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Babes in Toyland II

Page 18

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  "No,” she shook her head decisively. “You were months—and a bride—away from the priesthood. I want for you to name him. It is fitting. Go, see your Saka. You have eight days to choose a name, the boy is with the medicine man too, so you can see him there.” She cupped his face. “He looked as you did as a babe, it is a sign, I think, that you will leave us. It is my hope it is a merry parting and not—"

  "Hush.” He silenced her with a kiss. “You're right. I best see Saka before she accidentally kills the healer."

  * * * *

  Stitching wounds was something foreign and Saka stared at the curved needle and lengths of silk thread warily. Having the man cut away the remains of her only vest paled in comparison to the pain of his brisk hands cleaning the wound. Her mind tripped back to the fire pit celebrations after battles, when blades were heated on the grate and applied to gashes. It was seen as an act of shame to have to be held down or to cry out unless the injury was grave. She bore not a few scars on her legs, hips, arms and back but never one this size.

  What kept her silent this time was not fear of being ridiculed and shamed, but not wanting to wake the babe slumbering in a reed basket on the floor. He was sleeping quietly, a small fist pressed against his mouth. So small in all those cloths, she thought. First a thin white dress then a funny little cap and then he'd been cocooned in a thick rug. Worlds different from the greeting new life received in the steppes.

  Exhaustion and fascination made her slow; she didn't even hear Jacob enter the room until he began speaking with the healer. For the sake of modesty, the funny man used a polished piece of metal to look at her until she understood he wanted her to tuck a thin blanket under her arms.

  "How odd life is Jacob.” Maybe the wound had turned foul and she was speaking out of her mind as she had seen many others do.

  "In what way, Saka?” He rounded the table to stand in front of her. Worry creased his brow and she frowned. Her hand rose, fingers rubbing at the lines as if she could erase the marks.

  She smiled at the small bundle on the floor. “Did I ever tell you of my training years in the Xian province? There was a warrior's slave who grew heavy with child. One day she was gone, the next she returned, a bloody babe held up for him to see. It was a girl child.” Her voice thinned at the memory. The other men had taunted him for lacking the strength, the manliness to breed a boy, that he was unnatural in his sex organs.

  "I watched as he took the child to the river and cast her in. Next, he cut off the slave's head for insulting his manhood. I did nothing.” Saka shook her head, feeling confusion. “Yet today I almost killed a man for offering you the same insult."

  He seemed at a loss for words. “Maybe in your world..."

  "No Jacob, I stayed in the shadows and fought because I was considered unnatural in my sex for killing as a man would. I was not a person, just an object.” Suddenly it all seemed like a demented dream. “I was the woman who would be a man, and you are the boy who cannot be a man because your face lacks hair."

  The healer interrupted the muddle of words with his own barked words. One day she would be where she could understand the people around her again.

  "Saka, listen to me.” Jacob lifted her chin and she blinked. When had her eyes left the topaz fire of his? “This is going to hurt but you must remain still.” Behind her the cool hands of the healer forced her to sit straighter. Her hands gripped the tops of her thighs, unsure what was coming. The skin was still raw from the rough scrubbing so when the needle bit in, she hissed. Better to burn it and be done! Her world narrowed to a pinpoint as she looked past Jacob's shoulder, not wanting him to see her weakness.

  He began talking but the words flowed past without sinking in. At first she measured the time according to how often the needle bit in, then she had to focus on her breathing. Still Jacob spoke, a soothing litany of noise offering comfort as the line of pain crept up her arm, across her shoulder and marched relentlessly over her back. The healer would pause and begin again as the thread broke or ran out, so it took a few minutes for her to realize he was finished.

  "Is he done?” Her voice sounded wrong to her own ears.

  "He needs to clean the wound again."

  "No.” She shook her head. It felt overlarge on her neck. The movement also sent a ripple of pain across her back.

  "You need to remain still and let him clean—"

  "No!” Anxiety rose inside, the healer had touched and cleaned enough. She didn't want his hands on her any longer. “You help me with the bath that will be enough."

