now those facial features had fur and whiskers. His eyes were cat-like on his strangely shaped head, and he wore big ears not unlike a cat's. His face, with its ever-widening smile, dominated the TV screen. The coloration, though perhaps a product of the screen constantly flickering, reminded Heather of something. It was of another feline creature from another story she had read long ago, but as of now, she was too preoccupied to remember it correctly.

  It finally dropped her into a convulsing mess on the floor. The electrical current still zapping through her body, yet it was so blissfully wonderful. She found herself hoping the feeling would never depart, even after she watched the electric tongue slurp back into the televised grin of her wicked assailant.

  "You will get to play with me soon," it said with a voice that sounded like a cross between a cat's purr and television static

  Heather was left stranded in the dark. Her body and mind still coming down from the electric high as she listened carefully to the old house make its usual moans and groans of settling in the cold night air.

  "My god, this house has taken my sister." She thought aloud.

  Then another bright light blasted her, blinding her.

  "Heather, what happened to you? We have to get out of this house right now!" Genie exclaimed, her flashlight beam pointing into Heather's face.

  "What? Genie? You're ok? I thought...something bad happened to you." Heather replied, feeling her words were just as tingly and numb as she felt.

  "No, not yet, but something will to the both of us if we don't leave now."

  "What about mother?" Heather had to ask, "We can't just leave in the middle of the night without mother,"

  "It's too late for her Heather!" Genie further exclaimed. "This house has already had its way with her, and now she belongs to it. She is going to help it take us next. That is why she had us move into this house!"

  Projections on the Wall

  * * *

  She ran quickly back up the stairs. She did not know how she found her way into the basement, but that is where she found herself. She thought she had just reached the ground floor after running down from the second story away from the scene of her mother and that devilish beast. The main floor of the house had been dreadfully dark, but she did not care. Then her flashlight started to flicker, and she would have tripped and fell head over heels if it was not for something in the dark to catch her fall. She knew what it was. His robust and equine form cushioned her fall only to quickly disappear as soon as she regained her senses and found her flashlight back in working order. Somehow, she was then standing in the basement.

  Now, after what new thing she had found there, she had raced back up stairs; not to flee, but to warn her sister of the terrible secrets she had just learned. Heather had to understand, she was her only ally in this. If not, then she would bring her to the basement and show her herself.

  It lit up on the walls like wild graffiti as soon as her flashlight came back to life. It so thoroughly and colorfully painted every wall, that at first she had no idea she was sitting in the basement. Who painted it and when was a completely different story, but it was set up to be seen and was there to show her everything she needed to know. The creature that stalked her could have set it up, but it seemed more likely that a more sinister force was at work. The house itself was alive. It had been very subtle and careful about revealing itself until now. Now it was trying to welcome her, and Genie was not so sure she liked what it was offering.

  The mural was pagan-like with its strange writing and symbols placed all over in symmetric patterns. Between the patterns was the many vivid scenes painted as though by the hand of a great artist. No detail was left out, every blade of grass and every leaf on a tree was painted in surreal beauty. Everywhere, on walls, ceilings and even the concrete floor were images of sex. Genie was taken back at how beautiful they were in all the vivid colors and crisp details, even if they were depicting the acts of man and woman in the midst of a wild orgy. Simple sex was not what was happening either. Men shared their partners with other men, and woman shared the men just as eagerly.

  One young and sexy girl with fair and perfect skin was depicted wearing a soft and translucent material. Like a ghost made of sheets, her man was hiding himself under them. The expressions upon her face only suggested what pleasures the man was performing between her legs as she tried to stand overtop him.

  Next to them were three more individuals. A man buried under the weight of the shapely hips and buttocks of the two equally shapely bodies that carried them. These two girls had skin tones that contrasted greatly from the previous fare-skinned white woman whose skin was almost the color of pearl. They reminded her of both coffee and spice cake, and looking delicious enough to devour. The male figure absolutely thought so with his face buried in their cake. The spicy one sat plumply where his tongue could pleasure her. The other sat so his cock was deep inside of her, and it looked like he had already came from over his excitement. His white frosting frothed at t
he contact point. The coffee colored vixen was too much enjoying herself to stop just after one go. She held the hand of his other lover while smiling and laughing at her good time.

  Next to them were more and more couples, triples and other odd arrangements. One couple did it like a pair of animals. The man nipped and bit his mate's neck as he took her from behind. There were more extreme acts done with multiple partners. Things done that Genie never thought possible, such as the insertion of multiple cocks inside one woman. They sandwiched her between them and forced her to endure them both. In some cases a third or a fourth would appear in such images to also join in to have their cocks sucked, thus putting three cocks in three holes.

  This would all have been fine for Genie, even if she stared at them all in shocked surprise. It was when her eyes followed along the course of the many lustful and lewd images that things did take on a darker message. The images changed. It was as if she was watching a horror show where people turn into monsters. They all became beasts and monsters the more her eyes continued to follow the carnal scenes that seemed to forever stretch on every wall. Werewolves could describe some, yet, there were other animal forms, so many more. Some were a mix of multiple things with more than one head, pair of wings, tails, or indeed, cocks: Those monsters did not need an extra partner to sandwich their lover between in order to fill every hole.

  All the images spiraled toward a single point. All framed within the strange occult symbols that helped to guide them. Genie spun around and around the basement as she absorbed all that her flashlight could show her. The walls seemed to come to life. The creatures thrust their hips and wagged their tails as cocks not befit of human men plunged deep into the graven images. They showed her all the details of what they were doing. It was an educational warning. Their female partners remained human as they squirmed under the power of the monsters and beasts that bred them. She saw them up close as every throbbing vein of strangely shaped cocks pushed their way between the tight lips of these maidens. Some of them tried to fight off their captors, acting in surprise to the shape-shifting deed. Others only embraced their partners more vigorously than ever before. They eagerly sucked upon slithering purple cocks that moved more like serpents than real male anatomy.


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