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A Galactic Easter!

Page 2

by Ray O’Ryan

  Chapter 7

  Find the Eggs

  The boys arrived at a large open field filled with tall boxes, tubes, and a maze. Large holes in the ground led to tunnels.

  “The next event is the Easter egg hunt,” Larso announced. “The eggs are made of metal. You will use these findex devices to locate as many eggs as you can in five minutes.”

  Larso then handed out a thin silver stick and a sack to each of the four boys.

  Zack pressed a button on the stick and a tiny antenna popped out of the tip and started spinning.

  “Ready?” shouted Larso. “Begin!”

  Zack ran toward a tall wooden box. A red laser shot from his findex. The thin beam bounced off the box and disappeared down a nearby hole in the ground.

  “I think I got one!” Zack yelled. He climbed down into the hole and found himself in an underground tunnel. The red laser light from his findex vanished. In its place, a flashlight beam lit his way.

  Just ahead, Zack spotted three small shelves jutting out from the side of the tunnel. On each shelf sat a colorful metal egg. Zack snatched up the three eggs and placed them into the sack that hung from his shoulder.

  When he came out of the tunnel, Zack spotted Drake stepping out from a long plastic tube.

  “I got two!” Drake shouted, holding up his sack.

  “Three!” Zack yelled back.

  Zack’s findex started spinning again. A red laser bounced off a nearby tree and vanished into a maze. The maze was made from a series of shaped bushes that twisted and turned.

  Zack hurried into the maze’s entrance. After he walked a short distance, one path split off to the right.

  Should I turn or go straight? Zack wondered. I need to find more eggs, but I don’t want to get lost in here.

  He held his findex above his head. The red laser shot off to the right.

  Right it is!

  Moving quickly, Zack made his way down the twisting path. Up ahead he spotted something resting on top of the maze’s wall.

  “Another egg!” Zack cried. He snatched the painted egg from the top of the wall.

  By the time Zack reached the end of the maze he had collected four more Easter eggs.

  Zack stepped out of the maze. He spotted Drake climbing down a tall ladder. Zack held up his sack.

  “Four more!” he shouted.

  “Two more!” Drake replied.

  “The Easter egg hunt is now over,” Larso announced. “The contestants will line up their eggs.”

  Zack and Drake hurried over to a long table. Seth and Howie stood on the other side of the table, pulling Easter eggs from their sacks.

  When the eggs were all lined up, Larso made an official count.

  “Seth and Howie, eleven eggs,” said Larso. “Zack and Drake, twelve eggs. The winners are Zack and Drake.”

  “High five!” said Zack raising his right hand.

  “High huh?” Drake asked. A puzzled look spread across his face.

  “It’s something we did back on Earth when we won a game or when something really great happened,” Zack explained. “You just slap your right hand against mine over our heads.”

  Zack raised his hand again. This time Drake reached up and the boys slapped hands.

  “High five!” said Drake.

  Chapter 8

  The Race Is On!

  “The next event is the three-legged race,” Larso announced.

  “I was always great at this back on Earth,” Zack whispered to Drake.

  Larso handed a black licorice rope to Zack and another rope to Seth. “Each pair of contestants will tie one of their legs to their partner’s. The race will take place over this fifty-yard track. The first pair to cross the finish line is the winner.”

  Zack and Drake stood side by side. Zack wrapped the candy rope around his right leg and Drake’s left leg, and then he tied it securely. Seth and Howie did the same. The four boys lined up at the starting line.

  “Ready?” shouted Larso. “Begin!”

  The boys started running. At first Drake and Zack stumbled a bit.

  “The trick is to move the legs we have tied together at the same time,” Zack explained, “like they’re one leg.”

  Seth and Howie had obviously done this before. They pulled out to an early lead.

  But Zack and Drake finally fell into a steady rhythm. They each stepped forward with their outside legs at the same time, then stepped forward with the inside two that were tied together. After a few strides, they had caught up with Seth and Howie.

  “Go, Zack!” shouted Dad’s voice from the sidelines.

  Zack turned and spotted his dad cheering him on. Luna was at his side.

  All of a sudden Luna dashed out onto the course. She headed straight for the black licorice ropes tied around Zack’s and Drake’s legs.

  “Luna!” cried Zack. “We’re right in the middle of a race!”

  But Luna ignored him and grabbed the licorice rope in her teeth and pulled it loose. The licorice tumbled to the ground where Luna happily gobbled it up.

  Larso blew a whistle.

  “Zack and Drake are disqualified,” he said. “Seth and Howie win the three-legged race.”

  “I’m sorry, Zack,” said Dad. He led Luna away. “I’ll try to keep Luna on the sidelines.”

  Zack shook his head.

  “Forget it, Zack,” said Drake. “We will beat them in the sack race!”