  His warm honey eyes blinked slowly and Saka noticed the dark curling lashes as they brushed his cheeks. Jacob had a magnificence that was unique; his skin, eyes and hair were all the same beautiful blend of bronze streaked with buttery gold.

  "Do you know what you ask?"


  Chapter Eleven

  They retired to a small chamber at the rear of the house. An enameled tub was waiting with water heated on the hearth. Exhaustion made Saka stumble as she entered the room.

  "Gently! You don't want to get the stitching done again do you?"

  Just the thought made her break out in a sweat.

  "Good.” She thought his voice eased as he added, “This also means you're done fighting for a while."

  "I can still use my bow and my spear,” she mumbled, shedding the stupid wrap that had tripped her too many times on the journey to Jacob's new quarters.

  "Saka.” He sounded angry, so she turned and looked at him. His eyes slid from hers over her shoulders to her waist. Did she just imagine it ... no, his face flushed. Why? Looking down she saw her breasts and belly, nothing any other in the warriors’ tent had seen without comment.

  "What? I can draw my bow with either arm, and I prefer the left for the spear. I will need someone to protect my right flank that is all.” He still had that look as if the room suddenly heated. Being exposed, she knew the truth of the chilly temperature.

  "A deal then.” He stepped closer and something low in her belly quivered. “Until my brother's naming day, you will remain on the roof with the bow. If any Seleucid soldier nears, you may shoot."

  The heat from his body rolled over her skin, making her nipples pucker. Too many nights she had wondered what he would feel like standing this close and the wonderment had left her aching inside. Now, as he neared, her body remembered those wants.

  "And?” A deal had conditions. His graceful fingers tugged at the beaded belt holding her pants in place.

  "In return I will show you that you are not ‘unnatural’ in your sex and that I am no boy.” Her mouth went dry and she licked her lips.

  "I agree.” Was her voice that husky whisper? The look in his eyes took what little breath she had away, making her heart slam against the cage of her ribs. His manhood had never been in doubt in her mind. She opened her mouth to say so, but he leaned in, stealing her ability to speak.

  "We will go slowly.” He whispered the words against her mouth, and her lips followed his instinctively. Delicately, he kissed her bottom lip, sliding his tongue against the top, encouraging her to open to him.

  Feeling lightheaded with a combination of nerves and excitement, Saka gasped and his lips captured hers. For a moment she stood tense, feeling the wet silk of his tongue sliding against her own. Tentatively, she returned the gesture and he moaned in delight. The sound liberated her and waves of desire rocked through her body. It was like standing in the sea, being pulled inexorably from shore, but she wanted nothing more than to submerge herself into him, become one with his flesh.

  At her hip she felt a tug as his hands freed the belt, letting it fall to the floor with a thud. Images flickering behind her eyes ... his naked, wet body glowing in the lamplight drove her hands to seek the ties to his own clothes.

  The feel of her hands clumsily pawing at his robes sent a rush through his body, making his erect flesh throb. “Slowly.” He repeated, holding her arms to her sides in order to kneel before her. One at a time, he mov
ed her hands to his shoulders. “Hold me,” he urged her.

  Saka's hands were hesitant as they patted the material flat, exploring the muscles beneath the layers. While she was distracted, he shifted, placing a knee before her and tugging at one of her gore-splashed pant legs.

  It was obvious her strength was low, the way she leaned against him as she placed a foot on his thigh so he could remove the boot. But that was what he wanted. He wanted this fierce, beautiful creature to learn to lean on him. He wanted not only her body and heart, but her spirit. To lean against a mate, to share strength, was as important as sharing love with their bodies.

  His nobility almost collapsed as she swayed closer, gripping his shoulders as the taut wall of her belly brushed against his nose. Underneath the tang of sweat and leather was her scent, one that summoned the feel of the wild, wide spaces. Unthinking, he dropped the boot to grasp her hips and pull her closer to plant a kiss on each hip bone. Under his lips he felt the muscles tremble in reaction and his tongue teased them, drawing a line around her navel.

