Babes in Toyland II

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Babes in Toyland II Page 35

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  "Take it easy, babe.” Shari shook her head with teasing regret. “Too bad we can't channel that heat and melt the snow."

  "At least there's plenty of wood.” Frank said, coming in at the tail end of the conversation. “I stacked some more logs by the hearth. Dave can bring in the next stack."

  "Marcie and I are going to take turns watching the fire.” Her lips twitched. “I'll take the first watch. If you guys want to continue what you started last night..."

  A gleam appeared in Marcie's eyes. She watched as a myriad of expressions cross the guys’ faces.

  "Are you sure, darling?” Dave gathered Shari in a loose embrace and gazed into her eyes.

  She caressed his face. “Just choose a different scenario, okay?” She smiled. “I want to try the lady of the manor with you first."

  "How about the harem slave, Marcie?” Frank leered playfully at her. “Can I be the pasha?"

  "Hey, who's the cop here? I outrank you. I'll be the pasha. Uh, what's a pasha?"

  "Like a sultan and I don't care who's who, as long as Shari is sure she's okay with it.” Marcie looked over to her. “Are you positive about this?"

  "Hey, who suggested it? Go on, I'll be fine."

  Marcie grinned. “Girl, you just earned a dedication when I publish my first book of photos.” She turned to Frank and Dave. “Come on, boys. I want to see if I still remember how to belly dance.” She giggled. “I think Shari has a collar buried somewhere in her case that hasn't been used ... yet."

  * * * *

  Shari gazed at the dancing flames and did her damnedest to ignore the muffled sounds of passion going on in the back bedroom. The steady pounding of the bed was matched by a masculine voice crying out in ecstasy.

  It sounded like Frank.

  Thank God.

  She moved with purpose to the empty bedroom and found the vibrator she had discarded the other night.

  This time she'd use it.

  If only she had her nipple clamps handy.

  Oh, well. Next time she'd be better prepared.

  * * * *

  "All you need to do is clap your hands rhythmically like this.” Marcie demonstrated the syncopated beat to the men. “Leave the rest to me. And when you're ... ready, just stop.” She grinned. “Got it? Good. Begin."

  Dave reclined in the bed while Frank sat on the wooden chest at its foot. Only a thong brief covered their genitals. Concentrating their attention on Marcie, they began the slow rhythm as instructed.

  She stood in the middle of the room. On her full breasts she wore an embroidered bra with holes cut out for her taut nipples. Sitting low on her waist was a narrow belt with scarves loosely attached and fluttering around her legs. The golden curls shielding her clit shone with scented oil she had rubbed on. Around her neck was a slim leather collar with a long, thin gold chain affixed to it. She held the chain, twirling it in time to the beat.

  With sensuous grace, she moved to the clapping hands. Her shoulders gyrated and her hips undulated. Her breasts jounced and her nipples tightened.

  She threw back her head and twirled even faster, whipping her hair and the chain. Perspiration glistened on her skin as the dancing grew more frenzied.

  As though she couldn't bear the restriction any longer, she unclasped the front snap of her bra and threw it to the side, freeing her breasts. She cupped them, offering them for the taking.

  Dave stopped clapping, his breathing harsh and unsteady. Frank watched as Dave's arousal increased, his penis pushing out the scrap of material covering it. His hands fell to his lap, yearning to caress Dave's erection.

  Only the gasping breaths of the room's occupants broke the silence in the room.

  Marcie sank to the floor, her head bowed. Waiting.

  Dave and Frank looked at each other and then at Marcie.

  "Rise, slave and service your master and his guest,” Dave commanded.

  "What is your wish?"

  "Take my cock in your mouth and suckle it. Make me come."

  "Whatsoever you desire."

  Dave pulled off his thong and his penis sprang free. He was so hard he could hold a tent up with his prick. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  And the exquisite torture began.