  Zack and Drake made their way to the course for the sack race. Only it wasn’t a course at all. It was a raised metal platform divided into four sections. A shiny, silvery sack sat on each platform. Each boy stepped into a sack.

  A flat screen rested above each platform. Hanging from each screen was a helmet with high-tech goggles. The goggles blinked with multicolored lights.

  “Each contestant hops up and down in place,” Larso explained. “In your goggles, you’ll see yourself hopping along the course. The faster you hop, the faster you’ll race down the virtual track. Ready? Begin!”

  Zack started hopping in place. Although really he was just hopping up and down in the same spot, in his goggles Zack felt like he was speeding down a long race track.

  He saw Drake hopping along beside him. He also saw Seth and Howie hopping in the lanes next to them.

  This is really fun! Zack thought.

  Zack started jumping faster and faster. In his goggles, he saw himself pull away from the other racers. He crossed the finish line well ahead of everybody else, easily winning the race.

  “Yeah!” Zack cried.

  “High five!” said Drake, dropping his sack and lifting his hand.

  Zack reached up and slapped Drake’s hand.

  As he stepped down from the platform, Zack spotted his mom. She was standing with Dad and Luna, along with Charlotte and Cathy.

  “Great job, Zack!” Mom shouted.

  “Go, Zack . . .”

  “. . . and Drake!” added the twins.

  “Contestants, prepare for the final event,” announced Larso.

  “Each team has won two events,” Drake pointed out. “Whoever wins this last one will win the tournament.”

  “And that is going to be us!” said Zack.

  Chapter 9

  Zack’s Decision

  “The final event is the egg and spoon contest,” Larso explained. “Each contestant must carry an egg on a spoon and pass it onto his teammate’s spoon. The team who passes their egg more times in five minutes wins. If either team drops their egg at any time, the other team wins. Any questions?”

  Zack looked at the crowd. He saw his whole family watching, waving, and cheering. The last thing he wanted was to lose in front of all of them.

  “We have to win this,” Zack whispered to Drake.

  “Do not worry, Zack,” Drake said. “We will do our best.”

  “But what if our best is not good enough?” Zack whispered. He looked around to make sure no one could hear him.

  “What do you mean?” asked Drake.

Zack pulled a gum petal from his pocket, popped it into his mouth, and started chewing.

  “What if I put a tiny piece of bubble gum into the spoon?” he suggested. His voice dropped to an even softer whisper. “Then when I put the egg on the spoon, it will stay put and I can run faster. We’d win for sure!”

  Drake’s eyes opened wide. He shook his head and looked at Zack in disbelief.

  “But—but that would be cheating!” he said. “I do not see the point in winning if we are not the best team, Zack.”

  “But I really want to win,” Zack whined.

  “So do I,” said Drake, “but winning by cheating is not winning. It is just cheating. Which is worse than losing.”

  Zack stepped away from Drake. He needed a moment to be alone and think about all this.

  Maybe Drake is right, thought Zack. After all, how would I feel if I lost and found out that Seth had cheated? I’d be pretty upset. Sure I want to beat Seth, but is it worth it if I don’t really beat him?

  “Contestants, report for the egg and spoon contest!” Larso announced.

  Zack walked over to Drake.

  “You’re right, Drake,” he said. “Playing fair and having fun is what this is supposed to be about. If we win, we’ll win the right way.”

  Drake smiled and nodded in agreement. “Come on, Zack,” he said. “It is time for us to beat them!” he said.

  Chapter 10

  A Very Happy Easter!

  “Ready? Begin!” shouted Larso.

  Drake and Zack stood about ten feet apart. Drake started with an egg balanced on his spoon. He walked slowly toward Zack. His eyes never left the egg as he struggled to keep it from tumbling off the spoon.

  When he reached Zack, Drake gently rolled the egg onto Zack’s spoon.

  “Nice!” said Zack. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Drake ran back to his starting spot. Then Zack slowly walked toward him, carefully balancing the egg.

  Zack reached Drake and slipped the egg onto Drake’s spoon.

  Meanwhile, Seth and Howie were also passing their egg back and forth. Zack glanced at them. It seemed as if Seth and Howie were moving faster.

  Come on, Drake, Zack thought as Drake moved toward him. We have to beat these guys!

  Drake reached Zack and delivered the egg to his spoon once again.

  “One minute left!” Larso shouted.

  We’re running out of time! Zack worried. Have to hurry.

  “How many times have you guys passed it?” Seth shouted to Zack.

  Zack said nothing. He kept his eyes fixed on the egg in his spoon.

  Seth couldn’t stand it any longer. He had to know how Zack was doing. Seth turned and looked at Zack, taking his eyes off the egg he was carrying. On his next step, Seth’s egg tumbled from the spoon and smashed onto the ground.