  Jacob felt her hands leave his shoulders, making him pull away, but her strong fingers slid through his hair flexing, holding his face against her abdomen. Smiling he repeated the caress, ending it by biting the flesh of her lower belly. A deep thrill rolled through his veins as she gasped and her stomach clenched under his teeth. Dreams blew away like dust before the storm that was the reality of holding Saka in his arms.

  * * * *

  "The other foot.” His voice was warm and male but she didn't care about the damned boots. Having him touch her felt better than anything she had ever imagined.

  "Saka.” There was a warning note to his demand, edged with humor.

  "I know, the bath,” she sighed. It took strength and determination to pull back, stand straight and lift her second foot. As a concession to her need to touch him, she continued running her fingers through his hair. It was so soft and thick; her fingers slid farther, finding the tight muscles at the base of his skull and following them down his neck to his clothes, frustrating her need to feel the skin of his shoulders.

  Hope in her heart, she asked, “Do you intend to bathe as well?” Tawny eyes met hers and gave her an odd look.

  "I had not planned to. Do I smell unpleasant?"

  "Never.” The thought of anything about him being unappealing was unfathomable.

  "Then why?” Hands slid the furred boot free and eased the thick, sodden leather pants from her hips.

  "I enjoyed the look of your body as you bathed.” Jacob stopped trying to tease the wet material lower and met her gaze.

  "You watched me at my bath?"

  "Every night.” She smiled at his look of astonishment. He blinked and shock was replaced with heat.

  "Earlier I asked if you understood what it would mean, my attending your bath. You said yes. What did it mean to you?” Roughly his hands urged her legs apart and returned to working at removing the stubborn wet leather.

  "I had hoped that it would be as on that first night, when you looked at me in want. Then I remembered the wound and decided you meant to wash away the smell of death and dirt.” She hadn't realized how the cold the rain had been until his hands gripped her thighs, burning the cold flesh.

  "You are too cold.” He seemed preoccupied with trying to warm her skin.

  "That is alright, wherever you touch me I burn. Keep touching me, that's all I need."

  Her words had an unexpected effect. He stopped fighting the pants, holding her legs as his soft lips kissed the skin above her knees. “Today will be different,” he vowed. “I will look my fill of you and touch and taste of you as well.” Eyes blazing, Jacob stared upward. “We will be together as man and woman."

  Stunned, Saka asked, “You wish to breed me?"

  "No,” he corrected her, removing her legs from the clammy pants. “I wish to love you."

  "Love...” The word brought tears to her eyes. Before Jacob the word meant nothing more than mere enjoyment or special appreciation. Here in his world, she discovered it meant far more and he wanted to share that with her. “I don't know how."

  "That is why I said we will go slowly."

  Gently, he eased her to kneel beside the tub. Her hair needed washing and to be kept off of the terrible looking wound on her back. Patiently, he guided her hands to the rim and freed her braid, flipping the tresses over her head into the water. Quickly he cleaned and braided it again, pulling the plait over her left shoulder, away from the angry stitching.

  When he urged her to stand and get into the tub, Saka balked. Her back ached and she was tired. The only thing keeping her from collapse was the desire to see Jacob naked, to know with her own eyes that his body truly desired hers.

  "Your clothes will get wet and ruined, take them off.” Her voice sounded petulant and she bit her lip. Being seen as childish wasn't what she needed.

  "As you wish."

  He stepped backwards and slowly removed his clothing. It was torture watching him move so unhurriedly, so carefully. He took off his robe and folded it, then the same with his tunic and pants before turning back to her.

  She gasped in reaction. He was pure golden perfection all over. His skin was the same burnished tone even under the robes. In the light of the lamps she hadn't been able to tell. But what drew her eyes was the clear evidence of his desire jutting towards her from the nest of curls at his groin. Taking his hands, she stood.