  * * * *

  Shari had drowsed off when she came awake with a start. She could have sworn she heard someone call her name. She glanced at the fire and cursed softly. She must have fallen asleep. The fire needed more logs. She took two more pieces of wood, positioned them in the hearth and stirred the embers to get the fire blazing. There. The flames were leaping again.

  "Shari?” Marcie padded into the room wearing the sheer negligee taken from Shari's special case. Her skin gleamed beneath the lacey covering. She moved to the fire and held her hands out, capturing some of its heat.

  "Did you enjoy yourself?” Shari questioned. “It sure sounded as though you did."

  Marcie laughed softly.

  "Don't worry. Dave called out your name when he came.” She chuckled. “More than once!"

  Shari smirked. “I thought I heard my name taken in vain.” She looked up at Marcie. “Do you think he's too tired to...?"

  "Honey, he is whipped and wiped out. Sorry. I couldn't seem to control myself. God, those guys are eager. And Dave ... like he was making up for lost time the way he went on with Frank. Which I guess he is.” She stopped and grimaced in contrition. “Didn't mean to go on like that."

  Shari leaned back, resting on her elbows. “S'all right. You've just had Dave this weekend. I have him any time I want.” She shifted against the couch. “And now that we know what we enjoy the most, I'm going to be wanting him even more."

  Marcie knelt by the fire and threw on another piece of kindling. “Hon, I haven't seen you this happy since—never. You have my blessing. Dave is good for you. And I'm going to keep looking for a more permanent arrangement. Frank's more of a one on one kind of guy. I think I'll save our little get-togethers for special occasions."

  Shari gazed at the flames bringing fiery highlights to Marcie's golden curls and smiled. “Sweetie, any time we get together it's a special occasion."

  Marcie smiled in return.

  "I know."

  * * * *

  "God, I don't know how Marcie can do this on a regular basis. Every bone in my body aches.” Frank grimaced as he shifted to a sitting position on the edge of the mattress.

  Dave laughed. “I keep telling you, you're out of shape. You're gonna have to come down to the gym and shoot a few hoops with me. Get your muscles toned up quick."

  "Now that I don't have to hide that I'll be lusting after your fine body, I'll join you.” He got up and found the skimpy briefs they'd had on and tossed Dave's to him. “I've learned a lot this weekend.” He turned and looked out the bedroom window. The sunshine struck his face, illuminating it.

  Dave drew on his underwear and joined Frank. He pulled him back against his chest and held him around the waist. There was nothing sexual to the act; just two friends sharing the comfort of body contact.

  "So, what did you learn?"

  "I learned that living only half of your life isn't living at all. I learned to trust the friendship of my best friend.” He turned around and looked at Dave. “I learned that love transcends every barrier.” He took a deep breath. “And I learned that as much as you love me, you love Shari more. You love her the most. And I want that kind of love, too. So, I'm going to give myself permission to look for it.” He smiled. “Now that I know I'll always have yours, I won't be afraid that I'll lose it if, no, when I find another lover."

  Dave gently kissed Frank's lips.

  "Promise you'll bring him to the apartment for me to give my seal of approval.” He cupped Frank's cheek. “Only the best will do for my best friend."

  * * * *

  "Oh, my God, do you hear it?” Shari asked.

  Dave rushed over to the living room window and tried looking out. “I see it! The plow's coming!"

  Marcie and Frank crowded around
them at the window.

  "It looks like it's coming straight to the cabin!” Marcie rubbed her sleeve on the window cleaning off some more grime.

  Frank grabbed her and kissed her smack on the mouth.

  "It is! Look!"

  The snow flew in a wave as the plow crawled up the driveway. A cleared passage with snow walls six feet deep on either side grew longer and longer as the plow approached the front of the cabin. The mammoth machine stopped about ten feet from the door, and the driver, dressed in heavy winter gear, jumped out and hailed them.

  "Do you have access to a shovel?"

  Dave shook his head and the driver nodded in understanding.

  "I'll clear the porch."

  The driver unhooked a huge shovel from the vehicle, and in only a few minutes, the porch deck was uncovered. The four friends rushed out of the cabin, grabbing their coats on the way. The girls clutched the driver, hugging him.

