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Babes in Toyland II

Page 37

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  A brief silence told her she'd overloaded her mother's knowledge of the holidays Kayleigh celebrated and their complex symbolism. “I thought the oak and holly thing was in the summer. I'm lost again, aren't I?"

  They both chuckled again.

  "It's okay, Mom. I love you for even trying."

  Much more centered and calm, Kayleigh reassured her mother a few more times and promised to call her again the next day before hanging up the phone. She was lucky to have a family that loved her so much.

  For just an instant, she regretted the lack of a man in her life, a partner. Despite her attempts at dating, she'd yet to meet that someone special. Maybe she was just too picky but she wanted a love like that of her parents. She wanted her children to have the love, acceptance and unquestioning support she enjoyed every day of her life. Yet every divination she'd done about the possibilities of love and a future partner only told her to have patience, the Goddess had a plan and it would all be revealed in time.

  Kayleigh shook off the flash of frustration and impatience.

  The peace of the clearing and the hollies seemed to summon her. She needed to think for a while and the otherworldliness of the sacred space was the perfect place. Cell phone tucked into her jeans pocket, she put on her winter clothes and headed toward the grove again.

  * * * *

  Ilex hoarded his energy in the hope that the human woman, his woman, would visit him again. He'd not slept since she'd left the prior night but instead kept a quiet watch for her return. She fascinated him beyond reason and he still wasn't sure why.

  He'd known many humans during his long life but never before had his instincts screamed out to him to claim one as his own, without even her knowledge or choice. What made this one woman special? Why now, when he was almost at his weakest and ready to enter the long sleep?

  This time he could feel her as soon as she reached the edge of the woods. He watched her as she hesitated for a second or two before entering the clearing. Once again, she walked three times around his tree in a tightening spiral, her pace measured and even. Today her beautiful eyes seemed a little puffy and red, but she moved more easily and with more energy.

  He wished he was not so weak. Even by conserving all the energy he could today and with what his leaves had absorbed from the sun and his roots from the earth, he didn't think he could quite manage to manifest outside of his tree.

  She stopped before him and reached both her hands out to run them along his smooth bark, barely touching him. The sensation was incredible, tingling and vibrant, setting him on fire. His limbs shook with the strength of his response.

  His woman was touching him and, Goddess, it felt amazingly good.

  "Spirit of the holly, my name is Kayleigh. I ask your leave to again disturb your quiet rest. I find myself drawn to you and this clearing in a way I don't understand, but the Goddess must have a reason for it."

  She ran her hands slowly up and down his trunk again, nearly making him forget to answer her. He wallowed for a moment in the exquisite sensations raging through him at her touch, then recovered enough to respond.

  Greetings, Kayleigh. I am called Ilex. You are ever welcome with me."

  Kayleigh smiled and her face seemed to light up. “Thank you, Ilex. Merry Meet."

  Merry Meet, my Kayleigh.

  She looked a tiny bit puzzled, then seemed to shake it off and again threw her arms around as much of his trunk as she could embrace, hugging herself to him and resting her cool cheek on his bark.

  Her aura was still a jumbled mix of golds and blues but since she was in contact with him, Ilex could now pick up her equally chaotic mix of emotions. Try as he might, though, he couldn't make sense of the fear, longing, and turmoil that filled her.

  What troubles you so much, my Kayleigh?

  With a deep sigh, she released him and sank down to sit cross-legged on the ground beneath his branches, facing him this time. Her beautiful hazel eyes were troubled, with dark circles under them and her face was still too thin. She nibbled on her lush lips for a moment before responding. “I'm not acting like myself anymore. I'm not sure what's happening and it scares me."

  What has happened to you?

  She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering a little. “I was almost killed in an accident with a drunk driver a few weeks ago. Well, technically, I was dead for a few minutes but a bystander with CPR training stepped in to help."

  A tear trickled down her pale cheek as she spoke, just visible before she wiped it away with a weak chuckle.