  He stepped close, his bobbing erection rubbing against the chill plane of her belly. It felt so silky, for all the cries of pain in the night she never thought a man's sex could feel so soft. When she reached out to brush her fingers along his length, Jacob caught her hands in his with a gentle, “Not yet."

  Dazed, she stepped backwards into the tub and watched the play of light across his chest and shoulders. He gripped her elbows to help her sit and Saka felt a moment of uncertainty as her rough hands clutched his forearm.

  "What's wrong, Saka?"

  With a sigh she allowed him to lower her into the heated water. “We are not at all the same."

  "That is a good thing.” He scooped water in his hands. “I'm just going to rinse the wound to get rid of the excess blood.” Even with his feather-light touch and warning, the water stung, causing her to clutch at the sides of the tub.

  Panting, she forged on. “How is it a good thing?"

  "Your hands are rough from training. Mine are stained with copying the scrolls the Rabbi had.” That caught her attention. “Yes, in my home I have a complete set of the texts I studied with the Rabbi daily."

  She made to rise.

  "What are you doing?” His mouth hung open; her body was glorious, gleaming wet in the lamp light. There were ugly puckered scars on a calf, thigh, or rib, but they didn't detract from her presence, only guided his eyes to another sleekly rounded line of her impressive physique.

  "We need to collect your scrolls."

  Her face was white under the tan and he felt a little mean as he swept an arm under her knees and lowered her back to the water. For such a tall, strong woman with the presence of a lion, she was light in his arms. He resisted the urge to clutch her wet body to his chest. Instead, he eased her down and felt the rivulets of water from her body trickle down his belly and over his sex, stirring his hunger.

  "There are men who have agreed to take on that risk. You've done enough."

  Snorting in disgust, Saka hated that the only reason she was wounded and worthless to her Jacob was due to failing the shaman. Orali saved her, no one else.

  "Saka, look at me.” The hands of an artist cradled her face. “Without you I am as one lost. You have become my light."

  "I do not understand.” She shivered, delicious waves of pleasure rippled through her body as Jacob slathered the soap between his hands and over her breasts, arms and ribs. It was so hard to think as his fingers swirled in circles, rubbing, smoothing and arousing her flesh. Her breasts felt heavy and full, the nipples hardened until they ached and her belly clenched w
anting more.

  The rinse water was almost as cruel in its seduction. The cold water slid over her skin, wakening the rest of her dormant nerve endings until her body throbbed with sensation from head to foot.

  "Stand,” he commanded and she wanted to obey. Sluggishly, she managed to teeter to her feet. “Hold my shoulders as before.” His voice was deeper, rougher and the skin under her hands was now damp with a glistening layer of sweat. Bracing her stance, she levered her feet apart and tightened her knees. Unexpectedly he made a growling noise of approval. The lightly furred delta of her thighs was almost on level with his face.

  "As I was saying,” his breath swept across her belly, making the skin tremble. “I have always been secure in my faith, it burned within me. By teaching you and having you ask questions and relate your experiences, my faith has been made stronger. You were brought into my life not by chance and not by my father alone. The hand of Elokim guided us together. My people need a mating of fierce spirit and unshakable faith."

  Her fingers kneaded his shoulders like a contented cat as his hands slid up and down her legs. Each sweeping arc brought his fingers closer to the part of her that desperately ached for his touch. Reaching around, his fingers caressed her buttocks, sliding down her seam then slipping along the outside of her legs; she nearly moaned in frustration. “I am in awe of what your God can do, has done,” her voice was slow with passion, exhaustion long forgotten, as her hips rocked, trying to capture the interest of his questing fingers. “But I am unsure if he wants me as a servant, Jacob.” Sadness tinged her arousal, making the game of touch all the more bittersweet. “I have no name, no lineage. Penina told me what you would not."

  "Ah, is that what bothers you?” he teased, using a dipper to chase the film of soap and dirt away. “You will have a name and we will join and make a new people, descended of the Kohan tribe but more.” He looked upwards, “Would that please you?"


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