  "Thank God, you came.” Frank blew on his cold fingers, his jacket still unbuttoned.

  Dave smiled in jubilation. “Man, I could kiss you!"

  The driver laughed.

  "Just happy we got to you. We haven't had this cabin on our route for years. We didn't even know anyone was up here."

  "Dave told us that might be the case,” Shari said. “That's why we stoked up the fire so the helicopter would find us."

  "Helicopter?” The driver stared at them.

  "Yeah. Dave said that one goes up to look for any stray people, just to make sure that no one was stranded during a storm,” Frank added.

  "The ‘copter didn't see your smoke. It's at the mechanic's for repairs. We were pretty sure we'd plowed everywhere it was needed. Then we got a call from some old guy this morning. Said there were visitors at the Cohen place. I got in the plow and well, glad we got the call."

  Stunned silence greeted the driver's announcement.

  He shrugged. “Hey, that's what they told me. Look, can you guys be ready in about a half hour? I can lead you down to the main road. The weather isn't looking too great for later on today, either.” He shook his head. “Crazy weather this winter. No snow at all and then wham. Listen, I'll clear off your car if one of you guys will help."

  Dave nodded.

  "Let me get my gloves and I'll be right with you."

  * * * *

  No one spoke at first when they trouped back inside the cabin. Then Dave broke the silence. “There's gotta be a mistake, but we can check it out later. Right now we've got a ticket out of here. If you guys pack, I'll get the car cleared off. The sooner we get back to the city, the sooner we can find out who called."

  * * * *

  "Nice guy, that snow plow driver.” Marcie sipped a cup of steaming coffee from the thermos the driver gave them. “This is better than Starbuck's. Here, Frank, your turn. Leave some for Dave and Shari."

  Frank blew on the liquid, cooling it a bit. He sighed with pleasure as he swallowed the heavenly brew. “His name is Brad."

  "Oh?” Dave checked out Frank's blissful face in the rear view mirror. “And you know this, how?"

  Frank coughed. “Well, I caught a few signs that he might be, maybe, interested in me ... I gave him my card and told him if he ever wanted to buy property in the City I could do him a favor.” He gulped. “He asked if I could do him a favor if he didn't need any property. And he gave me his number to call.” Frank reached over to the front seat and gave Shari the cup for her to fill. “We're going skiing as soon as we can arrange it."

  "Good for you, bro. Just don't get stranded up here again."

  Frank grinned. “Actually, I was thinking of doing just that with Brad."

  "As long as it isn't in two weeks.” Marcie got out her planner and pulled up her schedule. “Hey, you know what next Tuesday is?"

  "Haven't a clue, sweetie.” Shari took one more drag of coffee and offered the remaining drink to Dave. “Tell us."

  "The first night of Hanukah.” She reached into her coat pocket and drew out the small wooden top. And smiled. “Good thing I brought this back with me.” Her smile broadened into a sly little grin. “Anyone want to make a date to play ‘strip dreidle’ with me?"

  One by one the others nodded.


  "Are you ever going to tell Marcie and Frank who made that call?” Shari snuggled closer next to Dave and pulled the covers over their sweaty bodies. “Marcie is still convinced it was a miracle."

  Dave cupped her breast and tightened the new tweezer clamps he'd gotten her for a gift before he answered. “Well, I guess you could paraphrase the words on the dreidle and say 'a great miracle happened there' because, to tell you the truth, we didn't have enough fuel for the generator to last another day. If we hadn't been dug out in time, things would have been desperate.” He chuckled. “I didn't realize my Gran was seeing anyone. Irving Rabinowitz, my Gramp's pinochle buddy. She asked him to call when she remembered I said we were going up there.” He smiled. “Said she had the county's emergency number in my Gramp's papers. Good thing she found them.” His smile thinned. “I didn't tell you. That bastard caretaker was picked up this morning. He's going to be charged with fraud, grand larceny ... can't remember everything. It pays to have friends in the legal system."