  He ached to be able to wrap himself around her, warm her and keep her safe. He wanted to sooth her pain and reassure her. Amazement at the foreign feelings made him almost miss her next words.

  "I was in the hospital for a while, but even before I got out, I could tell something was wrong. I'm not acting like myself. I can't seem to get back to normal and I just don't know why. It's like I've lost myself."

  No wonder she could hear him, was drawn to him. Like him, she now existed partially between the worlds. Once the veil had been crossed by any one spirit, it was never truly opaque again. And that spirit was never the same afterward.

  Excited, he gathered as much energy to him as he could and pushed himself out of his tree to stand before it, not solid or even completely opaque, but mostly so.

  You are no longer the person you were then. Now you are a new person, a reborn person, and you need to learn about the new you. You can't expect things to be the same when you are different.

  She stared, mouth open, at his hard-won physical form. “Ilex?"

  "Yes. I'm too weak to stay this way for long, my Kayleigh. But the Goddess had to have guided us to each other. We belong together."

  His human manifestation wavered and shimmered, quickly consuming what energy he had to maintain it. Just as he melted back into his tree in exhaustion, he heard Kayleigh call out to him.

  "Ilex, wait!"

  Chapter Three

  Kayleigh sighed and restlessly turned over in the warm bed. Try as she might, she just could not get to sleep. Instead of savoring the silence and peace this far from the city, she found herself replaying the vision she'd earlier seen in the clearing over and over in her mind.

  Had she imagined the whole thing? No, she'd been having visions her entire life and all her instincts said Ilex was a true vision, a true entity. The Spirit of the ancient holly tree manifested himself as a slightly transparent, but incredibly sexy, man.

  It sounded strange, even to her.

  Goddess, he was gorgeous, though. Long brown hair flowed down well past his shoulders. His face was strong with an almost aquiline nose but his green eyes were mesmerizing. A rich dark green shot through with a paler leaf green and highlighted by the thick brown lashes any woman would kill to have.

  His lips hadn't moved as he'd spoken those last words to her before he disappeared. The lips she longed to kiss, that she longed to have on her. Her pussy throbbed at the mere thought of those lips licking her, kissing her. What would they feel like sucking on her nipples? Trailing kisses over her belly?

  Why was she suddenly so fixated on a spirit? It wasn't like she could really do more than fantasize but visions had never affected her like this before. What was happening to her?

  He'd been completely naked, sleek muscles covered with pale golden skin. Broad shoulders tapered to narrow hips, framing his gorgeous thick cock. Even partially erect, the sight of it made her mouth water. It would feel so good, taste so good.

  Arrrgggh. It was a new low to be horny for a vision. Talk about a no-win situation.

  Too bad her body wasn't listening. She groaned and rubbed her thighs together. The movement didn't ease the ache at all. The last time she'd been this horny was puberty and her lust had been vaguely focused on the teen idol of the moment. Now she knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted Ilex, badly. But a non-corporeal vision wasn't going to satisfy her body. That would have to be up to her.

  Damn it, she'd not even brought any of her
sex toys. Maybe because taking some time to heal had never seemed to involve wanting an orgasm this badly. There were times the Goddess had a wicked sense of humor and indulged it at the expense of Her priestesses.

  Finally giving up on sleep, Kayleigh tossed off the covers and wriggled out of her night shirt. “Goddess” she hissed as the hem grazed across her already throbbing nipples.

  Both hands caressed her belly, then teasingly trailed up to her breasts, fingertips barely touching her skin. She pushed her breasts firmly together, kneading them briefly before releasing them to stroke in smaller and smaller circles around her hard nipples. Pinching the erect tips, she moaned at the jolt that shot through her body to her hungry clit. Panting now, she rolled and twisted her nipples until they throbbed hotly with a delicious mix of pleasure and pain.

  No longer able to resist, she spread her legs wide and reached between her thighs with both hands. Trying to draw out her pleasure, she ran her nails along the sensitive skin of her waxed pussy lips. Her hips shot up in reaction. She parted her labia with one hand and ran her fingers into her wet slit, just grazing her clit. Reaching further down, she was amazed at just how soaked she was.