  The game was over. The whole competition was over.

  “The final event goes to Zack and Drake,” Larso announced. “They win the contest, three games to two!”

  Drake and Zack gave each other high fives.

  “And here is your prize,” said Larso. He handed Zack what looked like a large, colorful Easter egg. It barely fit in the palm of Zack’s hand. “Just say what kind of candy you would like and press the button.”

  “Cotton candy,” said Zack, pressing the button on the egg.

  The top half of the egg popped open and a cone of cotton candy slid out.

  “Yum!” said Zack as he took a bite.

  Luna jumped up and also took a big bite out of Zack’s cotton candy.

  “I guess Luna likes cotton candy too!” said Zack.

  He handed the egg to Drake.

  “Chocolate bar,” said Drake. Again the egg opened. This time a chocolate bar came out.

  “You were right, Drake,” said Zack as he stuffed more cotton candy into his mouth. “Everything’s sweeter when you win the right way.”

  Zack spotted Seth and Howie at the edge of the field.

  “Hey, Seth! Howie!” he called out. “Want some candy?”

  Seth slowly took the egg.

  “Just say what kind of candy you want and press the button,” Zack explained.

  “Jelly beans,” said Seth. The egg popped open and jelly beans came pouring out into Seth’s hand.

  “Thanks, Zack,” said Seth. “And congratulations on winning.”

  “Take all you like,” Zack said, handing the egg to Howie. “Candy is for everyone!”

  “Even . . .”

  “. . . for . . .”

  “. . . us?”

  Charlotte, Cathy, Mom, and Dad stepped up beside Zack and Drake.

  Zack laughed. “Yes, even for you.” He handed the egg to Cathy. She asked for licorice. Charlotte asked for lollipops.

  “Look at . . .”

  “. . . the Easter eggs . . .”

  “. . . we made,” the twins said as they gobbled up their candy.

  Cathy handed Zack a basket full of beautifully decorated eggs.

  “Nice job,” said Zack.

  “I think everyone had fun today,” said Mom.

  “You bet!” exclaimed Zack. “I already can’t wait to come back to Gluco next Easter!”




  Nebulon’s two suns shone down brightly. It was summer, and the temperature was close to 110 degrees. Zack Nelson and his friend Drake Taylor were trying to figure out what to do to stay cool today.

  “We could go back to the indoor snow-slide and ride the slippo-discs down the mondo-hill again,” Drake suggested.

  “Nah, we did that yesterday,” Zack pointed out. “What about going swimming in the Nebu-Dome?”

  “I do not think so,” replied Drake.

  Then Zack spied something up ahead that made his eyes open wide.

  “Look!” he said, pointing to a sign in front of the Creston Vivi-Theater. “There’s a new vivi-vid playing!”

  Vivi-vids were special movies that made people watching them feel like they were part of the movie.

  “White-Water Wonders!” said Zack, reading the sign. “Putting ourselves into a white-water adventure on a river should cool us right off!”

  Zack hurried toward the theater. A few seconds later he realized that Drake was trailing behind him.

  “What’s wrong, Drake?” he asked. “Don’t you think this is a good idea?”

  “Well . . .” Drake paused. “Maybe.”

  “Of course it is!” said Zack. “Come on!”

  “Okay, I guess,” said Drake.

  I wonder what’s up with Drake, Zack thought.

  RAY O’RYAN has loved space stories ever since he watched the very first episode of Star Trek. He loves to imagine what traveling across the galaxy might be like, and is a bit jealous of Galaxy Zack in this regard. Ray lives in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of upstate New York with his wife and two lovable, zany cats named Stitch and The Way.

  COLIN JACK is originally from Vancouver, Canada, and has illustrated several children’s books. He currently works at DreamWorks Animation as a story artist and character designer and lives in the Bay Area with his wife and two sons.

  Meet the author and illustrator and get activities at

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  Simon & Schuster

  New York

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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  Initial interior design sketches by Andrew Murray

  Designed by Nicholas Sciacca

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  O’Ryan, Ray.

  A galactic Easter! / by Ray O’Ryan ; illustrated by Colin Jack. — First edition.

  pages cm. — (Galaxy Zack ; 7)

  Summary: Zack and Drake venture to Gluco, the candy planet, for some Easter fun. But while competing in such activities as an egg toss and a three-legged race, Zack is so determined to come in first that he considers cheating to win.

  ISBN 978-1-4424-9357-5 (pbk : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-4424-9358-2 (hc : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-4424-9359-9 (ebook) [1. Science fiction. 2. Competition (Psychology)—Fiction. 3. Easter—Fiction. 4. Outer space—Fiction.] I. Jack, Colin, illustrator. II. Title.

  PZ7.O7843Gal 2014




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