  Shari shifted, pushing her butt back against Dave's burgeoning penis and wriggled like a puppy finding a bone. “We'll tell them this weekend when we get see them."

  "Oh, yeah. The lady of the manor. I'm looking forward to it.” He paused. “You know, I planned that weekend in the cabin to learn more about you. Who would have thought I'd learn so much about myself ... and Frank."

  "We all did. Even Marcie and she's the most comfortable-in-her-own-skin person I know.” She paused. “Guess what she told me at work this morning?"

  "Haven't a clue."

  "She's joined a singles club at the Temple near the magazine's office.” She giggled. “She got hooked on your penis and so she's going after more of the same! She figured there are bound to be some nice, adventurous Jewish boys who would be interested in playing the harem love slave scenario with her!"

  "Now that would be a real miracle!"

  The End

  Gift of the Holly King

  Maura Anderson

  Chapter One

  Kayleigh barely managed to escort her concerned friends to the door and shut it behind them before the last of her strength gave out. The solid wood door provided some much needed support until she could push away from it and make her way back across the room. Shaky steps took her as far as the distressed leather armchair before her legs began to tremble uncontrollably and she collapsed into the chair. The warm smell of leather and beeswax wafted from the newly polished woodwork and filled her lungs as she tried to calm her breathing.

  She gritted her teeth and then forced herself to relax. Her stamina was increasing, just excruciatingly slowly. Only a few weeks ago she had been far worse off. Several weeks in bed, first at the hospital, then at her parents’ house, had sapped her strength even as her health improved. But moving day had been incredibly busy and long. Only because she stubbornly clung to hope that solitude and a change of scenery would help her come to terms with her emotions made her willing to go through the effort of moving. She hated moving.

  The gentle pressure of her hand on her abdomen, under the loose waistband of her jeans, reassured her that only a vague tenderness remained. An ache along the large incision line. The lingering memory of how severe her pain had been right after the accident sent chills down her spine. She still feared its possible return, every twinge a possible portent of far worse.

  She was lucky to have survived being t-boned by a drunken driver. Rushed into emergency surgery, she'd emerged alive and intact—well, mostly intact. The sacrifice of her spleen and one lobe of her liver was a small price to pay for her life. Though it was the largest blood sacrifice she'd ever made.

  A small chuckle escaped her at her own bad joke. Her continued existence was a gift from the Goddess and one she didn't inten
d to abuse or take for granted.

  A bit steadier after resting, she stood again and slowly walked back into the small, modernized kitchen to put away all the food her friends had bestowed upon her. Opening the refrigerator, she could only stare in amazement. Apparently her mother had also taken it upon herself to make sure Kayleigh had something to eat. The refrigerator was packed.

  What does she think I'm doing? Partying with a football team?Or two?

  After a bit of rearranging and the judicious movement of some food to the freezer, all the perishables were safely stored away. A brief rest on one of the barstools and she managed to get everything else stowed in the equally full pantry.

  She couldn't resist trailing her fingertips along the glossy surface of the flecked green and gold granite countertop each time she passed it. She loved this kitchen. The stainless steel appliances were an interesting counterpoint to the organic warm wood and stone of the rest of the kitchen. The new was perfectly blended to the century-old bones of the house.

  Taking a glass of water with her, Kayleigh retired to the cozy office she'd set her laptop up in. Just as she sat down at the mission-style desk, her cell phone rang out with a tinny rendition of Bedlam Boys.

  With a smile, she flipped the cell phone open. “Hi, Mom."

  "Hi hon. Are you all set? Do you need anything?” Her mother's voice had the brittle tone of forced cheerfulness.

  "I'm doing great, Mom. I love this place and I'm really looking forward to having some time to rest and recover. Thanks to you and my friends, I even have enough food to withstand a several month siege.” She chuckled.

  "Well, I know it's still hard for you to go shopping and you're off the beaten path a bit while you're there. I didn't want you to have to go out if you didn't want to, especially this time of year."


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