  Wetting her middle finger in her own slick juices, Kayleigh circled the rim of her vagina, relishing the intense sensation but wishing Ilex was exploring her body at his leisure. Just the tip of her finger flicked in and out before she thrust her finger strongly, deeply into herself.

  Back arching, she cried out. Close, so close.

  Easing her finger out, sopping wet with her cream, she slowly pumped it in and out of her vagina. Angling her hand, she grazed her g-spot with the next thrust and almost came.

  Eyes closed, she pictured the Spirit she'd seen in her earlier vision. “Ilex. More, please, Ilex."

  The throbbing more intense, her body eager for its long-delayed climax, she thrust a second, then a third finger alongside the first. The taut stretch of long-unused muscles was a deliciously sweet pain.

  Close. So close.

  The huge orgasm nearly upon her, she pinched her clit hard with her other hand and screamed as she came. “Ilex!"

  Eyes clenched tightly shut, she spasmed over and over. Fingers tracing lightly over her labia, she soothed herself down from the intense climax. Her breathing gradually slowed, along with her racing heart, until she thought she might live. The aching incision scars on her belly reinforced the idea that she was, indeed, alive.

  "You are beautiful in your pleasure, my Kayleigh.” The rich bass voice was definitely not her imagination.

  Her eyes shot open. He was there, standing at the end of the bed and watching her. His green eyes flashed with emerald fire and he licked his lips, a slow caress of his tongue. And he was naked again, with an important difference from the first time she'd seen him. He was fully, beautifully erect.

  * * * *

  Ilex smothered a laugh at the lust that overcame his mate's guilty look. She seemed to like his human form quite a bit. “You called to me and I have come, as I promised I would."

  She shivered and goose bumps appeared on her arms before she pulled the bedclothes partway up her beautiful body. Her eyes were wide and locked on his cock. “Umm. You said you were too weak to leave the clearing, didn't you?"

  She nibbled on her lower lip with even, white teeth. Teeth he wished were nibbling on him.

  "Sexual climax releases a lot of energy. You were focused on me when you came and that energy flowed to me. It won't last long, but it allowed me to answer your call."

  She finally tore her eyes from his cock and looked up at his face, her brow creased as she seemed to contemplate the situation. A rosy pink blush spread over her face as the implications hit her. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she took a deep breath and seemed to force out some questions. “How long were you here? Were you watching me?"

  He couldn't help chuckling. “Only after your orgasm. Remember, I couldn't use your energy until your climax released it."

  Deliberately teasing, he leered at her. “But I'm sorry I missed the main show."

  Kayleigh hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking. Was she crying?

  Ilex took a step toward her, wanting to reassure her, comfort her. What in the world was she so upset over? Was she so embarrassed she would retreat from him? Had he pushed her too hard?

  Her hands fell away from her face and she looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. Only, instead of being upset, she was laughing. Laughing so hard it took a few moments before she could take a deep enough breath to speak.

  "Goddess, oh ... Goddess. I must be your entertainment today. The most perfect man I've ever met and he's not even a man at all."

  She let go of the top of the sheet and it fell to her lap, baring breasts he longed to lick, to bite, to tease and torment. But he could feel his assumed human form fading already. He'd need to retreat to his tree and preserve what was left of the energy she'd given him.

  Unable to resist, he moved to the edge of the bed and bent over Kayleigh. “I am a man, just not a human man."

  She raised her lips to meet his, tilting her head and parting her lips. “Ilex..."

  Her voice faded away as his lips descended to hers. He felt the warm, soft flesh for only a second before he lost his hold on his assumed form and snapped back into his tree.

  Chapter Four

  "I'm doing great, Mom. Really.” Kayleigh juggled the phone while she squirmed into her warm snow pants inside the door of the terra cotta tiled mud room. “I was just at the store this morning to stock up on batteries and oil for the lamps. The weather is supposed to get colder and I wanted to beat the rush, just in case it's even worse than predicted or people suddenly decide to panic."

  She didn't mention her friend and coven-mate, Caroline, had already called to warn her of impending bad weather. History had shown her forecasts to be much more reliable than those of any of the local meteorologists. Caroline said there would be a serious ice storm instead of the predicted light snow.

  "You do sound much better, Kay. Are you sure you don't want to wait out the storm with us? Or have us come over?"

  "No. I'm great right here. Solstice is tomorrow and I'm planning on spending it here and really rethinking what I'm going to do after I'm done healing. I know I need a change but I just need to figure out what that change should be."

  "Okay.” Her mother sounded a little reluctant but not upset. “Do you need anything else before the weather hits? I can have one of your brothers drop anything else you need by there."

  "I don't need a thing.” She smiled at her mother's continued offers. Thank the Goddess for family love and loyalty. “I have a ton of wood and several warm fireplaces to choose from if the power goes out. I have lots of food and drinking water. I have lanterns and candles and even my cell phone is fully charged. I'll be just fine."

  She finally got the bulky snow pants on and fastened, only coming close to dropping the cell phone once. “I have about six inches of snow on the ground and it's beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I'm hoping it doesn't melt away before Yule."

  The small bench let her sit while she pulled on a second pair of wool socks. She needed to visit Ilex's clearing again. “What about you, Mom. Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

  She doubted her ultra-organized mother did, but wanted to make sure. For some reason she kept wondering if her mother's concern for her was more a reflection of her mother's own worries in her own house.

  "Oh no, dear. We're warm and snug here. Eivan and Michael have the generators all fueled and spare gas on hand and we have all the supplies we need. Maybe enough for an old-fashioned siege.” The melodic laughter made Kayleigh smile in response. Her mother had a way with people and putting them at ease. Not something Kayleigh inherited, but something she'd always envied.

  "I just have this feeling, Kay. Like something is lying in wait for you or hanging around you. Something not ... human.” The hesitancy in her mother's voice hit Kayleigh before she processed
the actual words.

  Her mother was psychically sensitive? Was that why she'd never criticized or belittled Kayleigh's own experiences or choices? Whenever Kayleigh was upset or needed her, she always seemed to know. She'd already been on the way to the hospital after Kayleigh's accident, even before she'd been called.

  Unable to ponder the implications of that tidbit of information yet, Kayleigh forced herself to refocus on the phone call.

  "Umm. I think that's just the holly Spirit in the clearing. It's tied to this place and I've been interacting with it a bit.” Goddess, Kayleigh hoped her mother couldn't pick up her embarrassment and didn't ask her to define ‘interacting'. The last few nights had been rife with erotic dreams, masturbation and ethereal visits from an almost solid Ilex. Last night he'd had enough energy to lick and caress Kayleigh's breasts for a few minutes before he disappeared. She'd wanted to scream in frustration.

  But now she had an idea she wanted to test out.

  "...sure you're okay?"

  She'd drifted again, hopefully her mother hadn't said anything too important. “I'm sure, Mom. I'll check in again soon, I promise."

  A few more reassurances and Kayleigh was able to hang up the cell phone, freeing her hands to tie the laces of the boots she'd crammed her feet into. Once she'd gotten the rest of her outdoor gear on, she patted her pocket to make sure her cell phone was in it, then grabbed a flashlight and stepped out onto the porch.

  The cold air took her breath away. Just in the few hours since she'd come back from the store, the temperature had to have dropped a good ten degrees. Tonight was going to get really cold and the metallic taste of the air heralded yet more snow. She wasn't weather sensitive but she'd lived in Washington all her life.

  Kayleigh took each step carefully, a tight grip on the handrail ensuring if she lost her footing, she wouldn't fall. She resisted the urge to run, to get to Ilex as quickly as possible so she could test her theory. But getting there in one piece was much more important than getting there quickly and everything was slick with ice.


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